132 research outputs found

    Cool carbon stars in the halo and in dwarf galaxies: Halpha, colours, and variabiity

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    The population of cool carbon (C) stars located far from the galactic plane is probably made of debris of small galaxies such as the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr), which are disrupted by the gravitational field of the Galaxy. We aim to know this population better through spectroscopy, 2MASS photometric colours, and variability data. When possible, we compared the halo results to C star populations in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy, Sgr, and the solar neighbourhood. We first present a few new discoveries of C stars in the halo and in Fornax. The number of spectra of halo C stars is now 125. Forty percent show Halpha in emission. The narrow location in the JHK diagram of the halo C stars is found to differ from that of similar C stars in the above galaxies. The light curves of the Catalina and LINEAR variability databases were exploited to derive the pulsation periods of 66 halo C stars. A few supplementary periods were obtained with the TAROT telescopes. We confirm that the period distribution of the halo strongly resembles that of Fornax, and we found that is it very different from the C stars in the solar neighbourhood. There is a larger proportion of short period Mira/SRa variables in the halo than in Sgr, but the survey for C stars in this dwarf galaxy is not complete, and the study of their variability needs to be continued to investigate the link between Sgr and the cool halo C stars.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures + one appendix of 26 pages; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Transnationales Schweigen? Eine quantitative Analyse medialer Debatten zu sexueller Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten

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    Seit den 1990er Jahren und insb. im Kontext der Konflikte im ehemaligen Jugoslawien und in Ruanda rückte sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten verstärkt ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit der internationalen Politik, internationaler Regierungs- und Nichtregierungs-Organisationen, der internationalen Strafjustiz wie auch der Wissenschaft. Offen blieb allerdings bisher, inwiefern diese Problematik und etwaige Lösungsvorschläge nicht nur von Politik-Experten auf inter- und transnationaler Ebene diskutiert, sondern auch in der breiten Öffentlichkeit debattiert werden. Unter Rückgriff auf neuere Beiträge zur Analyse transnationaler politischer Kommunikation und (europäischer) Öffentlichkeit präsentiert dieser Artikel die Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse von 3817 Artikeln aus vier europäischen Staaten sowie den USA aus dem Zeitraum 1990 bis 2012. Von transnationaler politischer Kommunikation ist dabei die Rede, wenn gleiche Themen zur gleichen Zeit unter vergleichbaren Relevanzgesichtspunkten debattiert werden. Sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten ist zwar Gegenstand nationaler Debatten, auf transnationaler Ebene wird das Thema allerdings nur äußerst selten - u.a. in den Jahren 1999 und 2004 - zu ähnlichen Zeitpunkten diskutiert. Es sind starke nationale Unterschiede zu beobachten. Wird das Thema jedoch zur gleichen Zeit diskutiert, so wird es auch unter vergleichbaren Relevanzgesichtspunkten debattiert. Während daher punktuell zwar von transnationaler öffentlicher politischer Kommunikation gesprochen werden kann, kommt dieser Artikel zu dem Ergebnis, dass im Kontext der Debatten um sexuelle Gewalt nicht von distinkt europäischen oder allgemein transnationalen öffentlichen Debatten die Rede sein kann

    Comparison of Short-Term Estrogenicity Tests for Identification of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

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    The aim of this study was to compare results obtained by eight different short-term assays of estrogenlike actions of chemicals conducted in 10 different laboratories in five countries. Twenty chemicals were selected to represent direct-acting estrogens, compounds with estrogenic metabolites, estrogenic antagonists, and a known cytotoxic agent. Also included in the test panel were 17β-estradiol as a positive control and ethanol as solvent control. The test compounds were coded before distribution. Test methods included direct binding to the estrogen receptor (ER), proliferation of MCF-7 cells, transient reporter gene expression in MCF-7 cells, reporter gene expression in yeast strains stably transfected with the human ER and an estrogen-responsive reporter gene, and vitellogenin production in juvenile rainbow trout. 17β-Estradiol, 17α-ethynyl estradiol, and diethylstilbestrol induced a strong estrogenic response in all test systems. Colchicine caused cytotoxicity only. Bisphenol A induced an estrogenic response in all assays. The results obtained for the remaining test compounds—tamoxifen, ICI 182.780, testosterone, bisphenol A dimethacrylate, 4-n-octylphenol, 4-n-nonylphenol, nonylphenol dodecylethoxylate, butylbenzylphthalate, dibutylphthalate, methoxychlor, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, endosulfan, chlomequat chloride, and ethanol—varied among the assays. The results demonstrate that careful standardization is necessary to obtain a reasonable degree of reproducibility. Also, similar methods vary in their sensitivity to estrogenic compounds. Thus, short-term tests are useful for screening purposes, but the methods must be further validated by additional interlaboratory and interassay comparisons to document the reliability of the methods

    Early Repolarization Syndrome: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach

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    An early repolarization pattern can be observed in 1% up to 13% of the overall population. Whereas, this pattern was associated with a benign outcome for many years, several more recent studies demonstrated an association between early repolarization and sudden cardiac death, so-called early repolarization syndrome. In early repolarization syndrome patients, current imbalances between epi- and endo-cardial layers result in dispersion of de- and repolarization. As a consequence, J waves or ST segment elevations can be observed on these patients' surface ECGs as manifestations of those current imbalances. Whereas, an early repolarization pattern is relatively frequently found on surface ECGs in the overall population, the majority of individuals presenting with an early repolarization pattern will remain asymptomatic and the isolated presence of an early repolarization pattern does not require further intervention. The mismatch between frequently found early repolarization patterns in the overall population, low incidences of sudden cardiac deaths related to early repolarization syndrome, but fatal, grave consequences in affected patients remains a clinical challenge. More precise tools for risk stratification and identification of this minority of patients, who will experience events, remain a clinical need. This review summarizes the epidemiologic, pathophysiologic and diagnostic background and presents therapeutic options of early repolarization syndrome

    Cooperative Binding

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    Molecular binding is an interaction between molecules that results in a stable association between those molecules. Cooperative binding occurs if the number of binding sites of a macromolecule that are occupied by a specific type of ligand is a nonlinear function of this ligand’s concentration. This can be due, for instance, to an affinity for the ligand that depends on the amount of ligand bound. Cooperativity can be positive (supralinear) or negative (infralinear). Cooperative binding is most often observed in proteins, but nucleic acids can also exhibit cooperative binding, for instance of transcription factors. Cooperative binding has been shown to be the mechanism underlying a large range of biochemical and physiological processes

    Identification of CUG-BP1/EDEN-BP target mRNAs in Xenopus tropicalis

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    The early development of many animals relies on the posttranscriptional regulations of maternally stored mRNAs. In particular, the translation of maternal mRNAs is tightly controlled during oocyte maturation and early mitotic cycles in Xenopus. The Embryonic Deadenylation ElemeNt (EDEN) and its associated protein EDEN-BP are known to trigger deadenylation and translational silencing to several mRNAs bearing an EDEN. This Xenopus RNA-binding protein is an ortholog of the human protein CUG-BP1/CELF1. Five mRNAs, encoding cell cycle regulators and a protein involved in the notch pathway, have been identified as being deadenylated by EDEN/EDEN-BP. To identify new EDEN-BP targets, we immunoprecipitated EDEN-BP/mRNA complexes from Xenopus tropicalis egg extracts. We identified 153 mRNAs as new binding targets for EDEN-BP using microarrays. Sequence analyses of the 3′ untranslated regions of the newly identified EDEN-BP targets reveal an enrichment in putative EDEN sequences. EDEN-BP binding to a subset of the targets was confirmed both in vitro and in vivo. Among the newly identified targets, Cdk1, a key player of oocyte maturation and cell cycle progression, is specifically targeted by its 3′ UTR for an EDEN-BP-dependent deadenylation after fertilization

    Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms and Implications for Catheter Ablation

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    AF is a heterogeneous rhythm disorder that is related to a wide spectrum of etiologies and has broad clinical presentations. Mechanisms underlying AF are complex and remain incompletely understood despite extensive research. They associate interactions between triggers, substrate and modulators including ionic and anatomic remodeling, genetic predisposition and neuro-humoral contributors. The pulmonary veins play a key role in the pathogenesis of AF and their isolation is associated to high rates of AF freedom in patients with paroxysmal AF. However, ablation of persistent AF remains less effective, mainly limited by the difficulty to identify the sources sustaining AF. Many theories were advanced to explain the perpetuation of this form of AF, ranging from a single localized focal and reentrant source to diffuse bi-atrial multiple wavelets. Translating these mechanisms to the clinical practice remains challenging and limited by the spatio-temporal resolution of the mapping techniques. AF is driven by focal or reentrant activities that are initially clustered in a relatively limited atrial surface then disseminate everywhere in both atria. Evidence for structural remodeling, mainly represented by atrial fibrosis suggests that reentrant activities using anatomical substrate are the key mechanism sustaining AF. These reentries can be endocardial, epicardial, and intramural which makes them less accessible for mapping and for ablation. Subsequently, early interventions before irreversible remodeling are of major importance. Circumferential pulmonary vein isolation remains the cornerstone of the treatment of AF, regardless of the AF form and of the AF duration. No ablation strategy consistently demonstrated superiority to pulmonary vein isolation in preventing long term recurrences of atrial arrhythmias. Further research that allows accurate identification of the mechanisms underlying AF and efficient ablation should improve the results of PsAF ablation

    NASA's Rodent Research Project: Validation of Capabilities for Conducting Long Duration Experiments in Space

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    Research using rodents is an essential tool for advancing biomedical research on Earth and in space. Prior rodent experiments on the Shuttle were limited by the short flight duration. The International Space Station (ISS) provides a new platform for conducting rodent experiments under long duration conditions. Rodent Research (RR)-1 was conducted to validate flight hardware, operations, and science capabilities that were developed at the NASA Ames Research Center. Twenty C57BL6J adult female mice were launched on Sept 21, 2014 in a Dragon Capsule (SpaceX-4), then transferred to the ISS for a total time of 21-22 days (10 commercial mice) or 37 days (10 validation mice). Tissues collected on-orbit were either rapidly frozen or preserved in RNAlater at -80C (n2group) until their return to Earth. Remaining carcasses on-orbit were rapidly frozen for dissection post-flight. The three controls groups at Kennedy Space Center consisted of: Basal mice euthanized at the time of launch, Vivarium controls housed in standard cages, and Ground Controls (GC) housed in flight hardware within an environmental chamber. Upon return to Earth, there were no differences in body weights between Flight (FLT) and GC at the end of the 37 days in space. Liver enzyme activity levels of FLT mice and all control mice were similar in magnitude to those of the samples that were processed under optimal conditions in the laboratory. Liver samples dissected on-orbit yielded high quality RNA (RIN8.99+-0.59, n7). Liver samples dissected post-flight from the intact, frozen FLT carcasses yielded RIN of 7.27 +- 0.52 (n6). Additionally, wet weights of various tissues were measured. Adrenal glands and spleen showed no significant differences in FLT compared to GC although thymus and livers weights were significantly greater in FLT compared to GC. Over 3,000 tissue aliquots collected post-flight from the four groups of mice were deposited into the Ames Life Science Data Archives for future Biospecimen Sharing Program. Together, the RR validation flight successfully demonstrates the capability to support long-duration experimentation on the ISS to achieve both basic science and biomedical objectives

    Mapping and Ablation of Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation

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    Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) is the main cause of unexplained sudden cardiac death, particularly in young patients under the age of 35. IVF is a diagnosis of exclusion in patients who have survived a VF episode without any identifiable structural or metabolic causes despite extensive diagnostic testing. Genetic testing allows identification of a likely causative mutation in up to 27% of unexplained sudden deaths in children and young adults. In the majority of cases, VF is triggered by PVCs that originate from the Purkinje network. Ablation of VF triggers in this setting is associated with high rates of acute success and long-term freedom from VF recurrence. Recent studies demonstrate that a significant subset of IVF defined by negative comprehensive investigations, demonstrate in fact subclinical structural alterations. These localized myocardial alterations are identified by high density electrogram mapping, are of small size and are mainly located in the epicardium. As reentrant VF drivers are often colocated with regions of abnormal electrograms, this localized substrate can be shown to be mechanistically linked with VF. Such areas may represent an important target for ablation

    Glass polymorphism in glycerol–water mixtures: I. A computer simulation study

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    We perform out-of-equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of water–glycerol mixtures in the glass state. Specifically, we study the transformations between low-density (LDA) and high-density amorphous (HDA) forms of these mixtures induced by compression/decompression at constant temperature. Our MD simulations reproduce qualitatively the density changes observed in experiments. Specifically, the LDA–HDA transformation becomes (i) smoother and (ii) the hysteresis in a compression/ decompression cycle decreases as T and/or glycerol content increase. This is surprising given the fast compression/decompression rates (relative to experiments) accessible in MD simulations. We study mixtures with glycerol molar concentration wg = 0–13% and find that, for the present mixture models and rates, the LDA–HDA transformation is detectable up to wg E 5%. As the concentration increases, the density of the starting glass (i.e., LDA at approximately wg r 5%) rapidly increases while, instead, the density of HDA remains practically constant. Accordingly, the LDA state and hence glass polymorphism become inaccessible for glassy mixtures with approximately wg 4 5%. We present an analysis of the molecular-level changes underlying the LDA–HDA transformation. As observed in pure glassy water, during the LDA-to- HDA transformation, water molecules within the mixture approach each other, moving from the second to the first hydration shell and filling the first interstitial shell of water molecules. Interestingly, similar changes also occur around glycerol OH groups. It follows that glycerol OH groups contribute to the density increase during the LDA–HDA transformation. An analysis of the hydrogen bond (HB)-network of the mixtures shows that the LDA–HDA transformation is accompanied by minor changes in the number of HBs of water and glycerol. Instead, large changes in glycerol and water coordination numbers occur. We also perform a detailed analysis of the effects that the glycerol force field (FF) has on our results. By comparing MD simulations using two different glycerol models, we find that glycerol conformations indeed depend on the FF employed. Yet, the thermodynamic and microscopic mechanisms accompanying the LDA–HDA transformation and hence, our main results, do not. This work is accompanied by an experimental report where we study the glass polymorphism in glycerol–water mixtures prepared by isobaric cooling at 1 ba