85 research outputs found

    Análisis de costes de viviendas según su sostenibilidad ambiental

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    El sector de la construcción tiene una gran importancia en el desarrollo sostenible. La adaptación en España de recientes directivas de la Unión Europea en materia energética, permite definir la calificación de los edificios, en función de su eficiencia energética (EE). Como consecuencia se genera una escala que permite valorar el comportamiento de los edificios en función de su EE. En España el R.D. 47/2007, de 19 de enero, aprueba el procedimiento básico para la certificación de EE de edificios de nueva construcción. De acuerdo a este procedimiento, una mejor calificación energética está relacionada con una cantidad menor de emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera por el uso del edificio. Desde la entrada en vigor del R.D. 47/2007, se han desarrollado, diversas herramientas informáticas, como Calener, que asigna una etiqueta que define la calificación energética de los edificios. Por lo tanto, para poder obtener mejores edificios desde el punto de vista de su EE, se debe conseguir que estos produzcan las menores emisiones posibles de CO2 a la atmósfera. La pregunta que se plantea en este punto es si las medidas que conllevan unas menores emisiones de CO2, se pueden conseguir a un coste económico que sea asumible por los usuarios. En principio parece lógico pensar que viviendas más eficientes exijan mayores costes de construcción, aunque no está tan claro si esta mayor inversión, será compensada por unos menores costes de uso del edificio. Aquí se presenta parte del trabajo realizado en la Tesis Doctoral realizada y dirigida por las autoras de la presente ponencia, en la que se analizaron los costes que caracterizaban a edificios con diferente calificación energética. Para ello se estudió una promoción de viviendas adosadas real, en la que se combinaron distintas calificaciones energéticas y diferentes zonas climáticas españolas. Las distintas configuraciones se consiguieron modificando algunas medidas que tienen influencia en la EE del edificio, como soluciones constructivas de la envolvente térmica o instalaciones de climatización y agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Para cada una de las configuraciones obtenidas (calificación-zona) se realizó un análisis de costes debidos a la construcción y al uso del edificio durante su vida útil. Éstos incluían costes privados, diferenciándose los de construcción, mantenimiento y consumo energético. Este estudio demostraba que, en ese caso y con las hipótesis de partida manejadas, mejores calificaciones incurrían en mayores costes privados. Por ese motivo, se amplió el análisis, incluyendo costes públicos o sociales generados como consecuencia de la emisión de CO2. Algunos países europeos ya aplican una tasa de carbono para compensar las emisiones de CO2, y con este análisis se obtuvo un orden de magnitud que podría tener esa tasa en España, de acuerdo a las condiciones de partida del estudio.

    Comparison of inorganic and biohybrid layered silicates as adsorbents and carriers of herbicide imazamox for smart control of Striga and Orobanche spp.weeds

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    Poster presentado en el International Conference on Structural Nano Composites 20-21 May 2014 in Madrid, Spain, pag. 53 (2014) (NANOSTRUC 2014)Parasitic plants as Striga and Orobanche spp. are controlled by the systemic herbicide imazamox, which has to act at early stages of weed seeds germination in the root zone. Imazamox is an ionic herbicide with high water solubility and soil mobility: high risk of water contamination and loss of efficacy.CSIC (JAE-­‐Doc), MINECO (AGL2011-­‐23779), JA (AGR-­‐264 and P11-­‐AGR-­7400) with FEDER-­‐FSE (OP2009-­‐13); BASF for technical imazamox and M.A. Adelino for SW-­CHs samples.Peer Reviewe

    Functionalizing Ti-Surfaces through the EPD of Hydroxyapatite/NanoY₂O₃

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    Ceramic materials for skeletal repair and reconstruction are expanding to a number of different applications. Present research is addressing new compositions and performances to promote osseo-integration through metal coatings. Nanotechnology plays a key role in this research because nanostructures can be introduced into implants to functionalize them and/or to enhance their properties, such as the thermal or mechanical response. In this work, the insertion of Y₂O₃ nanoparticles into a hydroxyapatite (HA) coating of Ti using colloidal processing technology was developed. The suspensions of HA and Y₂O₃ nanoparticles were formulated with a focus on zeta potential, particle size distribution, and viscosity for the codeposition of both phases by electrophoresis. The microstructure of the nanocomposite coating was optimized by adjusting the main parameters of the electrophoretic deposition process. A threshold value of the applied electric field for the composite shaping was identified. The results demonstrate that the Y₂O₃ nanoparticles are homogeneously distributed in the coating and decrease in concentration as the distance from the substrate increases. As a consequence of the presence of the Y₂O₃, delays in the HA thermal decomposition and the improvement of metal–ceramic joining were observed.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under contracts MAT2009 14448 C02 01, MAT2012 38650 C02 02, and IPT 310000 2010 12

    From black to white: the regulation of ethical hacking in Spain

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    Cyber-attacks are exponentially growing, and their impact on systems, people, and organizations increases. Among other challenges, cyber-attacks prevention must tackle the fact that many software systems are marketed with security vulnerabilities due to the companies’ need to reduce time-to-market. One strategy to reduce security vulnerabilities is ethical hacking. However, while ethical hacking can bring many advantages, it also comes with many challenges. This paper introduces a comprehensive study of the possibilities and limitations of ethical hacking in Spain, both empirical and normative. On the empirical side, the paper presents the results of a Delphi study with cyber security experts in Spain on their opinions about the regulation of ethical hacking. In the normative study, the paper critically reviews the possibilities open by the International, European and Spanish law for regulating ethical hacking. The conclusions of this paper offer a roadmap for harnessing ethical hacking to improve cyber security.Security and Global Affair

    Influence of Olive Oil Mill Waste Amendment on Fate of Oxyfluorfen in Southern Spain Soils

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    7 páginas.-- 1 figura.-- 3 tablas.-- 37 referencias.--Oxyfluorfen herbicide residues have been previously reported in surface and ground water in the Guadalquivir river basin in Spain. Soil factors and processes (sorption, dissipation, and leaching) influencing the potential offsite transport of oxyfluorfen to surface and ground water were characterized in laboratory experiments for two soils from Southern Spain. The influence of olive-oil mill waste amendment on the soil processes was also determined. Oxyfluorfen sorption in unamended soils was not significantly affected by soil active components (organic matter and clay fraction). However, a significant increase in soil sorption of the herbicide was observed upon amendment. Laboratory half-life values for oxyfluorfen in unamended sandy clay loam and silty clay soils at 40% moisture content and 25°C were 29 and 19 days, respectively, and it increased by a factor of four upon amendment. Oxyfluorfen's mobility along soil profile increased with the amendment in leaching studies at 25°C, suggesting that dissolved organic matter of amendment can play an important role enhancing soil vertical movement of the pesticide. The increase in soil adsorption and persistence observed with olive-oil mill waste amendment can promote its losses by runoff following winter application, whereas vertical movement of oxyfluorfen can be enhanced following spring application when olive-oil mill waste amendment is also applied.This work has been partially financed by research projects P06-AGR-565, P07-AGR-03077, and AGR-264 from Junta de Andalucia, all of them cofinanced with EU FEDER-FSE funds (Operative Program 2003/06 and 2007/11). This work has been specially supported by I-Link 0025 research project from CSIC. We are grateful to Dow Agrosciences LLC, Indianapolis, IN for supplying 14C-labeled oxyfluorfen. Authors also thank to Dra. L. Cox and Dr. R. Celis for manuscript valuable support, comments and suggestions.Peer reviewe

    Caracterización de uniones material compuesto-hormigón mediante ensayos de pelado, cortadura, tracción plana y torsión

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    XI CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS. Celebrado en Móstoles los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2015El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de diferentes ensayos que permiten determinar la calidad de la unión entre laminados de material compuesto y hormigón. Los ensayos considerados han sido: Pull Off (ensayo a tracción), Shear Torsion (ensayo de torsión), Lap Shear (ensayo de cortadura) y Lap Peeling (ensayo de pelado). La fabricación de las probetas se ha llevado a cabo siguiendo tres procedimientos: por apilado e impregnación manual del material compuesto sobre el hormigón, mediante pegado de laminados de material compuesto prefabricados y mediante impregnación insitu del material compuesto sobre el hormigón a través de técnicas de infusión de resina líquida. Además, dichos ensayos se han realizado sobre probetas de hormigón con dos tratamientos superficiales: amoladora y lija de grano grueso. Tras la realización de los ensayos se ha constatado que predomina la rotura por el hormigón sobre roturas adhesivas o cohesivas, lo que indica una buena adhesión entre éste y el material compuesto, para todos los métodos de fabricación de la unión y tratamientos superficiales del hormigónCentro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTl) lTC-20131020Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) lTC-2013102

    Pediatric Meningosarcoma: Clinical Evolution and Genetic Instability

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    This report presents a female diagnosed with a frontoparietal interhemispheric meningosarcoma who, parallel to the clinical worsening, revealed an increase in the genetic instability (in bleomycin cultures) and the complexity of the karyotypes, with the acquisition of a clonal deletion of 17p13 (the locus for the TP53 tumor suppressor gene). The genetic findings of this patient suggest that the increased genetic instability could contribute to tumor progression as well as to treatment resistance, possibly in the background of the clonal deletion of TP53

    Nonclonal Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by Anti-Tumoral Regimens in Childhood Cancer: Relationship with Cancer-Related Genes and Fragile Sites

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    Cytogenetic studies were performed on 80 pediatric cancer patients to observe the chromosomal damage, both quantitative and qualitative, induced by chemotherapy. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) (n = 127) were obtained at diagnosis, during treatment, at remission, and at relapse, and chromosome analysis performed utilizing G-banding standard procedures. The results show a significant increase in the number of altered karyotypes (P = 0.03) in the samples during treatment, returning to values that were similar to those at diagnosis at 2-year remission. Most of the chromosomal aberrations (CA) detected during the chemotherapy regimens were nonclonal, unbalanced (75%), and involved chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 16, and 17 most frequently. There was also a marked increase of CA in samples at relapse with very similar features (type and distribution) to those detected during treatment. There was a good correlation between the chromosomal breakpoints in our series and fragile sites (58%), oncogene (75%), and tumor suppressor gene (33%) loci described in the literature. The results obtained suggest that cytostatic drugs induce a transient increase in chromosome fragility occurring at several cancer-associated breakpoints

    Dietary Fat Patterns and Outcomes in Acute Pancreatitis in Spain

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    Background/Objective: Evidence from basic and clinical studies suggests that unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) might be relevant mediators of the development of complications in acute pancreatitis (AP). Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze outcomes in patients with AP from regions in Spain with different patterns of dietary fat intake. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed with data from 1,655 patients with AP from a Spanish prospective cohort study and regional nutritional data from a Spanish cross-sectional study. Nutritional data considered in the study concern the total lipid consumption, detailing total saturated fatty acids, UFAs and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) consumption derived from regional data and not from the patient prospective cohort. Two multivariable analysis models were used: (1) a model with the Charlson comorbidity index, sex, alcoholic etiology, and recurrent AP; (2) a model that included these variables plus obesity. Results: In multivariable analysis, patients from regions with high UFA intake had a significantly increased frequency of local complications, persistent organ failure (POF), mortality, and moderate-to-severe disease in the model without obesity and a higher frequency of POF in the model with obesity. Patients from regions with high MUFA intake had significantly more local complications and moderate-to-severe disease; this significance remained for moderate-to-severe disease when obesity was added to the model. Conclusions: Differences in dietary fat patterns could be associated with different outcomes in AP, and dietary fat patterns may be a pre-morbid factor that determines the severity of AP. UFAs, and particulary MUFAs, may influence the pathogenesis of the severity of AP