39 research outputs found

    GRASP [Genomic Resource Access for Stoichioproteomics]: comparative explorations of the atomic content of 12 Drosophila proteomes

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    “Stoichioproteomics” relates the elemental composition of proteins and proteomes to variation in the physiological and ecological environment. To help harness and explore the wealth of hypotheses made possible under this framework, we introduce GRASP (http://www.graspdb.net), a public bioinformatic knowledgebase containing information on the frequencies of 20 amino acids and atomic composition of their side chains. GRASP integrates comparative protein composition data with annotation data from multiple public databases. Currently, GRASP includes information on proteins of 12 sequenced Drosophila (fruit fly) proteomes, which will be expanded to include increasingly diverse organisms over time. In this paper we illustrate the potential of GRASP for testing stoichioproteomic hypotheses by conducting an exploratory investigation into the composition of 12 Drosophila proteomes, testing the prediction that protein atomic content is associated with species ecology and with protein expression levels. Elements varied predictably along multivariate axes. Species were broadly similar, with the D. willistoni proteome a clear outlier. As expected, individual protein atomic content within proteomes was influenced by protein function and amino acid biochemistry. Evolution in elemental composition across the phylogeny followed less predictable patterns, but was associated with broad ecological variation in diet. Using expression data available for D. melanogaster, we found evidence consistent with selection for efficient usage of elements within the proteome: as expected, nitrogen content was reduced in highly expressed proteins in most tissues, most strongly in the gut, where nutrients are assimilated, and least strongly in the germline. The patterns identified here using GRASP provide a foundation on which to base future research into the evolution of atomic composition in Drosophila and other taxa.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-14-59

    The positive effect of plant diversity on soil carbon depends on climate

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    Little is currently known about how climate modulates the relationship between plant diversity and soil organic carbon and the mechanisms involved. Yet, this knowledge is of crucial importance in times of climate change and biodiversity loss. Here, we show that plant diversity is positively correlated with soil carbon content and soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio across 84 grasslands on six continents that span wide climate gradients. The relationships between plant diversity and soil carbon as well as plant diversity and soil organic matter quality (carbon-to-nitrogen ratio) are particularly strong in warm and arid climates. While plant biomass is positively correlated with soil carbon, plant biomass is not significantly correlated with plant diversity. Our results indicate that plant diversity influences soil carbon storage not via the quantity of organic matter (plant biomass) inputs to soil, but through the quality of organic matter. The study implies that ecosystem management that restores plant diversity likely enhances soil carbon sequestration, particularly in warm and arid climates

    A Scalable System for Production of Functional Pancreatic Progenitors from Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Development of a human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-based therapy for type 1 diabetes will require the translation of proof-of-principle concepts into a scalable, controlled, and regulated cell manufacturing process. We have previously demonstrated that hESC can be directed to differentiate into pancreatic progenitors that mature into functional glucose-responsive, insulin-secreting cells in vivo. In this study we describe hESC expansion and banking methods and a suspension-based differentiation system, which together underpin an integrated scalable manufacturing process for producing pancreatic progenitors. This system has been optimized for the CyT49 cell line. Accordingly, qualified large-scale single-cell master and working cGMP cell banks of CyT49 have been generated to provide a virtually unlimited starting resource for manufacturing. Upon thaw from these banks, we expanded CyT49 for two weeks in an adherent culture format that achieves 50–100 fold expansion per week. Undifferentiated CyT49 were then aggregated into clusters in dynamic rotational suspension culture, followed by differentiation en masse for two weeks with a four-stage protocol. Numerous scaled differentiation runs generated reproducible and defined population compositions highly enriched for pancreatic cell lineages, as shown by examining mRNA expression at each stage of differentiation and flow cytometry of the final population. Islet-like tissue containing glucose-responsive, insulin-secreting cells was generated upon implantation into mice. By four- to five-months post-engraftment, mature neo-pancreatic tissue was sufficient to protect against streptozotocin (STZ)-induced hyperglycemia. In summary, we have developed a tractable manufacturing process for the generation of functional pancreatic progenitors from hESC on a scale amenable to clinical entry

    Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition

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    The idea that noncrop habitat enhances pest control and represents a win–win opportunity to conserve biodiversity and bolster yields has emerged as an agroecological paradigm. However, while noncrop habitat in landscapes surrounding farms sometimes benefits pest predators, natural enemy responses remain heterogeneous across studies and effects on pests are inconclusive. The observed heterogeneity in species responses to noncrop habitat may be biological in origin or could result from variation in how habitat and biocontrol are measured. Here, we use a pest-control database encompassing 132 studies and 6,759 sites worldwide to model natural enemy and pest abundances, predation rates, and crop damage as a function of landscape composition. Our results showed that although landscape composition explained significant variation within studies, pest and enemy abundances, predation rates, crop damage, and yields each exhibited different responses across studies, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing in landscapes with more noncrop habitat but overall showing no consistent trend. Thus, models that used landscape-composition variables to predict pest-control dynamics demonstrated little potential to explain variation across studies, though prediction did improve when comparing studies with similar crop and landscape features. Overall, our work shows that surrounding noncrop habitat does not consistently improve pest management, meaning habitat conservation may bolster production in some systems and depress yields in others. Future efforts to develop tools that inform farmers when habitat conservation truly represents a win–win would benefit from increased understanding of how landscape effects are modulated by local farm management and the biology of pests and their enemies

    Supplement 1. Effect sizes and species traits used in the species abundance meta-analysis.

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="species_effect_sizes.csv">species_effect_sizes.csv</a> (MD5: 814d3f03927e6dcb0a9cf28c7ea4b5da) </p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>The file, species effect sizes.csv, presents data utilized in the species abundance meta-analysis. Included are details on the publications used for the analysis (record ‘ID’, ‘Author’, ‘Year’, ‘City’, ‘Country’). Species names are given as per the original publication (‘Given.Name’) along with any modifications to the name due to spelling errors, synonyms, or taxonomic revisions (‘Binomial.Accepted’). All names were verified using Lorenz (2005); an asterisk in the Binomial. Accepted column indicates names that were not listed as accepted names in Lorenz (2005). ‘Subfamily,’ ‘Tribe,’ and ‘Subtribe’ are given, again using Lorenz (2005). Ecological traits were recorded at the species-level: ‘Body.Size’ (median length, in mm), ‘Wing.Morph’, ‘Habitat.Specific’ (listing particular details on habitat use), ‘Habitat.Category’ (used for the analysis), and ‘Trophic.Level.’ The effect size used in the analysis is given as the log response ratio (‘LRR’).</p> </div

    Appendix B. Analysis of diet composition of Tytthus alboornatus in laboratory mesocosms.

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    Analysis of diet composition of Tytthus alboornatus in laboratory mesocosms

    Appendix C. Identification of Spartina patens patches and details of arthropod sampling.

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    Identification of Spartina patens patches and details of arthropod sampling