102 research outputs found

    La imagen del dictador en Maten al León de Jorge Ibargüengoitia

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    Jorge Ibargüengoitia (1928-1983) es un autor indispensable para la historia de la literatura mexicana y latinoamericana. Ibargüengoitia inició su carrera literaria como dramaturgo durante la década de los cincuenta. Jorge Ibargüengoitia fue ante todo un literato con alto sentido cuestionador. Como lo ha reconocido la crítica, el humor de sus cuentos, sus novelas, sus obras teatrales y sus artículos periodísticos es de un sarcasmo fino y salvaje. (Enciclopedia libre) La novela Maten al león, objeto de esta tesis, tiene precisamente como centro de su funcionamiento la representación burlesca de una dictadura que se desarrolla en un simbólico país latinoamericano. Al respecto, y como objetivo principal de esta investigación, me interesa poner en claro cómo en Maten al león, partiendo de hechos reales, se crea un mundo propio, Arepa, el lugar de donde surgen todas estas interrogantes. Por lo anterior, expongo algunas de las preguntas que han guiado este trabajo: ¿Maten al león es, principalmente, una novela histórica, una novela de dictadura o una novela política? Me interesa mostrar que el análisis de Maten al león nos lleva a la historia del siglo XX latinoamericano, así como a las críticas políticas de las dictaduras. En ese sentido, el tipo de investigación que presento fue sobre todo de carácter histórico y con algunas herramientas narratológicas, esto con el fin de analizar al dictador latinoamericano como personaje. Ante todo propuse analizar la política desde una perspectiva literaria, es decir, su representación en una novela

    La historia de la química en el currículo de ESO y de bachillerato (LOE) : una revisión interdisciplinar para la investigación didáctica

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    Actualmente la historia de la ciencia es considerada una potente herramienta en la enseñanza de las ciencias, al mismo tiempo que la enseñanza se ha revelado como un área de interés para los estudios históricos y sociales sobre ciencia. A fin de potenciar la sinergia didáctica-historia en la enseñanza de las ciencias, especialmente de la química, el presente trabajo hace una revisión doblemente interdisciplinar del currículo de ESO y bachillerato como primer estadio en la investigación educativa, atendiendo a materias científico-tecnológicas y humanístico-sociales e incorporando enfoques procedentes de la historia de la ciencia.Actualment la història de la ciència és considerada una potent eina en l'ensenyament de les ciències, al mateix temps que l'ensenyament s'ha revelat com un àrea d'interès per als estudis històrics i socials sobre ciència. A fi de potenciar la sinergia didàctica-història en l'ensenyament de les ciències, especialment de la química, el present treball fa una revisió doblement interdisciplinària del currículum d'ESO i batxillerat com a primer estadi en la recerca educativa, atenent a matèries científic-tecnològiques i humanístic-socials i incorporant enfocaments procedents de la història de la ciència.History of science is considered a powerful tool for science education nowadays. Both, historical and social studies of science have begun to consider education as an interesting area. In order to upgrade didactics-history dyad for science education, especially chemistry education, this paper will review the Secondary National Curriculum from a dual interdisciplinary perspective, deeming scientific and humanities subjects and incorporating new approaches from history of science as first step on didactics research

    How do Secondary Education Textbooks treat the History of Chemistry? An analysis from Science Education Research and the History of Science

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    Tanto desde la investigación didáctica como desde la investigación histórica se ha señalado la importancia de revisar las narrativas históricas sobre ciencia presentes en materiales educativos. En esta línea, el presente artículo muestra los resultados de investigación del análisis de los libros de texto de Física y Química de ESO y Bachillerato de cinco destacadas editoriales, ampliamente utilizadas en el marco LOE (2007-2016). El análisis realizado ha revelado que si bien escasa, la historia de la química en estos materiales educativos se sitúa lejos de los enfoques proporcionados por la investigación en Historia de la Ciencia; desatendiendo también los requerimientos establecidos por la investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales.Science education research, as well as the History of Science, has pointed out the importance of reviewing the history of science in teaching materials. From this perspective, this paper presents the results of the analysis of the Physics and Chemistry Secondary Education textbooks from five recognized publishers, widely used between 2007 and 2016 in Spain. This analysis has revealed that, even with a poor presence, the history of chemistry in Secondary Education textbooks neglects the approaches provided by historians of science and the pedagogical requirements established by Science Education research

    Late Protein Synthesis-Dependent Phases in CTA Long-Term Memory: BDNF Requirement

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    It has been proposed that long-term memory (LTM) persistence requires a late protein synthesis-dependent phase, even many hours after memory acquisition. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an essential protein synthesis product that has emerged as one of the most potent molecular mediators for long-term synaptic plasticity. Studies in the rat hippocampus have been shown that BDNF is capable to rescue the late-phase of long-term potentiation as well as the hippocampus-related LTM when protein synthesis was inhibited. Our previous studies on the insular cortex (IC), a region of the temporal cortex implicated in the acquisition and storage of conditioned taste aversion (CTA), have demonstrated that intracortical delivery of BDNF reverses the deficit in CTA memory caused by the inhibition of IC protein synthesis due to anisomycin administration during early acquisition. In this work, we first analyze whether CTA memory storage is protein synthesis-dependent in different time windows. We observed that CTA memory become sensible to protein synthesis inhibition 5 and 7 h after acquisition. Then, we explore the effect of BDNF delivery (2 μg/2 μl per side) in the IC during those late protein synthesis-dependent phases. Our results show that BDNF reverses the CTA memory deficit produced by protein synthesis inhibition in both phases. These findings support the notion that recurrent rounds of consolidation-like events take place in the neocortex for maintenance of CTA memory trace and that BDNF is an essential component of these processes

    Kinetic study of the pyrolysis and combustion of tomato plant

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    A kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of tomato plant has been carried out under different conditions by TG and TG–MS. A total of 24 experiments were performed in a nitrogen atmosphere (pyrolysis runs) and also in an oxidative atmosphere with two different oxygen concentrations (10% and 20% oxygen in nitrogen). Dynamic runs and dynamic + isothermal runs have been carried out to obtain many data of decomposition under different operating conditions. A scheme of five independent reactions for pseudocomponents has been proposed for the pyrolysis process, although only three fractions have probed to be significant, comparing the weight fractions of volatiles evolved with the hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content of the plant. For the combustion runs, four new reactions have been added: two competitive oxidation reactions for the cellulose and lignin, and two combustion reactions of the carbonaceous residue obtained from pyrolysis. The kinetic parametres have been calculated by integration of the differential equations and minimizing the differences between the experimental and calculated values. It is important to emphasize that the same set of parameters has been proposed for the pyrolysis and combustion runs, and which do not depend on either the heating rate in dynamic runs or whether the run is carried out in a dynamic or isothermal mode. The influence of the oxygen pressure has been also discussed.Support for this work was provided by Spanish MEC, research project CTQ2005-05262

    Sistema del Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal, forma más competente para disminuir la informalidad en los Agronegocios en la Cuidad de Tuxpan, Veracruz

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar si el Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal es la forma más competente para que se disminuya la informalidad en las pequeñas y medianas empresas de agronegocios de Tuxpan, Veracruz, para conocer la importancia de sus beneficios en materia fiscal y económica, Y así lograr hacer crecer sus negocios. En esta investigación se analizaron los conceptos y teorías claves para determinar la eficiencia del Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal que sustituyó a partir del 2014 al régimen (REPECO) Régimen de Pequeños Contribuyentes y el Régimen Intermedio. El RIF una ventaja que tiene es que no se necesita un título profesional para estar inscrito y comprender este régimen por lo tanto los contribuyentes tienen la facilidad de hacer las declaraciones bimestrales del pago de IVA y de sus ingresos ellos mismos en la plataforma mis cuentas del portal del SAT sin necesidad de un contador ya que la plataforma digital da la cuenta con instrucciones claras a seguir

    The Effect of Diffuse Film Covers on Microclimate and Growth and Production of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a Mediterranean Greenhouse

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    The efficient use of light is one of the most important factors for the development of greenhouse crops. It is increasingly necessary to use film covers that enhance transmittance and the proportion of diffuse light to generate a more homogeneous light distribution. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect that an experimental film cover with high transmittance and high light diffusivity produces on the microclimate and the growth and yield of tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum L.), compared with a commercial thermal film cover. The trial was developed during a spring–summer growing cycle in a multispan greenhouse divided into two compartments (sectors) separated by a vertical polyethylene sheet. In the East sector, a commercial film was installed (transmittance of 85% and diffusivity of 60%) and in the West sector, an experimental film was used (transmittance of 90% and diffusivity of 55%). The results show an increase in the marketable yield of 0.25 kg·m−2 in the sector with the experimental film, which represents 3.2% growth with respect to the commercial film. The photosynthetic activity measured in tomato leaves was 21.5% higher in plants growing in the sector with the experimental film, with had the highest transmittance. The increase in radiation transmittance of 14% produced greater photosynthetic activity without generating a higher inside air temperature at the crop level (at the height of 2 m above the floor). However, the mean temperature of the soil surface was statistically higher on the side with the diffuse experimental cover film, as a logical consequence of the higher level of intercepted solar radiatio

    Diagnóstico del uso del control organizacional para la mejora de la calidad en la gestión de los procesos de las empresas PyMEs: Sector primario

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    Después de la pandemia sin duda alguna la economía a nivel mundial ha tenido un proceso de desaceleración significativa, afectando en varios casos a las pequeñas y medianas PyMEs empresas, incluso a las grandes; es por esto, que es importante realizar un análisis meramente exploratorio que permita conocer cuáles son las tendencias de los sectores económicos del país, principalmente del sector primario, ya que se considera a este, por ser el proveedor principal de las materias primas para el resto de lo sectores. Se consideraron dos aspectos, por un lado, el control organizacional, la forma en la que lo aplican y en qué medida lo hacen; y por otro lado, una vez aplicado el control organizacional, que tan importante consideran a la mejora continua y si tienen conocimiento o la aplican en sus procesos. Sin duda alguna en estos últimos tiempos se ha hecho necesario el cobijo de la calidad en los diferentes procesos que integran a la empresa, sin embargo, se ha también sumergido de manera significativa en la parte del control de las organizaciones y el uso del conocimiento de las herramientas que existen para mantener la mejora continua, ya que se ha demostrado que al mantener un mejor y mayor control en las actividades, trae como resultado un aseguramiento de la calidad, lo cual les permite a las pequeñas y medianas ser más competitivas y fortalecerse ante un mercado cada vez más global

    Physical and chemical attributes of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) varieties Copena, Pelon Blanco and Pelon Rojo

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    Objective: attest and compare the fundamental attributes for fresh raw cactus cladodes and its chemical constituent’s quality when dried and grounded for three varieties of cactus prickly; copena, pelon blanco y pelon rojo. Design/methodology/approach: measurements of physical attributes and chemical constituents were made by using proved and reliable techniques. Data will aid to explore the potential for these cactus material when being handled from basic to complex processes, taking into account; its need for size and quality of storage and their effect when they interact with processing devices and handling apparatus for the new product being elaborated. Results: physical attributes among the three cactus´ varieties showed slightly differences on parameters, but length, wide and electric conductivity. While for chemical analysis, cactus cladodes were chopped, dried and grounded. Chemical compounds showed slightly differences between the three varieties, but pelon blanco had higher percentage of fat and lowest concentration of zinc and potassium. All three varieties had no iron. Limitations on study/implications: there was not management for cactus prickly production. Varieties´ attributes are as they come from the field. Stabilization of chemical constituents for pelon blanco could be necessary, according to the expected features of new products, or lead to a new line of by-products. Findings/conclusions: mechanical handling of raw cladodes around the premises is facilitated, and its wear and maintenance are reduced, less management costs. Flour from each variety was kept at around 10% water content to safeguarding storage. Regarding the protein and carbohydrates content, flour of all three varieties ensure integration with other compounds and guarantee new products with high protein content.Objective: attest and compare the fundamental attributes for fresh raw cactus cladodes and its chemical constituent’s quality when dried and grounded for three varieties of prickly pear cactus “Copena”, “Pelon blanco” and “Pelon rojo”. Design/methodology/approach: measurements of the physical attributes and chemical constituents were made by using proved and reliable techniques. Data will aid to explore the potential for these cactus materials when being handled from basic to complex processes, considering its need for size and quality of storage and their effect when they interact with processing devices and handling apparatus for the new product being elaborated. Results: the physical attributes among the three assessed cactus varieties showed slight differences in their parameters, but length, wide and electric conductivity. While for their chemical analysis, cactus cladodes were chopped, dried and grounded. Chemical compounds showed slight differences between the three varieties, but Pelon blanco had a higher fat percentage and the lowest zinc and potassium concentration. None of the varieties had iron. Limitations on study/implications: there was no management on the prickly pear cactus production. The assessment of the cultivars’ attributes was as they were from the field. Stabilization of the chemical constituents of Pelon blanco could be necessary, according to the expected features of new products, or lead to a new line of by-products. Findings/conclusions: mechanical handling of raw cladodes around the premises is facilitated, and its uses and maintenance are fewer management costs. Flour from each variety was kept at around 10 % water content to safeguarding storage. Regard the protein and carbohydrates content, flour of the three varieties ensure integration with other compounds and guarantees new products with high protein content

    Respuesta productiva de un cultivo de sandía en invernadero con uso de agua desalada frente al agua de pozo. Póster

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    Estudiar experimentalmente el efecto del riego con agua de mar desalada sobre la producción y la calidad del fruto de un cultivo de sandía de invernadero en comparación con el uso de agua subterránea de un pozo de la zona del “Campo de Níjar” (Almería)Proyecto financiado por el programa LIFE+ de la Unión Europea (LIFE16-ENV-ES-000341). RIDESOST. “Sostenibilidad agro-fisiológica, ambiental y económica del riego con agua marina desalinizada en cultivos hortícolas de invernadero y en sistemas hidropónicos semicerrados”. AGL2017-85857-C2-1-