5 research outputs found

    Theories of leadership

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    “Leadership”-Konzepte finden in jüngerer Zeit wieder verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit in den Sozialwissenschaften. Relevante Beiträge entstammen der Psychologie, der Soziologie, aber auch der Ökonomik. Inzwischen ist die relevante Literatur beträchtlich angewachsen. Die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit unterscheidet zwei Teile: im ersten Teil werden verschiedene theoretische Ansätze dieser Literatur beschrieben und, angesichts vorhandener empirischer Belege, bewertet. Der zweite Teil befasst sich sehr detailliert mit einem jüngeren ökonomischen Ansatz. Hier wird auch die Rolle kulturelle Unterschiede diskutiert, die zu sehr unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen ausgeübter „leadership“ führen können. Im letzten Teil wird ein Vergleich von westlicher vs. nicht-westlicher Rolle von „leadership“ angestrebt.Leadership has always been and still is a subject of research which is progressively regaining attention from different disciplines. Relevant contributions from psychology, economics, and sociology have generated a voluminous literature on the topic. The structure of this essay is divided in two parts. In the first part, major theories of leadership are evaluated while, in the second part, one economic approaches of leadership (entrepreneurship) is presented more in detail. In the light of this economic perspective the thesis also discusses cultural differences and their effect on the perception of leadership. A comparison between the western and non-western culture of leadership is sketched in the final part

    Factors affecting egg consumption in young consumers

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    Submitted 2020-06-11 | Accepted 2020-07-09 | Available 2020-12-01https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.mi-fpap.1-6The research was carried out on consumers aged 20 to 30 years. The survey was conducted among the young population, on a sample of 200 respondents; male (M, n = 100) and female (F, n = 100). Respondents were asked to answer three sets of questions: a) egg quality indicators; b) which are the benefits of consuming eggs compared to other animal products; and c) which are the disadvantages of consuming eggs. A Likert scale (min = 1, max = 5) was used to evaluate the responses on the factors that influence egg consumption. The respondents (M 4.50 : F 4.11; P 0.05). Interval estimation of the mean values μ in male and female populations was made. The research indicates the attributes that consumers value when choosing and buying products, which can serve as a future guide for egg producers.Keywords: consumption, egg quality, nutritional value, freshnessReferencesBao, P.P., Shu, X.O., Zheng, Y., Cai, N., Ruan, Z.X., Kai, G., Yinghao, S., Yu-Tang, G.,Wei, Z., Wei, L. (2012). Fruit, vegetable and animal intake and breast cancer risk by hormone receptor status. Nutrition Cancer, 64(6), 806-819.Barraj, L., Tran, N., Mink, P. (2009). A Comparison of Egg Consumption with Other Modifiable Coronary Heart Disease Lifestyle Risk Factors: A Relative Risk Apportionment Study. Risk Analysis, 29(3), 401-415.Bejaei, M., Wiseman, K., Cheng, K.M. (2011). Influences of demographic characteristics, attitudes, and preferences of consumers on table egg consumption in British Columbia, Canada. Poultry Science, 90(5), 1088-1095.Bertechini, A.G., Mazzucco, H. (2013). The table egg: A review. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37(2), 115-122.Bobetić, B. (2019). 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    Defining the genetic control of human blood plasma N-glycome using genome-wide association study

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    Glycosylation is a common post-translational modification of proteins. Glycosylation is associated with a number of human diseases. Defining genetic factors altering glycosylation may provide a basis for novel approaches to diagnostic and pharmaceutical applications. Here we report a genome-wide association study of the human blood plasma N-glycome composition in up to 3811 people measured by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) technology. Starting with the 36 original traits measured by UPLC, we computed an additional 77 derived traits leading to a total of 113 glycan traits. We studied associations between these traits and genetic polymorphisms located on human autosomes. We discovered and replicated 12 loci. This allowed us to demonstrate an overlap in genetic control between total plasma protein and IgG glycosylation. The majority of revealed loci contained genes that encode enzymes directly involved in glycosylation (FUT3/FUT6, FUT8, B3GAT1, ST6GAL1, B4GALT1, ST3GAL4, MGAT3 and MGAT5) and a known regulator of plasma protein fucosylation (HNF1A). However, we also found loci that could possibly reflect other more complex aspects of glycosylation process. Functional genomic annotation suggested the role of several genes including DERL3, CHCHD10, TMEM121, IGH and IKZF1. The hypotheses we generated may serve as a starting point for further functional studies in this research area

    Personality Traits of Croatian University Students with Internet Addiction

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    Specific personality traits may predispose individuals to various forms of addictive behaviors. This study aimed to investigate the association between personality traits of university students and Internet addiction (IA). A sample of 1051 university students was recruited from the largest university in Eastern Croatia. A structured anonymous questionnaire that included questions regarding students’ sociodemographic information and Internet usage patterns, the Young Internet Addiction Test and Big Five Inventory served as a research tool. The study revealed that 1.0% of the studied sample expressed severe IA while 24.6% of study participants expressed some signs of addiction. The IA was detected in 576 (80.0%) students who used the Internet mainly for social networking, in 30 (78.9%) students who mainly used it for online gaming, and in 153 (52.2%) students who mainly used it for university assignments (p < 0.001). Higher neuroticism, higher extraversion, and higher openness to new experiences were connected with IA in general (p < 0.001). Higher neuroticism, higher extraversion, and higher openness to new experiences were significantly associated with addictive behavior during social networking (p < 0.001). Higher extraversion and higher openness to new experiences were significantly associated with addictive behavior during Internet usage for university assignments (p = 0.025), while there were no significant associations between specific personality traits and addictive behavior during online gaming (p = 0.059). Personality traits must be taken into account while developing programs and implementing interventions for preventing IA in the university student population

    Analysis of Free-Living Gait in Older Adults With and Without Parkinson’s Disease and With and Without a History of Falls: Identifying Generic and Disease-Specific Characteristics

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    Background - Falls are associated with gait impairments in older adults (OA) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current approaches for evaluating falls risk are based on self-report or one-time assessment and may be suboptimal. Wearable technology allows gait to be measured continuously in free-living conditions. The aim of this study was to explore generic and specific associations in free-living gait in fallers and nonfallers with and without PD. Methods - Two hundred and seventy-seven fallers (155 PD, 122 OA) who fell twice or more in the previous 6 months and 65 nonfallers (15 PD, 50 OA) were tested. Free-living gait was characterized as the volume, pattern, and variability of ambulatory bouts (Macro), and 14 discrete gait characteristics (Micro). Macro and Micro variables were quantified from free-living data collected using an accelerometer positioned on the low back for one week. Results - Macro variables showed that fallers walked with shorter and less variable ambulatory bouts than nonfallers, independent of pathology. Micro variables within ambulatory bouts showed fallers walked with slower, shorter and less variable steps than nonfallers. Significant interactions showed disease specific differences in variability with PD fallers demonstrating greater variability (step length) and OA fallers less variability (step velocity) than their nonfaller counterparts (p < 0.004). Conclusions - Common and disease-specific changes in free-living Macro and Micro gait highlight generic and selective targets for intervention depending on type of faller (OA-PD). Our findings support free-living monitoring to enhance assessment. Future work is needed to confirm the optimal battery of measures, sensitivity to change and value for fall prediction