Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica Online (Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra)
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    342 research outputs found

    Dependence of milk production of dairy sheep on climate conditions

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31 aim of the study was to determine the influence of selected climatic characteristics on the milk production of ewes during lactation. Data of ewes from sheep farm Liptovská Teplička located in moderate climate zone (latitude 48°57'50.3"N, longitude 20°04'31.0"E) were analysed. In period from 2017 to 2019, the following milk traits: total morning milk production (TMPM), total evening milk production (TMPE), total morning+evening production (TMPM+E) and average daily milk production per ewe (ADMP) were measured on a daily basis. Traditional (Carpatian) production system was applied: ewes were on pasture and machine milked twice a day. Climate characteristics were monitored in 10-minute intervals by standard weather station (supplier: firm PHYSICUS), located near sheep farm. The influence of air temperature - T (°C), of relative humidity - RH (%), of wind speed (m.s-1) and of total precipitation (mm)recorded daily between 5 a.m. and 4 p.m. in period from April to September on milk traits was analysed. Temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated according to National Research formula. The influence of year, of month and of interaction year x month was also analysed. Covariance analysis and Pearson correlation coefficients using statistical programme SASv9.2 (procedures GLM and CORR) were employed. The influence of month and of interaction year x month, respectively, on milk traits was found (P40.0 and THI <= 68.0). Preliminary results suggest that milk production traits of dairy sheep may be significantly influenced by climate also in moderate climatic zone.Keywords:  sheep, thermal stress, milk yield, temperate zoneReferencesAl Dawood, A. 2017. Towards heat stress management in small ruminants – a review. Ann. Anim. Sci., 17(1), 59-88. DOI: 10.1515/aoas-2016-0068Finocchiaro, R., Van Kaam, J.B.C.H.M., Portolano, B., Misztal, I. 2005. Effect of heat stress on production of Mediterranean dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1855-1864.Gauly, M., Ammer, S. 2020. Review: Challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate changes. Animal,. 14:S1, s196-s203. doi:10.1017/S1751731119003239Gauly, M., Bollwein, H., Breves, G., Brugemann, K., Danicke, S., Das, G., Demeler, J., Hansen, H., Isselstein, J., Konig, S., Loholter, M., Martinshon, M., Meyer, U., Potthoff, M., Sanker, C., Schroder, B., Wrange, N., Meibaum, B., von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G., Stinshof, Wrenzycki, C., 2013. Future consequences and challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate change in Central Europe – a review. Animal, 7, 843-859. doi:10.1017/S1751731112002352Ramón, M., Díaz, C., Pérez-Guzman, M.D., Carabaño, M.J. 2016. Effect of exposure to adverse climatic conditions on production in Manchega dairy sheep. J. Dairy Sci., 99, 5764-5779., S., Salama, A.A.K., Albanell, E., Such, X., Caja, G. 2013. Physiological responses and lactational performances of late-lactation dairy goats under heat stress conditions. J. Dairy Sci., 96, 6355-6365. 10.3168/jds.2013-6665National Research Council (NRC). 1971. A guide to envronmental research on animals. Washington, DC: National Academy of Science.Sánches-Molano, E., Kapsona, V.V., Ilska, J.J., Desire, S., Conington, J., Mucha, S., Banos., G. 2019. Genetic analysis of novel phenotypes for farm animal resilience to weather variability. BMC Genetics., 20-84., N., N. Koluman (Darcan). 2015. Impact of climate change on the dairy industry in temperate zones: predications on the overall negative impact and on the positive role of dairy goats in adaptation to earth warming. Small Rumin Res., 123, 27-34.

    Effect of gluten on the quality of meat products

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31 aim of the study was the evaluation of gluten quality of selected meat products. Gluten is a vegetable protein, which, due to its properties, is very often used in various sectors of the food industry and therefore in the production of meat products. Sensory evaluation, microbiological examination and gluten detection were performed in samples of sausages, Poultry frankfurter, Fine salami and Malokarpatská salami. The meat products came from different producers and were purchased from a retail network. Sensory quality was determined by assessing color, aroma, juiciness, fragility and taste using a 5-point rating scale. The microbiological examination included the determination of the total number of microorganisms, the number of psychrotrophic, coliform microorganisms and coagulase-positive staphylococci. The presence of gluten alone was detected using a commercially produced GlutenTox Home test kit as well as a PCR reaction. Individual testing of selected meat products showed minor differences in the overall quality of gluten free and gluten-free meat products. Keywords:meat products, salami, gluten, quality, microbiological examinationReferencesAbaffyová, Z. et al. (2015). Cereal grain a little different. Bratislava. Pediatria pre prax. 4, 140–146.Frič, P., Keil, R. (2011). Celiac disease for practice. Olomouc. Medicína pro praxi. 8, 354–359.Hulín, P., Dostálek, P., Hochel, I. (2008). Methods for determination of gluten proteins in food. Metódy stanovení lepkových bílkovin v potravinách. Chemické listy,102(5), 327–337.á, L. et al. (2006). Detection of gluten-containing cereals in flours and ‘‘gluten-free’’ bakery products by polymerase chain reaction. Food Control, 17(3), 234–237. EN ISO 4833-1. Microbiology of food chain. Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms. Part 1: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the pour plate technique. (ISO 4833-1: 2013)STN EN ISO 6888-1. Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species). Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium (ISO 6888-1:1999)STN EN ISO 4832. Microbiology. General guidance for the enumeration of coliforms. Colony count techniqueTaylor, S. (1992). Chemistry and detection of food allergens. Food Technology, 46(5), 148–152.á, F. (2002). Fermentation and starter cultures. Dry-cured meat products, Trumbull : Food & Nutrition Press Inc., 89–112. Hengel, A. J. (2007). Food allergen detection methods and the challenge to protect food-allergic consumers. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 389(1), 111–118.

    Occurrence of epigeic groups, with emphasis on the families of beetles (Coleoptera) in various types of soil management

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-27 | Accepted: 2021-03-14 | Available online: 2021-09-30 The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of epigeic groups of animals in five types of soil management. Research areas were marked as V1-EKO, whereas on the V1 area, mulching technology was used, on the V2 area, conventional technology, on V3 area, minimization technology, on the V4 area, no-till technology and the EKO area was managed in an ecological way. A ground pitfall trap was placed in the variety of a hybrid of Triticum aestivum × Triticum spelta – PS Lubica. The experiment was carried out between 2016 and 2018 in the research areas of the Research Institute of Plant Production in Borovce. In the course of three years, 11,365 specimen from 8 epigeic groups and 6 families were collected. At the eudominant level, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera groups were found in every research area. At the dominant level, Arachnoidea group were found on the V1 research area. and larvae on the EKO research area. The most numerous variant in terms of the number of individuals, but the number of groups also, collected over three years, was variant 1 – mulching technology. This means that shallow tillage, which decreases evaporation, soil loose and eliminates the weeds, is most beneficial to epigeic groups. Based on the statistical evaluation, we were unable to demonstrate the effect of rainfall on the occurrence of groups each year in the compared research areas. On the contrary, we were able to demonstrate the effect of temperature changes on the occurrence of epigeon.Keywords: epigeic groups, Coleoptera, ecological agriculture, pitfall trap ReferencesAratrakorn, S., Thunhikorn, S., & Donald P.F. (2006). Changes in bird communities following conversion of lowland forest to oil palm and rubber plantations in southern Thailand. Bird Conser Int, 16, 71–82., A., Green R.E., & Scharlemann J.P.W. (2005). Sparing land for nature: exploring the potential impact of changes in agricultural yield on the area needed for crop production. Glob Change Biol, 11, 1594–1605., L., Ruiter, P.C., & Brown, G.G. (2007). Soil biodiversity for agricultural sustainability. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 121(3), 223–244., P.F., Sanderson F.J., Burfield I.J., & Van Bommel F.P.J. (2006). Further evidence of continent‐wide impacts of agricultural intensification on European farmland birds 1990–2000. Agricul Ecosyst Environ, 116, 189–196., C.B., Campbell, J.E., & Lobell, D.B. (2008). Biomass energy: the scale of the potential resource. Trends Ecol Evol, 23, 53–112., E., Wolters, V., & Birkhofer, K. (2012). Arable weeds in organically managed wheat fields foster carabid beetles by resource-and structure-mediated effects. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 6(1), 75–82.é, R., Happe, A.-K., Baillod, A. B., Tscharntke, T., & Bátary, P. (2018). Landscape configuration, organic management, and within-field position drive functional diversity of spiders and carabids. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 63–72., K. (1996). Carabidae of the Czech and Slovak Republic. Zlín: Kabourek. 9–35 s. (a) ISBN 80-901466-2-7.Lieskovský, J., Bezák, P., & Izakovičová, Z. (2010). Protection of representative landscape ecosystem of Slovakia – new landscape ecological approach. In: 10th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference: SGEM conference 2010, pp. 717–72.úr, E., & Lukniš, M. (1980). Geomorphological units. In Mazúr, E. (ed.) Atlas of the Slovak Socialist Republic. Bratislava: SAV a SÚGK, pp. 54–55Melnychuk, N.A., Olfert, O., Yongs, B., & Gillott, C. (2003). Abundance and diversity of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in different farming systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 95, 69–72., C., Jackson, L., Bawa, K. et al. (2006). Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: saving natural capital without losing interest. Conserv Biol, 20, 263–264.ášová, J. (2019). Impact of Soil Management on Biodiversity of Epigeic Groups. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(6).č Porhajašová, J., Babošová, M., Noskovič, J., & Ondrišík, P. (2018). Long-Term Developments and Biodiversity in Carabid and Staphylinid (Coleoptera: Carabidae and Staphylinidae) Fauna during the Application of Organic Fertilizers under Agroecosystem Conditions. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27(5), 2229–2235.ý, V. (2002). Atlas of beetles. Praha – Litomyšl: Paseka, 144 p. ISBN 80-7185-484-0 Remenár, M. (2017). Recreation area Lake Borovce, documentation for territorial proceedings (CM PROJECT). 60–65 p.Röder, J., Detsch, F., Otte, I., Appelhans, T., Nauss, T., Peters, M. K., & Brandl, R. (2017). Heterogeneous patterns of abundance of epigeic arthropod taxa along a major elevation gradient. Biotropica, 49(2), 217–228., J.P.W., Balmford, A., & Green, R.E. (2005). The level of threat to restricted‐range bird species can be predicted from mapped data on land use and human population. Biol Conserv 123, 317–326. biocon.2004.11.019Tieman, L.K, Grandy, A.S., Atkinson, E.E., Marin-Spiotta, E., & Mcdaniel, M.D. (2015). Crop rotational diversity enhances belowground communities and functions in a agroecosystem. Ecology Letters, 18(8), 761–771., D. (1999). Global environmental impacts of agricultural expansion: the need for sustainable and efficient practices. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 96, 5995–6000.

    Linkage disequilibrium, genomic inbreeding and effective populations size to unravel population history

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    Article Details: Received: 2021-03-25 | Accepted: 2021-04-16 | Available online: 2021-06-30 use of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data had become commonplace in animal breeding activities and management of livestock populations. The cost-effective genotyping allowed us to assess entire populations and learn about their history on the genomic level. This paper reviews several approaches that are commonly used in the context of genomic diversity in livestock, such as the linkage disequilibrium (LD) and assessment of autozygosity via runs of homozygosity (ROH). Both methods, however, are being used to assess the impact of natural or artificial selection on the livestock genome. Apart from these selection signatures, both the LD and ROH are used to assess the effective population size (Ne), which likewise, serves as a diversity management tool and describes the historical events in populations.Keywords: livestock, genomics, SNP, selection signatures, diversityReferencesAblondi, M. et al. (2020). Genetic Diversity and Signatures of Selection in a Native Italian Horse Breed Based on SNP Data. Animals, 10(6), 1005., O.A.C. et al. (2019). Identification of selection signatures involved in performance traits in a paternal broiler line. BMC Genomics, 20(1), 449., K.G., Kruglyak, L. & Seielstad, M. (2002). Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the human genome. Nature Reviews Genetics, 3(4), 299–309., C. F. et al. (2019). Symposium review: The genomic architecture of inbreeding: How homozygosity affects health and performance. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(3), 2807–2817., M. et al. (2015). SNeP: A tool to estimate trends in recent effective population size trajectories using genomewide SNP data. Frontiers in Genetics, 6., D. et al. (2004). Secondary guidelines for development of national farm animal genetic resources management plans. Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations (FAO), Roma.Brüniche-Olsen, A. et al. (2018). Runs of homozygosity have utility in mammalian conservation and evolutionary studies. Conservation Genetics, 19(6), 1295–1307., F. C. et al. (2018). Runs of homozygosity: Windows into population history and trait architecture. Nature Reviews Genetics, 19(4), 220–234., I., Ferenčaković, M. & Sölkner, J. (2017). Genomic dissection of inbreeding depression: A gate to new opportunities. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 46(9), 773–782., T. et al. (2019). Genome-Wide SNP Data Revealed the Extent of Linkage Disequilibrium, Persistence of Phase and Effective Population Size in Purebred and Crossbred Buffalo Populations. Frontiers in Genetics, 9., M.I. et al. (2017). Accounting for linkage disequilibrium in genome scans for selection without individual genotypes: The local score approach. Molecular Ecology, 26(14), 3700–3714.čaković, M., Sölkner, J. & Curik, I. (2013). Estimating autozygosity from high-throughput information: Effects of SNP density and genotyping errors. Genetics Selection Evolution, 45(1), 42., R., Bradshaw, C.J.A. & Brook, B.W. (2014). Genetics in conservation management: Revised recommendations for the 50/500 rules, Red List criteria and population viability analyses. Biological Conservation, 170, 56–63., S. (2017). Linkage disequilibrium-dependent architecture of human complex traits shows action of negative selection. Nature Genetics, 49(10), 14.Georges, M., Charlier, C. & Hayes, B. (2019). Harnessing genomic information for livestock improvement. Nature Reviews Genetics, 20(3), 135–156., I. et al. (2020). Inbreeding, effective population size, and coancestry in the Latxa dairy sheep breed. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(6), 5215–5226.‐Seger, G. et al. (2019). Analysis of ROH patterns in the Noriker horse breed reveals signatures of selection for coat color and body size. Animal Genetics, 50(4), 334–346., B. J. et al. (2003). Novel Multilocus Measure of Linkage Disequilibrium to Estimate Past Effective Population Size. Genome Research, 13(4), 635–643., J. M. et al. (2017). Genomic prediction unifies animal and plant breeding programs to form platforms for biological discovery. Nature Genetics, 49(9), 1297–1303., W.G. & Robertson, A. (1968). Linkage disequilibrium in finite populations. TAG. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Theoretische Und Angewandte Genetik, 38(6), 226–231., I. et al. (2020). Comparison of linkage disequilibrium, effective population size and haplotype blocks in Polish Landrace and Polish native pig populations. Livestock Science, 231, 103887., K., Esmailizadeh Koshkoiyeh, A. & Gondro, C. (2015). Comparison of linkage disequilibrium levels in Iranian indigenous cattle using whole genome SNPs data. Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 57., R. et al. (2015). Genome-wide selection signatures in Pinzgau cattle. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 9(1), 268–274., R., Jamborová, Ľ. & Moravčíková N. (2020). Genetic diversity and production potential of animal food resources. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 23(2), 102–108., M. S. et al. (2008). Extent of genome-wide linkage disequilibrium in Australian Holstein-Friesian cattle based on a high-density SNP panel. BMC Genomics, 9(1), 187., J. W. et al. (2014). Linkage disequilibrium over short physical distances measured in sheep using a high-density SNP chip. Animal Genetics, 45(5), 754–757., E.-S. et al. (2013). Effect of Artificial Selection on Runs of Homozygosity in U.S. Holstein Cattle. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e80813., D. et al. (2012). Linkage disequilibrium in Angus, Charolais, and Crossbred beef cattle. Frontiers in Genetics, 3., B.O. et al. (2020). Effect of genomic selection on rate of inbreeding and coancestry and effective population size of Holstein and Jersey cattle populations. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(6), 5183–5199., S. et al. (2014). Genome wide linkage disequilibrium and genetic structure in Sicilian dairy sheep breeds. BMC Genetics, 15(1), 108., G.P. et al. (2019). A Population Genomics Analysis of the Native Irish Galway Sheep Breed. Frontiers in Genetics, 10., S.D. et al. (2007). Whole genome linkage disequilibrium maps in cattle. BMC Genetics, 8(1), 74., R. et al. (2008). Runs of Homozygosity in European Populations. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 83(3), 359–372. Meuwissen, T.H.E., Hayes, B.J. & Goddard, M.E. (2001). Prediction of Total Genetic Value Using Genome-Wide Dense Marker Maps. Genetics, 157(4), 1819–1829.Mills, M.C. & Rahal, C. (2019). A scientometric review of genome-wide association studies. Communications Biology, 2(1), 1–11.číková, N. et al. (2019). Analysis of selection signatures in the beef cattle genome. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 64(12), 491–503.číková, N. & Kasarda, R. (2020). Use of High-density SNP analyses to develop a long-term strategy for conventional populations to prevent loss of diversity – review. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 23(4), 236–240., S.P. (2000). Detecting the form of selection from DNA sequence data. Trends in Genetics, 16(12), 526–529.érez O’Brien, A.M. et al. (2014). Linkage disequilibrium levels in Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle using medium and high density SNP chip data and different minor allele frequency distributions. Livestock Science, 166, 121–132., E. et al. (2016). Runs of homozygosity: Current knowledge and applications in livestock. Animal Genetics., L.R., Kijas, J.W. & Reverter, A. (2014). The extent of linkage disequilibrium in beef cattle breeds using highdensity SNP genotypes. Genetics, Selection, Evolution: GSE, 46, 22., S. (2020). On the Extent of Linkage Disequilibrium in the Genome of Farm Animals. Frontiers in Genetics, 10., A.B. & Caetano, A.R. (2018). Runs of homozygosity for autozygosity estimation and genomic analysis in production animals. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 53(9), 975–984., D.E. et al. (2001). Linkage disequilibrium in the human genome. Nature, 411(6834), 199–204.íguez-Ramilo, S.T., Elsen, J.M. & Legarra, A. (2019). Inbreeding and effective population size in French dairy sheep: Comparison between genomic and pedigree estimates. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(5), 4227–4237., P.C. et al. (2002). Detecting recent positive selection in the human genome from haplotype structure. Nature, 419(6909), 832–837., K.A. et al. (2020). Selection signatures in livestock genome: A review of concepts, approaches and applications. Livestock Science, 241, 104257., G. et al. (2020). Runs of homozygosity islands in Italian cosmopolitan and autochthonous pig breeds identify selection signatures in the porcine genome. Livestock Science, 240, 104219., M. & Bennewitz, J. (2017). Invited review: Genomewide association analysis for quantitative traits in livestock  – a  selective review of statistical models and experimental designs. Archives Animal Breeding, 60(3), 335–346.‐Hasler, H. et al. (2019). Runs of homozygosity and signatures of selection: A comparison among eight local Swiss sheep breeds. Animal Genetics, 50(5), 512–525., J.A. & Hill, W.G. (2018). One Hundred Years of Linkage Disequilibrium. Genetics, 209(3), 629–636., V. et al. (2019). Benefits and limitations of genomewide association studies. Nature Reviews Genetics, 20(8), 467– 484., A. et al. (2007). Recent human effective population size estimated from linkage disequilibrium. Genome Research, 17(4), 520–526., P. & Tapio, M. (2011). Extent of linkage disequilibrium and effective population size in Finnish Landrace and Finnish Yorkshire pig breeds. Journal of Animal Science, 89(3), 609–614., Y.T. et al. (2013). Detecting Loci under Recent Positive Selection in Dairy and Beef Cattle by Combining Different Genome-Wide Scan Methods. PLOS ONE, 8(5), e64280., B.F. et al. (2006). A Map of Recent Positive Selection in the Human Genome. PLOS Biology, 4(3), e72., R.S. (2016). Making sense of genetic estimates of effective population size. Molecular Ecology, 25(19), 4689–4691., S. (1931). Evolution in Mendelian Populations. Genetics, 16(2), 97–159

    Effect of feeding conditions on the quality traits of rainbow trout

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     The effect of use of complete feed with different protein levels on the morphological composition of the body and the amino acid content of trout meat proteins is studied in the article. For this purpose, five experimental groups were formed by the analog method. The study lasted 210 days and was divided into two periods: equalizing (10 days) and basic (200 days).  In the equalizing period, the trial fish consumed feed of the control group. In the basic period, the level of protein in the feed of trout of the experimental groups was regulated by changing individual components of the feed. Feeding of rainbow trout in the study period was performed 4-6 times a day, in the day time at regular intervals. The required amount of feed was calculated according to the indicators of individual fish weight and ambient temperature at the time of feeding. Rearing of commercial two-year-old ones was performed in ponds with an area of 100 m2 at a fish-holding density of 50 specimens/m2 and a water level of 1 m. The total number of trout in experimental studies was 25 thousand specimens. The use of feed with high crude protein content in the period of commercial rainbow trout rearing improves their commercial properties, while fish feeding with feed with crude protein content at the level of 44% leads to a decrease in their productivity. Keywords: rainbow trout, fish feeding, protein, morphological composition, amino acid conten

    Comparison of pig classification using Fat-O-Meater in Slovakia

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    Article Details: Received: 2021-02-09 | Accepted: 2021-04-01 | Available online: 2021-09-30 carcass classification is based on instrumental prediction of lean meat content and application of the common SEUROP scale. Each member country uses an authorised apparatus with respective regression equation to predict the lean meat content. These equations may differ between countries since they are calculated on different populations. Differences in equations may lead to different predictions of lean meat content. In Slovakia, a significant portion of slaughtered fatteners come from abroad, especially from the Czech Republic and Hungary. Since the same apparatus is approved in neighbouring countries, our study was aimed on the Fat-O-Meater and the comparison of lean meat prediction using three equations from neighbouring countries. Overall, the Slovak equation overestimated the lean meat content by 2.1% compared to the equation from Czech Republic and 2.56% compared to the equation from Hungary. Higher differences were observed in the R, O, P classes and lower differences were observed in the S, E, U classes when individual classes were considered. Different predicted lean meat content led to different carcass distribution over the SEUROP classes. Most visible changes were in the S and E classes. These changes suggest that the inclusion of carcasses from different suppliers should be considered in the authorisation trial.Keywords: SEUROP, grading, lean meat content, backfat thickness, muscle thickness, FOMReferencesCommission Decision 2009/622/EC of 20 August 2009 authorising methods for grading pig carcases in Slovakia (OJ L 224, 27.8.2009, pp. 11–14).Commission Decision 2005/1/EC of 27 December 2004 authorising methods for grading pig carcases in the Czech Republic (OJ L 1, 4. 1. 2005, pp. 8–11), as amended by the Commission Implementing Decision 2013/187/EU.Commission Decision 2005/382/EC of 18 May 2005 authorising methods for grading pig carcases in Hungary (OJ L 126, 19.5.2005, pp. 55–58), as amended by the Commission Implementing Decision 2011/507/EU.David, L., Pulkrábek, J., & Vališ, L. (2014). Pig carcass value parameters analysed within the context of SEUROP grading system. Research in pig breeding, 8(2), 1–3.Engel, B., Lambooij, E., Buist, W. G., & Vereijken, P. (2012). Lean meat prediction with HGP, CGM and CSB-Image-Meater, with prediction accuracy evaluated for different proportions of gilts, boars and castrated boars in the pig population. Meat Science, 90(2), 338–344. (2020). Slaughtering in slaughterhouses/ annual data/pigmeat [Internet]. [Cited 2020 Dec 15] Available from: i Furnols, M., & Gispert, M. (2009). Comparison of different devices for predicting the lean meat percentage of pig carcasses. Meat Science, 83(3), 443–446., M., Čandek-Potokar, M., Daumas, G., Gispert, M., Judas, M., & Seynaeve, M. (2016). Comparison of national ZP equations for lean meat percentage assessment in SEUROP pig classification. Meat Science, 113, 1–8., A., Jones, S. D. M., & Haworth, C. R. (1984). Pork carcass grading: A comparison of the New Zealand Hennessy Grading Probe and the Danish Fat-O-Meater. Meat Science, 10(2), 131–144.ška, P., Bahelka, I., Demo, P., & Peškovičová, D. (2002). Meat content in pigs estimated by various methods and compared with objective lean meat content. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 47(5), 206–211.Kvapilík, J., Přibyl, J., Růžička, Z., & Řehák, D. (2009). Results of pig carcass classification according to SEUROP in the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 54(5), 217–228., D., Borzuta, K., Janiszewski, P., Magda, F., Grześkowiak, E., Strzelecki, J., & Lisiak, B. (2012). Verification of regression equations for estimating pork carcass meatiness using CGM, IM03, Fat-O-Meat’er II and UltraFom 300 devices. Annals of Animal Science, 12(4), 585–596., B. K., Clark, D. L., Boler, D. D., Dilger, A. C., McKeith, F. K., Eggert, J. M., & Killefer, J. (2011). Characterization of loin shape from Duroc and Duroc composite finishing gilts. Meat Science, 87(2), 146–150. Food Chain Safety Office (NFCSO). (2017): A  minősítésre kötelezett vágóhidak sertésvágásának alakulása 2016-ban. Available at: 3%A9sre+k%C3%B6telezett+v%C3%A1g%C3%B3hidak+sert%C3%A9sv%C3%A1g%C3%A1s%C3%A1nak+alakul%C3%A1sa+2016-banNissen, P. M., Busk, H., Oksama, M., Seynaeve, M., Gispert, M., Walstra, P., & Olsen, E. (2006). The estimated accuracy of the EU reference dissection method for pig carcass classification. Meat Science., 73(1), 22–28., E. V., Candek-Potokar, M., Oksama, M., Kien, S., Lisiak, D., & Busk, H. (2007). On-line measurements in pig carcass classification: Repeatability and variation caused by the operator and the copy of instrument. Meat Science, 75(1), 29– 38.őllősi, L., Molnár, S., Ladányi, K., Karnai, L., & Szűcs, I. (2017). Cost analysis of pig slaughtering: A hungarian case study. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 11(3–4), 121–130., J., Demo, P., Gondeková, M., & Salagová, Z. (2021). The analysis of pig carcass classification in Slovakia. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 66(3), 78–86.

    Candidate genes for congenital malformations in pigs

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    Received: 2021-06-07 | Accepted: 2021-06-21 | Available online: 2021-12-31 malformations occur in numerous pig breeding programs. Clinical symptoms, etiopathogenesis and candidate genes of the most critical congenital malformations in pigs were briefly overviewed in the study. Based on the recent literature, identifying and evaluating the genomic regions associated with defects, such as splay legs syndrome, hernias, cryptorchidism, atresia ani, kyphosis, intersexuality, and malignant melanoma, can enhance the selection response. As promising genes were published e.g. NREP, FBXO32, and HOMER1 for splay leg syndrome, SRC, OSM, COL family, and CGRP for hernias, GNRHR, GATA2, and RLF for cryptorchidism, and GLI2 for atresia ani. Potential candidate genes associated with defects were mainly detected in literature by the genome-wide association approach. Reviewing the studies and following the suggestions in some of papers it is indicated the necessity for molecular and more comprehensive evaluation in terms of the sample standardisation and accurate phenotyping of a broad spectrum of populations and breeds. Moreover, knowledge transmission among all livestock species and humans is recommended in literature to better understand malformation biology.Keywords: swine, congenital defects, health, association studies, genomic selectionReferencesAtkinson, M. et al. (2017). Evaluation of the effect of umbilical hernias on play behaviors in growing pigs. Canadian Veterian Journal, 58, 1065–1072.Bourneuf, E. et el. (2018). New susceptibility loci for cutaneous melanoma risk and progression revealed using a porcine model. Oncotarget, 9(45), 27682–27697., B. et al. (2015). Porcine SOX9 gene expression is influenced by an 18bp indel in the 5’-untranslated region. PLoS ONE, 10(10), e0139583., P. et al. (2005). 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Prevalence of congenital defects in Swedish Hampshire, Landrace and Yorkshire pig breeds and opinions on their prevalence in Swedish commercial herds (MSc Thesis). Sweden, Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 35 p.Maak, S. et al. (2009). Identification of candidate genes for congenital splay leg in piglets by alternative analysis of DNA microarray data. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(4), 331–337., W. (2003). Congenital and hereditary tumours in domestic animals. 2. Pigs. A review. Veterinary Quarterly, 25(1), 17–30.číková, N. and Kasarda, R. (2020). Use of High-density SNP analyses to develop a long-term strategy for conventional populations to prevent loss of diversity – review. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 23, 236–240., A. et al. (2021). Neoplastic lesions in domestic pigs detected at slaughter: literature review and a 20-year review (1998–2018) of carcass inspection in Catalonia. Porcine Health Management, 7, 30., J. (2021). 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Genome-wide association study using deregressed breeding values for cryptorchidism and scrotal/inguinal hernia in two pig lines. Genetics Selection Evolution, 47, 18., H. et al. (2020). A review of congenital tremor type A-II in piglets. Animal Health Research Reviews, 21, 84–88., I. et al. (2019). Elevated incidence of freemartinism in pigs detected by droplet digital PCR and cytogenetic techniques. Livestock Science, 219, 52–56., M. et al. (2000). Insulin-like 3/Relaxin-like factor gene mutations are associated with cryptorchidism. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 85(11), 4013–4018., S. et al. (2005). Genome-wide scan for anal atresia in swine identifies linkage and association with a chromosome region on Sus scrofa chromosome 1. Genetics, 171(3), 1207–1217., T. et al. (2018). Transcriptome analysis reveals candidate genes involved in splay leg syndrome in piglets. Journal of Applied Genetics, 59, 475–83., S. et al. (2018). Polymorphisms of HOMER1 gene are associated with piglet splay leg syndrome and one significant SNP can affect its intronic promoter activity in vitro. BMC Genetics, 19, 110., W. et al. (2019). Rediscover and refine QTLs for pig scrotal hernia by increasing a specially designed F3 population and using whole-genome sequence imputation technology. Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 890.Žáková, E. et al. (2020). System of collection and storage of health data in the performance testing of pigs. Certified methodology. Prague: Institute of Animal Science, 17 p. In Czech

    The effect of different vegetable oils on energy content of table eggs yolk

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-08-31 | Accepted: 2020-11-16 | Available online: 2021-06-30 aim of this study was to analyse the gross energy (GE) value of egg yolk from hens feed with different vegetable oils addition and based on gained results calculate the linear regression between GE and dry matter % (DM) in yolk. Total 66 hens Lohmann brown lite were divided in to 11 groups according to concentration and type of used vegetable oil (pumpkin oil 3%, flax seed oil 3%, indian hemp seed oil 2.5% and 5%, grape seed oil 2.5% and 5%, olive oil 2.5 and 5%, apricot seed oil 2.5% and 5%). Hens were in 40th week of life and were housed per 6 in cage. From each group eight eggs were randomly selected. In total 88 egg yolks were separated and analysed for DM and GE content. The highest yolk GE was detected in group with 3% pumpkin oil addition (1639 kJ/100g) followed by groups with 2.5 and 5% indian hemp seed oil addition 1632 and 1632 kJ/100g, respectively. Difference between these three groups compared to yolk GE content (1584 kJ/100g) in control group was significant (P0.05). GE concertation of yolk can be calculated as follows: GE = -17.34 + (32.73 * DM), R2 = 0.819.Keywords: laying hens, egg yolk gross energy, regressionReferencesAntova, G. A. et al. (2019). Comparative analysis of nutrient content and energy of eggs from different chicken genotypes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(13), 5890–5898. (2000). Official methods of analysis AOAC. International 17th edition. Association of Analytical Communities, Gaithersburg.Benková, J. (2008). Artificial hatching of poultry is nothing simple. Slovenský chov, 13(6), 45-47. In Slovak.Gálik, al. (2014). The effect of dietary Rhus coriaria L. on table eggs yolk nutrients composition. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 17(3), 93–95.ľ, R. et al. (2016). Fatty acid profile and nutritional composition of table eggs after supplementation by pumpkin and flaxseed oils. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 85(3), 277–283.čár, C. & Bujko, J. (2012). Effect of pre-storage incubation of hatching eggs on hatchability of poultry. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 15(2), 34-37., N. et al. (2011). Effects of amino acids and metabolizable energy on egg characteristics and broiler breeder performance. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(49), 10066–10071., R. C. et al. (1996). Yolk lipids and their fatty acids in the wild and captive ostrich (Struthio camelus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 113(4), 753–756., R. A. & Herron, K. M. (1981). Effects of energy and protein allowances during lay on the reproductive performance of broiler breeder hens. British Poultry Science, 22(3), 227–239.štěková, V. et al. (2011). The quality comparison of eggs laid by laying hens kept in battery cages and in a deep litter system. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 51(7), 318–325., R. et al. (2014). Chemical features, cholesterol and energy content of table hen eggs from conventional and alternative farming systems. South African Journal of Animal Science, 44(1), 33., M. et al. (2013). Nutrient analysis of eggs. Analytical Report (revised version). UK Government, Department of Health and Social Care. Retrieved December 10, 2020 from uploads/attachment_data/file/167973/Nutrient_analysis_of_ eggs_Analytical_Report.pdfRoztočilová, A. et al. (2018). Effect of purple wheat RU 687- 12 on performance parameters of laying hens at the end of the lay. In NutriNET 2018. Proceedings of reviewed scientific papers. Mendel University in Brno (pp. 92–97).Vojtaššáková, A. et al. (2000). Milk and eggs. Food nutrition tables. Výskumný ústav potravinársky, Bratislava. In Slovak.Van der Wagt, I. et al. (2020). A review on yolk sac utilization in poultry. Poultry Science, 99(4), 2162–2175., Y. (2016). Studies on chicken hatchability and its relation with egg yolk metabolites. Dissertation thesis. GeorgAugust-University, Göttingen

    Nutritional indicators in the technological process of sausage processing

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    Received: 2020-09-29 Accepted: 2021-02-08 Available online: 2021-02-28 to biological and nutritional value, meat and meat products are among the most important components of humannutrition. The risk of meat contamination is a great concern from the point of view of food safety, and especially human health. Theaim of this study was the determination of nutritional values in meat samples of fresh and smoked sausage. From a technologicalpoint of view, the water content was the highest in meat samples and continually decreased in the samples that underwentprocessing. The water content of the meat samples was 68.2%. In the samples of unsmoked and smoked sausages, the measuredvalues were slightly lower. In the samples of unsmoked sausages, the water content was 63.1%. As the water content decreased,the fat content of the sausages increased. The protein content has not changed significantly in the production process. In the meatthe value of proteins was 19.07 g 100 g-1 and in the samples of smoked sausages the result was 18.78 g 100 g-1. The content ofessential fatty acids was the highest in meat samples. This value decreased in unsmoked as well as smoked sausages. Cholesterollevels were rising over the course of the experiment. Results of this study clearly show difference in technological parametersrelated to technological process.Keywords: meat, sausage, technological process, nutritional indicatorsReferencesAngelovičová, M. et al. (2016). Comparison of fatty acid profile in the chicken meat after feeding with narasin, nicarbazin andsalinomycin sodium and phyto-additive substances. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 51(6), 374–382.ČUBOŇ, J. et al. (2012). Hodnotenie surovín a potravín živočíšneho pôvodu. Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 381 p.ČUBOŇ, J. et al. (2019) Protein degradation and fat oxidation changes in salted meat processing. 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    Plasma chemical method of extending the apples shelf life

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-12-21 | Accepted: 2021-02-10 | Available online: 2021-09-30 The efficiency of using ozone and plasma chemical technology to reduce the concentration of ethylene impurities to extend the shelf life of apples has been studied. The ozone concentration was measured by sensors located in the experimental box. The ethylene concentration was measured with an ICA56 meter (in the experimental box) and monitored by sampling from the circulation lines of both boxes. The ICA56 meter use electrochemical sensor with ethylene resolution 0.2 ppm. This sensor have cross sensitivities for CO (40%), ethanol (72%), CO2 (0%), H2 S (220%) and its reason use control method of measuring ethylene. Control samples were analyzed with a Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The chromatograph was pre-calibrated with calibration gas mixtures with ethylene content of 10 and 100 ppm. It has been shown that Gala, McIntosh and Jonathan apples are stored several times better when the air in which apples are stored is treated with a plasma-chemical system. After 40 days of storage in the control box, the weight of apples acceptable for consumption (absence of rot and mold) was for varieties Gala – 3.3 kg (31%), Jonathan – 2.1 kg (15.6%), McIntosh – 2 kg (20%). In the experimental boxing varieties Gala – 12.1 kg (66.4%), Jonathan – 10.2 kg (59.3%), McIntosh – 9.3 kg (52.5%). Thus, the combined plasma-ozone method of air treatment of stored apples has shown high efficiency and has prospects for use.Keywords: plasma treatment, barrierless plasma chemical reactor, ethylene ReferencesBagher, H. et al. (2020). Effect of Cold Plasma on Quality Retention of Fresh-Cut Produce. Journal of Food Quality, 8., W. et al. (1935). Similarities in the effects of ethylene and the plant auxins. Contrib. Boyce Thompson inst., 7, 231–248.Concello, A. et al. (2005). Effect of chilling on ethylene production in eggplant fruit. Food Chemistry, 92, 63–69., L. et al. (2002). Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on ripening of ‘Canino’ apricots and ‘Royal Zee’ plums. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 24, 135–145., K. (2014). Ethylene in Postharvest Technology: A  Review. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(4), 135–143., V. et al. (2003). Patent US #6,544,486 B2 Date 04/18/2003. Golota, V. et al. (2018), Decomposition of ethylene in low temperature plasma of barrierless discharge. Problems of Atomic Sci. and Technol. Ser. Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration, №4 (116), 160–163., V. et al. (2018). The use of ozone technologies in grain storage. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 116(4), 185–188., L. et al. (2017). Recent developments in novel shelf life extension technologies of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 64, 23–38., F. A. et al. (2013). Review on Ozone-Based Treatments for Fruit and Vegetables Preservation. Food Eng Rev, (5), 77–106., A. et al. (1998). Differential Expression and Internal Feedback Regulation of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1- Carboxylate Synthase, 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Oxidase, and Ethylene Receptor Genes in Tomato Fruit during Development and Ripening. Plant Physiol, 118, 1295–1305., L. J. et al. (2001). Effect of ozone on qualities of fruits and vegetables in cold storage. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 81(4), 773–778., G.V. et al. (2019). Plasma-chemical methods for control of biotic contaminants. Problems of Atomic Sci. and Technol. Ser. Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration, 2019, №4 (122), 198–202. VANT_2019_4/article_2019_4_198.pd


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