96 research outputs found

    Musicianship Boosts Perceptual Learning of Pseudoword-Chimeras: An Electrophysiological Approach

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    A vast amount of previous work has consistently revealed that professional music training is associated with functional and structural alterations of auditory-related brain regions. Meanwhile, there is also an increasing array of evidence, which shows that musicianship facilitates segmental, as well as supra-segmental aspects of speech processing. Based on this evidence, we addressed a novel research question, namely whether professional music training has an influence on the perceptual learning of speech sounds. In the context of an EEG experiment, we presented auditory pseudoword-chimeras, manipulated in terms of spectral- or envelope-related acoustic information, to a group of professional musicians and non-musicians. During EEG measurements, participants were requested to assign the auditory-presented pseudoword-chimeras to one out of four visually presented templates. As expected, both groups showed behavioural learning effects during the time course of the experiment. These learning effects were associated with an increase in accuracy, a decrease in reaction time, as well as a decrease in the P2-like microstate duration in both groups. Notably, the musicians showed an increased learning performance compared to the controls during the first two runs of the spectral condition. This perceptual learning effect, which varies as a function of musical expertise, was reflected by a reduction of the P2-like microstate duration. Results may mirror transfer effects from musical training to the processing of spectral information in speech sounds. Hence, this study provides first evidence for a relationship between changes in microstates, musical expertise, and perceptual verbal learning mechanism

    Erleben von Barrieren im öffentlichen Raum für Personen im Rollstuhl und die Auswirkungen auf die gesellschaftliche Partizipation

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    Hintergrund: Trotz bestehender Gesetze zum barrierefreien Bauen bestehen in der Schweiz Barrieren für Personen im Rollstuhl. Diese führen dazu, dass Einschränkungen in der Partizipation am täglichen Leben bestehen. Ziel: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es herauszufinden, wie und welche Barrieren die Partizipation einer Person im Rollstuhl beeinflussen. Zudem werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die Ergotherapie erarbeitet, die Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten zur Unterstützung von Personen im Roll-stuhl befähigen. Methode: Im Rahmen einer Fallanalyse wurde der Proband mit Paraplegie beobachtet und offen und teilstrukturiert befragt. Die Daten wurden in Form der Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse werden im System der internationalen Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit aufgelistet. Sie zeigen, wie Barrieren, hilfreiche Faktoren und Strategien in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen auf die Partizipation von Personen im Rollstuhl einwirken. Schlussfolgerung: Es gibt viele Ansatzpunkte, um die Partizipation von Personen im Roll-stuhl zu verbessern. Ein wesentlicher Faktor ist die Veränderung der gesellschaftlichen Ein-stellung. Hierbei kann die Ergotherapie einen Einfluss darauf haben, Personen im Rollstuhl in ihrer Partizipation zu unterstützen

    Time course of EEG oscillations during repeated listening of a well-known aria

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    While previous studies have analyzed mean neurophysiological responses to musical stimuli, the current study aimed to identify specific time courses of electroencephalography (EEG) oscillations, which are associated with dynamic changes in the acoustic features of the musical stimulus. In addition, we were interested in whether these time courses change during a repeated presentation of the same musical piece. A total of 16 subjects repeatedly listened to the well-known aria “Nessun dorma,” sung by Paul Potts, while continuous 128-channel EEG and heart rate, as well as electrodermal responses, were recorded. The time courses for the EEG oscillations were calculated using a time resolution of 1 second for several frequency bands, on the basis of individual alpha-peak frequencies (theta, low alpha-1, low alpha-2, upper alpha, and beta). For all frequency bands, we identified a more or less continuous increase in power relative to a baseline period, indicating strong event-related synchronization (ERS) during music listening. The ERS time courses, however, did not correlate strongly with the time courses of the acoustic features of the aria. In addition, we did not observe changes in EEG oscillations after repeated presentation of the same musical piece. Aside from this distinctive feature, we identified a remarkable variability in EEG oscillations, both within and between the repeated presentations of the aria. We interpret the continuous increase in ERS observed in all frequency bands during music listening as an indicator of a particular neurophysiological and psychological state evoked by music listening. We suggest that this state is characterized by increased internal attention (accompanied by reduced external attention), increased inhibition of brain networks not involved in the generation of this internal state, the maintenance of a particular level of general alertness, and a type of brain state that can be described as “mind wandering.” The overall state can be categorized as a psychological process that may be seen as a “drawing in” to the musical piece. However, this state is not stable and varies considerably throughout the music listening session and across subjects. Most important, however, is the finding that the neurophysiological activations occurring during music listening are dynamic and not stationary

    Efficacy and safety analysis in metastatic cancer patients treated with multiple courses of repeat radiation therapy

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Due to advances in oncology, a growing proportion of patients is treated with repetitive courses of radiotherapy. The aim of this study is to analyze whether radiotherapy maintains its safety and efficacy profile in patients treated with multiple repeat courses of irradiation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients treated between 2011 and 2019 at our institution were screened for a minimum of five repeat irradiation courses, to analyze treatment characteristics, survival, safety and efficacy. The type of re-irradiation was classified according to ESTRO-EORTC consensus guidelines. RESULTS: A total of n = 112 patients receiving n = 660 radiotherapy courses were included in this retrospective cohort study. The most frequent primary tumors were lung cancer in 41.9 % (n = 47) and malignant melanoma in 8.9 % (n = 10). The most frequent re-irradiation types were repeat irradiation and Type 2 re-irradiation in 309 (46.8 %) and 113 (17.1 %) cases, respectively. Median survival after the first course of radiotherapy was 3.6 (0.3-13.4) years. Response to radiotherapy was observed in 548 (83.0 %) cases and CTCAE toxicity grade ≥ 3 was observed in 21 (3.2 %) cases. An increasing number of RT courses (HR: 1.30, p=<0.0001), Type 1 re-irradiation (HR 3.50, p = 0.008) and KPS ≤ 80 % (HR: 2.02, p = 0.002) were associated with significantly worse treatment responses. Toxicity rates remained stable with increasing numbers of RT courses. CONCLUSION: Multiple courses of repeat radiotherapy maintain a favorable therapeutic ratio of high response combined with reasonable safety profile

    MOBAK – Monitoring motorischer Basiskompetenzen von 4- bis 8-jährigen Kindern in der Schweiz: Dokumentation der Items und Skalen

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    In der vorliegenden Dokumentation sind die Skalen und Items zusammengestellt, welche in der von der Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz (GFCH) geförderten Studie «Monitoring motorischer Basiskompetenzen von 4- bis 8-jährigen Kindern in der Schweiz» (01.12.2019–30.11.2020) verwendet wurden. Diese Studie hat zum Ziel, den motorischen Förderbedarf von 4- bis 8-jährigen Kindern festzustellen und relevante Faktoren zu identifizieren, welche mit der psychischen und physischen Gesundheit der Kinder in Zusammenhang stehen. Kern der Studie bildet die Erfassung der Motorischen Basiskompetenzen (MOBAK; Herrmann, 2018; Herrmann, Seelig, Ferrari & Kühnis, 2019) im 1. Zyklus der Primarschule. Neben einem Monitoring der motorischen Basiskompetenzen im Kindergarten und der ersten Primarschulklasse in den Kantonen Nidwalden und Tessin wurden die Eltern und Lehrpersonen der Kinder mittels Fragebogen befragt. Die Dokumentation der Skalen und Items umfasst die Variablennamen, den zugehörigen Fragetext und die Kodierung, sowie Quellen zu den einzelnen Fragen bzw. Items. Zudem sind Skalen- bzw. Itemkennwerte der psychometrischen Daten aufgeführt.+repphzhbib2020

    Climate and habitat configuration limit range expansion and patterns of dispersal in a non-native lizard

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    Invasive species are one of the main causes of biodiversity loss worldwide. As introduced, populations increase in abundance and geographical range, so does the potential for negative impacts on native communities. As such, there is a need to better understand the processes driving range expansion as species become established in recipient landscapes. Through an investigation into capacity for population growth and range expansion of introduced populations of a non‐native lizard (Podarcis muralis), we aimed to demonstrate how multi‐scale factors influence spatial spread, population growth, and invasion potential in introduced species. We collated location records of P. muralis presence in England, UK through data collected from field surveys and a citizen science campaign. We used these data as input for presence‐background models to predict areas of climate suitability at a national‐scale (5 km resolution), and fine‐scale habitat suitability at the local scale (2 m resolution). We then integrated local models into an individual‐based modeling platform to simulate population dynamics and forecast range expansion for 10 populations in heterogeneous landscapes. National‐scale models indicated climate suitability has restricted the species to the southern parts of the UK, primarily by a latitudinal cline in overwintering conditions. Patterns of population growth and range expansion were related to differences in local landscape configuration and heterogeneity. Growth curves suggest populations could be in the early stages of exponential growth. However, annual rates of range expansion are predicted to be low (5–16 m). We conclude that extensive nationwide range expansion through secondary introduction is likely to be restricted by currently unsuitable climate beyond southern regions of the UK. However, exponential growth of local populations in habitats providing transport pathways is likely to increase opportunities for regional expansion. The broad habitat niche of P. muralis, coupled with configuration of habitat patches in the landscape, allows populations to increase locally with minimal dispersal

    Response behaviour of native lizards and invading wall lizard to interspecific scent: implications for invasion success

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    The human-assisted movement of species beyond their native range facilitates novel interactions between invaders and native species that can determine whether an introduced species becomes invasive and the nature of any consequences for native communities. Avoiding costly interactions through recognition and avoidance can be compromised by the naïvety of native species to novel invaders and vice versa. We tested this hypothesis using the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis, and the native lizard species with which it may now interact in Britain (common lizard, Zootoca vivipara, sand lizard, Lacerta agilis) and on Vancouver Island (northern alligator lizard, Elgaria coerulea) by exploring species' responses (tongue flicks, avoidance behaviour) to heterospecific scent cues in controlled experiments. The tongue flick response of P. muralis depended on the different species’ scent, with significantly more tongue flicks directed to E. coerulea scent than the other species and the control. This recognition did not result in any other behavioural response in P. muralis (i.e. attraction, aggression, avoidance). Lacerta agilis showed a strong recognition response to P. muralis scent, with more tongue flicks occurring close to the treatment stimuli than the control and aggressive behaviour directed towards the scent source. Conversely, Z. vivipara spent less time near P. muralis scent cues than the control but its tongue flick rate was higher towards this scent in this reduced time, consistent with an avoidance response. There was no evidence of E. coerulea recognition of P. muralis scent in terms of tongue flicks or time spent near the stimuli, although the native species did show a preference for P. muralis-scented refuges. Our results suggest a variable response of native species to the scent of P. muralis, from an avoidance response by Z. vivipara that mirrors patterns of exclusion observed in the field to direct aggression observed in L. agilis and an ambiguous reaction from E. coerulea which may reflect a diminished response to a cue with a low associated cost. These results have significant implications for the invasive success and potential impacts of introduced P. muralis populations on native lizards

    Förderung von Sprachkompetenzen Eine Analyse diverser Lehr- und Lernaufgaben aus dem Lehrmittel «die Sprachstarken 4» mit besonderer Beru?cksichtigung zur Förderung von Sprach- & Grammatikbewusstheit

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    Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit besteht darin zu ermitteln, welchen Beitrag Grammatik- unterricht zur Entwicklung der Sprachbewusstheit leistet, um die Sprachkompetenzen der Schu?lerinnen und Schu?ler zu fördern. Dazu gilt es Kriterien fu?r Lehr- und Lernaufgaben festzulegen. Hierfu?r wurde folgende Forschungsfrage formuliert: Wie sehen erfolgsversprechende, grammatikfördernde Lehr- und Lernaufgaben hinsichtlich der Sprachbewusstheit aus? Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung erfolgte zunächst eine Auseinandersetzung mit diversen theoretischen Aspekten und Methoden des Grammatikunterrichts. Diese bildeten die Grundlage zur Festlegung von Kriterien, anhand welcher eine Analyse von Lehr- und Lernaufgaben aus dem aktuellen Lehrmittel «die Sprachstarken 4» erfolgte. Durch die Untersuchung der Lehr- und Lernaufgaben wurde ersichtlich, dass aufgrund eines sprachreflexiven Umgangs die Wahrnehmung fu?r grammatische Strukturen und Phänomene sensibilisiert sowie das Verständnis dafu?r gefördert wird. Diese Erkenntnisse zeigen auf, dass es im schulischen Kontext sprachreflexive Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln und zu begu?nstigen gilt

    Task Context Influences Brain Activation during Music Listening

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    In this paper, we examined brain activation in subjects during two music listening conditions: listening while simultaneously rating the musical piece being played [Listening and Rating (LR)] and listening to the musical pieces unconstrained [Listening (L)]. Using these two conditions, we tested whether the sequence in which the two conditions were fulfilled influenced the brain activation observable during the L condition (LR → L or L → LR). We recorded high-density EEG during the playing of four well-known positively experienced soundtracks in two subject groups. One group started with the L condition and continued with the LR condition (L → LR); the second group performed this experiment in reversed order (LR → L). We computed from the recorded EEG the power for different frequency bands (theta, lower alpha, upper alpha, lower beta, and upper beta). Statistical analysis revealed that the power in all examined frequency bands increased during the L condition but only when the subjects had not had previous experience with the LR condition (i.e., L → LR). For the subjects who began with the LR condition, there were no power increases during the L condition. Thus, the previous experience with the LR condition prevented subjects from developing the particular mental state associated with the typical power increase in all frequency bands. The subjects without previous experience of the LR condition listened to the musical pieces in an unconstrained and undisturbed manner and showed a general power increase in all frequency bands. We interpret the fact that unconstrained music listening was associated with increased power in all examined frequency bands as a neural indicator of a mental state that can best be described as a mind-wandering state during which the subjects are "drawn into" the music

    The impact of congestion charges on social welfare

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    This thesis provides a literature review on the impact of congestion charges on social welfare. The mechanism of a congestion charge is explored through the static model of congestion and a dynamic model of congestion. Then the findings from studies of implementations of congestion charges in Stockholm and London are discussed. The findings from these implementations confirm the ana- lytical result of the models explored; the charges brought a measurable increase of social welfare, primarily through time savings but also by reducing emissions and traffic accidents. It was found that potential future implementations should pay close attention to the system design and operation costs, as these have a considerable effect on the size of the benefits brought forth by a congestion charge