4 research outputs found
Miten kohdata nuoria, jotka ovat syyllistyneet tai saattavat syyllistyä seksuaaliseen väkivaltaan? : opas ammattilaisille ja auttajille
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli luoda opas ammattilaisille ja auttajille yhdessä Välitä!- Nuorten hankkeen kanssa. Opas on suunnattu kaikille, jotka saattavat työssään kohdata nuoria, joilla on riski syyllistyä tai, jotka ovat jo syyllistyneet toisen seksuaalisia rajoja rikkoviin tekoihin. Opas on hyödyllinen myös sellaisille, jotka kohtaavat nuoria työssään.
Opas lisää valmiuksia ja työmenetelmiä aloittaa ja käydä nuorten kanssa keskusteluja liittyen seksuaaliväkivaltaan. Ammattilaiset usein muistavat kysyä nuorten esimerkiksi päihteiden käytöstä, mutta seksuaalisuus tai erityisesti toisen seksuaalisuuden rajoista puhuminen voi jäädä tekemättä.
Riskiä syyllistyä seksuaalirikokseen ei näe nuoresta päällepäin ja sen myötä on tärkeää pitää mielessä, että jokaisessa kohtaamisessa on niistä hyvä kysyä. Nuoret eivät välttämättä uskalla itse ottaa asiaa puheeksi tai tiedä edes ylittäneensä toisen seksuaalisia rajoja.
Oppaassa on käytännön esimerkkejä, miten ottaa asia puheeksi nuoren kanssa ja sen myötä tarjota mahdollisuuden avun piiriin. Oppaassa on kerrottuna mihin voit nuoren ohjata, jos oma osaaminen ei riitä siihen.
Seksuaaliväkivallassa on hyvä muistaa, että vastuu teosta on aina tekijällä, joten sen myötä väkivallan teot eivät lopu, jos tekijöitä ei auteta.The goal of this thesis was to create a guide for professionals and helpers together with Care! Youth Project (Välitä! - Nuorten hanke in Finnish). The guide is aimed for everyone who might encounter young people who are at risk to commit or have already committed an act of sexual violence. The guide is useful for people who work with young people in general.
The guide helps to prepare and adds working methods to start discussions with young people about sexual violence. Professionals often remember to ask youth about substance abuse but discussions about sexuality or especially sexual boundaries are often forgotten.
The risk to commit a sexual offence cannot be seen on the outside and due to that it is important to keep in mind that it should be discussed in every encounter. Young people can be scared to bring up the topic or do not know that they might have crossed other people’s sexual boundaries.
In the guide there are practical examples on how to start a conversation with a young person and offer the possibility to get help. In the guide there is information on where to guide the young person in need of help if the person does not have enough knowledge.
In sexual violence it is good to remember that the perpetrator is always responsible for their actions. Therefore, the act of violence does not end unless the perpetrators are helped
The Nature of Educational Adventure Programming: Linking Education to Adventure in Xwander Nordic
This thesis explores the delivery of education in adventure programming, focused in the context of adventure provider Xwander Nordic, based in Ivalo, Finland. The project is commissioned by Xwander Nordic and aims to aid in the development of educational adventure products and to address the desire to market existing adventure products as adventure education. The main goals of this project are to understand the difference between adventure and adventure education, create a theoretical foundation for delivering adventure education, analyze Xwander Nordic's current and potential ability to provide adventure education, and define what is needed to promote their products as educational experiences.
This work reviews a vast collection of education theory across multiple disciplines, exploring behavioral and cognitive psychology, social constructivism, experiential learning, and transfer theory. Five common principles are uncovered: practice, feedback, reflection, goal setting, and planning for transfer. These principles inform the research into Xwander Nordic. The conducted research involves interviews with adventure guides and the head of Xwander Nordic and an analysis of Xwander Nordic's current ativities listed on their website.
Findings reveal that Xwander Nordic already provides educational experiences in their available products. The nature of adventure itself fulfills the principle of practice through active voluntary participation. Guides demonstrate enthusiasm for education and teaching, incorporating educational practice in their activities to facilitate skill development in customer groups. Feedback is frequently provided, particularly for beginner level participants. While guides express understanding of reflection, it was discovered that this principle was mainly used as a personal tool. More knowledge and practice is needed to be able to expand adventure products into adventure education. Goal setting and planning for transfer are particularly important to include in future deveopment, as this ensures that learning can be taken forward and applied to every day scenarios outside of adventure settings. Although this thesis is conducted through the lens of Xwander Nordic, the theory and findings offer valuable insight for all education and adventure providers interested in expanding their services into the realm of adventure education