1,616 research outputs found

    Promoting Informed Decision-Making: The Role of Message Structure

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    The authors analyze two empirical explorations of relationships between the composition of risk message and critical thinking within audiences

    Purdue Libraries Publishing Services: The Domino Effect of Repository-Based Publishing, Outreach, and Promotion

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    Technical reports have always posed problems for libraries and librarians. They are often bibliographically inconsistent, difficult to source, and published to varying standards of quality. In some fields, these reports are also large in number and central in importance. In many cases, technical reports are just one of many collections that are tied to a particular research center or group. These research centers or groups may also produce data papers, hosted conference proceedings, and other report series, which may also suffer from many of the same issues facing technical reports. In several situations these research centers and groups are unaware of the publishing solutions offered by their own libraries and librarians, in many cases from a minimal to no additional costs. This breakout session will discuss a case study of how the Purdue Libraries Publishing Services division has found innovative ways to face the problems of the Joint Transportation Research Program’s technical reports and their other affiliated collections. This session will also discuss how these innovative solutions for technical reports created a domino effect for future promotion and outreach of the repository by the participating research centers and groups by the deposit of additional content and the hosting repository designation for the Purdue e-Pubs repository for the Purdue Road School Annual Conference. Audience members can expect to hear about the challenges of repository-based publishing of technical reports in the digital age, and the opportunities that exist for improving discoverability and dissemination in the networked environment through promotion and outreach

    Millennial Research on Fleek: Suggestions for Improving Generational Research Design

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    This special issue will examine and embrace the uniqueness of millennials. We look at a number of issues related to this generational cohort, examining what makes them unique, challenging and even assets to those they come into contact with in their lives. In our opening article we discuss the unique attributes of millennials, provide researchers a framework for generational research best practices, and provide an overview of the articles featured in this special issue

    Organizational Satisfaction And Participation: Findings from a Study Of ACE Members

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    Organizations which serve information professionals, such as Agricultural Communicators in Education, must continue to respond to the needs of members through relevant programs and professional opportunities. The study reported here examines satisfaction and participation within the organization. Overall, the study found broad-based member satisfaction. But while there is widespread support, there are segments of the membership which need attention. Findings also identify organizational areas which can be improved, particularly in the conduct of the Critique and Awards Program and in meeting the expectations of members involved in Special Interest Groups (SIG). Specific questions that may have organizational policy implications are raised. The study\u27s finding that member participation positively is related to overall satisfaction with ACE is encouraging. One important goal for ACE, then, would be to encourage increased participation. And, because newer members tend to be the most dissatisfied with ACE, emphasis should be placed on immediately getting them more involved in ACE activities

    Evidence for a diffusion-controlled mechanism for fluorescence blinking of colloidal quantum dots

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    Fluorescence blinking in nanocrystal quantum dots is known to exhibit power-law dynamics, and several different mechanisms have been proposed to explain this behavior. We have extended the measurement of quantum-dot blinking by characterizing fluctuations in the fluorescence of single dots over time scales from microseconds to seconds. The power spectral density of these fluctuations indicates a change in the power-law statistics that occurs at a time scale of several milliseconds, providing an important constraint on possible mechanisms for the blinking. In particular, the observations are consistent with the predictions of models wherein blinking is controlled by diffusion of the energies of electron or hole trap states

    Prostituição, ofensas e bofetadas nos periódicos de Florianópolis entre 1900 – 1930

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    This article have by aim to tell a part of the history of quotidian of violences and attacks on women who provide sexual services in Florianópolis between the years 1900-1930, found in the newspaper of the period.Esse artigo busca contar uma parte da história do cotidiano de violências e agressões sofridas por mulheres que prestavam serviços sexuais em Florianópolis entre os anos de 1900-1930, presente nos jornais do período

    Corda branca em carne negra: Os escravos e a pena de morte por enforcamento no Brasil Império

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    Este artigo busca analisar uma pequena parte da história da pena de morte imposta aos escravos no Brasil Império, e, tenta compreender um pouco do contexto brasileiro da época, e das dificuldades de controle sobre a cada vez maior população escrava. Também se pretende entender o mecanismo legal, a Lei de 10 de junho de 1835, criado para facilitar e acelerar os processos jurídicos em vista da necessidade da punição contra escravos rebeldes, insurgentes, revoltosos e homicidas de senhores e seus protegidos. Algumas especificidades serão tratadas nesse trabalho, que objetiva entender algumas histórias e personagens que exemplificarão o modus operandi de todo o processo de execução imposta aos escravos: o cortejo rumo ao patíbulo, o carrasco responsável pela peculiar maneira de enforcar empregada no Brasil Império, e casos que auxiliam na exemplificação das dificuldades de interpretação das leis, causando situações contraditórias e arbitrárias muitas vezes

    Exploring the effects of personality traits on the perception of emotions from prosody

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    It has repeatedly been argued that individual differences in personality influence emotion processing, but findings from both the facial and vocal emotion recognition literature are contradictive, suggesting a lack of reliability across studies. To explore this relationship further in a more systematic manner using the Big Five Inventory, we designed two studies employing different research paradigms. Study 1 explored the relationship between personality traits and vocal emotion recognition accuracy while Study 2 examined how personality traits relate to vocal emotion recognition speed. The combined results did not indicate a pairwise linear relationship between self-reported individual differences in personality and vocal emotion processing, suggesting that the continuously proposed influence of personality characteristics on vocal emotion processing might have been overemphasized previously

    Robust Digital Holography For Ultracold Atom Trapping

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    We have formulated and experimentally demonstrated an improved algorithm for design of arbitrary two-dimensional holographic traps for ultracold atoms. Our method builds on the best previously available algorithm, MRAF, and improves on it in two ways. First, it allows for creation of holographic atom traps with a well defined background potential. Second, we experimentally show that for creating trapping potentials free of fringing artifacts it is important to go beyond the Fourier approximation in modelling light propagation. To this end, we incorporate full Helmholtz propagation into our calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The good, the bad and the implicit: a comprehensive approach to annotating explicit and implicit sentiment

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    We present a fine-grained scheme for the annotation of polar sentiment in text, that accounts for explicit sentiment (so-called private states), as well as implicit expressions of sentiment (polar facts). Polar expressions are annotated below sentence level and classified according to their subjectivity status. Additionally, they are linked to one or more targets with a specific polar orientation and intensity. Other components of the annotation scheme include source attribution and the identification and classification of expressions that modify polarity. In previous research, little attention has been given to implicit sentiment, which represents a substantial amount of the polar expressions encountered in our data. An English and Dutch corpus of financial newswire, consisting of over 45,000 words each, was annotated using our scheme. A subset of this corpus was used to conduct an inter-annotator agreement study, which demonstrated that the proposed scheme can be used to reliably annotate explicit and implicit sentiment in real-world textual data, making the created corpora a useful resource for sentiment analysis
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