57 research outputs found

    On the relationship between Arctic ice clouds and polluted air masses over the North Slope of Alaska in April 2008

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    Recently, two Types of Ice Clouds (TICs) properties have been characterized using ISDAC airborne measurements (Alaska, April 2008). TIC-2B were characterized by fewer (110 μm) ice crystals, a larger ice supersaturation (>15%) and a fewer ice nuclei (IN) concentration (<2 order of magnitude) when compared to TIC-1/2A. It has been hypothesized that emissions of SO2 may reduce the ice nucleating properties of IN through acidification, resulting to a smaller concentration of larger ice crystals and leading to precipitation (e.g. cloud regime TIC-2B) because of the reduced competition for the same available moisture. Here, the origin of air masses forming the ISDAC TIC-1/2A (1 April 2008) and TIC-2B (15 April 2008) is investigated using trajectory tools and satellite data. Results show that the synoptic conditions favor air masses transport from the three potentials SO2 emission areas to Alaska: eastern China and Siberia where anthropogenic and biomass burning emission respectively are produced and the volcanic region from the Kamchatka/Aleutians. Weather conditions allow the accumulation of pollutants from eastern China/Siberia over Alaska, most probably with the contribution of acid volcanic aerosol during the TIC-2B period. OMI observations reveal that SO2 concentrations in air masses forming the TIC-2B were larger than in air masses forming the TIC-1/2A. Airborne measurements show high acidity near the TIC-2B flight where humidity was low. These results strongly support the hypothesis that acidic coating on IN are at the origin of the formation of TIC-2B

    Preservation of female fertility: The current therapeutic strategy.

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    peer reviewedBACKGROUND: Preservation of female fertility is a relatively new field in medicine that has grown very rapidly in recent decades. At the beginning, embryo freezing remained the most effective technique. Thereafter, cryopreservation of oocytes and ovarian tissue was considered a secure tool in human fertility preservation. Storage of cortical ovarian tissue is moreover relevant for children, prepubertal girls, and adult patients who cannot benefit from cryopreservation of oocytes. OBJECTIVE: To analyze and review recent and relevant scientific literature on medical and social reasons for preservation of fertility. METHODS: The review was conducted based on articles identified from PubMed databases using keywords. MAIN RESULTS: Oocyte vitrification allows women to preserve their fertility without the need for fertilization. Nowadays, thousands of healthy children have been born from this procedure. Occurrence of pregnancy depends on two main factors: the number of mature oocytes in storage and the age of the patient at the time of vitrification. Numerous adaptations have been developed to suit the ovarian stimulation regiments to patients with cancer. In young prepubertal girls, freezing of ovarian tissue remains the best and only option. CONCLUSION: Oocyte vitrification therefore appears to be the gold standard technique of preserving fertility in young women

    SiGe HBTs Optimization for Wireless Power Amplifier Applications

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    This paper deals with SiGe HBTs optimization for power amplifier applications dedicated to wireless communications. In this work, we investigate the fT-BVCEO tradeoff by various collector optimization schemes such as epilayer thickness and dopant concentration, and SIC and CAP characteristics. Furthermore, a new trapezoidal base Germanium (Ge) profile is proposed. Thanks to this profile, precise control of Ge content at the metallurgical emitter-base junction is obtained. Gain stability is obtained for a wide range of temperatures through tuning the emitter-base junction Ge percent. Finally, a comprehensive investigation of Ge introduction into the collector (backside Ge profile) is conducted in order to improve the fT values at high injection levels

    Thiamine Status in Humans and Content of Phosphorylated Thiamine Derivatives in Biopsies and Cultured Cells

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    Background Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an essential molecule for all life forms because thiamine diphosphate (ThDP) is an indispensable cofactor for oxidative energy metabolism. The less abundant thiamine monophosphate (ThMP), thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) and adenosine thiamine triphosphate (AThTP), present in many organisms, may have still unidentified physiological functions. Diseases linked to thiamine deficiency (polyneuritis, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) remain frequent among alcohol abusers and other risk populations. This is the first comprehensive study on the distribution of thiamine derivatives in human biopsies, body fluids and cell lines. Methodology and Principal Findings Thiamine derivatives were determined by HPLC. In human tissues, the total thiamine content is lower than in other animal species. ThDP is the major thiamine compound and tissue levels decrease at high age. In semen, ThDP content correlates with the concentration of spermatozoa but not with their motility. The proportion of ThTP is higher in humans than in rodents, probably because of a lower 25-kDa ThTPase activity. The expression and activity of this enzyme seems to correlate with the degree of cell differentiation. ThTP was present in nearly all brain and muscle samples and in ~60% of other tissue samples, in particular fetal tissue and cultured cells. A low ([ThTP]+[ThMP])/([Thiamine]+[ThMP]) ratio was found in cardiovascular tissues of patients with cardiac insufficiency. AThTP was detected only sporadically in adult tissues but was found more consistently in fetal tissues and cell lines. Conclusions and Significance The high sensitivity of humans to thiamine deficiency is probably linked to low circulating thiamine concentrations and low ThDP tissue contents. ThTP levels are relatively high in many human tissues, as a result of low expression of the 25-kDa ThTPase. Another novel finding is the presence of ThTP and AThTP in poorly differentiated fast-growing cells, suggesting a hitherto unsuspected link between these compounds and cell division or differentiation

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Les nuages de glace en arctique : mécanismes de formation

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    Arctic ice cloud formation during winter is poorly understood mainly due to the lack of observations and the remoteness of this region. Yet, their influence on Northern Hemisphere weather and climate is of paramount importance, and the modification of their properties, linked to aerosol-cloud interaction processes, needs to be better understood.Large concentration of aerosols in the Arctic during winter is associated to long-range transport of anthropogenic aerosols from the mid-latitudes to the Arctic. Observations and models show that this may lead to a significant transport of acidified aerosol particles. Laboratory and in-situ measurements show that at cold temperature ( 110 μm) ice crystals, a larger ice supersaturation (> 15 %) and a fewer ice nuclei (IN) concentration (< 2 order of magnitude) when compared to TIC-1/2A. Ice crystal growth in TIC-2B clouds seems explosive whereas it seems more gradual in TIC-1/2A. It is hypothesized that these differences are linked to the number concentration and the chemical composition of aerosols. The second part of the thesis investigate the origin of air masses forming two specific cases ; TIC-1/2A (1 April 2008) and TIC-2B (15 April 2008), using trajectory tools and satellite data.(...)Les mécanismes de formation des nuages de glace arctiques durant la nuit polaire sont encore mal définis en raison de l’absence d’observations et de l’éloignement de cette région. Pourtant, leur influence sur les conditions météorologiques et sur le climat dans l’hémisphère nord est d’une importance primordiale ; et les connaissances sur la modification de leurs propriétés, liées à des processus d’interaction aérosol-nuage, doivent être améliorées. Les fortes concentrations d’aérosols en Arctique durant la nuit polaire sont associées au transport des aérosols anthropiques des latitudes moyennes jusqu’au pôle Nord. Les observations et les modèles montrent que cela peut conduire à un transport important de particules d’aérosol acidifiées. Les mesures en laboratoire et in situ montrent qu’à basse température (< -30°C), le revêtement d’acide sur les noyaux glaçogènes (IN) peut réduire leurs propriétés de nucléation de la glace. Par conséquent, leur concentration est réduite dans ces régions entraînant une plus faible concentration de plus gros cristaux de glace en raison d’une diminution de la compétition pour une humidité disponible similaire. De nombreuses mesures de terrain et par télédétection par satellite (CloudSat et CALIPSO) révèlent l’existence de deux types de nuages de glace (TIC) en Arctique durant la nuit polaire. Les nuages de glace de type 1 (TIC-1) ne sont visibles que par le lidar tandis que les nuages de glace de type 2 (TIC-2) sont perçus à la fois par le lidar et le radar. Les TIC-2 sont divisés en TIC-2A et TIC-2B. Les TIC-2A sont recouverts d’une fine couche de petits cristaux de glace non-précipitant (invisible par le radar) (TIC-1), tandis que les TIC-2B ne le sont pas. Ils sont caractérisés par une faible concentration de gros cristaux de glace. On suppose que la microstructure des TIC-2B est liée à l’acidification des aérosols. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, des études de cas et des approches statistiques ont été combinées afin d’analyser le transport des aérosols et les propriétés des nuages de glace en Arctique. La première partie de la thèse enquête sur les propriétés microphysiques des TIC-1/2A et TIC-2B, en analysant des mesures aéroportées et satellitaires de cas spécifiques observés durant la campagne de mesures ISDAC (Alaska, Avril 2008). Pour la première fois, les microstructures des TIC-1/2A et TIC-2B en Arctique sont comparées en utilisant les observations in-situ des nuages. (...) La deuxième partie de la thèse enquête sur l’origine des masses d’air formant deux cas spécifiques de TICs ISDAC : TIC-1/2A (1 Avril 2008) et TIC-2B (15 Avril 2008), en utilisant des outils de trajectoire et des données satellitaires

    Ice clouds in Artic : forming mechanisms

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    Les mécanismes de formation des nuages de glace arctiques durant la nuit polaire sont encore mal définis en raison de l’absence d’observations et de l’éloignement de cette région. Pourtant, leur influence sur les conditions météorologiques et sur le climat dans l’hémisphère nord est d’une importance primordiale ; et les connaissances sur la modification de leurs propriétés, liées à des processus d’interaction aérosol-nuage, doivent être améliorées. Les fortes concentrations d’aérosols en Arctique durant la nuit polaire sont associées au transport des aérosols anthropiques des latitudes moyennes jusqu’au pôle Nord. Les observations et les modèles montrent que cela peut conduire à un transport important de particules d’aérosol acidifiées. Les mesures en laboratoire et in situ montrent qu’à basse température ( 110 μm) ice crystals, a larger ice supersaturation (> 15 %) and a fewer ice nuclei (IN) concentration (< 2 order of magnitude) when compared to TIC-1/2A. Ice crystal growth in TIC-2B clouds seems explosive whereas it seems more gradual in TIC-1/2A. It is hypothesized that these differences are linked to the number concentration and the chemical composition of aerosols. The second part of the thesis investigate the origin of air masses forming two specific cases ; TIC-1/2A (1 April 2008) and TIC-2B (15 April 2008), using trajectory tools and satellite data.(...

    Satellite-based analysis of top of atmosphere shortwave radiative forcing trend induced by biomass burning aerosols over South-Eastern Atlantic

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    Abstract This study investigates long-term changes in the shortwave direct aerosol radiative effect (DARE) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) induced by biomass burning aerosol (BBA) transported from southern Africa to the south-eastern Atlantic (SEA) stratocumulus region during extended fire seasons. The evolution since 2002 of aerosol, cloud properties, and TOA shortwave outgoing radiation from advanced passive satellite sensors are presented, as well as the observational trend in clear-sky DAREclr and the retrieval trend in all-sky DAREall. Supplemented by chemical transport model simulations, we estimate that DAREclr has become more negative (−0.09 ± 0.06 W m−2 yr−1) due to increased aerosol presence in SEA. Meanwhile, DAREall has become more positive ( + 0.04 ± 0.15 W m−2 yr−1) due to aerosols in cloudy sky regions. This study reveals satellite capabilities in capturing complex BBA-cloud-solar radiation interactions for accurate radiative forcing estimates and projections

    Les nuages de glace en arctique (mécanismes de formation)

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    Les mécanismes de formation des nuages de glace arctiques durant la nuit polaire sont encore mal définis en raison de l absence d observations et de l éloignement de cette région. Pourtant, leur influence sur les conditions météorologiques et sur le climat dans l hémisphère nord est d une importance primordiale ; et les connaissances sur la modification de leurs propriétés, liées à des processus d interaction aérosol-nuage, doivent être améliorées. Les fortes concentrations d aérosols en Arctique durant la nuit polaire sont associées au transport des aérosols anthropiques des latitudes moyennes jusqu au pôle Nord. Les observations et les modèles montrent que cela peut conduire à un transport important de particules d aérosol acidifiées. Les mesures en laboratoire et in situ montrent qu à basse température ( 110 m) ice crystals, a larger ice supersaturation (> 15 %) and a fewer ice nuclei (IN) concentration (< 2 order of magnitude) when compared to TIC-1/2A. Ice crystal growth in TIC-2B clouds seems explosive whereas it seems more gradual in TIC-1/2A. It is hypothesized that these differences are linked to the number concentration and the chemical composition of aerosols. The second part of the thesis investigate the origin of air masses forming two specific cases ; TIC-1/2A (1 April 2008) and TIC-2B (15 April 2008), using trajectory tools and satellite data.(...)CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF