98 research outputs found

    Estrategias de afrontamiento de profesionales que atienden a la infancia y adolescencia con necesidades de apoyo: una aproximación desde la ética del humor

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    Marco teórico. El presente trabajo de investigación aborda en su marco teórico el concepto de discapacidad y cómo éste ha ido cambiando a lo largo del tiempo desde un enfoque centrado en la discapacidad hasta un modelo centrado en la persona. Más adelante analiza la salud y la calidad de vida de los/as profesionales que atienden a niños/as y adolescentes con necesidades de apoyo, así como los factores que pueden repercutir en la sensación de estar quemado/a en el trabajo, cuestión que se deriva del estrés laboral, el burnout o la fatiga por compasión. A continuación pone el foco en las distintas estrategias que utilizan estos/as profesionales y, entre ellas, el humor ético. Para finalizar, analiza la inteligencia emocional de los/as profesionales que cuidan y atienden a la infancia y adolescencia con necesidades de apoyo. Objetivos e hipótesis. El objetivo general de la tesis es estudiar el papel del humor y otras estrategias de afrontamiento como protectores del bienestar, incluyendo satisfacción con la vida y salud percibida, en una muestra de profesionales que atienden a niños, niñas y adolescentes con necesidades de apoyo. Método. Estudio mixto con metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. En el estudio cuantitativo participaron 287 profesionales que atienden menores con necesidades de apoyo de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los análisis incluyeron análisis de fiabilidad y validez, análisis descriptivos e inferenciales, y la estimación de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. En la parte cualitativa se entrevistó a 25 profesionales con contacto continuo con la población objeto de estudio y experiencia mínima de un año en su trabajo actual. Resultados. Las escalas mostraron adecuadas evidencias de fiabilidad y validez. En los análisis en función de las características sociodemográficas se encontraron diferencias en relación con el estado civil, el área y el puesto de trabajo. A mayor edad se obtuvieron menores niveles de atención y claridad emocional, salud mental y casi todas las estrategias (reevaluación positiva, evitación, focalización en la solución del problema y búsqueda de apoyo social); y mayor nivel de salud y de la estrategia religión. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales tuvo un ajuste adecuado, y se consiguió explicar un 44.5% de la salud física, un 70.7% de la salud mental y un 42.3% de la satisfacción con la vida. En el estudio cualitativo, los/as entrevistados/as creen que su trabajo puede desencadenar estrés y burnout causado habitualmente por: motivaciones emocionales, las condiciones en las que desempeñan sus tareas, las características de los/as menores y las características del trabajo que realizan. En los efectos emocionales se identificó hasta 15 secuelas distintas como llanto, ansiedad, tristeza, etc.; en los efectos sobre el comportamiento falta de desconexión, cambios en el apetito, mal humor, etc.; y en los efectos físicos dificultades de sueño, dolores musculares y de cabeza, cansancio, etc. En los/as profesionales el fenómeno que predomina es la satisfacción por compasión. Además, el recurso del humor es utilizado por estos /as profesionales. Conclusiones. Se ha mostrado que la edad se relaciona con la inteligencia emocional, la salud y casi todas las estrategias de afrontamiento. Los/as trabajadores del área educativa puntúan más alto en salud mental que los de otras áreas no especificadas; y los del área sanitaria recurren más a la religión que los demás. Los/as directivos, técnicos/as y personal de atención directa valoran mejores condiciones de trabajo que el personal de servicios. Sin embargo, el personal de servicios registra más salud física que los/as directivos/as y técnicos. Además, los directivos/as puntúan más alto que el personal de servicios y el de atención directa en reevaluación positiva y en focalización en la solución del problema. El género, la formación previa y la titularidad del centro de trabajo son factores que no influyen ni en los antecedentes ni en los indicadores de bienestar. Del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales extraemos que profesionales con mejores condiciones de trabajo, menor inteligencia emocional, mayor uso de estrategias de evitación y menor focalización en la solución de problemas muestran mayores niveles de salud física. Aquellos con mayores niveles de humor estratégico y menor uso de autofocalización negativa presentan mayores niveles de salud mental. Aquellos con mejores condiciones de trabajo, mayores niveles de humor estratégico y evitación, y menores puntuaciones en autofocalización negativa, presentan más satisfacción con la vida. El estrés y burnout se predice por motivos emocionales, condiciones y características de su trabajo y las características de los/as menores. La mayoría experimentaron estrés y, ese estrés, a veces, ha derivado en burnout. El estrés y el burnout tuvo consecuencias físicas, emocionales y en el comportamiento. En el resultado emocional de su labor identifican satisfacción por compasión. El humor es un recurso utilizado como estrategia de afrontamiento tanto personal como social y utilizan, principalmente, el humor ético.Theoretical framework. In this research work, the concept of disability is addressed within its theoretical framework. It also takes into consideration how this concept has changed over time from a disability-centred approach to a person-centred model. Further on, it analyses the health and quality of life of the professionals who care for children and adolescents with support needs. In the same way, it tackles the factors that can prone to the feeling of being burned out at work, an issue that derives from job stress, burnout, or compassion fatigue. The research focuses then on the different strategies used by these professionals and, among them, what is known as ethical humour. Finally, it analyses the emotional intelligence of the professionals who care for and look after children and adolescents with support needs. Objectives and hypotheses. The overall aim of the thesis is to study the role of humour and other coping strategies as protectors of well-being, including satisfaction with life and perceived health. The study was conducted on a sample of professionals who care for children and adolescents with support needs. Method. Mixed study with a quantitative and qualitative methodology. In the quantitative study, 287 professionals who care for minors with support needs from the Valencian Community participated. The study included reliability and validity analysis, descriptive and inferential analysis, and the estimation of a structural equation model. In the qualitative part, 25 professionals with continuous contact with the population under study and experience of at least one year in their current job were interviewed. Results. The scales showed appropriate evidence of reliability and validity. In the analysis based on sociodemographic characteristics, differences were found concerning marital status, work area and job position. At an older age, the results obtained were, on the one hand, lower levels of attention and emotional clarity, mental health and almost all the strategies (positive reassessment, avoidance, focus on problem-solving and search for social support); and on the other hand, higher level of health and religious coping strategy. The structural equations model had a proper setting, and it was possible to explain 44.5% of physical health, 70.7% of mental health and 42.3% of satisfaction with life. In the qualitative study, the interviewees believe that their work can trigger stress and burnout. Both caused by emotional reasons, the conditions in which they perform their tasks, the characteristics of the minors and the features of the work they do. Within the emotional effects, up to 15 different after-effects were identified such as crying, anxiety, sadness, etc.; regarding the effects on behaviour: lack of disconnection, changes in appetite, bad mood, etc.; and in the physical effects: sleep difficulties, muscle aches and headaches, fatigue, etc. In professionals, the predominant phenomenon is satisfaction out of compassion. In addition, these professionals used humour as a resource. Conclusions. Age has been found to be related to emotional intelligence, health, and almost all coping strategies. Workers in the educational area score higher in mental health than those in other unspecified areas, and those in the health area resort to religion more than the others. Managers, technicians, and direct care personnel score higher for better working conditions than service personnel. However, service personnel register better physical health than managers and technicians. In addition, managers score higher than service and direct care personnel in positive reassessment and in focusing on solving problems. Gender, previous training, and ownership of the workplace are factors that do not influence either the background or the welfare indicators. From the structural equations model, it can be concluded that professionals with better working conditions, lower emotional intelligence, greater use of avoidance strategies and less focus on problem-solving show higher levels of physical health. Those with higher levels of strategic humour and less use of negative self-focusing have higher levels of mental health. Those with better working conditions, higher levels of strategic humour and harm avoidance, and lower scores on negative self-focusing, show more satisfaction with life. Stress and burnout are predicted by emotional reasons. Among these reasons are the conditions and quality of work and the characteristics of the minors. Most of them experienced stress which sometimes has led to burnout. Stress and burnout had physical, emotional, and behavioural consequences. As an emotional consequence of their work, they identify satisfaction by compassion. Humour is a resource used as a personal and social coping strategy, and they mainly use ethical humour

    La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA): ¿cómo afrontan las y los profesionales sociosanitarios su trabajo con las personas afectadas?

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    La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa en la que fallan las neuronas llamadas “motoneuronas”, lo que provoca una paralización progresiva de los músculos, que afecta a la movilidad e impide la adecuada deglución, habla y respiración, entre otros síntomas. Además, no tiene cura; solo se pueden paliar sus consecuencias para intentar mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas con que padecen la enfermedad, desde distintos ámbitos sociosanitarios. El presente artículo aborda la percepción de las estrategias de afrontamiento de las y los profesionales que atienden a las personas afectadas, su formación para dicho fin y su satisfacción profesional. Así, a partir de veintidós entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a profesionales sociosanitarios de la provincia de Valencia (España), se ha realizado un análisis de contenido cualitativo de la información obtenida. El estudio ha identificado distintas estrategias de afrontamiento que utilizan los profesionales (aceptación, humor y separación, entre otras) y cómo estas varían según la función que los profesionales desempeñan en el tratamiento de la enfermedad. Asimismo, se ha evidenciado que los entrevistados tienen importantes carencias en formación para el afrontamiento, la comunicación con los enfermos y el proceso de duelo

    Coupling of sensors and machine learning algorithms in the qualitative analysis of wine

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    This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 8th International Symposium on Sensor ScienceThis work attempts the identification of the production year, the cultivar's region and the aging method used in the elaboration of different Spanish red wines, all from the "tempranillo" grape variety. The identification of such characteristics relies on the use of a voltammetric electronic tongue (ET) system formed by modified graphite-epoxy electrodes (GEC) and metallic electrodes to collect a set of six voltammograms per sample, and different chemometric tools to accomplish the final identifications. A large sample set that included 199 different wine samples from commercial and own elaboration origin were analysed with the electronic tongue system, using the cyclic voltammetry technique and without any sample pre-treatment. To process the extremely complex and high-dimensionality generated data, a compression strategy was used for the acquired voltammograms, using discrete wavelet transform (DWT). This treatment reduced the information to ca. 10%, preserving significant features from the voltammetric signals. Compressed data was evaluated firstly by unsupervised methods, i.e., principal component analysis (PCA), without much success as it was found that such methods were unable to unravel the patterns contained within such complex data samples. Finally, the processed electrochemical information was evaluated by supervised methods to accomplish the proper identification; among those methods were linear discriminant analysis (LDA), supported vector machines (SVM) or artificial neural networks (ANN). The best results were obtained using artificial neural networks (ANNs), achieving 96.1% of correct classification for bottled year, 86.8% for elaboration region (protected designation of origin) and 98.6% for maturation type with or without use of wood barrel

    Un programa de formación en lectura crítica en Internet para jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual

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    En este artículo se presenta un programa de intervención dirigido al entrenamiento de personas con discapacidad intelectual en algunas de las habilidades básicas necesarias para evaluar críticamente la fiabilidad de la información disponible en internet. Así, la herramienta trata de sensibilizar a los participantes acerca de la habitual existencia de información contradictoria en internet sobre un mismo tema, y, principalmente, enseñarles a identificar y evaluar tres factores básicos relacionados con la fiabilidad y la validez de dicha información: el control editorial de la fuente, el conocimiento acreditado por la profesión del autor y la intención del autor o del sitio web

    Effectiveness of water-oriented thinning in two semiarid forests: The redistribution of increased net rainfall into soil water, drainage and runoff

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    [EN] Water is the key element that modulates the provision of goods and services together with global/climate stressors affecting semiarid forests. In this sense, there is a need to improve the understanding and quantification of forest and water relationships as affected by forest management. This work addresses this issue by comparing net rainfall (Pn) redistribution into different belowground hydrological processes (BHP) in two forest types after a thinning treatment: a holm oak coppice (HU) and a post-fire Aleppo pine regeneration (CAL). The relative contribution (RI) of forest structure, antecedent soil moisture (¿st), rainfall and meteorological conditions on the BHP was assessed through boosted regression trees models. In both sites, the RI of the forest structure itself was limited (< 10%). However, ¿st, which clearly increased significantly with thinning, received an average RI of 29%. Surface and subsurface lateral flows showed values<1% of gross rainfall (Pg) in either site and were not significantly affected by thinning. On the other hand, soil moisture and drainage were affected by the thinning treatment, although with different extent depending on the site: in the drier site (CAL), the increased Pn in the thinning was mainly allocated into increased soil water content, with very limited improvement in drainage (< 10 mm/year); in contrast, in the wetter continental site of HU, drainage to deeper soil layers was the most remarkable effect of thinning (50 mm/year higher than in control), given the higher ¿st and hence the lower soil water storage available. Thinning also improved the response of BHP during drought, making these processes more elastic and less vulnerable to climatic extremes. The results presented here complement those previously reported on rainfall partitioning in these sites and all together provide a comprehensive understanding of the short-term effect (3¿4 years) of water-oriented silviculture in Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis low-biomass semiarid forests. Questions such as the long-term effects of thinning remain open for these ecosystems.This study is a component of research projects: HYDROSIL (CGL2011-28776-C02-02), SILWAMED (CGL2014-58127-C3-2), CEHYRFO-MED (CGL2017-86839-C3-2-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), FEDER funds (EU) and LIFE17 CCA/ES/000063 RESILIENTFORESTS. The authors are grateful to the Valencia Regional Government (CMAAUV), VAERSA, ACCIONA, the "Sierra Calderona" Natural Park and the communal authority of Serra, for their support in allowing the use of the experimental forest and for their assistance in carrying out the fieldwork. A.J. Molina is beneficiary of a "Juan de la Cierva" post-doctoral fellowship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Campo García, ADD.; González Sanchis, MDC.; Molina Herrera, A.; Garcia-Prats, A.; Ceacero, CJ.; Bautista, I. (2019). Effectiveness of water-oriented thinning in two semiarid forests: The redistribution of increased net rainfall into soil water, drainage and runoff. Forest Ecology and Management. 438:163-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.02.020S16317543

    Embodied energy in agricultural inputs. Incorporating a historical perspective

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    Este documento de trabajo analiza la energía asociada a los inputs agrarios en perspectiva histórica. El estudio se basa en una amplia revisión bibliográfica, que se ha complementado con estimaciones propias para crear una base de datos coherente que incluye toda la energía directa e indirecta asociada a los principales insumos agrícolas con el máximo nivel de desagregación posible. Estos insumos incluyen mano de obra, vectores energéticos como combustibles y electricidad, materiales, maquinaria, fertilizantes y pesticidas de síntesis, insumos orgánicos, material de propagación, insumos asociados al regadío, edificaciones, invernaderos, transporte y servicios no materiales. Para cada insumo se describe su evolución histórica desde la perspectiva energética, las metodologías más comúnmente empleadas en la literatura para el cálculo de su energía asociada, y se proporcionan series temporales sobre la evolución de esta energía. Las series temporales incluyen todo el siglo XX y la primera década del siglo XXI, y están expresadas en cortes decenales. Los valores ofrecidos son promedios globales o referidos a las principales regiones productoras. Los resultados muestran los grandes cambios que han ocurrido en la eficiencia energética de la producción de insumos agrícolas, subrayando la necesidad de emplear coeficientes dinámicos en el análisis energético de la evolución histórica de los sistemas agrícolas.This working paper analyzes the energy embodied in agricultural inputs from a historical perspective. The study is based on a wide literature review, which has been complemented with own estimations in order to create a coherent database including all direct and indirect energy associated to the main agricultural inputs with the maximum possible level of disaggregation. The inputs studied include human labour, energy carriers such as fuels and electricity, materials, machinery, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, organic inputs, propagation material, irrigation inputs, buildings, greenhouses, transport and non-material services. For each input we describe its historical evolution from an energetic perspective, the most common methods used for the calculation of its embodied energy published in the literature and temporal data series on the historical evolution of this energy. The temporal data series are expressed in 10-year time-steps and, in the majority of cases, they cover the whole 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. The values provided are global averages or covering the main producing regions. The results show the large changes that have occurred in the energy efficiency of the production of agricultural inputs, underlining the need for the use of dynamic coefficients in historical energy analyses of agricultural systems

    Perfusión tisular periférica en talones de sujetos sanos expuestos a presión continua

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    Objetivos: 1) Observar los cambios que se producen en el flujo microvascular periférico de talones de sujetos sanos expuestos a patrones de presión continuo, 2) Observar los cambios que se producen en la temperatura periférico de talones de sujetos sanos expuestos a patrones de presión continuo. Metodología: Estudio experimental no controlado, no aleatorizado en fase preclínica. La población diana fueron los alumnos sanos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. El procedimiento a seguir fue protocolizado y se llevó a cabo por igual en todos los sujetos: se evaluó el flujo capilar sanguíneo y la temperatura local de los talones de los sujetos, mediante láser Doppler. Los datos se analizaron con el software informático SPSS. Resultados: Los valores iniciales de flujo capilar sanguíneo y temperatura local obtenidos fueron: 5,06 UA (unidad arbitraria) y 26,24 ºC, respectivamente; después de las dos horas de medición los valores fueron: 6,91 UA y 26,84 ºC. Por tanto, el flujo vascular sanguíneo incrementó un 36,51% y la temperatura local un 2,29%. Discusión/ Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos muestran un ligero aumento de los valores de la microcirculación capilar sanguínea y de la temperatura local después de una exposición continua a presión durante dos horas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Stressors due to handling impair gut immunity in meagre (Argyrosomus regius): the compensatory role of dietary L-Tryptophan

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    In the context of intensive aquaculture, meagre (Argyrosomus regius) is one of the most important new aquaculture species in Southern Europe and several studies are focused on the optimization of its culture. Nevertheless, stressors such as handling during transport or culture maintenance may affect the immune system, thereby impairing some immune responses or provoking cellular damage. One strategy that has been used to avert this type of negative stress response is the supplementation of amino acids to improve resistance to stress. In this experiment, meagre (105.0 ± 2.6 g, mean ± standard deviation) juveniles were fed two diets for a period of 7 days, the first a commercial diet supplemented with 1% tryptophan (Trp) and second, the same commercial diet without tryptophan supplementation (control group). The effects of two types of handling stressors (air exposure and confinement/netting) on fish fed both diets was evaluated in terms of gene expression of the selected gut immunity markers, such as (1) innate immune response processes: c3 complement (c3), lysozyme (lys), and cyclooxygenase (cox2); (2) humoral immune response processes: interferon type 1 (ifn1), mx protein (mxp), interleukin 1b (il-1b), tumor necrosis factor 1a (tnf1a), and interleukin 10 (il-10); (3) antimicrobial peptides: defensin (def), hepcidin (hep), piscidin (pis), and a marker for mitochondrial respiration: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh). Samples of the anterior intestine were collected at 1 and 6 h post-stress (hps). Results showed that in fish fed 1% Trp, the air exposure resulted in an upregulation of gene expression at 6 hps for c3, lys, cox2, ifn1, mxp, il-10 and gapdh, and il-1b and pis. The confinement/netting test for fish fed 1% Trp resulted in an upregulation of c3 and mxp and a downregulation of cox2, ifn1, il-1b, tnf1a, il-10, def, hep, and gapdh at both post-stress times (1 and 6 hps). According to the present study, dietary supplementation with 1% Trp may be considered as a proper nutritional strategy for improving tolerance and/or alleviating acute response to handling stressors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stressors Due to Handling Impair Gut Immunity in Meagre (Argyrosomus regius): The Compensatory Role of Dietary L-Tryptophan

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    In the context of intensive aquaculture, meagre (Argyrosomus regius) is one of the most important new aquaculture species in Southern Europe and several studies are focused on the optimization of its culture. Nevertheless, stressors such as handling during transport or culture maintenance may affect the immune system, thereby impairing some immune responses or provoking cellular damage. One strategy that has been used to avert this type of negative stress response is the supplementation of amino acids to improve resistance to stress. In this experiment, meagre (105.0 ± 2.6 g, mean ± standard deviation) juveniles were fed two diets for a period of 7 days, the first a commercial diet supplemented with 1% tryptophan (Trp) and second, the same commercial diet without tryptophan supplementation (control group). The effects of two types of handling stressors (air exposure and confinement/netting) on fish fed both diets was evaluated in terms of gene expression of the selected gut immunity markers, such as (1) innate immune response processes: c3 complement (c3), lysozyme (lys), and cyclooxygenase (cox2); (2) humoral immune response processes: interferon type 1 (ifn1), mx protein (mxp), interleukin 1b (il-1b), tumor necrosis factor 1a (tnf1a), and interleukin 10 (il-10); (3) antimicrobial peptides: defensin (def), hepcidin (hep), piscidin (pis), and a marker for mitochondrial respiration: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh). Samples of the anterior intestine were collected at 1 and 6 h post-stress (hps). Results showed that in fish fed 1% Trp, the air exposure resulted in an upregulation of gene expression at 6 hps for c3, lys, cox2, ifn1, mxp, il-10 and gapdh, and il-1b and pis. The confinement/netting test for fish fed 1% Trp resulted in an upregulation of c3 and mxp and a downregulation of cox2, ifn1, il-1b, tnf1a, il-10, def, hep, and gapdh at both post-stress times (1 and 6 hps). According to the present study, dietary supplementation with 1% Trp may be considered as a proper nutritional strategy for improving tolerance and/or alleviating acute response to handling stressors

    Distribuição espacial do risco de infecções respiratórias agudas em Angola, no período 2016-2019: uma previsão de contágio por COVID-19

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    The increase in cases and deaths from acute respiratory infections is a social and economic problem in Angola. With the aim to stratify the occurrence of acute respiratory illnesses, a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from 2016 to 2019. This study assessed how the morbidity and mortality variables changed at a national, provincial, and municipal level. Statistical sources were provided with the provincial reports, sickness forms, and district health information software. The morbidity and mortality rates were calculated, strata of high, medium, and low strata were identified. The results were presented on maps. In morbidity, 55.6% of provinces had a high risk, 22.2% with moderate risk and low in each one; in the municipalities, 50% had high risk, 35.2% moderate and 14.7% low. In 5.5% of the provinces the risk of death was high, in 55.5% moderate and in 44.4% below in the municipalities, 38.4% high risk, 33.3% moderate and 28.2% low. In the stratification, it was identified a high risk of morbidity at a provincial and municipality level, although in terms of mortality, there was a predominance of moderate risk in the provinces, and high and moderate in the municipalities. This information is useful for health authorities in the process of organizing and planning of services, in the distribution of human resources and materials for a greater coverage and effectiveness of intersectoral actions in the prevention and control of these diseases.El aumento de casos y muertes por infecciones respiratorias agudas es un problema social y económico en Angola. Para estratificar la aparición de enfermedades respiratorias agudas, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de 2016 a 2019. Se estudiaron las variables de morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel nacional, provincial y municipal. Las fuentes estadísticas fueron los informes provinciales, los formularios de notificación de enfermedades y el software de información de salud del distrito. Se calcularon las tasas de morbilidad y mortalidade, se identificaron estratos de riesgo alto, medio y bajo Los resultados se presentaron en mapas. En la morbilidad, el 55.6% de las províncias tuvieron un riesgo alto, el 22.2% con riesgo moderado y bajo en cada uno; &nbsp;en los municipios, el 50% tuvieron riesgo alto, el 35,2% moderado y el 14,7% bajo. En el 5,5% de las provincias el riesgo de muerte &nbsp;fue alto, &nbsp;en el 55,5% moderado y en el 44,4%&nbsp; bajo; &nbsp;en los municipios, el 38,4% tuvo alto riesgo , el 33,3% moderado y el 28,2% bajo. La estratificación, identificó que a nivel de las provincias y municipios había un alto riesgo de morbilidad, mientras que en la mortalidad, &nbsp;predominó el riesgo moderado en las provincias y alto y moderado en los municípios. Esta información es útil para las autoridades sanitarias en la organización y planificación de servicios, la distribución de recursos humanos y materiales para una mayor cobertura y efectividad de las acciones intersectoriales en la prevención y control de estas enfermedades.O incremento de casos e óbitos de infecções respiratórias agudas constituem um problema social e económico em Angola. Com o objectivo de estratificar a ocorrência das doenças respiratórias agudas, realizou-se um estudo descritivo transversal no período de 2016 a 2019. Foram estudadas as variáveis de morbilidade e mortalidade a nível nacional, provincial e municipal. As fontes estatísticas foram os relatórios provinciais, fichas de notificação de doenças e o Software Distrital de Informação em Saúde. A estratificação de risco da morbilidade e mortalidade das infecções respiratórias agudas, nos níveis provincial e municipal baseou-se no cálculo das taxas e foram identificados estratos de alto risco, médio e baixo e os resultados foram apresentados em mapas. Na morbilidade, 10 províncias tiveram um risco maior, representando 55,6%, o moderado e baixo em 4 (22,2%) para cada; nos municípios, 50 % tiveram maior risco, 35,2 % com risco moderado e 14,7 % com baixo risco. O maior risco de morrer foi em 5,5% das províncias, moderado em 55,5% e baixo em 44,4%; nos municípios, 38,4% tiveram maior risco, 33,3% com moderado e 28,2% com baixo risco. Na estratificação, identificou-se que a nível das províncias e municípios houve maior risco da morbilidade. Quanto a mortalidade, observou-se predomínio de risco moderado nas províncias e o risco alto e moderado, foi observado nos municípios. Esta informação é útil para as autoridades sanitárias na organização e planificação dos serviços, na distribuição de recursos humanos e materiais para uma maior cobertura e efectividade de acções intersectoriais na prevenção e controlo destas doenças