28 research outputs found

    Learning from Your Own Interests. An Analysis of the VTS Methodology in Terms of Educational Theory and Learning Processes

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    The question of whether to explain or know the artistic codes in the educational contexts to the art museums has reopened and is once again at the center of a lively debate The teaching of art in the Visual arts museums in Catalonia have been shaken in recent years by currents of reflection analysis and renewal that have advanced in parallel with those of the world of education Some learning and reflection methodologies around the work of art such as Visual Thinking Strategies they are re-examined for their educational potential in this new context This article is about they contrast with various seminal texts on how we learn at the neuronal level and in environments museological to analyze its potentia

    Congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in Europe (Spain): a case report

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    Here we report a documented case of congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi from a Bolivian mother with chronic Chagas disease living in Spain. The serology and blood nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were positive for the mother, and amastigote forms were observed in histopathological study of the placenta and umbilical cord. Direct examination, culture, and nested PCR were positive in the blood of the neonate. At the age of 8 days, the neonate began treatment with 5-7.5 mg/kg/day of benznidazol, which was continued for 60 days. Direct examination, blood culture, and nested PCR were negative to T. cruzi 20 days after the start of treatment and remained negative 4 and 7 months thereafter. Serological tests were negative at 4 months. To detect congenital infection and initiate early treatment of infected newborns, protocols are required to detect Chagas disease in pregnant women who migrate from endemic to non-endemic areas

    In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Ibrexafungerp (SCY-078) Against Contemporary Blood Isolates From Medically Relevant Species of Candida: A European Study

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    BackgroundIbrexafungerp (SCY-078) is the newest oral and intravenous antifungal drug with broad activity, currently undergoing clinical trials for invasive candidiasis. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to assess the in vitro activity of ibrexafungerp and comparators against a collection of 434 European blood isolates of Candida. MethodsIbrexafungerp, caspofungin, fluconazole, and micafungin minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were collected from 12 European laboratories for 434 blood isolates, including 163 Candida albicans, 108 Candida parapsilosis, 60 Candida glabrata, 40 Candida tropicalis, 29 Candida krusei, 20 Candida orthopsilosis, 6 Candida guilliermondii, 2 Candida famata, 2 Candida lusitaniae, and 1 isolate each of Candida bracarensis, Candida catenulata, Candida dubliniensis, and Candida kefyr. MICs were determined by the EUCAST broth microdilution method, and isolates were classified according to recommended clinical breakpoints and epidemiological cutoffs. Additionally, 22 Candida auris from different clinical specimens were evaluated. ResultsIbrexafungerp MICs ranged from 0.016 to >= 8 mg/L. The lowest ibrexafungerp MICs were observed for C. albicans (geometric MIC 0.062 mg/L, MIC range 0.016-0.5 mg/L) and the highest ibrexafungerp MICs were observed for C. tropicalis (geometric MIC 0.517 mg/L, MIC range 0.06->= 8 mg/L). Modal MICs/MIC(50)s (mg/L) against Candida spp. were 0.125/0.06 for C. albicans, 0.5/0.5 for C. parapsilosis, 0.25/0.25 for C. glabrata, 0.5/0.5 for C. tropicalis, 1/1 for C. krusei, 4/2 for C. orthopsilosis, and 0.5/0.5 for C. auris. Ibrexafungerp showed activity against fluconazole- and echinocandin-resistant isolates. If adopting wild-type upper limits, a non-wild-type phenotype for ibrexafungerp was only observed for 16/434 (3.7%) isolates: 11 (4.6%) C. parapsilosis, 4 (5%) C. glabrata, and 1 (2.5%) C. tropicalis. ConclusionIbrexafungerp showed a potent in vitro activity against Candida.This study received funding from SCYNEXIS. The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of the article, or the decision to submit it for publication. CM-A is a recipient of a grant from Fundació n ONCE (Oportunidad al Talento). EE, AG, NJ, CM-A, and GQ have received grant support from Consejerı́a de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco (GIC15 IT-990-16), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Gobierno de España (FIS PI11/00203), and UPV/EHU (UFI 11/25). All authors declare no other competing interests

    Llibre Blanc de la mediació a Catalunya

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    Projectes científics associats: IDT SGR2009-688; ONTOMEDIA CSO-2008-05536-SOCI, TSI-20501-2008-131; GCC SGR2009-221; GREL SGR2009-357; SGR2009-1328; AT CSD2007-0022; AT COST IC0801Altres ajuts: TSI-20501-2008-131Altres ajuts: COST-IC0801L'estudi que es presenta ara és fruit de gairebé dos anys de treball. Una cartografia completa de les experiències en mediació en tots els àmbits socials, de les escoles als hospitals, de les empreses als nuclis familiars, de la mediació comunitària als conflictes de consum o laborals, de la mediació penal a la mediambiental. També s'hi ha incorporat una anàlisi dels costos de la mediació i de la seva configuració jurídica. La conjunció de les fotografies en relleu i dels estudis més teòrics han fet possible la reflexió ulterior, les interpretacions crítiques i, en darrer terme, les conclusions i les recomanacions, que ens ajudaran a progressar. La mediació permet detenir l'escalada dels conflictes i sostreure'ls de la resolució judicial, per implicar les parts i fer-les protagonistes actives de les solucions a què arribin. Des del Departament de Justícia, ens interessa superar l'excessiva judicialització dels conflictes -insatisfactòria per a tothom- i promoure instruments que facilitin, de manera àgil però amb totes les garanties, la intel·ligència dels problemes i, a partir d'aquí, la fixació de les millors solucions per a les parts implicades, que elles mateixes hauran construït

    Notes for genera: basal clades of Fungi (including Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota)

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    Compared to the higher fungi (Dikarya), taxonomic and evolutionary studies on the basal clades of fungi are fewer in number. Thus, the generic boundaries and higher ranks in the basal clades of fungi are poorly known. Recent DNA based taxonomic studies have provided reliable and accurate information. It is therefore necessary to compile all available information since basal clades genera lack updated checklists or outlines. Recently, Tedersoo et al. (MycoKeys 13:1--20, 2016) accepted Aphelidiomycota and Rozellomycota in Fungal clade. Thus, we regard both these phyla as members in Kingdom Fungi. We accept 16 phyla in basal clades viz. Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota. Thus, 611 genera in 153 families, 43 orders and 18 classes are provided with details of classification, synonyms, life modes, distribution, recent literature and genomic data. Moreover, Catenariaceae Couch is proposed to be conserved, Cladochytriales Mozl.-Standr. is emended and the family Nephridiophagaceae is introduced

    Barcelona Dibuixa. Participation, creativity and territory

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    El festival Barcelona Dibuixa és una proposta del Museu Picasso de Barcelona i l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona que té com a objectiu apropar el dibuix a la ciutadania mitjançant la participació activa. Els elements d’aquest projecte han estat promoure la creació de manera oberta però estructurada, de la mà de professionals que utilitzen el dibuix en la seva pràctica, de manera lúdica, col·lectiva i gratuïta. Indirectament, la proposta ha permès un treball en una altra dimensió: la d’estructurar recorreguts i relacions culturals als barris de Barcelona. En aquest article es presenta el context de la gènesi del projecte; es descriu el procés de disseny de la proposta; es fa una valoració de l’articulació territorial; s’avalua l’acollida i creixement; i es reflexiona sobre els reptes de futur en el context actual de pandèmia.The Barcelona Dibuixa (Barcelona Draws) festival is an event organised by the city’s Picasso Museum and Institute of Culture that encourages citizens to engage with drawing through active participation. With the help of professionals who use drawing in their own work, the project promotes creativity in an open but structured way that is also enjoyable, collective and free. Indirectly, the project has opened up other activities by structuring cultural itineraries and relations among Barcelona’s neighbourhoods. This article recounts the context of the project’s origins, describes the process of designing the proposal, evaluates the connections with the territory, assesses its reception and growth, and reflects on the challenges for the future in the present context of the pandemic.El festival Barcelona Dibuixa es una propuesta del Museo Picasso de Barcelona y el Institut de Cultura de Barcelona que tiene como objetivo acercar el dibujo a la ciudadanía mediante la participación activa. Los elementos de este proyecto han sido promover la creación de manera abierta pero estructurada, de la mano de profesionales que utilizan el dibujo en su práctica, de manera lúdica, colectiva y gratuita. Indirectamente, la propuesta ha permitido un trabajo en otra dimensión: la de estructurar recorridos y relaciones culturales en los barrios de Barcelona. En este artículo se presenta el contexto de la génesis del proyecto; se describe el proceso de diseño de la propuesta; se hace una valoración de la articulación territorial; se evalúa la acogida y crecimiento; y se reflexiona sobre los retos de futuro en el contexto actual de pandemia

    Traduir al català

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    Taula rodona que té com objectiu debatre la traducció al català. Intervenen traductors com: Anna Casassas, Jordi Martín Lloret, Joan Sellent i Miquel Cabal Guarr

    Traduir al català

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    Taula rodona que té com objectiu debatre la traducció al català. Intervenen traductors com: Anna Casassas, Jordi Martín Lloret, Joan Sellent i Miquel Cabal Guarr

    Cerebral aspergillosis caused by Neosartorya hiratsukae, Brazil

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    We report the first case of infection by Neosartorya hiratsukae, an ascomycete in which the conidial state resembles Aspergillus fumigatus. The fungus caused a brain infection in a Brazilian woman, who died despite itraconazole treatment. Diagnosis was established by direct microscopic examination, computed tomographic scan, and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, and repeated cultures from the lesions. The in vitro antifungal susceptibility of the isolate is provided.Univ Rovira & Virgili, Fac Med & Ciencies Salut, Dept Ciencies Med Basiques, Unitat Microbiol, Tarragona 43201, SpainUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Servidor Publ Etatual, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc