343 research outputs found

    Analysis of Employee Spirituality on Organizational Behavior

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    This article aims to study spirituality where it is a new discussion in the study of organizational behavior. By conducting a literature review, this article discusses the concept of spirituality, developments and research examples, as well as several theoretical concepts from previous research that can be used as a reference for the development and theoretical growth of spirituality studies on organizational behavior. In the future era, the study of spirituality can be further developed by strengthening the theoretical foundation and improving the design of empirical research methodologies.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari spiritualitas dimana hal tersebut merupakan pembahasan baru pada kajian perilaku organisasi. Dengan melaksanakan kajian literatur, artikel ini membahas konsep spiritualitas, perkembangan dan contoh penelitian, serta beberapa konsep teoritis dari penelitian sebelumnya yang bisa dijadikan acuan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan teoritis kajian spiritualitas pada perilaku organisasi. Di era mendatang, kajian spiritualitas bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan menguatkan landasan teoritis serta meningkatkan desain metodologi penelitian empiris

    Ortaokul öğrencilerinin umut düzeylerinin, kaygı, depresyon ve mükemmeliyetçilik açısından i̇ncelenmesi

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    The aim of this study is to examine hope levels of secondary-school students in terms of perfectionism, depression and anxious. In line with this purpose, the research was designed in the relational-screening model. The sample of study consisted of 508 secondary-school students (287 female/ 221 male) choosen ramdomly from Lütfi Ege Secondary-School and Basma Sanayi Secondary-School in Denizli/Pamukkale. In research, Personal Information Sheet, Children's Hope Scale, Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Children's Depression Inventory were used to gather data. All data were analyzed by correlation and multiple regression. The results showed that depression, anxiety and positive perfectionism variables are significant predictors of hope. Implications of these findings are discussed within the context of literature. © 2018 Turkish Education Association. All rights reserved

    Ambientes colaborativos virtuais: potencial das redes sociais. O caso das empresas do Algarve

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o potencial das redes sociais no desempenho das pequenas e médias empresas da região do Algarve, tendo sido efectuado um questionário para o efeito. O estudo empírico realizado revela que os dados recolhidos (de 70 empresas) possuem boas qualidades psico-métricas. Procedeu-se a uma análise categórica de componentes principais, a qual identificou duas principais tipologias de objectivos nas redes sociais: redes sociais para interacção produto-cliente e pesquisa ou conhecimento; e redes sociais com potencial para o marketing. Uma análise suplementar - análise hierárquica de clusters (com recurso ao método de agrupamento de Ward) - identificou três padrões de empresas consoante o seu grau de envolvimento em redes sociais: cluster Social Tec Grau 1; cluster Social Tec Grau 2 e cluster Social Tec Grau 3. Estas análises permitem validar uma metodologia sustentável para este tipo de avaliação

    How small and medium enterprises are using social networks? Evidence from the Algarve region

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    The evolution of internet created new opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SME), among which are social networks. This work aims at analyzing the potential of these networks for the SME in Algarve, creating a questionnaire for the purpose. The empirical study revealed that some firms have already an integrated business strategy with social networks, as well as a group in the firm responsible for it. Most of their managers consider that social networks enhance performance, but few really measure these results. A categorical principal component analysis identified two dimensions of social networks’ use: social networks for product-client interaction and knowledge; and social networks with potential for marketing. A supplementary analysis (hierarchical clustering) identified three patterns of SME’s involvement in social networks: cluster Social Net Level 1, cluster Social Net Level 2 and cluster Social Net Level 3. These groups validated the results described above, indicating a sustainable methodological approach

    An Active Set Algorithm to Estimate Parameters in Generalized Linear Models with Ordered Predictors

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    In biomedical studies, researchers are often interested in assessing the association between one or more ordinal explanatory variables and an outcome variable, at the same time adjusting for covariates of any type. The outcome variable may be continuous, binary, or represent censored survival times. In the absence of precise knowledge of the response function, using monotonicity constraints on the ordinal variables improves efficiency in estimating parameters, especially when sample sizes are small. An active set algorithm that can efficiently compute such estimators is proposed, and a characterization of the solution is provided. Having an efficient algorithm at hand is especially relevant when applying likelihood ratio tests in restricted generalized linear models, where one needs the value of the likelihood at the restricted maximizer. The algorithm is illustrated on a real life data set from oncology.Comment: 24 pages, 1 Figure, 3 Table

    Ethnocentrism in the Netherlands: A typological analysis

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    Contains fulltext : 3327.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In research on unfavourable attitudes towards outgroups, the related favourable attitude towards the ingroup is generally ignored. Sumner (1906) called the presence of both related attitudes ethnocentrism. Since then only a small amount of empirical research has been dedicated to this theme. Based oh survey-data from a representative sample of Dutch citizens (N= 1,799) taken in 1985, this article concludes that ethnocentrism exists in The Netherlands. This contains unfavourable stereotypes about several outgroups as well as favourable stereotypes about the ingroup. The latter dimension also refers to nationalistic feelings. Both attitudes are highly related to each other. In this study the social and cultural pattern of ethnocentric people is shown to be of an authoritarian-conservative nature