146 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

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    Antimicrobial agents used to treat infections are life-saving. Overuse may result in more frequent adverse effects and emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. In 2016-17, we performed the second point-prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals. We included 1,209 hospitals and 310,755 patients in 28 of 31 European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries. The weighted prevalence of antimicrobial use in the EU/EEA was 30.5% (95% CI: 29.2-31.9%). The most common indication for prescribing antimicrobials was treatment of a community-acquired infection, followed by treatment of HAI and surgical prophylaxis. Over half (54.2%) of antimicrobials for surgical prophylaxis were prescribed for more than 1 day. The most common infections treated by antimicrobials were respiratory tract infections and the most commonly prescribed antimicrobial agents were penicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors. There was wide variation of patients on antimicrobials, in the selection of antimicrobial agents and in antimicrobial stewardship resources and activities across the participating countries. The results of the PPS provide detailed information on antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals, enable comparisons between countries and hospitals, and highlight key areas for national and European action that will support efforts towards prudent use of antimicrobials

    The microbiological quality of air improves when using air conditioning systems in cars

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because of better comfort, air conditioning systems are a common feature in automobiles these days. However, its impact on the number of particles and microorganisms inside the vehicle - and by this its impact on the risk of an allergic reaction - is yet unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Over a time period of 30 months, the quality of air was investigated in three different types of cars (VW Passat, VW Polo FSI, Seat Alhambra) that were all equipped with a automatic air conditioning system. Operation modes using fresh air from outside the car as well as circulating air from inside the car were examined. The total number of microorganisms and the number of mold spores were measured by impaction in a high flow air sampler. Particles of 0.5 to 5.0 μm diameter were counted by a laser particle counter device.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall 32 occasions of sampling were performed. The concentration of microorganisms outside the cars was always higher than it was inside the cars. Few minutes after starting the air conditioning system the total number of microorganisms was reduced by 81.7%, the number of mold spores was reduced by 83.3%, and the number of particles was reduced by 87.8%. There were no significant differences neither between the types of cars nor between the types of operation mode of the air conditioning system (fresh air vs. circulating air). All parameters that were looked for in this study improved during utilization of the car's air conditioning system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We believe that the risk of an allergic reaction will be reduced during use also. Nevertheless, we recommend regular maintenance of the system and replacement of older filters after defined changing intervals.</p

    a pilot study, 2013

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    Introduction After recognition of European outbreaks of Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs) associated with the emergence of PCR ribotype 027/NAP1 in 2005, CDI surveillance at country level was encouraged by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) [1]. In 2008, an ECDC-supported European CDI survey (ECDIS) identified large intercountry variations in incidence rates and distribution of prevalent PCR ribotypes, with the outbreak-related PCR ribotype 027 being detected in 5% (range: 0–26) of the characterised isolates [2]. The surveillance period was limited to one month and the representation of European hospitals was incomplete; however, this has been the only European (comprising European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) and EU candidate countries) CDI surveillance study. The authors highlighted the need for national and European surveillance to control CDI. Yet, European countries were found to have limited capacity for diagnostic testing, particularly in terms of standard use of optimal methods and absence of surveillance protocols and a fully validated, standardised and exchangeable typing system for surveillance and/or outbreak investigation. As of 2011, 14 European countries had implemented national CDI surveillance, with various methodologies [3]. National surveillance systems have since reported a decrease in CDI incidence rate and/or prevalence of PCR ribotype 027 in some European countries [4-8]. However, CDI generally remains poorly controlled in Europe [9], and PCR ribotype 027 continues to spread in eastern Europe [10-12] and globally [13]. In 2010, ECDC launched a new project, the European C. difficile Infection Surveillance Network (ECDIS-Net), to enhance surveillance of CDI and laboratory capacity to test for CDI in Europe. The goal of ECDIS- Net was to establish a standardised CDI surveillance protocol suitable for application all over Europe in order to: (i) estimate the incidence rate and total infection rate of CDI (including recurrent CDI cases) in European acute care hospitals; (ii) provide participating hospitals with a standardised tool to measure and compare their own incidence rates with those observed in other participating hospitals; (iii) assess adverse outcomes of CDI such as complications and death; and (iv) describe the epidemiology of CDI concerning antibiotic susceptibility, PCR ribotypes, presence of tcdA, tcdB and binary toxins and detect new emerging types at local, national and European level. The primary objectives of the present study were to: (i) test the pilot protocol for the surveillance of CDI in European acute care hospitals developed by ECDIS-Net (methodology, variables and indicators); (ii) assess the feasibility and workload of collecting the required hospital data, case- based epidemiological and microbiological data; and (iii) evaluate the quality of data collected, whether in the presence or absence of existing national CDI surveillance activities. A secondary aim was to assess the relationship between patient and microbiological characteristics and in-hospital outcome of CDI to confirm the added value of collecting detailed epidemiological and microbiological data on CDI at European level

    Standardised surveillance of Clostridium Difficile Infection in European acute care hospitals: A pilot study, 2013

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    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) remains poorly controlled in many European countries, of which several have not yet implemented national CDI surveillance. In 2013, experts from the European CDI Surveillance Network project and from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control developed a protocol with three options of CDI surveillance for acute care hospitals: a ‘minimal’ option (aggregated hospital data), a ‘light’ option (including patient data for CDI cases) and an ‘enhanced’ option (including microbiological data on the first 10 CDI episodes per hospital). A total of 37 hospitals in 14 European countries tested these options for a three-month period (between 13 May and 1 November 2013). All 37 hospitals successfully completed the minimal surveillance option (for 1,152 patients). Clinical data were submitted for 94% (1,078/1,152) of the patients in the light option; information on CDI origin and outcome was complete for 94% (1,016/1,078) and 98% (294/300) of the patients in the light and enhanced options, respectively. The workload of the options was 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 person-days per 10,000 hospital discharges, respectively. Enhanced surveillance was tested and was successful in 32 of the hospitals, showing that C. difficile PCR ribotype 027 was predominant (30% (79/267)). This study showed that standardised multicountry surveillance, with the option of integrating clinical and molecular data, is a feasible strategy for monitoring CDI in Europe

    Prevention, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care of sepsis: 1st revision of S-2k guidelines of the German Sepsis Society (Deutsche Sepsis-Gesellschaft e.V. (DSG)) and the German Interdisciplinary Association of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin (DIVI))

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    Practice guidelines are systematically developed statements and recommendations that assist the physicians and patients in making decisions about appropriate health care measures for specific clinical circumstances taking into account specific national health care structures. The 1st revision of the S-2k guideline of the German Sepsis Society in collaboration with 17 German medical scientific societies and one self-help group provides state-of-the-art information (results of controlled clinical trials and expert knowledge) on the effective and appropriate medical care (prevention, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care) of critically ill patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. The guideline had been developed according to the “German Instrument for Methodological Guideline Appraisal” of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF). In view of the inevitable advancements in scientific knowledge and technical expertise, revisions, updates and amendments must be periodically initiated. The guideline recommendations may not be applied under all circumstances. It rests with the clinician to decide whether a certain recommendation should be adopted or not, taking into consideration the unique set of clinical facts presented in connection with each individual patient as well as the available resources

    Evaluation of the national surveillance system for point-prevalence of healthcare-associated infections in hospitals and in long-term care facilities for elderly in Norway, 2002-2008

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since 2002, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has invited all hospitals and long-term care facilities for elderly (LTCFs) to participate in two annual point-prevalence surveys covering the most frequent types of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). In a comprehensive evaluation we assessed how well the system operates to meet its objectives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Surveillance protocols and the national database were reviewed. Data managers at national level, infection control practitioners and ward personnel in hospitals as well as contact persons in LTCFs involved in prevalence data collection were surveyed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The evaluation showed that the system was structurally simple, flexible and accepted by the key partners. On average 87% of hospitals and 32% of LTCFs participated in 2004-2008; high level of data completeness was achieved. The data collected described trends in the prevalence of reportable HAIs in Norway and informed policy makers. Local results were used in hospitals to implement targeted infection control measures and to argue for more resources to a greater extent than in LTCFs. Both the use of simplified Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definitions and validity of data seemed problematic as compliance with the standard methodology were reportedly low.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The surveillance system provides important information on selected HAIs in Norway. The system is overall functional and well-established in hospitals, however, requires active promotion in LTCFs. Validity of data needs to be controlled in the participating institutions before reporting to the national level.</p