223 research outputs found

    Degradation and in-use stability study of five marketed therapeutic monoclonal antibodies by generic weak cation exchange liquid chromatographic method ((WCX)HPLC/DAD)

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    Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent a very important class of the current biopharmaceutics. The great complexity of their structure made necessary the use of different analytical approaches for assessing different physico-chemical properties. In this work, weak cation exchange (WCX) high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection ((WCX)HPLC/DAD) is used to assess the charge variant profile. The method here developed combined the effect of ionic strength and controlled pH gradient and allows for the charge variants analysis of the five mAbs studied, namely bevacizumab (BVZ), cetuximab (CTX) infliximab (INF), rituximab (RTX) and trastuzumab (TTZ), which are among the most used mAbs worldwide. The differences in the charge variants in the natural isoforms of the mAbs promoted characteristic WCX chromatograms for each of mAbs that can be also useful for identification purposes. These chromatograms have provided to be suitable for tracking changes in the charge variants of each mAb analyzed both in controlled degraded and in stabilities study along time of in-use samples solutions at 2 mg/mL in 0.9% NaCl stored refrigerated (at 4 ?C) and frozen (-20 ?C) for two months. The results obtained indicated different stabilities of these mAbs, all IgG1, against degradation by different stressed environmental conditions and in-use stability along two months.Instituto Carlos III, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain FIS-PI10/00201 FIS-PI17/00547European Commission Junta de Andalucia European Commissio

    The effect of preforming and infusing bindered and unbindered carbon non-crimp-fabrics on the final quality of composites parts

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    [EN] Vacuum infusion (VI) is a liquid moulding process used to manufacture fibre-reinforced polymer composite parts. The VI process for non-crimp fabric (NCF) preforms is one of the most promising processes for improving the quality and cost efficiency of traditional processes using prepregs and autoclave curing. An understanding of the preform thickness behaviour in the compaction, wetting, and curing stages is necessary to optimise the overall process and obtain high-performance composite parts. In this study, the influence of the material, preforming, and infusion parameters on the thickness of four different carbon NCF laminates were investigated. The preforming behaviour includes the influence of the NCF composition, such as the presence of an organic binder or the number of compaction steps. Infusion was characterised using dielectric analysis (DEA). The properties of the resulting composites were analysed in terms of the fibre volume fraction (FVF) and porosity, as measured using X-ray computed tomography (CT). The main consequence of the outcome of the present study is that, from a manufacturing point of view, downward through-thickness resin infusion offers benefits in terms of thickness, FVF, and porosity tolerance. In addition, the acquired results allow for the identification of the main settings for an optimised consolidation strategy, which could be used for manufacturing NCF composite parts.The authors acknowledge the Spanish Government (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) program) for their financial support. We thank the Aerostructures Competence Center at the CBC, Airbus Defense & Space, for the advice received on the configuration of the infusion systems, and to Ronand Fi-acre of SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG for supplying the carbon NCF material

    Factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de diabetes y artritis en adultos mayores que asisten al hogar de ancianos Joaquina Blanco y Rafael Espinoza, Ciudad Sandino-Managua, I Semestre 2019

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    Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles tienden a ser de larga duración y resultan de la combinación de factores genéticos, ambientales y conductuales; estas enfermedades afectan desproporcionadamente los países de bajos ingresos donde se registran más del 75% de las muertes equivalentes a 32 millones a nivel mundial. Estas enfermedades suelen asociarse con los grupos de edad más avanzada entre los 50 y 85 años, donde los adultos mayores son más vulnerables a los factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Con el objetivo de analizar los factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de diabetes y artritis, se realizó un estudio retro-prospectivo, de corte transversal, de tipo descriptivo en el hogar de ancianos Joaquina Blanco y Rafael Espinoza, ciudad Sandino, Managua, I Semestre 2019. Se elaboró instrumento el cual, está estructurado en tres secciones: características sociodemográficas, conocimientos que poseen los sujetos de estudio acerca de la temática y factores protectores y agravantes. Para validar los instrumentos se realizó una carta de jueces dirigida a expertos internos de los diferentes perfiles de enfermería con la finalidad de realizar las observaciones necesarias para la mejora del instrumento. En cuanto a resultados se encontró que el 63% pertenece al sexo femenino, el 34% está entre las edades de 55 a 60 años, el conocimiento de los adultos mayores es reducido en cuanto a sus enfermedades pero poseen un más conocimiento sobre la diabetes, el 57% tiene acceso a los servicios de salud, el 28% consume alcohol, el 80% consume café con regularidad. Palabras claves: Enfermedades crónicas, factores de riesgo, adultos mayores, diabetes, artritis

    El nuevo Museu de la Universitat de València d’Història Natural (MUVHN)

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    El MUVHN es una nueva instalación de la Universitat de València que renace desde las colecciones históricas del antiguo Gabinete de Historia Natural y con nuevas aportaciones de importantes colecciones científicas generadas por la labor docente e investigadora de la Universitat. El objetivo que se pretende alcanzar es el de gestionar este valioso patrimonio para ponerlo al servicio de la comunidad científica y de la sociedad en general.El MUVHN és una nova instal·lació de la Universitat de València que renaix des de les col·leccions històriques de l’antic Gabinet d’Història Natural i amb noves aportacions d’importants col·leccions científiques generades per la labor docent i investigadora de la Universitat. L’objectiu que es pretén aconseguir és el de gestionar aquest valuós patrimoni per a posar-lo al servei de la comunitat científica i de la societat en general.MUVHN is a new entity of the University of Valencia that is reborn from the historical collections of the former Natural History Cabinet and with new contributions from important scientific collections generated by the teaching and research work of the University. The objective to be achieved is to manage this valuable heritage to put it at the service of the scientific community and society in general

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Cauca y Valle del Cauca

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    La población civil en Colombia se ha visto enfrentada históricamente a una violencia de proporciones incalculables con consecuencias imborrables en cada una de sus víctimas, todo esto por los múltiples enfrentamientos de grupos al margen de la ley. Por medio de lo plasmado en el libro Voces, Relatos de violencia y esperanza en Colombia, queda comprobado que los grupos al margen de la ley afectan los territorios del país con el único fin de ganar poder y control, con métodos inhumanos como minas y artefactos explosivos los cuales no tienen límites. Entre estos relatos se menciona el caso de Carlos Arturo, donde claramente por medio del testimonio se nota el impacto psicosocial a causa de la violencia, además del trauma al que se ve enfrentada esta población, el daño psicológico, las afectaciones laborales, la dignidad y recuperación de confianza. Conjuntamente este tipo de repercusiones no solo afectan a Carlos Arturo, sino también en su familia. Este es un repaso psicosocial que refleja también los obstáculos entre los entes reguladores encargados de garantizar el acompañamiento a las víctimas, quienes muchas veces deben afrontar procesos que duran más de diez años para lograr ser reconocidos como víctimas, quedando con afectaciones económicas, peticiones constantes para que se les garantice el servicio de salud, desintegración familiar, aislamiento social entre otros. El relato de Carlos Arturo también se contrasta con el caso de la comunidad de Peñas Coloradas, en el cual los actos contra la comunidad quedan vistos como algo natural y donde el resultado principal de estos enfrentamientos para la comunidad fue el estigma, adecuándose a una forma de vida delictiva por miedo a perderlo todo. Aunque ese momento llegó, quedando desplazados y excluidos de su territorio. Finalmente es necesario generar estrategias adecuadas en el abordaje psicosocial con víctimas donde la resiliencia se vea reflejada al momento de enfrentar experiencias de trauma psicosocial, para ello se quiere demostrar por medio de los trabajos de foto-voz recopilados en este documento.The civilian population in Colombia has historically been faced with violence of incalculable proportions with indelible consequences for each of its victims, all this due to the multiple confrontations of groups on the fringes of the law. Through what is reflected in the book Voces, Stories of violence and hope in Colombia, it is proven that groups outside the law affect the country's territories with the sole purpose of gaining power and control. In addition to this with inhumane methods such as mines and explosive devices which have no limits. Among these stories, the case of Carlos Arturo is mentioned, where clearly through the testimony the psychosocial impact caused by the violence is noted, in addition to the trauma that this population is faced with, the psychological damage, the labor affectations, the dignity and confidence recovery. Together these types of repercussions do not fall only on Carlos Arturo, but also on the family. This is a psychosocial review that also reflects the obstacles between the regulatory entities in charge of guaranteeing the accompaniment of the victims and for all that more than ten years have to pass to achieve in many cases to be recognized as victims, leaving with economic consequences, petitions. constant so that they are guaranteed the health service, family disintegration, social isolation among others. Carlos Arturo's story is also contrasted with the case of the Peñas Coloradas community, in which acts against the community are seen as something natural and where the main result of these confrontations for the community was stigma, adapting to a specific form of criminal life for fear of losing everything. Although that moment came, being displaced and excluded from their territory. Finally, it is necessary to generate adequate strategies in the psychosocial approach with victims where emotions and resilience are reflected when facing experiences of psychosocial trauma. Which is to be demonstrated through the photo-voice works compiled in this document


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    El objetivo del trabajo es considerar el desarrollo alcanzado por el conocimiento en estrategia empresarial en Castilla y León y su posición en el conjunto nacional, ofreciendo una visión complementaria a la de anteriores estudios. Para dicho análisis se han considerado, durante la década de los 90, congresos y revistas de alcance regional y nacional. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran la necesidad de contar con más foros de encuentro en Castilla y León y con medios especializados en el campo de la estrategia. Además, los investigadores castellano-leoneses parecen mostrar un interés poco frecuente por la ejecución estratégica y por los aspectos de delimitación teórica, un tanto marginados en el conjunto nacional. El objetivo del trabajo es considerar el desarrollo alcanzado por el conocimiento en estrategia empresarial en Castilla y León y su posición en el conjunto nacional, ofreciendo una visión complementaria a la de anteriores estudios. Para dicho análisis se han considerado, durante la década de los 90, congresos y revistas de alcance regional y nacional. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran la necesidad de contar con más foros de encuentro en Castilla y León y con medios especializados en el campo de la estrategia. Además, los investigadores castellano-leoneses parecen mostrar un interés poco frecuente por la ejecución estratégica y por los aspectos de delimitación teórica, un tanto marginados en el conjunto nacional.

    In Vitro anticancer properties of copper metallodendrimers

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    Newly synthesized carbosilane copper dendrimers (CCD) with chloride and nitrate surface groups seem to be good candidates to be used as gene and drug carriers in anti-cancer therapy, due to their properties such as size and surface charge. Copper attached to the nanoparticles is an important element of many biological processes and recently their anti-cancer properties have been widely examined. Zeta size and potential, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), circular dichroism (CD), analysis of haemolytic activity, and fluorescence anisotropy techniques were used to characterize copper dendrimers. Additionally, their cytotoxic properties toward normal (PBMC) and cancer (1301; HL-60) cells were examined. All tested dendrimers were more cytotoxic against cancer cells in comparison with normal cells

    Exploring the Interactions of Ruthenium (II) carbosilane metallodendrimers and precursors with model cell membranes through a dual spin label spin probe technique using EPR

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    Dendrimers exhibit unique interactions with cell membranes, arising from their nanometric size and high surface area. To a great extent, these interactions define their biological activity and can be reported in situ by spin-labelling techniques. Schiff-base carbosilane ruthenium (II) metallodendrimers are promising antitumor agents with a mechanism of action yet to explore. In order to study their in situ interactions with model cell membranes occurring at a molecular level, namely cetyltrimethylammonium bromide micelles (CTAB) and lecithin liposomes (LEC), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was selected. Both a spin probe, 4-(N,N-dimethyl-N-dodecyl)ammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl bromide (CAT12), able to enter the model membranes, and a spin label, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) covalently attached at newly synthesized heterofunctional dendrimers, were used to provide complementary information on the dendrimer-membrane interactions. The computer-aided EPR analysis demonstrated a good agreement between the results obtained for the spin probe and spin label experiments. Both points of view suggested the partial insertion of the dendrimer surface groups into the surfactant aggregates, mainly CTAB micelles, and the occurrence of both polar and hydrophobic interactions, while dendrimer-LEC interactions involved more polar interactions between surface groups. We found out that subtle changes in the dendrimer structure greatly modified their interacting abilities and, subsequently, their anticancer activity

    Effectiveness of a universal personalized intervention for the prevention of anxiety disorders: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial (the prevANS project)

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    Background: To date, all preventive anxiety disorders interventions are one-fit-all and none of them are based on individual level and risk profile. The aim of this project is to design, develop and evaluate an online personalized intervention based on a risk algorithm for the universal prevention of anxiety disorders in the general population. Methods: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with two parallel arms (prevANS vs usual care) and 1-year follow- up including 2000 participants without anxiety disorders from Spain and Portugal will be conducted. The prevANS intervention will be self-guided and can be implemented from the prevANS web or from the participants' Smartphone (through an App). The prevANS intervention will have different intensities depending on the risk level of the population, evaluated from the risk algorithm for anxiety: predictA. Both low and moderate-high risk participants will receive information on their level and profile (risk factors) of anxiety disorders, will have access to stress management tools and psychoeducational information periodically. In addition, participants with a moderate-high risk of anxiety disorders will also have access to cognitive-behavioral training (problem-solving, decision-making, communication skills, and working with thoughts). The control group will not receive any intervention, but they will fill out the same questionnaires as the intervention group. Assessments will be completed at baseline, 6 and 12-month follow-up. The primary outcome is the cumulative incidence of anxiety disorders. Secondary outcomes include depressive and anxiety symptoms, risk probability of anxiety disorders (predictA algorithm) and depression (predictD algorithm), improvement in physical and mental quality of life, and acceptability and satisfaction with the intervention. In addition, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses will also be carried out from two perspectives, societal and health system, and analyses of mediators and moderators will also be performedSpanish Ministry of Health, the Institute of Health Carlos III, co-funded by the European Social Fund “Investing in your future” (grant references: CP19/00056), and the Chronicity, Primary Care and Health Promotion Research Network ‘RICAPPS’ (RD21/0016/0012); and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Investigation Agency (PID2020-119652RA-l00). These funding sources had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision to submit resultsS