25 research outputs found

    Factores psicosociales en el trabajo

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    From the perspective of Gorz1 and the invention of work, it is asserted that the human being claims, seeks and offers a demanded public activity, defined and recognized as useful that is also renumbered; However, this activity produces a disunity between the time of work and the time of living. With this background and seeking the development of public policies for the health of workers in the United States of America (USA), the report “Protecting the Health of Eighty Million Workers” 2 was carried out more than 52 years ago, in which shows a concern for the mental health of workers and its relationship with modern working conditions, a concern that has been maintained and strengthened to the point of recognizing the terms of psychosocial factors, work organization, healthy organizational environments, and more, as everyday. related to occupational healthDesde la perspectiva de Gorz1 y la invención del trabajo, se asevera que el ser humano reclama, busca y ofrece una actividad pública demandada, definida y reconocida como útil que además sea renumerada; sin embargo dicha actividad produce una desunión entre el tiempo del trabajo y el tiempo del vivir. Con esos antecedentes y buscando el desarrollo de políticas públicas para la salud de los trabajadores de Estados Unidos de América (EEUU), se llevó a cabo hace más de 52 años el informe “Protecting the Health of Eighty Million Workers”2 en el cual se muestra una preocupación por la salud mental de los trabajadores y su relación con las condiciones del trabajo moderno, preocupación que se ha mantenido y fortalecido hasta el punto de reconocer como cotidianos los términos de factores psicosociales, organización del trabajo, ambientes organizacionales saludables y otros más relacionados con la salud ocupacional

    El concepto de salario emocional

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo enlistar las diferentes definiciones que se han redactado sobre Salario Emocional (SE) y establecer una definición propia sobre el concepto, a través de la búsqueda bibliográfica entre los años 2014 y 2019, en diferentes bases de datos científicas, utilizando los descriptores: salario, retribución emocional, salario emocional, motivación laboral y emociones en el trabajo; se identificaron diversas acepciones que aluden al termino SE, proponiendo como definición propia del concepto Salario Emocional, como los elementos extrínsecos e intrínsecos del trabajo que generan emociones positivas. Concluyendo que el SE, contribuye en la generación de entornos organizacionales favorables y saludables.This paper aims to list the different variables that have been written about Emotional Salary (ES) and establish a definition of the concept itself, through a bibliographic search between 2014 and 2019, in different scientific databases, using as searching words: salary, emotional compensation, emotional salary, work motivation and emotions at work; several meanings that refer to the term ES were identified, proposing our definition for the concept  Emotional Salary, as the outward and within elements of work that generates positive emotions. Concluding that the ES, contributes to the generation of favorable and healthy organizational environments

    Factores protectores para disminuir el estrés laboral en trabajadores de una empresa de mensajería

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    Objective: Determine the relationship between Satisfaction, Motivation, Position and Hierarchy with the symptoms of work stress in workers of a courier company. Methods: Quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional study in a random sample. The motivation and labor satisfaction test and the Stress Symptoms Questionnaire were applied.Results: Were surveyed 72 workers from a company in Guadalajara Mexico. 64% (46) were male. The average age was 35 (±12.72) years. Marital status was predominantly married in 42% (30) participants. High scores were found in the dimensions of labor satisfaction 74% (53), position and hierarchy 62% (45), likewise the workers indicated to be moderately motivated 60% (43). In relation to the symptomatology of work stress, 69% (50), indicated to have physical symptoms while 40% (29) mental symptoms. Regarding the inferential analysis, a weak, inverse and significant correlation was found between the motivation dimensions (r= -0.276) and satisfaction (r= -0.323) with mental symptoms of stress. As well as a moderate and inverse correlation with the dimension of position and hierarchy with mental symptoms of stress (r= -0.401, p= 0.000)Conclusions: Motivation, satisfaction, position and hierarchy, can be considered as protective factors, before the symptoms of work stress.Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre Satisfacción, Motivación, Posición y Jerarquía con los síntomas de estrés laboral en trabajadores de una empresa de mensajería.Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, correlacional y transversal en una muestra aleatoria. Se aplicó el test de Motivación y Satisfacción Laboral y el Cuestionario de Síntomas de estrés.Resultados: Se encuestó a 72 trabajadores de una empresa de Guadalajara México. El 64% (46) fueron masculinos y 36% (26), femeninos. La edad media fue 35 (± 12.72) años. Estado civil predominante fue casados en 42% (30) participantes. Se encontraron puntuaciones altas en las dimensiones deSatisfacción Laboral 74% (53), Posición y jerarquía 62% (45), así mismo los trabajadores indicaron sentirse medianamente motivados 60% (43). En relación con la sintomatología de estrés laboral, el 69% (50), indicaron tener síntomas físicos mientras que 40% (29) síntomas mentales. En cuanto al análisis inferencialse encontró una correlación débil, inversa y significativa entre las dimensiones de motivación (r=-.276) y satisfacción (r= -0.323) con síntomas mentales de estrés. Así como una correlación modera e inversa con la dimensión de posición y jerarquía con síntomas mentales de estrés (r= -0.401, p= 0.000).Conclusiones: La motivación, satisfacción, posición y jerarquía, se pueden considerar como factores protectores, ante los síntomas de estrés laboral

    Clima organizacional, bienestar laboral y work engagement en una empresa de paqueteria

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           El presente estudio está dirigido a determinar la relación entre el clima organizacional con el bienestar laboral y el Work Engagement, a través de un estudio cuantitativo, transversal y correlacional con un muestreo aleatorio simple n=72, un nivel de confianza del 90% y un margen de error del 5% en trabajadores de una empresa de paquetería. Se encontró en el análisis descriptivo que las dimensiones de clima organizacional (autotomía, confianza y apoyo) se encuentran adecuadas; mientras que los trabajadores reportaron un nivel medio de bienestar laboral; en lo que refiere al Work Engagement se identificaron niveles altos en sus dimensiones vigor, dedicación y absorción. Del análisis inferencial se encontraron correlaciones moderadas y positivas en equidad y bienestar laboral y; autonomía con Work Engagement. Se concluye que un adecuado clima organizacional se encuentra relacionado de forma positiva con Bienestar Laboral y Work Engagement. Palabras clave: satisfacción laboral, clima organizacional, bienestar en el trabajo

    Immune and spermatogenesis-related loci are involved in the development of extreme patterns of male infertility

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    We conducted a genome-wide association study in a large population of infertile men due to unexplained spermatogenic failure (SPGF). More than seven million genetic variants were analysed in 1,274 SPGF cases and 1,951 unaffected controls from two independent European cohorts. Two genomic regions were associated with the most severe histological pattern of SPGF, defined by Sertoli cell-only (SCO) phenotype, namely the MHC class II gene HLA-DRB1 (rs1136759, P = 1.32E-08, OR = 1.80) and an upstream locus of VRK1 (rs115054029, P = 4.24E-08, OR = 3.14), which encodes a protein kinase involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis. The SCO-associated rs1136759 allele (G) determines a serine in the position 13 of the HLA-DR beta 1 molecule located in the antigen-binding pocket. Overall, our data support the notion of unexplained SPGF as a complex trait influenced by common variation in the genome, with the SCO phenotype likely representing an immune-mediated condition. A GWAS in a large case-control cohort of European ancestry identifies two genomic regions, the MHC class II gene HLA-DRB1 and an upstream locus of VRK1, that are associated with the most severe phenotype of spermatogenic failure

    Differences in the clinical and hormonal presentation of patients with familial and sporadic primary aldosteronism

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    Purpose: To compare the clinical and hormonal characteristics of patients with familial hyperaldosteronism (FH) and sporadic primary aldosteronism (PA). Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed for the identification of FH patients. The SPAIN-ALDO registry cohort of patients with no suspicion of FH was chosen as the comparator group (sporadic group). Results: A total of 360 FH (246 FH type I, 73 type II, 29 type III, and 12 type IV) cases and 830 sporadic PA patients were included. Patients with FH-I were younger than sporadic cases, and women were more commonly affected (P = 0.003). In addition, the plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) was lower, plasma renin activity (PRA) higher, and hypokalemia (P < 0.001) less frequent than in sporadic cases. Except for a younger age (P < 0.001) and higher diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.006), the clinical and hormonal profiles of FH-II and sporadic cases were similar. FH-III had a distinct phenotype, with higher PAC and higher frequency of hypokalemia (P < 0.001), and presented 45 years before sporadic cases. Nevertheless, the clinical and hormonal phenotypes of FH-IV and sporadic cases were similar, with the former being younger and having lower serum potassium levels. Conclusion: In addition to being younger and having a family history of PA, FH-I and III share other typical characteristics. In this regard, FH-I is characterized by a low prevalence of hypokalemia and FH-III by a severe aldosterone excess causing hypokalemia in more than 85% of patients. The clinical and hormonal phenotype of type II and IV is similar to the sporadic case

    Autonomous cortisol secretion in patients with primary aldosteronism: prevalence and implications on cardiometabolic profile and on surgical outcomes

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS) in patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) and its implications on cardiometabolic and surgical outcomes. Methods: This is a retrospective multicenter study of PA patients who underwent 1 mg dexamethasone-suppression test (DST) during diagnostic workup in 21 Spanish tertiary hospitals. ACS was defined as a cortisol post-DST >1.8 μg/dL (confirmed ACS if >5 μg/dL and possible ACS if 1.8–5 μg/dL) in the absence of spe cific clinical features of hypercortisolism. The cardiometabolic profile was compared with a control group with ACS without PA (ACS group) matched for age and DST levels. Results: The prevalence of ACS in the global cohort of patients with PA (n = 176) was 29% (ACS–PA; n = 51). Ten patients had confirmed ACS and 41 possible ACS. The cardiometabolic profile of ACS–PA and PA-only patients was simil ar, except for older age and larger tumor size of the adrenal lesion in the ACS–PA group. When comparing the ACS–PA group (n = 51) and the ACS group (n = 78), the prevalence of hypertension (OR 7.7 (2.64–22.32)) and cardiovascular events (OR 5.0 (2.29–11.07)) was higher in ACS–PA patients than in ACS patients. The coexistence of ACS in patien ts with PA did not affect the surgical outcomes, the proportion of biochemical cure and clinical cure being similar between ACS–PA and PA-only groups. Conclusion: Co-secretion of cortisol and aldosterone affects almost one-thi rd of patients with PA. Its occurrence is more frequent in patients with larger tumors and advanced age. However, the cardiometabolic and surgical outcomes of patients with ACS–PA and PA-only are similar

    Mis casos clínicos de especialidades odontológicas

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    Libro que muestra la atención de casos clínicos particulares referente a las diferentes especialidades odontológicasLibro que muestra la atención de casos clínicos particulares referente a las diferentes especialidades odontológicasUniversidad Autónoma de Campeche Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic