3,365 research outputs found

    Equilibrium Structures and Stationary Patterns on Magnetic Colloidal Fluids

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    In this chapter, we review the experimental and theoretical modeling of structural and dynamical properties of colloidal magnetic fluids at equilibrium. Presently, several prototype experimental systems are very well characterized. We survey the different models, which help to reach a comprehensive knowledge of these complex magnetic fluids. One prime example is the ongoing investigation of the realistic interparticle potentials that drive the formation of the different phase states observed experimentally. Further, a stochastic equation approach for the description of tracer diffusion, viscoelasticity, and dielectric relaxation at equilibrium in colloidal ferrofluids is discussed

    Factores predictores del consumo de tabaco entre adolescentes del Colegio Universitario Santiago de Cali, 2005/ Predictors of smoke consumption by teenagers of high school Santiago of Cali, 2005

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    ResumenObjetivos: Identificar los factores predictores del consumo de tabaco entre los adolescentes del Colegio Santiago de Cali.Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con una muestra de 286 adolescentes matriculados y activos de grado 6 a 9 en el año lectivo 2005. A partir de la prevalencia del consumo de tabaco, se estimaron diferencias para las variables independientes con Ji2 y valores P. Los factores predictores fueron establecidos con un modelo logístico no condicional, previa evaluación de confusión y colinearidad.Resultados: La prevalencia del consumo fue 40,5% [IC: 34,8-46,4]. En los tres modelos, el consumo de amigos tuvo un OR 2,31, IC 95% [1,06-5,04]; el fumar si un amigo se lo brinda, presentó un OR 7,45, [IC 95% 3,9-14,0] y la exposición al humo de cigarrillo explican el consumo de tabaco con un OR 2,18, [IC 95% 1,23-3,87]; Test Hosmer-Lemeshow, Ji2=10,6 y P=0,2253.Conclusión: En este grupo de adolescentes solo los amigos se encontraron como posibles predictores del consumo de tabaco; aunque hubo cierto consumo por parte de los padres, no fue estadísticamente significativo, pero sí lo fue para la exposición al humo fuera del hogar. No hubo asociación con alcohol o sustancias psicoactivas.Palabras clave: Tabaquismo, estudios transversales, adolescente, conocimientos, actitudes y práctica en salud.AbstractObjectives: Identify strong predictors of smoke consumption by teenagers of high school Santiago of Cali.Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 286 adolescents enrolled and assets from 6 to 9 degree in school year 2005. From the prevalence of smoke consumption was estimated to differences with the independent variables with Ji2 and P values. The predictive factors were established with a logistic model not conditional upon assessment of confusion and colineality.Results: The prevalence of consumption was 40,5% [CI: 34,8-46,4]. In all three models, consumption of friends had an OR 2,31, 95%[CI: 1,06-5,04]; smoking if a friend is what gives was OR 7,45, 95% [CI 3,9-14,0] and exposure to cigarette smoke explain consumption with an OR 2,18 95% [CI:1,23-3,87]; Hosmer Lemeshow Ji2 Test =10,60 and P Value =0,2253.Conclusions: In this group of teenagers just as friends were possible predictors of the consumption of tobacco, although there was some consumption by parents was not statistically significant, if it was for exposure to smoke outside the home. There were no associations with alcohol or psychoactive substances.Keywords: Smoking, cross-sectional studies, teenager, knowledge, attitudes andpractice in health

    Disentangling the role of environmental processes in galaxy clusters

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    In this work we present the results of a novel approach devoted to disentangle the role of the environmental processes affecting galaxies in clusters. This is based on the analysis of the NUV-r' distributions of a large sample of star-forming galaxies in clusters spanning more than four absolute magnitudes. The galaxies inhabit three distinct environmental regions: virial regions, cluster infall regions and field environment. We have applied rigorous statistical tests in order to analyze both, the complete NUV-r' distributions and their averages for three different bins of r'-band galaxy luminosity down to M_r' ~ -18, throughout the three environmental regions considered. We have identified the environmental processes that significantly affect the star-forming galaxies in a given luminosity bin by using criteria based on the characteristics of these processes: their typical time-scales, the regions where they operate and the galaxy luminosity range for which their effects are more intense. We have found that the high-luminosity (M_r'<=-20) star-forming galaxies do not show significant signs in their star formation activity neither of being affected by the environment in the last ~10^8 yr nor of a sudden quenching in the last 1.5 Gyr. The intermediate-luminosity (-20<M_r'<=-19) star-forming galaxies appear to be affected by starvation in the virial regions and by the harassment both, in the virial and infall regions. Low-luminosity (-19<M_r'<=-18.2) star-forming galaxies seem to be affected by the same environmental processes as intermediate-luminosity star-forming galaxies in a stronger way, as it would be expected for their lower luminosities.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Real-time weather forecasting in the Western Mediterranean Basin: An application of the RAMS model

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    A regional forecasting system based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) is being run at the CEAM Foundation. The model is started twice daily with a forecast range of 72 h. For the period June 2007 to August 2010 the verification of the model has been done using a series of automatic meteorological stations from the CEAM network and located within the Valencia Region (Western Mediterranean Basin). Air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed and direction of the output of the model have been compared with observations. For these variables, an operational verification has been performed by computing different statistical scores for 18 weather stations. This verification process has been carried out for each season of the year separately. As a result, it has been revealed that the model presents significant differences in the forecast of the meteorological variables analysed throughout the year. Moreover, due to the physical complexity of the area of study, the model presents different degree of accuracy between coastal and inland stations. Precipitation has also been verified by means of yes/no contingency tables as well as scatter plots. These tables have been built using 4 specific thresholds that have permitted to compute some categorical statistics. From the results found, it is shown that the precipitation forecast in the area of study is in general over-predicted, but with marked differences between the seasons of the year. Finally, dividing the available data by season of the year, has permitted us to analyze differences in the observed patterns for the magnitudes mentioned above. These results have been used to better understand the behavior of the RAMS model within the Valencia Region

    Desarrollo de un biosensor para el análisis de la inhibición enzimática causada por fisostigmina

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    La inhibición enzimática se considera el punto clave en aplicaciones clínicas y farmacoterapia, es por ello que el uso de biosensores enzimáticos es una buena alternativa en la evaluación de los fármacos. En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un biosensor enzimático, basado en la inmovilización de nanopartículas de oro-Acetilcolinesterasa vía crosslinking. La actividad enzimática se evaluó por amperometría, parámetros como concentración de la enzima y del sustrato, pH y potencial de trabajo aplicado (Ea) fueron optimizados. Los resultados mostraron que la respuesta del biosensor es lineal con r² = 0.999, con sensibilidad de 27.621 µA/mM. LOD = 0.022 mM y LOQ = 2.29 mM, el coeficiente de variación fue de 1. 72%, el tiempo de respuesta fue inferior a 0.1 s, además se encontró que no hay diferencias significativas intra e inter biosensores. El biosensor fue viable para la evaluación del efecto farmacológico de fisostigmina a través de la inhibición enzimática, causada por el fármaco.Enzyme inhibition is considered the key point in clinical applications and the pharmacotherapy, so, use of enzymatic biosensors is a good alternative for drug evaluation. This paper presents development of enzymatic biosensor, based on the immobilization of gold nanoparticles¬Acetylcholinesterase via crosslinking. The enzymatic activity was evaluated by amperometry, parameters such as enzyme, and substrate concentration, pH and applied work potential (Ea), were optimized. Results show a linear response of the biosensor with r² = 0.999, and sensitivity of 27.621 µA/mM. LOD = 0.022 mM and LOQ = 2.29 mM, the coefficient of variation was 1. 72 %, while the response time was less than 0.1 s. lt was found that there are no significant differences intra and inter biosensors. The biosensor was suitable for the evaluation of the pharmacological effect of physostigmine through enzymatic inhibition, caused by the drug by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde in a multi-layer deposition

    Integrated analysis of mismatch repair system in malignant astrocytomas

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Malignant astrocytomas are the most aggressive primary brain tumors with a poor prognosis despite optimal treatment. Dysfunction of mismatch repair (MMR) system accelerates the accumulation of mutations throughout the genome causing uncontrolled cell growth. The aim of this study was to characterize the MMR system defects that could be involved in malignant astrocytoma pathogenesis. We analyzed protein expression and promoter methylation of MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 as well as microsatellite instability (MSI) and MMR gene mutations in a set of 96 low- and high-grade astrocytomas. Forty-one astrocytomas failed to express at least one MMR protein. Loss of MSH2 expression was more frequent in low-grade astrocytomas. Loss of MLH1 expression was associated with MLH1 promoter hypermethylation and MLH1 -93G>A promoter polymorphism. However, MSI was not related with MMR protein expression and only 5% of tumors were MSI-High. Furthermore, the incidence of tumors carrying germline mutations in MMR genes was low and only one glioblastoma was associated with Lynch syndrome. Interestingly, survival analysis identified that tumors lacking MSH6 expression presented longer overall survival in high-grade astrocytoma patients treated only with radiotherapy while MSH6 expression did not modify the prognosis of those patients treated with both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Our findings suggest that MMR system alterations are a frequent event in malignant astrocytomas and might help to define a subgroup of patients with different outcome.This work was supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS PI 10/00219), Instituto de Estudios de Ciencias de la Salud de Castilla y León IECSCYL and Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Social Europeo (Orden EDU/330/2008).Peer Reviewe

    Members of the α-amylase inhibitors family from wheat endosperm are major allergens associated with baker's asthma

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    AbstractWe have identified the major antigens or IgE binding components from wheat flour. Thirty-five sera from patients with baker's asthma were used to analyze the reaction with wheat salt-soluble proteins. We found a 15 kDa SDS-PAGE band which reacted with all sera tested. Purified members of the α-amylase inhibitor family, which are the main components of the 15 kDa band, were recognized by specific IgE when tested with a pool of reactive sera. Immunodetection after two-dimensional electrophoretic fractionation of crude inhibitor preparations from wheat endosperms also detected several inhibitor subunits as major low-molecular-weight allergens

    Sistema de acciones “Mi familia y yo aportamos a la comunidad” en Remedios, Cuba

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    En el periodo 2018-2020 se coordina por el Centro Universitario Municipal (CUM) de Remedios el proyecto institucional Mi familia y yo aportamos a la comunidad, financiado por la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas y como continuidad del proyecto La educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible y su incorporación al proceso pedagógico de las escuelas villaclareñas (ciclo 2013-2015). El proyecto posee un carácter comunitario y delimita como objetivo movilizar a las familias para la ejecución de acciones sociales, productivas, de higienización, educativas, culturales, deportivas y recreativas para el bienestar de la comunidad que se evidencie en impactos en el desarrollo local, desde la perspectiva sociocultural. El trabajo es un estudio de caso, de naturaleza cualitativa con datos recolectados a través análisis documental del informe final del proyecto, que utilizó métodos científicos de nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico, para obtener un diagnóstico de potencialidades y deficiencias que condicionen el diseño del sistema de acciones que se implementa en los diferentes Consejos Populares del municipio de San Juan de Los Remedios, Cuba. Se constató que el sistema de acciones estimula la participación de organismos e instituciones que prestan servicios a la población siguiendo las determinaciones de la guía metodológica y científica del CUM, conformado por los subsistemas de diagnóstico, organización y planificación, diferenciación, evaluación. Se evidenció que su implementación promovió cambios en las formas de acción y en las condiciones de vida de los pobladores, por su contribución al fortalecimiento del trabajo comunitario relacionado con la educación en salud, ambiental y patrimonial. &nbsp; Palabras-clave: Trabajo Comunitario, Desarrollo Local, Educación Patrimonial, Educación Ambiental &nbsp; Abstract In the 2018-2020 period the institutional project My family and I contribute to the community is coordinated by the Municipal University Center (CUM) of Remedios, financed by the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas and as a continuity of the project Environmental education for sustainable development and its incorporation into the pedagogical process of Villa Clara schools (2013-2015 cycle). The project has a community character and defines the objective of mobilizing families for the execution of social, productive, sanitation, educational, cultural, sports and recreational actions for the well-being of the community that is evidenced in impacts on local development, from the sociocultural perspective. The work is a case study, qualitative in nature with data collected through documentary analysis of the final report of the project, which used scientific methods of theoretical, empirical and statistical level, to obtain a diagnosis of potentialities and deficiencies that condition the design of the system. of actions that are implemented in the different Popular Councils of the municipality of San Juan de Los Remedios, Cuba. It was found that the system of actions stimulates the participation of organizations and institutions that provide services to the population following the determinations of the CUM methodological and scientific guide, made up of the subsystems of diagnosis, organization and planning, differentiation, evaluation. It was evidenced that its implementation promoted changes in the forms of action and in the living conditions of the inhabitants, due to its contribution to the strengthening of community work related to health, environmental and heritage education. Key words: Community Work, Local Development, Heritage Education, Environmental Education &nbsp

    The Baleares 2013 Calibration Campaign of Jason-2 and Saral Altimeters

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    The 2013 Balearic campaign GNSS position analysis of the 2013 will be performed with different softwares by different groups (similarly as it is being done in the International GNSS Service for their different products), in order improve the high demanded accuracy for JASON2 and SARAL altimeters precise calibration. In particular JPL GIPSY-OASIS software will be used, with the undifferenced PPP ambiguity fixing strategy. In order to improve the results accuracy, two similar networks are being processed. The first network includes the deployed GNSS receivers and the reference stations. The second one is a control network, defined by using the permanent receivers in the California dense network with a similar distribution as the main altimeter campaign network. In this case, the position of the receivers plying the role of buoys are being processed in the same kinematic way than the actual buoys, in order to compare them with the very accurate positions obtained with GIPSY-OASIS static processing.Postprint (published version

    Reflexions a propòsit de les seccions sobre llengua dels mitjans de comunicació

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    Aquest article planteja l’acció de divulgació de coneixements lingüístics en l’actualitat als mitjans de comunicació. Recull les reflexions d’especialistes que han estudiat, elaborat i assessorat espais sobre aquest tema dels mitjans escrits i audiovisuals. Hi formulen les seves reflexions a partir de tres aspectes: en primer lloc, l’activitat pròpia de divulgació de qüestions de llengua (inclosa la normativa) en les institucions o les empreses a les quals estan o han estat vinculats; en segon lloc, la manera com creuen que aquesta activitat de difusió de coneixements de llengua ajuda a l’estudi i a la fixació de la norma, i, en tercer lloc, els canals i les formes cap a on hauria d’evolucionar, en el futur pròxim, la divulgació de coneixements lingüístics, si vol ser efectiva.This paper proposes language knowledge dissemination today in the media. It gathers the reflections of specialists who have studied, elaborated, and advised sections on this subject within the written and audiovisual media. They formulate their reflections based on three aspects: firstly, their activity of disseminating language issues (including regulations) in the institutions or companies to which they are or have been linked; secondly, how they believe that this activity of disseminating language knowledge helps in the study and setting of the norm; and, thirdly, the channels and ways in which it should evolve, in the near future, the dissemination of linguistic knowledge, if it is to be effective