5,806 research outputs found

    Gestión del talento humano y su influencia en el desempeño laboral del personal de la comisaría del callao-cercado

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se concentra principalmente en evaluar cómo la gestión del talento humano influye en el desempeño laboral del personal de la comisaría del Callao Cercado, año 2015. EL método es el hipotético deductivo, el enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básica, con diseño No Experimental, con una muestra de 38 efectivos policiales que laboran en la comisaría del Callao-Cercado en el año 2015, lo que permitió la aplicación del modelo estadístico de regresión y correlación, se validó y se realizó la confiabilidad. Se halló, mediante el Modelo de Regresión y Correlación que las variables gestión del talento humano y el desempeño laboral, tienen una correlación conjunta “R”, de 0.923 y un valor p =0.000. Recomendamos para el adecuado manejo de las organizaciones, valorizar y fortalecer el capital intelectual, como el activo más valioso que poseen y como uno de los pilares de la organización, el mismo que es importante en la toma de decisiones y en determinar el valor intangible de la comisaría del Callao-Cercado

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorption of red dye 40 from acidic aqueous solutions onto a novel chitosan sulfate

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    The kinetic and thermodynamics of adsorption of Red Dye 40 from acidic aqueous solutions onto a partially sulfated chitosan (ChS) was studied. The partially sulfated ChS was water insoluble in the pH range of 2-12. Experiments were carried out batch wise to determine the effect of pH, dye concentration, and temperature on the adsorption capacity of ChStowards Red Dye 40. It was found that the equilibrium dye-binding capacity of ChS (qe) increased with increasing initial dye concentration; however, the percentage of dye removal decreased. Dye adsorption capacity of ChS increased when the solution pH was reduced. The Langmuir model was better fitted the experimental adsorption equilibrium data, and therate of dye adsorption onto ChS follows the pseudosecond order kinetic model. The adsorption capacity of ChS was enhanced by increasing the temperature.The thermodynamic adsorption parameters, enthalpy(ΔH°), entropy (ΔS°), and Gibbs energy (ΔG°) were evaluated. The adsorption process was endothermic, and the Gibbs energy negative indicating that it occurred spontaneously

    Frequency of metabolic syndrome in women treated at the Menopause Clinic of the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of the UANL in Northeastern Mexico

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    Objectives: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) in patients with menopause, and to compare the incidence of MS between surgical and natural menopause. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective, unblinded study of cases seen at the Menopause Clinic of the University Hospital “Dr. José eleuterio González” of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León from March 2009 to December 2011. The frequency of MS was determined based on Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) classiication. Results: at the end of the study, 391 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 50.1 years. We found a frequency of MS of 38.1%, the risk factor most often found was low HDL-cholesterol (62.5%), followed by obesity (46.5%), hypercholesterolemia (42.3%), hyperglycemia (11.5%), and hypertension (7.7%). The incidence of natural and surgical menopause was 37.6% vs. 39.2% respectively; however, the result was not statistically signiicant (p = 0.093). Conclusions: Patients with menopause are at increased risk of developing MS. it is important to detect MS early in this of patients, when they have one risk factor to avoid complications which may trigger the syndrome. We recommend screening for MS during perimenopause, in order to detect and try to delay it in a timely manner and recommend primary prevention (diet and exercise), or secondary prevention in cases with one or more risk factors

    La gestión administrativa influye en la atención primaria en el puesto de salud San Roque, segundo semestre 2016

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo conocer la influencia que tiene la Gestión Administrativa en la atención primaria de los Puestos de Salud del MINSA (Ministerio de Salud), asimismo la importancia y ventajas cuando se lleva a cabo una correcta gestión de recursos humanos, gestión de abastecimiento y gestión presupuestal en el Puesto de Salud San Roque en el distrito de Surco. En este trabajo de investigación se busca también conocer las gestiones de éxito que se puedan tener en la atención primaria. Para resolver esta interrogante se hará un estudio sobre la atención primaria, por medio de fuentes bibliográficas, y también por medio de la entrevista a los usuarios internos del mencionado puesto de salud. Con esta investigación se puede obtener grandes mejoras en la calidad de la estadía del usuario interno en su centro de trabajo y esto a su vez se transformara en una mejor atención para los pacientes (usuarios externos) en los servicios en el Puesto de SaludThis research aims to know the influence of the Administrative Management in the primary care of Health Posts of MINSA (Ministry of Health), as well as the importance and advantages when carrying out a correct management of human resources, Supply management and budget management at the San Roque Health Post in the district of Surco. This research also seeks to know the success steps that can be taken in primary care. To solve this question will be made a study on primary care, through bibliographic sources, and also through the interview to internal users of the health post. With this research it is possible to obtain great improvements in the quality of the stay of the internal user in his work center and this in turn will be transformed into a better care for the patients (external users) in the services in the Health Post

    Draft final report of the LCM definition study

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    Life Cycle Management is a new framework to meet our present global challenges towards more sustainable patterns of production and consumption. In this context, LCM is offering a platform for the private and public sector. Thinking in systems and along product/service life cycles offers insights into how decisions should be made to improve a systems performance. The LCM concept has emerged out of industrial practice, but offers also opportunities for the public sector. In a new global understanding all market actors, policy makers, industry and consumers are essential players that need to find common platforms to achieve triple bottom line success - for all actors. In so far, LCM is rather opportunity driven as risk management or risk aversion driven. The LCM framework build on factual information and uses a variety of procedural and analytical tools, which themselves serve as underpinning of programs, management systems and, finally, corporate and policy strategies. The LCM Definition study positions existing tools, concepts and strategies in one overall framework, that allows sufficient flexibility to meet specific needs and thus also allows for flexibility for implementation. LCM is not a new “super”-tool that superimposes a new approach over existing successful practice. Opposite, LCM offers for the first time an umbrella framework, where tools that had been used in isolation before, can become mutually reinforcing and thus maximize their respective use. LCM is broad and flexible and reaches out to the public and private sector equally. The global challenges ahead of us require all market actors, and in particular industry and governments to align concepts and approaches to achieve the respective aims for all parties. Governments and the public sector need to provide the “right” framework and guidance under which the private sector then can realize its business objectives. Then this happens in a coordinated fashion

    Recent and ongoing transformations of the Nevado Coropuna tropical cryosphere (Central Andes): the Ground-Penetrating Radar perspective

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    The evaluation of presence and origin of ground-ice in the non-glaciated peripheral areas of Nevado Corpuna can contribute to a more refined estimation of its real extent, as well as of the ongoing and recent transformation processes (i.e. permafrost aggradation/degradation). We carried out GPR surveys in sectors immediately outside the glacial tongues which diverge from the glaciated area, both on rock glaciers and debris-covered glaciers. The data acquisition was made with an unshielded antenna operating at a central frequency of 25 MHz, and according longitudinal and cross profiles. We defined a processing sequence particularly effective in removing in air-reflections generated by isolated blocks on the surface, and the numerous point-source diffractions. The signal-to-noise ratio consents a data imaging interpretable up to 25-30 m of depth, according to the estimated velocity of GPR waves propagation. In some sectors we calibrated the GPR data (depth and reflection amplitude) with those obtained from Vertical Electric Sounding. The rock glaciers examined show a reflective pattern consistent with a permafrost that extends from 2-4 m to more than 20 m depth. The GPR reflections also depict a permafrost stratigraphic architecture, and potential deformation structures in the frozen layers (i.e. shear planes). The GPR profiles made on debris-covered glaciers show a high-amplitude reflection consistent with the presence of near-surface (2-3 m depth) (sedimentary) ice, which in depth exhibits a radar facies less characterized by reflection events than those of rock glaciers. Also in this case an ice stratigraphy and potential deformation features in layers highly rich in ice are visible. The GPR data allowed a view of ice-ground presence in the ice-free areas in Nevado Coropuna and can be integrated with the glaciological evolution of the last decades to build a forecasting model that considers the transformation from clean-ice to debris-covered glacier or permafrost landforms

    Indirect dark matter searches as a probe of degenerate particle spectra

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    We consider the possibility that the cosmological dark matter consists of particles very close in mass to new colored particles below the TeV scale. While such a scenario is inherently difficult to directly confirm at colliders, we find that indirect dark matter searches may be a powerful alternative. In particular, we show that in this case dark matter annihilation to quark-quark-gluon final states can give rise to significant antiproton (but also gamma-ray) fluxes, and compare the resulting constraints to bounds from direct searches at LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC. For supersymmetric neutralinos degenerate with squarks, e.g., antiprotons can give rise to more stringent constraints for masses below around 45-80 GeV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; minor updates to match the published versio

    Compromiso perinatal en gestantes con tuberculosis, Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González", en Monterrey, Nuevo León, México 2004-2012

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies associated with tuberculosis and compared with pregnant women unaffected by tuberculosis. Materials and methods. A retrospective, observational, comparative and prevalence study took place at the Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González", in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. A review of clinical history of pregnant women with tuberculosis in a 8-year period, from December 2004 to October 2012 was made. Both maternal and perinatal results were compared with those of pregnant women unaffected by tuberculosis, undergoing the same parity and of the same age. Results. The prevalence of pregnant women with tuberculosis was 0.26%. A statistically significant correlation was found in patients with tuberculosis and premature birth (Rho= -0.395, p=0.034), weight decrease in newborns (Rho=-0.301, p=0.007) and a tendency to present a APGAR decrease at 1 minute, with poor recovery at 5 minutes (Rho= -0.233, p=0.04); the aforementioned results were obtained by using Spearman correlation (IC95%).The maternal mortality in pregnant women with tuberculosis was 11.5% (Fisher=0.032). Conclusion. Tuberculosis during pregnancy is related to adverse perinatal outcomes. In this study it was associated with preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction, low APGAR and increases in maternal deaths.El objetivo de este estudio es investigar los resultados perinatales adversos en gestantes con tuberculosis y compararlos con gestantes sin tuberculosis. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional,comparativo, de prevalencia, en el Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González”, en Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, en el cual se revisaron los expedientes clínicos de pacientes gestantes con tuberculosis en un periodo de tiempo de 8 años de Diciembre 2004 a Octubre del 2012; Los resultados tanto maternos y perinatales obtenidos fueron comparados con mujeres gestantes sin tuberculosis que tenían la misma paridad y edad. Resultados. La prevalencia de gestantes con tuberculosis fue del 0.26%. Observamos una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia de tuberculosis y parto pretérmino(Rho= -0.395, p=0.034), disminución en el peso de los productos (Rho= -0.301, p=0.007) y una tendencia a presentar una disminución del APGAR al minuto, con pobre recuperación a los 5 minutos (Rho= -0.233, p=0.04); lo anterior con el método de Spearman (IC95%). La mortalidad materna en el grupo de pacientes con tuberculosis fue del 11.5% (Fisher=0.032). Conclusiones. La tuberculosis durante el embarazo se asocia con resultados perinatales adversos, en nuestro estudio se asoció con parto pretérmino, retraso en el crecimiento intrauterino, APGAR bajo e incremento en la mortalidad materna

    Early Detection of the Fungal Banana Black Sigatoka Pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis by an SPR Immunosensor Method

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    Black Sigatoka is a disease that occurs in banana plantations worldwide. This disease is caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Pseudocercosporafijiensis, whose infection results in a significant reductioninbothproductqualityandyield. Therefore,detectionandidentificationintheearlystages of this pathogen in plants could help minimize losses, as well as prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring cultures. To achieve this, a highly sensitive SPR immunosensor was developed to detect P. fijiensis in real samples of leaf extracts in early stages of the disease. A polyclonal antibody (anti-HF1), produced against HF1 (cell wall protein of P. fijiensis) was covalently immobilized on agold-coatedchipviaamixedself-assembledmonolayer(SAM)ofalkanethiolsusingtheEDC/NHS method.Theanalyticalparametersofthebiosensorwereestablished, obtainingalimitofdetectionof 11.7 µg mL−1, a sensitivity of 0.0021 units of reflectance per ng mL−1 and a linear response range for the antigen from 39.1 to 122 µg mL−1. No matrix effects were observed during the measurements of real leaf banana extracts by the immunosensor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research into the development of an SPR biosensor for the detection of P. fijiensis, which demonstrates its potential as an alternative analytical tool for in-field monitoring of black Sigatoka disease

    Cuspy No More: How Outflows Affect the Central Dark Matter and Baryon Distribution in Lambda CDM Galaxies

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    We examine the evolution of the inner dark matter (DM) and baryonic density profile of a new sample of simulated field galaxies using fully cosmological, Lambda CDM, high resolution SPH + N-Body simulations. These simulations include explicit H2 and metal cooling, star formation (SF) and supernovae (SNe) driven gas outflows. Starting at high redshift, rapid, repeated gas outflows following bursty SF transfer energy to the DM component and significantly flatten the originally `cuspy' central DM mass profile of galaxies with present day stellar masses in the 10^4.5 -- 10^9.8 Msolar range. At z=0, the central slope of the DM density profile of our galaxies (measured between 0.3 and 0.7 kpc from their centre) is well fitted by rhoDM propto r^alpha with alpha \simeq -0.5 + 0.35 log_10(Mstar/10^8Msolar) where Mstar is the stellar mass of the galaxy and 4 < log_10 Mstar < 9.4. These values imply DM profiles flatter than those obtained in DM--only simulations and in close agreement with those inferred in galaxies from the THINGS and LITTLE THINGS survey. Only in very small halos, where by z=0 star formation has converted less than ~ 0.03% of the original baryon abundance into stars, outflows do not flatten the original cuspy DM profile out to radii resolved by our simulations. The mass (DM and baryonic) measured within the inner 500 pc of each simulated galaxy remains nearly constant over four orders of magnitudes in stellar mass for Mstar 10^9 Msolar. This finding is consistent with estimates for faint Local Group dwarfs and field galaxies. These results address one of the outstanding problems faced by the CDM model, namely the strong discrepancy between the original predictions of cuspy DM profiles and the shallower central DM distribution observed in galaxies.Comment: MNRAS in press. Accepted version, a few references added. 12 pages. Animation at http://youtu.be/FbcgEovabDI?hd=