13 research outputs found

    Nodale Spektralelemente und unstrukturierte Gitter - Methodische Aspekte und effiziente Algorithmen

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    Die Dissertation behandelt methodische und algorithmische Aspekte der Spektralelementemethode zur räumlichen Diskretisierung partieller Differentialgleichungen. Die Weiterentwicklung einer symmetriebasierten Faktorisierung ermöglicht effiziente Operatoren für Tetraederelemente. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Leistungsanalyse werden Engpässe in der Implementierung der Operatoren identifiziert und durch algorithmische Modifikationen der Methode eliminiert

    EC-Earth3-AerChem : a global climate model with interactive aerosols and atmospheric chemistry participating in CMIP6

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    This paper documents the global climate model EC-Earth3-AerChem, one of the members of the EC-Earth3 family of models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). EC-Earth3-AerChem has interactive aerosols and atmospheric chemistry and contributes to the Aerosols and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP). In this paper, we give an overview of the model, describe in detail how it differs from the other EC-Earth3 configurations, and outline the new features compared with the previously documented version of the model (EC-Earth 2.4). We explain how the model was tuned and spun up under preindustrial conditions and characterize the model's general performance on the basis of a selection of coupled simulations conducted for CMIP6. The net energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere in the preindustrial control simulation is on average 0.09 Wm(-2) with a standard deviation due to interannual variability of 0.25 Wm(-2), showing no significant drift. The global surface air temperature in the simulation is on average 14.08 degrees C with an interannual standard deviation of 0.17 degrees C, exhibiting a small drift of 0.015 +/- 0.005 degrees C per century. The model's effective equilibrium climate sensitivity is estimated at 3.9 degrees C, and its transient climate response is estimated at 2.1 degrees C. The CMIP6 historical simulation displays spurious interdecadal variability in Northern Hemisphere temperatures, resulting in a large spread across ensemble members and a tendency to underestimate observed annual surface temperature anomalies from the early 20th century onwards. The observed warming of the Southern Hemisphere is well reproduced by the model. Compared with the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5), the surface air temperature climatology for 1995-2014 has an average bias of -0.86 +/- 0.05 degrees C with a standard deviation across ensemble members of 0.35 degrees C in the North-ern Hemisphere and 1.29 +/- 0.02 degrees C with a corresponding standard deviation of 0.05 degrees C in the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere warm bias is largely caused by errors in shortwave cloud radiative effects over the Southern Ocean, a deficiency of many climate models. Changes in the emissions of near-term climate forcers (NTCFs) have significant effects on the global climate from the second half of the 20th century onwards. For the SSP3-7.0 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway, the model gives a global warming at the end of the 21st century (2091-2100) of 4.9 degrees C above the preindustrial mean. A 0.5 degrees C stronger warming is obtained for the AerChemMIP scenario with reduced emissions of NTCFs. With concurrent reductions of future methane concentrations, the warming is projected to be reduced by 0.5 degrees C.Peer reviewe

    AWI-CM3 coupled climate model: Description and evaluation experiments for a prototype post-CMIP6 model

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    We developed a new version of the Alfred Wegener Institute Climate Model (AWI-CM3), which has higher skills in representing the observed climatology and better computational efficiency than its predecessors. Its ocean component FESOM2 has the multi-resolution functionality typical for unstructured-mesh models while still featuring a scalability and efficiency similar to regular-grid models. The atmospheric component OpenIFS (CY43R3) enables the use of latest developments in the numerical weather prediction community in climate sciences. In this paper we describe the coupling of the model components and evaluate the model performance on a variable resolution (25–125 km) ocean mesh and a 61 km atmosphere grid, which serves as a reference and starting point for other on-going research activities with AWI-CM3. This includes the exploration of high and variable resolution, the development of a full Earth System Model as well as the creation of a new sea ice prediction system. At this early development stage and with the given coarse to medium resolutions, the model already features above CMIP6-average skills in representing the climatology and competitive model throughput. Finally we identify remaining biases and suggest further improvements to be made to the model

    AWI-CM3 coupled climate model: description and evaluation experiments for a prototype post-CMIP6 model

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    We developed a new version of the Alfred Wegener Institute Climate Model (AWI-CM3), which has higher skills in representing the observed climatology and better computational efficiency than its predecessors. Its ocean component FESOM2 (Finite-volumE Sea ice-Ocean Model) has the multi-resolution functionality typical of unstructured-mesh models while still featuring a scalability and efficiency similar to regular-grid models. The atmospheric component OpenIFS (CY43R3) enables the use of the latest developments in the numerical-weather-prediction community in climate sciences. In this paper we describe the coupling of the model components and evaluate the model performance on a variable-resolution (25-125 km) ocean mesh and a 61 km atmosphere grid, which serves as a reference and starting point for other ongoing research activities with AWI-CM3. This includes the exploration of high and variable resolution and the development of a full Earth system model as well as the creation of a new sea ice prediction system. At this early development stage and with the given coarse to medium resolutions, the model already features above-CMIP6-average skills (where CMIP6 denotes Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6) in representing the climatology and competitive model throughput. Finally we identify remaining biases and suggest further improvements to be made to the model

    The EC-Earth3 Earth system model for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6

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    The Earth system model EC-Earth3 for contributions to CMIP6 is documented here, with its flexible coupling framework, major model configurations, a methodology for ensuring the simulations are comparable across different high-performance computing (HPC) systems, and with the physical performance of base configurations over the historical period. The variety of possible configurations and sub-models reflects the broad interests in the EC-Earth community. EC-Earth3 key performance metrics demonstrate physical behavior and biases well within the frame known from recent CMIP models. With improved physical and dynamic features, new Earth system model (ESM) components, community tools, and largely improved physical performance compared to the CMIP5 version, EC-Earth3 represents a clear step forward for the only European community ESM. We demonstrate here that EC-Earth3 is suited for a range of tasks in CMIP6 and beyond.Peer reviewe

    Nodale Spektralelemente und unstrukturierte Gitter - Methodische Aspekte und effiziente Algorithmen

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    Die Dissertation behandelt methodische und algorithmische Aspekte der Spektralelementemethode zur räumlichen Diskretisierung partieller Differentialgleichungen. Die Weiterentwicklung einer symmetriebasierten Faktorisierung ermöglicht effiziente Operatoren für Tetraederelemente. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Leistungsanalyse werden Engpässe in der Implementierung der Operatoren identifiziert und durch algorithmische Modifikationen der Methode eliminiert

    Nodale Spektralelemente und unstrukturierte Gitter - Methodische Aspekte und effiziente Algorithmen

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    Die Dissertation behandelt methodische und algorithmische Aspekte der Spektralelementemethode zur räumlichen Diskretisierung partieller Differentialgleichungen. Die Weiterentwicklung einer symmetriebasierten Faktorisierung ermöglicht effiziente Operatoren für Tetraederelemente. Auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Leistungsanalyse werden Engpässe in der Implementierung der Operatoren identifiziert und durch algorithmische Modifikationen der Methode eliminiert