16 research outputs found

    CAPTAIN MARVEL: Kesetaraan Gender dalam Perspektif Tokoh Superhero

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    Captain Marvel: Gender Equality in the Perspective of Superhero.  Gender equality is something that can be a concern lately so it can be used as an issue in the creation of a work of art, because the ‘value’ of women is considered lower than men in various activities or daily activities. A big American movie studio, Marvel Studios, released a film with a female superhero named Captain Marvel. The emergence of the film made the writer want to examine about this superhero much deeper.  The method employed for this paper was deconstruction approach by linking it to the phenomenon occurring in the society.  Hopefully this article will strengthen the perspective of gender equality by studying the character of Captain Marvel through her portrayed character, sign, and color of her superhero costume. Keywords: Captain Marvel, gender equality, superhero, Marvel Studios, movi

    Strategi Kreatif Jerry Aurum Dalam Pemotretan Public Figure ‘On White’

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    Public figure merupakan sosok yang terkenal dan dikagumi oleh masyarakat. Memotret seorang public figure cukup sulit dikarenakan pendekatan yang diperlukan untuk mengenal mereka dan biasanya mereka juga mempunyai jadwal yang padat sehingga susah untuk ditemui. Seperti yang dilakukan Jerry Aurum untuk mengerjakan karya fotografi On White. Dalam karya On White tersebut Jerry Aurum memotret 128 orang public figure di depan background putih yang pasti akan menemukan menemukan monotisme. Sehingga dibutuhkan pendekatan ke masing-masing public figure agar dapat membedakan potret setiap public figure dalam karya On White. Untuk membedakan potret setiap public figure Jerry Aurum mempunyai strategi tertentu pada saat pemotretan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui strategi kreatif Jerry Aurum dalam pemotretan public figure karya On White. Penelitian ini memilih 10 karya yang dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode wawancara serta studi dokumen dan arsip digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data. Data yang didapat dianalisis dan dikaitkan dengan teori lalu disajikan secara deskriptif atas fakta-fakta yang ditemukan. Sehingga agar terhindar dari situasi monotisme pemotretan di depan background putih, Jerry Aurum menggunakan tiga strategi kreatif yaitu, pendekatan, penenentuan konsep, pemotretan yang masing-masing strategi berisi tindakan untuk dapat membedakan potret dari 128 orang. Selain itu, didapatkan juga ciri khas dalam karya On White, yaitu dari teknik pemotretan dan makna visual dalam karya tersebut

    The Influence of Promotion, Halal Label, and Price on Muslim Consumer Decisions to Buy Food and Beverages in Online Applications with Discounts as A Moderating Variable in The City of Medan

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    This study uses quantitative methodology with Promotion, Halal Label, Price variable and Consumer Decisions as dependent variable. The analysis methods used are Descriptive Analysis, Instrument Test, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple linear regression test with moderating variables using MRA, F-Test, and T-Test. The promotion significantly affects consumer decisions and affects consumer decisions (with MRA Test). The halal label has a t-count value of 10.686> 1.983, and it can be concluded that it affects consumer decisions. The results of the MRA analysis, the X2X4 result is 0.00 <0.05, and the t-count value is 13.542> 1.983. It is concluded that the halal label affects consumer decisions. Price has a sig value of 0.00 <0.05 and a tcount value of 19.255> 1.983. So, price affects consumer decisions. The results of the MRA analysis obtained that the value of X3X4 is equal to 0.00 <0.05, and the tcount value is 18.166> 1.983. It is concluded that price affects consumer decisions. Discount has a sig value of 0.00 <0.05 and a tcount value of 12.012> 1.983. It is concluded that price affects consumer decisions after the variable moderation discount can strengthen the influence of promotion variables, halal labeling, and price on consumer decisions.Keywords: Consumer decision, halal label, price, promotio

    A study on the importance of personal accident towards motor insurance / Amir Fauzi Abd Aziz and Nur Aziana Said Askar Ali

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    Personal Accident insurance is the cheapest and smartest way of filling the insurance gap especially for driver who are aware of the importance of personal accident coverage to their self and the passenger. By adding Personal accident insurance into car insurance policy, it will be able to secure a one off monetary payment for driver and passengers who suffered physical harm, permanently injured or killed in a serious road accident involving a car. The research is conducted to study a factors that make Personal Accident Insurance is importance in relation to road accident injuries. This is because nowadays, many road accidents involve with serious body injury to driver and passenger. The intent of personal accident insurance is to protect participant injury whilst they are involved in road activities. The objective of the study is 1) to identify the importance of personal accident towards motor insurance. 2) to identify the major factors that can make the personal accident is importance towards motor insurance. 100 respondents consist of road users at Johor Bahru, Johor become the sample study. The researchers suggests three factors that can make personal accident insurance is important towards motor insurance and the finding shows that weather affect to personal accident. Suggestion and recommendation is including to people know the others factors that relate with the personal accident in future

    Living Heritage Village of Kampung Morten Melaka: Local Community Involvement in Tourism

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    Community-based Tourism (CBT) involves high community participation at the highest level of decision-making processes, to economic involvement and the giving opinion of the lowest level goal. The purpose of this study is to explore the local community participation in the tourism activities in Kampung Morten, Melaka. The questionnaire survey was conducted using a simple random sampling method among 152 respondents and the results were analysed using crosstabulation analysis. The main findings are the majority of respondents participated in tourism activities and deliberation in tourism activities. Less number of respondents were giving opinions on tourism development and plans. This study is benefitable to the tourism stakeholders to ensure the relevancy of communities staying in living heritage villages to contribute to the domestic tourism industry

    Antioxidative properties of selected microencapsulated plants powder prepared using ultrasonic spray-drying technique

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    Ultrasonic spray drier technology has been practice because of its numerous advantages, including providing more uniform droplets and reducing bioactive compounds damages. This study was aimed to measure the antioxidant properties of several microencapsulated plants powder (MPP) prepared using ultrasonic spray dying technique. The plant samples were treated using ultrasonic spray drier at 80°C inlet temperatures and 10% of gum Arabic relative to solid content. The collected MPP were analysed for their antioxidant activities. The plants use in this study were C. ternatea, M. indica, S. rebaudiana, P. macrocarpa, K. salvarezii and R. apiculata, All MPP showed somewhat very promising high antioxidative activities with C. ternatea significantly exhibited the highest (P<0.05) antioxidant power in nearly all antioxidative test analysis performed. On the other hand, M. indica showed the least ability in antioxidant power and the content of bioactive compounds. Results of the study point that the production of MPP and microcapsules is feasible as a functional ingredient in food industry as it can retain the antioxidative properties, which could lead to a more sustainable usage of natural resources


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    A disaster is an unexpected event for everyone, it is impossible to know when and where the disaster will come, disaster will always stalk us no matter adults, elderly, or children.&nbsp; Fire is a type of disaster that can have a major impact on all living things.&nbsp; Mitigation is an effort to prevent or minimize the potential impact of a disaster event.&nbsp; Disaster mitigation education, especially in fire disasters, needs to be instilled from an early age.&nbsp; In addition, childhood is a golden period, so the orphanage is the main target of fire prevention and control programs.&nbsp; This activity aims to provide disaster mitigation education to orphanage children because high-rise building fires in Indonesia are a fairly frequent problem and must be taken seriously.&nbsp; Community service activities are carried out in the form of counseling regarding fire disaster mitigation at the Tanjung Barat Orphanage.&nbsp; The community service method carried out was given a pretest to 14 children consisting of boys and girls to measure their knowledge of Fire Disaster Management, followed by the delivery of materials, and games, and after that a posttest to determine the understanding of the 14 children towards the material provided.&nbsp; The results of the pretest showed an average target knowledge of 73.6 and the post-test results increased by an average of 86.4.&nbsp; Thus, it was concluded that the knowledge of the children at the Tanjung Barat Orphanage increased after being given the material on Fire Disaster Management.&nbsp; With this increase in knowledge, it is hoped that the children at the Tanjung Barat Orphanage can carry out Fire Disaster Management according to the correct procedures without any sense of fear. &nbsp; Keywords: Children, Counseling, Disaster Mitigation, Fire, Orphanag


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    Clean and Healthy Living Behavior is a behavior that is carried out on the awareness of oneself, family, group, or community as a result of learning so that they can help themselves in realizing public health. There are 10 indicators set, namely the use of clean water, washing hands with clean water and soap, eradicating mosquito nests, using healthy latrines, not smoking, carrying out physical activities, eating fruit and vegetables, weighing toddlers every month, giving exclusive breastfeeding and giving birth. facilities in achieving optimal health status. Therefore, counseling regarding a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle was carried out to the children of the Tanjung Barat orphanage with the aim that the children were able to create a healthy environment, prevent the spread of disease, be able to take advantage of health facility services, and be able to develop health that comes from the community. The community service method carried out is to give a pretest to the children of the Tanjung Barat orphanage to measure their knowledge of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior, followed by the delivery of material on Clean and Healthy Life Behavior, and after that, a post-test is given to determine understanding children to the material provided. The results of the pre-test showed that the average target knowledge was 92.14. Then, there was an increase in post-test results of 99.29. So this article concludes that there is an increase in children's knowledge about Clean and Healthy Life Behavior. Thus, Giving Counseling to Students About Clean and Healthy Life Behavior is Very Effective. Keywords: Clean and Healthy Life Behavior, Children, Counseling, Orphanag

    Strategi Kreatif Jerry Aurum Dalam Pemotretan Public Figure ‘On White’.

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    Public figure merupakan sosok yang terkenal dan dikagumi oleh masyarakat. Memotret seorang public figure cukup sulit dikarenakan pendekatan yang diperlukan untuk mengenal mereka dan biasanya mereka juga mempunyai jadwal yang padat sehingga susah untuk ditemui. Seperti yang dilakukan Jerry Aurum untuk mengerjakan karya fotografi On White. Dalam karya On White tersebut Jerry Aurum memotret 128 orang public figure di depan background putih yang pasti akan menemukan menemukan monotisme. Sehingga dibutuhkan pendekatan ke masing-masing public figure agar dapat membedakan potret setiap public figure dalam karya On White. Untuk membedakan potret setiap public figure Jerry Aurum mempunyai strategi tertentu pada saat pemotretan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui strategi kreatif Jerry Aurum dalam pemotretan public figure karya On White. Penelitian ini memilih 10 karya yang dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode wawancara serta studi dokumen dan arsip digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data. Data yang didapat dianalisis dan dikaitkan dengan teori lalu disajikan secara deskriptif atas fakta-fakta yang ditemukan. Sehingga agar terhindar dari situasi monotisme pemotretan di depan background putih, Jerry Aurum menggunakan tiga strategi kreatif yaitu, pendekatan, penenentuan konsep, pemotretan yang masing-masing strategi berisi tindakan untuk dapat membedakan potret dari 128 orang. Selain itu, didapatkan juga ciri khas dalam karya On White, yaitu dari teknik pemotretan dan makna visual dalam karya tersebut


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata atau yang disingkat dengan KKN merupakan bentuk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dikaitkan dengan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi yaitu pendidikan, pengajaran dan penelitian yang disatukan dalam sebuah kegiatan. Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) pada gelombang 110 periode 05 Juli 2023 – 20 Agustus 2023 mengusung berbagai macam tema yang sangat bermanfaat bagi beberapa wilayah. Salah satunya yaitu KKN Tematik Indeks Pembangunan Manusia yang dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Takalar. Kabupaten Takalar merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Kabupaten Takalar memiliki 9 kecamatan dan 100 Desa/Kelurahan salah satunya adalah Desa Patani. Saat ini, Desa Patani diketahui memiliki beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat salah satu diantaranya yaitu stunting. Adapun penyebab terjadinya stunting di Desa Patani yaitu kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kesehatan dan lingkungan mengenai perilaku pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Terdapat beberapa upaya yang telah dilakukan dalam pencegahan masalah stunting, salah satunya adalah Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT). Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) merupakan bentuk kegiatan pemberian makanan kepada balita dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi masalah gizi yang terjadi pada masyarakat. Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) yang sehat akan diberikan melalui pengolahan ikan tongkol menjadi nugget. Tujuan dari kegiatan “Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Berupa Olahan Ikan Menjadi Nugget Sebagai Upaya Penurunan Angka Stunting di Desa Patani” yaitu sebagai alternatif menu pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) pada balita dalam mencegah stunting