2,270 research outputs found

    Forest-food nexus: a topical opportunity for human well-being and silviculture

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    As population will reach over 9 billion by 2050, interest in the forest-food nexus is rising. Forests play an important role in food production and nutrition. Forests can provide nutritionally-balanced diets, woodfuel for cooking and a broad set of ecosystem services. A large body of evidence recommends multi-functional and integrated landscape approaches to reimagine forestry and agriculture systems. Here, after a commented discussion of the literature produced in the last decade about the role for forests with respect to the food security global emergency, we summarize the state of the art in Italy as a representative country-case-study. The aim is to increase awareness about the potential of silviculture in Italy for combining ecological resilience with economic resilience, and reducing the pressure over tropical and sub-tropical forests by means of a sustainable intensification of forest management at national level. Although a quantification of the Italian non-wood forest products is difficult, the potential of this sector for the Italian bioeconomy is relatively high. Italy is among the four top European exporters of cork stoppers, is one of the three top countries for chestnut seed processing, and is among the leading exporters of wild mushroom, while it is the only European country among the top five global importers of tannins. In order to develop this sector for the food industry, more research is needed on non-wood forest products, the scale of production, emerging markets, marketing and production innovation. On the other hand, chain-supply fragmentation, landowner inertia, and lack of governance and cooperation may hamper an effective exploitation of non-wood products. A renewed joint impulse for exploitation of wood and non-wood products may come from a sustainable intensification of forest management. The strategies to guarantee an effective supply of non-wood products require appropriate business skills and the presence of a structured business services. A transparent market is also essential. Therefore, the introduction of standards (like those by forest certification schemes) is very important. They can add value to products and emphasize the importance and complexity of the forest sector. However, the implementation of sustainable forest management for an effective supply of non-wood products is affected by the availability of appropriate planning tools, and the public officers need a new mindset to stimulate and support business capacity of forest owners

    Los primeros pasos de la madurez. Juventud y matrimonio en el interior peninsular a finales del siglo XVIII

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    En este estudio nos aproximamos a los comportamientos de los jóvenes en un momento clave de su curso vital: la salida del hogar paterno y la constitución de su propia familia en el mundo rural a través de una serie de localidades, en su mayoría extremeñas. Para ello recurriremos a diversas fuentes, como el Catastro del Marqués de la Ensenada, las revisiones del mismo, el Censo de Floridablanca, y una interesante muestra de padrones de finales del XVIII y principios del XIX.In the present study we will approach, to the behavior of young people, during an important momento of their life: when they leave their homes and they start their own family life in rural areas. To do this, we will use various sources, including the Catastro de Ensenada, their revisions, Census Floridablanca and an interesting collection of census from the late XVIIIth century and early XIXth century. Most of them are locations of Extremadura.Proyecto financiado por la Acción II: Becas de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación para no Doctores, correspondiente al Plan de Iniciación a la Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación 2016.peerReviewe

    The institutional answer of the Cabildo of Lucena in front of the plague of 1679

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    El presente trabajo trata de describir y analizar las actuaciones que el cabildo de la ciudad de Lucena (Córdoba) puso en marcha para la prevención y erradicación del contagio de peste de 1679 a través de la documentación remitida al Consejo de Castilla.This paper aims to describe and analyze the actions of the Lucena council (Córdoba) in order to prevent and eradicate pestilence contagion of 1679. To do this, we will use the documentation taht was sent to the Consejo de Castilla.Este trabajo se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto de investigación del MINECO HAR2017- 84226-C6-3-P

    Los primeros pasos de la madurez. Juventud y matrimonio en el interior peninsular a finales del siglo XVIII

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    En este estudio nos aproximamos a los comportamientos de los jóvenes en un momento clave de su curso vital: la salida del hogar paterno y la constitución de su propia familia en el mundo rural a través de una serie de localidades, en su mayoría extremeñas. Para ello recurriremos a diversas fuentes, como el Catastro del Marqués de la Ensenada, las revisiones del mismo, el Censo de Floridablanca, y una interesante muestra de padrones de finales del XVIII y principios del XIX.In the present study we will approach, to the behavior of young people, during an important momento of their life: when they leave their homes and they start their own family life in rural areas. To do this, we will use various sources, including the Catastro de Ensenada, their revisions, Census Floridablanca and an interesting collection of census from the late XVIIIth century and early XIXth century. Most of them are locations of Extremadura.Proyecto financiado por la Acción II: Becas de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación para no Doctores, correspondiente al Plan de Iniciación a la Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación 2016.peerReviewe

    Ethylenediurea (EDU) Affects the Growth of Ozone-Sensitive and Tolerant Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior

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    Adult ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior L.), known to be sensitive or tolerant to ozone, determined by presence or absence of foliar symptoms in previous years, were treated with ethylenediurea (EDU) at 450 ppm by gravitational trunk infusion over the 2005 growing season (32.5 ppm h AOT40). Tree and shoot growth were recorded in May and September. Leaf area, ectomycorrhizal infection, and leaf and fine root biomass were determined in September. EDU enhanced shoot length and diameter, and the number and area of leaves, in both O3-sensitive and tolerant trees. However, no EDU effects were recorded at the fine root and tree level. Therefore, a potential for EDU protection against O3-caused growth losses of forest trees should be evaluated during longer-term experiments

    Mycorrhizal status of an ozone-sensitive poplar clone treated with the antiozonant ethylene diurea

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    The antiozonant ethylene diurea is proven to prevent growth reductions in forest trees induced by ozone. The community of mycorrhizal fungi could be useful indicator of environmental stress. In this study, response of mycorrhizal fungi and fine roots to a 4-year exposure to ambient ozone and treatment with antiozonant was investigated in ozone-sensitive poplar clone under field conditions. The community of ectomycorrhizal fungi and root length colonization with ectomycorrhizal, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and root endophytic fungi was analyzed in antiozonant-treated poplar plants and in poplar plants irrigated with water. In general, plants protected by antiozonant showed higher total number of fine roots, number of ectomycorrhizal types, Shannon–Weaver diversity index, and Species richness index compared to the plants treated with water. The ectomycorrhizal community shifted from contact exploration type in the trees irrigated with water to short-distance exploration type in ethylene diurea-treated trees. Ozone protectant may beneficially affect the belowground community of mycorrhizal fungi colonizing roots of ozone-sensitive poplar clone

    Disabilità intellettiva e accessibilità culturale. Una proposta per facilitare l’accesso alle informazioni in ambito museale.

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    Visiting museums is an integral part of school activities. The participants in the visits are heterogeneous student groups in terms of their motivational, sensory, physical, intellectual or linguistic characteristics. Based on this premise, this paper aims to examine the factors that favour a visit to a museum, bearing in mind the differences that characterise potential visitors. and the possibility of designing proposals that can be enjoyed by the largest possible audience. The attention of the work is mainly focused on a target of the school population that has the characteristics of medium-mild intellectual disability, a condition that generally affects the ability to process and understand messages with complex contents. However, this does not mean that there is no motivational drive, on the part of this target population, towards the world of culture and the opportunities it offers. Accessibility becomes the key word, and in this work it is identified with the theme of communication through written information. The contribution includes a first sample survey, aimed at analysing the most evident problems of descriptive texts. This is followed by a hypothesis on the use of simple analysis tools to facilitate simplification work by teachers and/or museum education designers.Le visite al Museo sono generalmente parte integrante delle attività scolastiche e i partecipanti alle visite sono gruppi studenteschi eterogenei nelle loro caratteristiche motivazionali, sensoriali, fisiche, intellettive o linguistiche. Partendo da questa premessa, questo lavoro vuole esaminare i fattori che favoriscono una visita a un museo, tenendo presenti le differenze che caratterizzano i potenziali visitatori e la possibilità di progettare proposte fruibili da un pubblico che sia più ampio possibile. L’attenzione si concentra principalmente su un target di popolazione scolastica che presenta le caratteristiche della disabilità intellettiva di grado medio-lieve, una condizione che incide generalmente sulla capacità di elaborare e comprendere messaggi con contenuti complessi. Ciò non significa però che sia assente, da parte di questo target di popolazione,la spinta motivazionale nei confronti del mondo della cultura e delle opportunità che essa offre. Accessibilità diviene la parola chiave, e nel presente lavoro si identifica con il tema della comunicazione tramite le informazioni scritte. Il contributo è accompagnato da una prima indagine esemplificativa, finalizzata ad analizzare le problematiche più evidenti dei testi descrittivi, ipotizzando l’utilizzo di semplici strumenti di analisi che favoriscano il lavoro di semplificazione da parte di insegnanti, educatori e/o progettisti didattici del museo

    Miti, interpretazioni e fraintendimenti: l'"autenticità" nella Convenzione UNESCO del 2003 e nella normativa italiana

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    The article focuses on one of the most critical issues when it comes to cultural heritage, namely the authenticity of a specific cultural practice and its role in the definition of a community identity. A fundamental characteristic for many UNESCO programs, authenticity is formally excluded from the text of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and from the Operational Directives; yet, in the application of these tools, it is one of the most problematic issues both for the communities of practitioners and for the bodies responsible for the protection of the registered elements, with clear implications of anthropological, political, and economic nature. The contribution reflects on the myth of authenticity and its declinations in terms of “ownership” and “exclusivity” of different cultural practices, approaching the analysis from a dual perspective: the regulatory developments at an international level and the most recent determinations of UNESCO are placed in dialogue with the legal and doctrinal interpretations in the Italian context, restoring the complexity of a subject in which demo-ethno-anthropological skills prove essential for the understanding of the law and its application to the concrete cases of human communities

    De los enamorados, son los menos los casados. La expresión de la voluntad personal de los jóvenes en las relaciones prenupciales de Antiguo Régimen

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    María Gallego declared in 1775 that “to fall in love, the one that seems best and to marry, the one that suits”. She differentiated two moments in the lives of young people: in one had the free will and in other hand the submission to family will. This paper studies the emergence of the personal will of young people in practices around dating and access to marriage in the eighteenth century. We analyze the social and moral conflict caused by the confrontation of the expression of the personal will of young people and the action of political and religious powers against these individualistic pulsations. The methodology uses family treaties, legislation of the time and ecclesiastical lawsuits. However, the increasing importance of personal consent in the illustrated ideals will support the generalization of individualistic actions. These individualistic actions will transform the ways of life over which liberalism will expand.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de los jóvenes como protagonistas de la emergencia de la voluntad personal y acciones individualistas en prácticas en torno al noviazgo y acceso al matrimonio en el siglo XVIII. A través de tratados de familia, manuales de confesores, legislación de la época y pleitos eclesiásticos, analizamos el conflicto social y moral que deviene de la expresión de la voluntad personal de los jóvenes hijos de familia y la actuación de los poderes político y religioso contra esas pulsaciones individualistas. Sin embargo, la cada vez mayor importancia del consentimiento personal en lo religioso y lo legal amparará la generalización de acciones individualistas, transformando los modos de vida sobre los que se expandirá la armadura ideológica, institucional y costumbres del liberalismo

    Current treatment strategies for seasonal allergic rhinitis: where are we heading?

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is very commonly caused by pollens. The symptoms of AR consist of sneezing, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal itching and airflow obstruction. The diagnosis has long been based on clinical history, skin prick tests and in vitro measurement of specific IgE, but the innovative approach of precision medicine has made diagnostic tools of much greater accuracy available