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    4263 research outputs found

    Progettazione e Quality of Life nella presa in carico di persone con disabilità intellettive: l’agricoltura sociale come nuovo spazio e tempo generativo

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    Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case concerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter-institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case con­cerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter­institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities

    Interventi comunitari strengths-based per promuovere l’inclusione per il benessere: alla (ri)scoperta delle risorse individuali e collettive

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    In light of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development (UN, 2015), all citizens are called to give their contribution to address the arduous socio-economic, environmental and cultural challenges that characterise the 21st Century. One of the transversal strategies identified to achieve the set goals is promoting full participation of all institutions, public and private, as well as citizens to bring about sustainable change. Within this perspective, the planning of actions that aim to involve the entire community becomes one of a wider spectrum of strategies aimed at producing wellbeing and improving people’s perceptions regarding their quality of life. This emancipatory perspective calls for wider bottom-up inclusive action that envisages the participation of the whole school community by rediscovering individual and collective resources. Thus, it is not about building bridges, but pulling down walls, opening doors, broadening the concept of school community to embrace and acknowledge the role of society at large in bringing about transformation.  As literature suggests, strengths-based theoretical reflections (Antonovsky 1996; Dockrill Garrett, 2022; Sen, 1993; Seligman et al., 2009) and intervention models (McKnight & Kretzmann, 1993; Pulla et al., 2012; Russell & McKnight, 2022) have proven to be particularly effective to orient such initiatives. This contribution, therefore, aims to highlight how inclusive strengths-based approaches, albeit stemming from different research fields, may well find their common ground in the vision of the 2030 Agenda (UN, 2015), which is that of promoting wellbeing.   Keywords: asset-based community development, inclusion, strengths-based approaches, wellbeing, quality of lif

    L’ideazione di uno strumento per guidare i docenti nella la realizzazione di una progetta­ zione universale in dialogo con il PEI. Un percorso di Ricerca­Formazione

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    The contribution wants to introduce the design structure of a Research-Formation path started from September 2022 with the teachers of a school (that includes kindergarten, primary and lower secondary school) province of xxxxxx, in xxxxxx Region, aimed to producing a tool that can to manage teachers in the realisation of individualized and personalized learning paths able of creating really, not only in theorical level, but also in practical aspect, the dialogue between the EIP and class design (in its micro and macro dimension) wished by the legislation and literature of the sector.The contribution wants to introduce the design structure of a Research-­Formation path started from September 2022 with the teachers of a school (that includes kindergarten, primary and lower secondary school) province of Savona, in Li­guria Region, aimed to producing a tool that can to manage teachers in the realisation of individualized and personalized learning paths able of creating really, not only in theorical level, but also in practical aspect, the dialogue between the EIP and class design (in its micro and macro dimension) wished by the legislation and literature of the sector

    Il docente en motive verso una nuova direzione olistica di senso e generativa dei formatori, nella scuola del XXI secolo

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    This study is a reflection on the positive learning environment in class. The motivational framework explains how positive student–teacher and student–peer relationships are sustained in the classroom, and strategies for creating solutions to improve relationships. The motivation prepares the pupil for mental creation and a precise rhythm. Positive Learning Environment can mean the place of learning,and places vary widely, or classroom/learning setting arrangements. Imagery, groupings, lighting, air quality and temperature, room size, number of students, the use of audio-visual materials, décor and such all influence learning. They can be direct and indirect influences on learning. The students sense of well-being, belonging, and safety has an impact influence as does reward for learning and mutual respect. Learning environment features and qualities that induce negative feelings and attitudes will inhibit learning. This positive condition and the lateral thinking help the children, thanks to a state of general well-being, to face problems and negative situations inside and outside the classroom. Theteacher and the students have to face the difficulty together, changing their perspectives. They learn together how to look at a challenge from different angles. To develop these skills they are free to explore and manipulate, the learning materials. In the school of the 21st century a favorable trigger becomesa moment shared by all members of the class and by the community itself. The teacher supports creating a warm classroom environment and an atmosphere of mutual respect, where students feel relaxed in asking questions and expressing their thoughts and feelings. This can help develop a strongsense of community and encourage positive interactions and cooperative learning for students with and without disabilities. Together Teacher and Learner can go beyond their boundaries and make a journey toward a new perceptiveness of knowledge through the body. The goal of teacher immediacyis closeness, which means bringing the student closer to the subject and the learning of that subject.A positive learning environment is a set of classroom conditions including emotional states of the teacher and students that make students feel positive about the subject, learning it and being in the class so they feel better and are better motivated to achieve more learning.Il presente scritto è una riflessione sulla trasformazione dei luoghi di apprendimento e lavoro come direzione di senso e direzione generativa delle persone, attualmente in essere in molte realtà educative.Il contesto, costruito dalla docente sulla base di una rilettura dei curriculi formativi previsti dalla mission della scuola, rivisitati secondo prospettive di riflessibilità critica e di sensibilità didattica (Minello, 2011), predispone l’allievo alla creazione mentale di ritmo preciso. Questa scansione conduceil bambino, attraverso uno stato di benessere generale, alla previsione di problemi, situazioni, casi (Minello, 2011) riscontrabili sia dentro che fuori dall’aula ed alla risoluzione degli stessi attraverso il pensiero laterale. La difficoltà viene affrontata dal docente e dal discente da diverse angolazioni, cercando punti di vista alternativi prima di trovare la soluzione (Minello, 2011). Per sviluppare questa abilità e capacità di mutamento occorre manipolare, sperimentare, provare sensazioni positive sia in ambiente familiare che in ambiente scolastico. Nella scuola del XXI secolo un trigger favorevole diventaun momento condiviso da tutti i membri della classe e dalla comunità stessa. Il gruppo sociale diventa ospitale, rispettoso delle diversità, inclusivo, egualitario, gilanico (Eisler, 1987). Docente e discente possono andare oltre i propri confini e compiere un viaggio verso una nuova percettività della conoscenza attraverso il corpo. I passaggi di stato del viaggio conducono insieme il nuovo formatoree l’allievo verso la comprensione di sé e del diverso da sé

    Lettura: sostantivo femminile?

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    Building on some international research that emphasises the importance of presenting male models of readers to encourage boys to read, this paper is an exploratory study of reader models in painting and literature. Through a web search among sites linking reading and painting, some 250 paintings depicting men and women reading were analysed. The aim was to observe the frequency of female and male presences but above all to analyse the ways in which they are portrayed and any differences. Finally, we chose some famous texts from children's literature containing characters who read and we also examined the ways in which female and male readers are portrayed. Within the limits of the sample, the results show that there is a tendency to represent more women or girls readers. Furthermore, in the representation, the characteristics attributed to male and female reading change: female reading is mainly related to the theme of pleasure and the search for one's own identity, whereas male reading is more related to study and information. In future studies, it would be interesting to understand whether these different representations influence boys' and girls' relationship with reading.

    Rendere l'interazione accessibile: realtà virtuale e aumentata per il contatto visivo nell'au­tismo

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    People with Autism Spectrum Disorder frequently struggle with eye contact, i.e. the ability to reciprocate another person’s direct look. This restricts their access to social interaction and thus constitutes a considerable barrier to social inclusion. This paper explores the possibility to employ virtual and augmented reality to devise training programs aimed at improving eye contact skills in the population at stake. The paper starts with a critique of the use of virtual reality, highlighting some of its limitations: most importantly, the discomfort generated by most headsets. Hence, the paper proposes a shift towards augmented reality. By comparing the two technologies, it argues that augmented reality can be perceptually less challenging and less distressing, thus creating more favourable training conditions. Augmented reality, the paper concludes, may become an important component of future interventions targeting social inclusion for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Integrare o includere le persone con disabilità all’interno delle organizzazioni: dibattito terminologico o prospettive differenti?

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    Although the educational value of the work for people with disabilities hasbeen recognized, the debate around integration and inclusion of peoplewith disabilities within organizations is still open and lends itself to manymisunderstandings. This paper intends to highlight the different perspectivesby looking at the evolution of legislation governing the hiring of workerswith disabilities into organizations and their implications in the pathwaysof individuals.Nonostante il valore educativo del lavoro per le persone con disabilità siaormai riconosciuto, il dibattito attorno i termini inserimento, integrazione einclusione delle persone con disabilità all’interno delle organizzazioni è ancoraaperto e si presta a numerosi fraintendimenti. Il presente lavoro intendemettere in evidenza le differenti prospettive ripercorrendol’evoluzione della normativa che disciplina l’ingresso dei lavoratori con disabilitànelle organizzazioni e le implicazioni nei percorsi dei soggetti

    Creating the Schools Our Children Need: Why What We’re Doing Now Won’t Help Much (And What We Can Do Instead), Learning Sciences International, West Palm Beach, 2018, pp. 210 Dylan Wiliam

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    Il testo di Dylan Wiliam, dal titolo Creating the Schools Our Children Need, si colloca all’interno del complesso e variegato dibattito internazionale teso a comprendere l’evoluzione dei processi formativi. L’Autore conduce un’attenta e scrupolosa analisi dei fattori che, negli Stati Uniti, sembrano ricoprire un considerevole ruolo nell’orientare gli attuali e i prossimi sviluppi nel campo dell’istruzione, col fine di dimostrare come tuttora si stia dislocando l’attenzione su variabili solo minimamente in grado di incidere sul progresso scolastico degli studenti, e come, piuttosto, ci siano più fruttuosi investimenti da realizzare per accrescere l’efficacia e l’efficienza dei 13.491 sistemi scolastici di cui l’America dispone.&nbsp

    L'apprendimento transmediale: un'opportunità per l'educazione inclusiva digitale

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    Born within the context of participatory culture and media convergence, transmedia learning is growing as a didactic proposal linked to storytelling that aims to mobilize and develop digital skills in interactive contexts. Through a systematic review of the literature, we intend to contribute to define the concept of transmedia learning, with socioconstructivist and connectivist roots. And, from there, we try to analyse which of its characteristics make it an opportunity in terms of inclusive education, also from a gender perspective. Transmedia learning is flexible, customizable and personalizable from the didactical and technological points of view, so it is in line with the principles of accessibility and universal design for learning. And, for similar reasons, it can help us against the gender digital divide. Therefore, transmedia learning can be an opportunity for inclusive digital education.Nato nel contesto della cultura partecipativa e della convergenza dei media, il transmedia learning sta crescendo come proposta didattica legata alla narrazione che mira a mobilitare e sviluppare le competenze digitali in contesti interattivi. Attraverso una revisione sistematica della letteratura, intendiamo contribuire a definire il concetto di transmedia learning, con radici sociocostruttiviste e connettiviste. Da qui, cerchiamo di analizzare quali caratteristiche lo rendono un'opportunità in termini di educazione inclusiva, anche in una prospettiva di genere. L'apprendimento transmediale è flessibile e personalizzabile dal punto di vista didattico e tecnologico, quindi è in linea con i principi dell'accessibilità e dell'universal design for learning. E, per ragioni simili, può aiutarci a combattere il divario digitale di genere. Il transmedia learning può quindi essere un'opportunità per un'educazione digitale inclusiva


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