1,753 research outputs found

    A comparative study of four novel sleep apnoea episode prediction systems

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    The prediction of sleep apnoea and hypopnoea episodes could allow treatment to be applied before the event be-comes detrimental to the patients sleep, and for a more spe-cific form of treatment. It is proposed that features extracted from breaths preceding an apnoea and hypopnoea could be used in neural networks for the prediction of these events. Four different predictive systems were created, processing the nasal airflow signal using epoching, the inspiratory peak and expiratory trough values, principal component analysis (PCA) and empirical mode decomposition (EMD). The neu-ral networks were validated with naïve data from six over-night polysomnographic records, resulting in 83.50% sensi-tivity and 90.50% specificity. Reliable prediction of apnoea and hypopnoea is possible using the epoched flow and EMD of breaths preceding the event

    Health, safety and environmental issues in thin film manufacturing

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    An investigation is made of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) aspects for the manufacturing, use and decommissioning of CdTe, CIS and a-Si modules. Issues regarding energy requirements, resource availability, emissions of toxic materials, occupational health and safety and module waste treatment are reviewed. Waste streams in thin film module manufacturing are analyzed in detail and treatment methods are discussed. Finally the technological options for thin film module recycling are investigated. It is concluded that there are no serious HSE bottlenecks for upscaling to production levels of 500 MWp/yr and that adequate methods are available for treatment of the manufacturing wastes. However, on the longer term issues regarding CdTe and CIS module waste treatment, In and Te resource availability and module recycling need to adressed. Appropriate recycling methods for CdTe and CIS modules do not exist at present but the problem is being adressed by the PV industry

    Dynamic changes in outlet glaciers in northern Greenland from 1948 to 2015

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    The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is losing mass in response to recent climatic and oceanic warming. Since the mid-1990s, tidewater outlet glaciers across the ice sheet have thinned, retreated, and accelerated, but recent changes in northern Greenland have been comparatively understudied. Consequently, the dynamic response (i.e. changes in surface elevation and velocity) of these outlet glaciers to changes at their termini, particularly calving from floating ice tongues, is poorly constrained. Here we use satellite imagery and historical maps to produce an unprecedented 68-year record of terminus change across 18 major outlet glaciers and combine this with previously published surface elevation and velocity datasets. Overall, recent (1995–2015) retreat rates were higher than at any time in the previous 47 years (since 1948). Despite increased retreat rates from the 1990s, there was distinct variability in dynamic glacier behaviour depending on whether the terminus was grounded or floating. Grounded glaciers accelerated and thinned in response to retreat over the last 2 decades, while most glaciers terminating in ice tongues appeared dynamically insensitive to recent ice tongue retreat and/or total collapse. We also identify glacier geometry (e.g. fjord width, basal topography, and ice tongue confinement) as an important influence on the dynamic adjustment of glaciers to changes at their termini. Recent grounded outlet glacier retreat and ice tongue loss across northern Greenland suggest that the region is undergoing rapid change and could soon contribute substantially to sea level rise via the loss of grounded ice

    Neutrino Phenomenology, Dark Energy and Leptogenesis from pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons

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    We consider a model of dynamical neutrino masses via the see-saw mechanism. Nambu-Goldstone bosons (majorons) arise associated with the formation of the heavy right-handed majorana masses. These bosons then acquire naturally soft masses (become pNGB's) at loop level via the Higgs-Yukawa mass terms. These models, like the original neutrino pNGB quintessence schemes of the 1980's that proceed through the Dirac masses, are natural, have cosmological implications through mass varying neutrinos, long range forces, and provide a soft potential for dark energy. We further argue that these models can explain leptogenesis naturally through the decays of the right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Micron-sized atom traps made from magneto-optical thin films

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    We have produced magnetic patterns suitable for trapping and manipulating neutral atoms on a 1μ1 \mum length scale. The required patterns are made in Co/Pt thin films on a silicon substrate, using the heat from a focussed laser beam to induce controlled domain reversal. In this way we draw lines and "paint" shaped areas of reversed magnetization with sub-micron resolution. These structures produce magnetic microtraps above the surface that are suitable for holding rubidium atoms with trap frequencies as high as ~1 MHz.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    NMR study of the electronic properties and crystal structure of the semiconducting compound Al2Ru

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    The nontetrahedral semiconductor Al2Ru has been studied by Al27 nuclear magnetic resonance from room temperature to 1200 K. An anomalously large Al27 chemical shift of 313 ppm was observed. The Al27 nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation rate is extremely slow at room temperature and significantly increases above 500 K. Analysis of these data is consistent with a very low residual density of states at the Fermi level and a narrow band gap. In addition, high-resolution magic-angle-spinning Al27 spectra show that there are two similar but distinguishable aluminum sites, indicating that the actual crystal structure differs slightly from the one determined by x-ray diffraction

    Weakly coupled neutral gauge bosons at future linear colliders

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    A weakly coupled new neutral gauge boson forms a narrow resonance that is hard to discover directly in e+e- collisions. However, if the gauge boson mass is below the center-of-mass energy, it can be produced through processes where the effective energy is reduced due to initial-state radiation and beamstrahlung. It is shown that at a high-luminosity linear collider, such a gauge boson can be searched for with very high sensitivity, leading to a substantial improvement compared to existing limits from the Tevatron and also extending beyond the expected reach of the LHC in most models. If a new vector boson is discovered either at the Tevatron Run II, the LHC or the linear collider, its properties can be determined at the linear collider with high precision, thus helping to reveal origin of the new boson.Comment: 21 p

    The vacuum structure in a supersymmetric gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    The dynamical breakdown of the SU(2)×U(1)SU(2) \times U(1) symmetry triggered by a top-antitop condensate is studied in a supersymmetric version of the gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. An effective potential approach is used to investigate the vacuum structure and the equivalence with the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The role of the soft supersymmetry breaking terms is analyzed in detail in a version of the model where the electroweak gauge interactions are turned off.Comment: 32 pages (+2 figures not included), Latex, LPTHE 93/0

    Weakly-Bound Three-Body Systems with No Bound Subsystems

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    We investigate the domain of coupling constants which achieve binding for a 3-body system, while none of the 2-body subsystems is bound. We derive some general properties of the shape of the domain, and rigorous upper bounds on its size, using a Hall--Post decomposition of the Hamiltonian. Numerical illustrations are provided in the case of a Yukawa potential, using a simple variational method.Comment: gzipped ps with 11 figures included. To appear in Phys. Rev.