209 research outputs found

    Redes sociais e os estudos de recepção na internet

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    Nesse artigo, propomos um itinerário de reflexão em torno das redes sociais como ambiência mediada na busca por situar suas incidências nos estudos de recepção na internet. Partimos da compreensão de que o papel desempenhado pelas redes sociais no modo de organização das relações contemporâneas traz conseqüências para a configuração e os usos das mídias, com destaque para a internet, o que exige uma reconfiguração do olhar sobre os processos de recepção. Ao longo do texto, são discutidos aspectos conceituais referentes ao reposicionamento do interacional nos estudos da recepção no contexto da sociedade em rede, com destaque para cinco dimensões que exigem a atenção nesse reposicionamento: a facilidade de acesso à esfera da produção, a convergência midiática, a interatividade, a hipertextualidade e a heterogeneidade das características da internet

    Social networks and reception studies on the internet

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    Nesse artigo, propomos um itinerário de reflexão em torno das redes sociais como ambiência mediada na busca por situar suas incidências nos estudos de recepção na internet. Partimos da compreensão de que o papel desempenhado pelas redes sociais no modo de organização das relações contemporâneas traz conseqüências para a configuração e os usos das mídias, com destaque para a internet, o que exige uma reconfiguração do olhar sobre os processos de recepção. Ao longo do texto, são discutidos aspectos conceituais referentes ao reposicionamento do interacional nos estudos da recepção no contexto da sociedade em rede, com destaque para cinco dimensões que exigem a atenção nesse reposicionamento: a facilidade de acesso à esfera da produção, a convergência midiática, a interatividade, a hipertextualidade e a heterogeneidade das características da internet.In this article we propose an itinerary for thinking about social networks as environments and the search for placing its incidences in reception studies on internet. We start from the understanding that the role developed by social networks in the organization of contemporaneous relations brings consequences for the configuration and uses of media, highlighting the internet. This demands a reconfiguration of the perspective on reception processes. In this text we discuss conceptual concepts concerning the repositioning of interaction in reception studies within the context of connected society. We draw attention to five dimensions that demand attention in this repositioning: ease of access to the production field, media convergence, interactivity, hypertextuality and heterogeneity of internet characteristics


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    Relato da experiência de elaboração do Plano de Ações Regionais de Educação Permanente em Saúde na macrorregião oeste do estado de Santa Catarina em 2014, mediante o olhar dos representantes dos gestores da saúde e da educação, dos trabalhadores da saúde, das instituições formadoras e do controle social – quadrilátero da formação. A oficina contou com a representação dos 26 municípios da região, tendo representados os segmentos que compõem a Comissão de Integração Ensino Serviço. Após concluídos os trabalhos de grupos, todos se reuniram em plenária para aprovação das propostas que emergiram. Destacou-se a pouca representatividade do controle social em cada um dos municípios, a presença de Secretários Municipais da Educação e a participação da categoria profissional enfermagem, representando as instituições formadoras. A experiência confirmou os pressupostos do quadrilátero e as discussões geraram oportunidades significativas de encontros, traduzindo a complexidade, a riqueza e a potência dos movimentos de Educação Permanente.Report of the experience of elaboration of the Plano de Ações Regionais de Educação Permanente em Saúde (Regional action plan for continuing health education) in the western macro-region of the state of Santa Catarina, in 2014, by representatives of health and education managers, health workers, educational institutions and social control – the four elements (quadrilateral) of training. Twenty-six (26) cities of the region participated in the workshop, being represented by the segments that compose the Comissão de Integração Ensino Serviço – CIES (Commission for integrating teaching and service). After the end of the activities of the groups, the participants gathered in a plenary meeting for the approval of the proposals submitted. It should be stressed the scarce representativeness of social control in each of the cities, the presence of municipal secretaries of education and the participation ofthe nursing profession, representing the educational institutions. The experience corroborated the assumptions of the quadrilateral, and the discussions provided significant opportunities for new meetings, translating the complexity, the wealth and the power of Continuing Education movements.Relato de experiencia de elaboración del Plan de Acciones Regionales de Educación Permanente en Salud en la macrorregión oeste del estado de Santa Catarina en 2014, considerando la visión de los representantes de los gestores de la salud y de la educación, de los trabajadores de salud, de las instituciones formadoras y del control social – cuadrilátero de la formación. El evento contó con la representación de los 26 municipios de la región, siendo representados los segmentos que componen la Comisión de Integración Enseñanza Servicio. Después de concluidos los trabajos de grupos, todos se reunieron para aprobación de las propuestas resultantes. Se ha destacado la poca representatividad del control social en cada uno de los municipios, la presencia de Secretarios Municipales de la Educación y la participación de la categoría profesional de enfermería, representando las instituciones formadoras. La experiencia confirmó los presupuestos de cuadrilátero y las discusiones generaron oportunidades significativas de encuentros, traduciendo la complejidad, la riqueza y la potencia de los movimientos de Educación Permanente

    Representações de Gênero no Campo Missionário Congoangolano da Assembléia de Deus no Rio de Janeiro

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    o presente artigo é fruto de pesquisa mais ampla junto à comunidade imigrante angolana e congolesa que compõe o Campo Missionário da Congregação da Assembleia de Deus de Boiúna, em Jacarepaguá, RJ, mais conhecida como Congregação dos Africanos. Essa comunidade está vinculada à Convenção Nacional das Assembleias de Deus (Conamad) no Brasil, Ministério de Madureira. Para esse artigo foram separados depoimentos de quatro mulheres participantes da congregação e também do pastor responsável, com o intuito de verificar quais são as representações de gênero dominantes naquele contexto e em que medida elas são afirmadas e/ou contestadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seroprevalence among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies in patients with tuberculosis. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at an outpatient tuberculosis clinic in Alvorada, RS, Brazil, with data collection between October and December 2020. Outpatients aged>18 years with active pulmonary tuberculosis, no prior history of coronavirus disease 2019, and no suspected coronavirus disease 2019 were included in the study. Whole blood samples were collected to perform the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies test. Results: During the study period, 52 patients met the inclusion and were included in the analysis. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies were positive in 16 (30.8%) patients. Male sex was more frequent among patients with negative severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies than in patients with positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies (86.1 vs. 56.3%, p=0.031). Contact with coronavirus disease 2019 case was more common in patients with positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies compared with patients with negative severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies (87.5 vs. 8.3%, p<0.0001). In a multivariate analysis, in a model including the variables such as male sex and contact with coronavirus disease 2019 case, only contact with coronavirus disease 2019 was independently associated with positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies (OR 77.0, 95%CI 11.5-512.4, p<0.0001). Conclusion: This study revealed a seroprevalence of 30.8% severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 among patients with tuberculosis

    Impact of introduction of Xpert MTB/RIF test on tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in a city with high TB incidence in Brazil

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    Background Xpert MTB/RIF is increasingly used in many countries as the initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis (TB). Few studies have evaluated the effect of Xpert on TB diagnosis under programmatic conditions in Brazil. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of introduction of Xpert MTB/RIF on TB diagnosis in a city with high TB incidence in Brazil. Methods We included patients evaluated with conventional diagnostic tests during one year before Xpert introduction (pre-Xpert group) and patients evaluated using Xpert during one year after the test introduction (post-Xpert group). Results 620 patients met the inclusion criteria (208 in the pre-Xpert group and 412 in the postXpert group) and were included in the analysis. The time until TB diagnosis was shorter in post-Xpert group (0.7 day, IQR: 0.5–1.0 day) than in pre-Xpert group (2.0 days, IQR: 2.0– 2.0 days) (p<0.0001). Atypical disease characteristics, such as less weight loss, fever, dyspnea, night sweats, and hemoptysis; a negative sputum smear; a negative culture, and a chest X-ray atypical of TB were more common in post-Xpert group than in pre-Xpert group (p<0.0001 for all). Conclusions We found that the implementation of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay, under programmatic conditions, improve and facilitate TB diagnosis, especially in cases with atypical disease manifestations. These results are likely to be generalizable to settings with a similar high TB incidence

    O ENSINO DE FÍSICA ALIADO A RECURSOS EDUCACIONAIS DIGITAIS (RED): As contribuições da plataforma Arduino em sala de aula.

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    This study aimed to identify the literary production on the use of the Arduino platform as a digital technological resource (RED) for teaching physics concepts in high school. This is an exploratory study carried out in databases of recognized scientific journals in the areas of teaching and exact sciences. From the survey of 32 works that were characterized by the scope of this study, fourteen articles stood out that brought the results of experimental projects developed for the teaching of scientific concepts with the help of Arduino. The results of these studies indicated that the use of this RED in the development of experimental activities in the classroom, in addition to providing autonomy and the development of the student's scientific, critical and creative thinking, also proved to be a technologically viable and economically sustainable resource for low cost, but with quality and versatility equal to or greater than commercial options.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la producción literaria sobre el uso de la plataforma Arduino como recurso tecnológico digital (RED) para la enseñanza de conceptos de física en la escuela secundaria. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio realizado en bases de datos de reconocidas revistas científicas en las áreas de docencia y ciencias exactas. Del relevamiento de 32 trabajos que se caracterizaron por el alcance de este estudio, se destacaron catorce artículos que trajeron los resultados de proyectos experimentales desarrollados para la enseñanza de conceptos científicos con la ayuda de Arduino. Los resultados de estos estudios indicaron que el uso de esta RED en el desarrollo de actividades experimentales en el aula, además de brindar autonomía y el desarrollo del pensamiento científico, crítico y creativo del estudiante, también resultó ser un recurso tecnológicamente viable y económicamente sostenible. recurso a bajo costo, pero con calidad y versatilidad igual o superior a las opciones comerciales.Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar a produção literária sobre o uso da plataforma Arduino como um recurso tecnológico digital (RED)[1] para o ensino de conceitos da Física no ensino médio. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório realizado em bases de dados de periódicos científicos reconhecidos nas áreas de ensino e ciências exatas. A partir do levantamento de 32 trabalhos que se caracterizavam ao escopo deste estudo, destacaram-se quatorze artigos que traziam os resultados de projetos experimentais desenvolvidos para o ensino de conceitos científicos com o auxílio do Arduino. Os resultados desses estudos indicaram que o uso deste RED no desenvolvimento de atividades experimentais em sala de aula, além de propiciar a autonomia e o desenvolvimento do pensamento científico, crítico e criativo do estudante, também se revelou como um recurso tecnologicamente viável e economicamente sustentável por ser de baixo custo, mas com qualidade e versatilidade iguais ou superiores às opções comerciais. &nbsp; [1] Conforme definição da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFP), um recurso educacional digital é, na prática, um arquivo digital utilizado como ferramenta de ensino para apoiar o aprendizado. Pode ser um arquivo de imagem (vídeo, foto, ilustração, animação; ou um arquivo de áudio (música, uma gravação, um som, um toque, audiolivro, podcast, etc); ou um tipo específico de documento (texto, planilha, uma apresentação) ou, ainda, um tipo específico de arquivo associado a uma aplicação especializada (aplicativos de simulação matemática, física, anatomia, etc.). Cf.: http://www.utfpr.edu.br/estrutura-universitaria/pro-reitorias/prograd/cotedu/recursos-educacionais-digitais/tipos-de-recurso

    Dithiocarbamate residues in fruits and leaves of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) from different Brazilian regions

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    Dithiocarbamates are widely used fungicides, including in passion fruit, whose fruits are mainly used for juice production, the leaves for the preparation of herbal tea and medicines. Also, the use of the peel in the food industry has been proposed. In this study, the spectrophotometric method for determination of dithiocarbamate residues, as CS2, in passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) was validated at a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.05 mg kg-1 CS2, and 108 samples (55 fruits and 53 leaves) collected from Brazilian growers were analyzed. About 25% of the fruit peel samples were positive (0.06 to 1.4 mg kg-1) and only one sample had residues in the pulp (0.09 mg kg-1), 43.4% of leaf samples contained residues. Washing of fruit reduced the residues in the peel by up to 100%, and drying the leaves increased residue levels by up to 60%. This is the first study that reports dithiocarbamate residues in passion fruit in Brazil, and the results are important for government authorities when planning monitoring programs, and for food and herbal medicine industries

    Effect of Insecticide Resistance on Development, Longevity and Reproduction of Field or Laboratory Selected Aedes aegypti Populations

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    Aedes aegypti dispersion is the major reason for the increase in dengue transmission in South America. In Brazil, control of this mosquito strongly relies on the use of pyrethroids and organophosphates against adults and larvae, respectively. In consequence, many Ae. aegypti field populations are resistant to these compounds. Resistance has a significant adaptive value in the presence of insecticide treatment. However some selected mechanisms can influence important biological processes, leading to a high fitness cost in the absence of insecticide pressure. We investigated the dynamics of insecticide resistance and its potential fitness cost in five field populations and in a lineage selected for deltamethrin resistance in the laboratory, for nine generations. For all populations the life-trait parameters investigated were larval development, sex ratio, adult longevity, relative amount of ingested blood, rate of ovipositing females, size of egglaying and eggs viability. In the five natural populations, the effects on the life-trait parameters were discrete but directly proportional to resistance level. In addition, several viability parameters were strongly affected in the laboratory selected population compared to its unselected control. Our results suggest that mechanisms selected for organophosphate and pyrethroid resistance caused the accumulation of alleles with negative effects on different life-traits and corroborate the hypothesis that insecticide resistance is associated with a high fitness cost

    PHYSICS TEACHING COMBINED WITH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES (RTD): the contributions of the Arduino platform in the classroom

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    This study aimed to identify the literary production on the use of the Arduino platform as a digital technological resource (RED) for teaching physics concepts in high school. This is an exploratory study carried out in databases of recognized scientific journals in the areas of teaching and exact sciences. From the survey of 32 works that were characterized by the scope of this study, fourteen articles stood out that brought the results of experimental projects developed for the teaching of scientific concepts with the help of Arduino. The results of these studies indicated that the use of this RED in the development of experimental activities in the classroom, in addition to providing autonomy and the development of the student's scientific, critical and creative thinking, also proved to be a technologically viable and economically sustainable resource for low cost, but with quality and versatility equal to or greater than commercial options. &nbsp