908 research outputs found

    A Study of the Combination of Variation Operators in the NSGA-II Algorithm

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    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms rely on the use of variation operators as their basic mechanism to carry out the evolutionary process. These operators are usually fixed and applied in the same way during algorithm execution, e.g., the mutation probability in genetic algorithms. This paper analyses whether a more dynamic approach combining different operators with variable application rate along the search process allows to improve the static classical behavior. This way, we explore the combined use of three different operators (simulated binary crossover, differential evolution’s operator, and polynomial mutation) in the NSGA-II algorithm. We have considered two strategies for selecting the operators: random and adaptive. The resulting variants have been tested on a set of 19 complex problems, and our results indicate that both schemes significantly improve the performance of the original NSGA-II algorithm, achieving the random and adaptive variants the best overall results in the bi- and three-objective considered problems, respectively.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TEC

    Material properties from air puff corneal deformation by numerical simulations on model corneas

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    19 págs.; 11 figs.; 2 tabs.Objective To validate a new method for reconstructing corneal biomechanical properties from air puff corneal deformation images using hydrogel polymer model corneas and porcine corneas. Methods Air puff deformation imaging was performed on model eyes with artificial corneas made out of three different hydrogel materials with three different thicknesses and on porcine eyes, at constant intraocular pressure of 15 mmHg. The cornea air puff deformation was modeled using finite elements, and hyperelastic material parameters were determined through inverse modeling, minimizing the difference between the simulated and the measured central deformation amplitude and central-peripheral deformation ratio parameters. Uniaxial tensile tests were performed on the model cornea materials as well as on corneal strips, and the results were compared to stress-strain simulations assuming the reconstructed material parameters. Results The measured and simulated spatial and temporal profiles of the air puff deformation tests were in good agreement (< 7% average discrepancy). The simulated stress-strain curves of the studied hydrogel corneal materials fitted well the experimental stress-strain curves from uniaxial extensiometry, particularly in the 0-0.4 range. Equivalent Young?s moduli of the reconstructed material properties from air-puff were 0.31, 0.58 and 0.48 MPa for the three polymer materials respectively which differed < 1% from those obtained from extensiometry. The simulations of the same material but different thickness resulted in similar reconstructed material properties. The air-puff reconstructed average equivalent Young?s modulus of the porcine corneas was 1.3 MPa, within 18% of that obtained from extensiometry. Conclusions Air puff corneal deformation imaging with inverse finite element modeling can retrieve material properties of model hydrogel polymer corneas and real corneas, which are in good correspondence with those obtained from uniaxial extensiometry, suggesting that this is a promising technique to retrieve quantitative corneal biomechanical properties.This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program ERC Advanced Grant agreement no. 294099 (erc.europa.eu) to SM; Comunidad de Madrid and EU Marie Curie COFUND program (FP7) 291820 (mvisionconsortium.org/) to NB; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Grant FIS2014-56643-R (www.mineco.gob.es) to SM; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Grant FIS2013-49544-EXP (www.mineco.gob.es) to CD; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad FPI Fellowship BES-2015-072197 (www.idi.mineco.gob.es) to AdlH.Peer Reviewe

    Sparse LS-SVMs with L0-norm minimization

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 19th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, held in Bruges on 2011Least-Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVMs) have been successfully applied in many classification and regression tasks. Their main drawback is the lack of sparseness of the final models. Thus, a procedure to sparsify LS-SVMs is a frequent desideratum. In this paper, we adapt to the LS-SVM case a recent work for sparsifying classical SVM classifiers, which is based on an iterative approximation to the L0-norm. Experiments on real-world classification and regression datasets illustrate that this adaptation achieves very sparse models, without significant loss of accuracy compared to standard LS-SVMs or SVMs

    Vision Is Adapted to the Natural Level of Blur Present in the Retinal Image

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    Background The image formed by the eye's optics is inherently blurred by aberrations specific to an individual's eyes. We examined how visual coding is adapted to the optical quality of the eye.Methods and Findings We assessed the relationship between perceived blur and the retinal image blur resulting from high order aberrations in an individual's optics. Observers judged perceptual blur in a psychophysical two-alternative forced choice paradigm, on stimuli viewed through perfectly corrected optics (using a deformable mirror to compensate for the individual's aberrations). Realistic blur of different amounts and forms was computer simulated using real aberrations from a population. The blur levels perceived as best focused were close to the levels predicted by an individual's high order aberrations over a wide range of blur magnitudes, and were systematically biased when observers were instead adapted to the blur reproduced from a different observer's eye.Conclusions Our results provide strong evidence that spatial vision is calibrated for the specific blur levels present in each individual's retinal image and that this adaptation at least partly reflects how spatial sensitivity is normalized in the neural coding of blur.This work was supported by the following: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) Predoctoral Fellowship to LS; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) I3P Predoctoral Fellowship to PdG; EY-10834 to MW; MICINN FIS2008-02065 and EURYI-05-102-ES (European Heads of Research Councils-European Science Foundation EUROHORCs-ESF) to SM. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Visual simulators and programmable blur

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    CIP 2019, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, 20th - 22nd, 2019Peer reviewe

    Digital image correlation after focused ion beam micro-slit drilling: A new technique for measuring residual stresses in hardmetal components at local scale

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    A new method has been developed for measuring residual stresses at the surface of hardmetal components with higher spatial resolution than standard X-ray diffraction methods. It is based on measuring the surface displacements produced when stresses are partially released by machining a thin slit perpendicularly to the tested surface. Slit machining is carried out by focused ion beam (FIB). Measurement of the displacement fields around the FIB slit are performed by applying an advanced digital image correlation algorithm based on Fourier analysis with sub-pixel resolution. This method compares SEM images of the same area of the hardmetal surface before and after slitting. The method has been successfully applied to as-ground and femto-laser textured surfaces showing good correlation with the standard sin2 ψ XRD technique. It is concluded that texturing induced by laser pulses in the femtoseconds regime is not perfectly adiabatic, since residual stresses are reduced by 15

    Efecto del quitosan de alto peso molecular y del alginato de sodio sobre la proteinasa ácida secretoria de Candida albicans.

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    Se evaluó el efecto del quitosan de alto peso molecular (QAPM) y del alginato de sodio (NaAL) sobre la producción de proteinasa ácida por una cepa de colección y cinco aislamientos de Candida albicans. Se indujo la secreción de proteinasa ácida con y sin agregado de polímeros a distintas concentraciones y se determinó la actividad enzimática. QAPM y NaAL disminuyeron significativamente la actividad enzimática (>76% cepa de colección y >89% aislamientos, p < 0,05). QAPM no modificó la concentración de proteínas y NaAL produjo una disminución. Se concluye que ambos polímeros son efectivos en inhibir la actividad de proteinasa ácida de Candida albicans.publishedVersio

    Lifestyle, dietary factors and antibody levels to oral bacteria in cancer-free participants of a European cohort study

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    Background—Increasing evidence suggests that oral microbiota play a pivotal role in chronic diseases, in addition to the well-established role in periodontal disease. Moreover, recent studies suggest that oral bacteria may also be involved in carcinogenesis; periodontal disease has been linked several cancers. In this study, we examined whether lifestyle factors have an impact on antibody levels to oral bacteria. Methods—Data on demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, and medical conditions were obtained at the time of blood sample collection. For the current analysis, we measured antibody levels to 25 oral bacteria in 395 cancer-free individuals using an immunoblot array. Combined total immunglobin G (IgG) levels were obtained by summing concentrations for all oral bacteria measured. Results—IgG antibody levels were substantially lower among current and former smokers (1697 and 1677 ng/mL, respectively) than never smokers (1960 ng/mL; p-trend = 0.01), but did not vary by other factors, including BMI, diabetes, physical activity, or by dietary factors, after adjusting for age, sex, education, country and smoking status. The highest levels of total IgG were found among individuals with low education (2419 ng/mL). Conclusions—Our findings on smoking are consistent with previous studies and support the notion that smokers have a compromised humoral immune response. Moreover, other major factors known to be associated with inflammatory markers, including obesity, were not associated with antibody levels to a large number of oral bacteria

    Intragenic ATM Methylation in Peripheral Blood DNA as a Biomarker of Breast Cancer Risk

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    Few studies have evaluated the association between DNA methylation in white blood cells (WBC) and the risk of breast cancer. The evaluation of WBC DNA methylation as a biomarker of cancer risk is of particular importance as peripheral blood is often available in prospective cohorts and easier to obtain than tumor or normal tissues. Here, we used prediagnostic blood samples from three studies to analyze WBC DNA methylation of two ATM intragenic loci (ATMmvp2a and ATMmvp2b) and genome-wide DNA methylation in long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE1) repetitive elements. Samples were from a case-control study derived from a cohort of high-risk breast cancer families (KConFab) and nested case-control studies in two prospective cohorts: Breakthrough Generations Study (BGS) and European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Bisulfite pyrosequencing was used to quantify methylation from 640 incident cases of invasive breast cancer and 741 controls. Quintile analyses for ATMmvp2a showed an increased risk of breast cancer limited to women in the highest quintile [OR, 1.89; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.36-2.64; P = 1.64 x 10(-4)]. We found no significant differences in estimates across studies or in analyses stratified by family history or menopausal status. However, a more consistent association was observed in younger than in older women and individually significant in KConFab and BGS, but not EPIC. We observed no differences in LINE1 or ATMmvp2b methylation between cases and controls. Together, our findings indicate that WBC DNA methylation levels at ATM could be a marker of breast cancer risk and further support the pursuit of epigenome-wide association studies of peripheral blood DNA methylation. Cancer Res; 72(9); 2304-13. (C) 2012 AACR