80 research outputs found

    Saint-Hilaire-le-Châtel – ZAC des Gaillons

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    Date de l'opération : 2007 (EX) Inventeur(s) : Delahaye François (INRAP) ; Noël Jean-Yves Un diagnostic archéologique a été réalisé sur les terrains concernés par l’aménagement de la première tranche de l’extension de la ZAC des Gaillons sur la commune de Saint-Hilaire-le-Châtel. Outre quelques fosses naturelles interprétées comme des chablis, le diagnostic a permis de mettre au jour les traces d’une occupation du second âge du Fer matérialisée par un bâtiment sur poteaux associé à plusieurs ..

    Use of the 3D radon transform to examine the properties of oceanic Rossby waves

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    One of the most successful applications of satellite-borne radar altimeter data over the oceans in recent years has been the extraction of information about long-wavelength baroclinic Rossby (or planetary) waves, which play a significant role in ocean circulation and climate dynamics. These waves cross ocean basins from east to west at speeds of few centimetres per second at mid-latitudes. The cross-basin propagation time may therefore be several months or even years and an accurate estimation of the speed of the waves is important. We review the methods for obtaining information on Rossby wave velocity from altimetry data, particularly the two-dimensional Radon transform. Unfortunately the use of longitude-time plots, although it allows the estimation of the zonal phase speeds, does not give any information on the speed vector when the propagation of the waves is not purely zonal (east-west). We show how the two-dimensional Radon Transform can be generalised to three dimensions, enabling not only the true propagation velocity component to be determined, but also the direction of the waves and thus any deviation from the pure-westward case. As examples of the application of this extended technique, we show maps of direction, speed and energy of Rossby waves in the North Atlantic Ocean

    French Roadmap for complex Systems 2008-2009

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    This second issue of the French Complex Systems Roadmap is the outcome of the Entretiens de Cargese 2008, an interdisciplinary brainstorming session organized over one week in 2008, jointly by RNSC, ISC-PIF and IXXI. It capitalizes on the first roadmap and gathers contributions of more than 70 scientists from major French institutions. The aim of this roadmap is to foster the coordination of the complex systems community on focused topics and questions, as well as to present contributions and challenges in the complex systems sciences and complexity science to the public, political and industrial spheres

    Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis versus bacteremia strains: Subtle genetic differences at stake

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    AbstractInfective endocarditis (IE)(1) is a severe condition complicating 10–25% of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Although host-related IE risk factors have been identified, the involvement of bacterial features in IE complication is still unclear. We characterized strictly defined IE and bacteremia isolates and searched for discriminant features. S. aureus isolates causing community-acquired, definite native-valve IE (n=72) and bacteremia (n=54) were collected prospectively as part of a French multicenter cohort. Phenotypic traits previously reported or hypothesized to be involved in staphylococcal IE pathogenesis were tested. In parallel, the genotypic profiles of all isolates, obtained by microarray, were analyzed by discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC)(2). No significant difference was observed between IE and bacteremia strains, regarding either phenotypic or genotypic univariate analyses. However, the multivariate statistical tool DAPC, applied on microarray data, segregated IE and bacteremia isolates: IE isolates were correctly reassigned as such in 80.6% of the cases (C-statistic 0.83, P<0.001). The performance of this model was confirmed with an independent French collection IE and bacteremia isolates (78.8% reassignment, C-statistic 0.65, P<0.01). Finally, a simple linear discriminant function based on a subset of 8 genetic markers retained valuable performance both in study collection (86.1%, P<0.001) and in the independent validation collection (81.8%, P<0.01). We here show that community-acquired IE and bacteremia S. aureus isolates are genetically distinct based on subtle combinations of genetic markers. This finding provides the proof of concept that bacterial characteristics may contribute to the occurrence of IE in patients with S. aureus bacteremia

    Phenotypic spectrum of fetal Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

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    International audienceThe Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive multiple congenital malformation syndrome caused by dehydrocholesterol reductase deficiency. The diagnosis is confirmed by high 7- and secondarily 8-dehydrocholesterol levels in plasma and tissues and/or by detection of biallelic mutations in the DHCR7 gene. The phenotypic spectrum of SLOS is broad, ranging from a mild phenotype combining subtle physical anomalies with behavioral and learning problems, to a perinatally lethal multiple malformations syndrome. The fetal phenotype of SLOS has been poorly described in the literature. We report a series of 10 fetuses with molecularly proven SLOS. Even in young fetuses, the facial dysmorphism appears characteristic. Genital abnormalities are rare in 46,XX subjects. Gonadal differentiation appears histologically normal and in agreement with the chromosomal sex, contrary to what has been previously stated. We observed some previously unreported anomalies: ulnar hypoplasia, vertebral segmentation anomalies, congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformation, fused lungs, gastroschisis, holomyelia and hypothalamic hamartoma. This latter malformation proves that SLOS phenotypically overlaps with Pallister-Hall syndrome which remains clinically a major differential diagnosis of SLOS

    Évaluation de la programmation en chirurgie ambulatoire des fractures de l’extrémité distale du radius à l’Hôpital Sud de Grenoble en 2016 : une grande marge de progression accessible

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    Introduction: Ambulatory surgery is currently undergoing major development. Along with this highly codified mode of care, traumatology orthopedics also has great potential in this area. In 2014, the High Health Authority (HAS) specified the conditions of eligibility. The objective of this work was to determine the potential of outpatient surgery on the distal radius fracture (FEIR) cohort at the southern Grenoble Hospital in 2016. The secondary objective was to test the influence of different factors on the outpatient rate for this cohort. Method: The report of the HAS has been studied in order to list the criteria of eligibility of the patients. The data relating to these criteria were collected in the patient files operated in 2016 for FEIR at the Grenoble South Hospital. Patient eligibility status was defined retrospectively and compared to the type of care provided. Secondly, various factors were statistically tested by Chi2 and Fisher supprimer tests to determine their potential effects on the proportion of patients effectively managed on an outpatient basis. Results: The series included 208 patients. The proportion of outpatient surgery actually performed was 17.3%. The total proportion of eligible patients on the series was 70.7%. Bed availability did not significantly change this proportion, neither the school period nor the distance to the center. In contrast, the age group of the patients over 70 years significantly modified the ambulatory rate (p= 0.024). Discussion: This study confirms a major potential for the outpatient management of FEIRs. However, it concerns a small series of patients, limiting the statistical power of the tests. Moreover, the analysis of eligibility retrospectively is potentially biased. Further study would refine this figure and extend the potential analysis to other orthopedic traumatology gestures.Introduction : La chirurgie ambulatoire connaît actuellement un développement majeur. L’orthopédie traumatologie est porteuse d’un important potentiel dans ce domaine. Ce mode de prise en charge est très codifié. En 2014, la haute autorité de santé (HAS) en a précisé les conditions d’éligibilité. L’objectif de ce travail était de déterminer le potentiel de la chirurgie ambulatoire sur la cohorte de fracture de l’extrémité distale du radius (FEIR) à l’hôpital sud de Grenoble en 2016. L’objectif secondaire était de tester l’influence de différents facteur sur le taux d’ambulatoire réalisé pour cette cohorte. Méthode : Le rapport de la HAS a été étudié afin de lister les critères d’éligibilité des patients. Les données portant sur ces critères ont été recueillies dans les dossiers patients opérés en 2016 pour FEIR à l’hôpital sud de Grenoble. Le statut d’éligibilité des patients était défini rétrospectivement et confronté au mode de prise en charge réalisé. Secondairement, différents facteurs ont été testés statistiquement par tests de Chi2 et FISCHER afin de définir leur effet potentiel sur la proportion de patients effectivement pris en charge sur le mode ambulatoire. Résultats : La série comportait 208 patients. La proportion de chirurgie ambulatoire effectivement réalisée était de 17,3 %. La proportion totale de patients éligibles sur la série atteignait 70,7%. La disponibilité en lit ne modifiait pas significativement cette proportion, ni la période scolaire, ni la distance au centre. En revanche, la tranche d’age du patient supérieure à 70 ans modifiait significativement le taux d’ambulatoire (p=0,024). Discussion : Cette étude confirme un potentiel majeur pour la prise en charge ambulatoire des FEIR. Cependant, elle concerne une petite série de patients, limitant la puissance statistique des tests. De plus l’analyse de l’éligibilité de façon rétrospective est potentiellement biaisée. Une étude complémentaire permettrait d’affiner ce chiffre et d’étendre l’analyse du potentiel à d’autres gestes d’orthopédie traumatologie

    Regards croisés des parents d’élèves de l’enseignement public et de l’enseignement privé

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    Ce chapitre se présente sous la forme d’une table ronde entre les trois présidents des fédérations de parents d’élèves afin de mieux comprendre les différences d’approche mais également les convergences éventuelles dans les discours et les pratiques de ces trois regroupements de parents. Trois points sont l’objet de la réflexion. L’existence des deux réseaux d’enseignement : le point de vue des fédérations de parents d’élèves sur quelques évolutions récentes Premier aspect du problème : les e..
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