18,267 research outputs found

    Ethical theory and business ethics: the search for a new model

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    The following thesis is an attempt to propose a 'model' to begin an analysis on a specific dilemma within business ethics. The model will utilise both 'metaphorical' and 'literal' language in the form of questions based on modem moral philosophical theory. The motivation in providing these questions is that there will be less ambiguity if a 'tool' was used to analyse the dilemma, rather than use intuition or abstract moral philosophy. The model, called the Comb, will be used to analyze a comprehensive case study - the case of the Newfoundland Fishing Industry. The case is in the form of an illustrative dilemma and examines the restructuring of the Newfoundland fishing industry. Newfoundland is one of the island provinces of Canada and its main industry, the offshore and inshore fisheries, has recently been 'decimated' by a number of factors. The case will hopefully demonstrate that the restructuring of the Newfoundland fishing industry may be portrayed as an ethical dilemma in business. The analysis will hopefully 'sort' and 'arrange' some of the ethical issues emanating out of the restructuring. The thesis is also an attempt to develop an argument for approaching business ethics from a reflective standpoint. The end result is designed to make the user of the questions developed through the Comb think reflectively, to open new lines of debate within the subject area of business ethics as well as the case of the restructuring of the Newfoundland fishery. The questions of the Comb provide the framework which may be seen as absent in a business ethics analysis. It would seem that the answers about why business is ‘unethical’ are quite easy to produce - the capitalist system, the emphasis on short-termism, managerial incompetence and so on - but are they the answers to the right questions? The Comb specifically and this thesis as a whole are attempts to develop a practical, reflective method to a examine specific dilemma in business ethics. It may be seen as an attempt to develop 'detachedness’ within the 'involvement' of a case study. The thesis is a personal search. Not a search to find answers but one which will propose questions to expand the author’s understanding of the dilemma of the restructuring of the Newfoundland Fishery. It is a search to attempt to understand the subject area of business ethics and how to operationalise the theory behind it. Moreover, it is a search to see if a systematic and simplified model is possible within the subject area of business ethics. The thesis will conclude that while the model may be seen as valid for improving the author’s understanding of the subject area of business ethics and the case study of the Newfoundland fishery, improvements may be made through, for example, establishing alternative 'metaphors’. It will also argue that the 'context' of a business ethics analysis is very important. Business ethics and the model may have to understood as the right ‘tool' for the times

    Exploring Young Students' Functional Thinking

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    The Early Years Generalising Project (EYGP) involves Australian Years 1-4 (age 5-9) students and investigates how they grasp and express generalisations. This paper focuses on data collected from six Year 1 students in an exploratory study within a clinical interview setting that required students to identify function rules. Preliminary findings suggest that the use of gestures (both by students and interviewers), self-talk (by students), and concrete acting out, assisted students to reach generalisations and to begin to express these generalities. It also appears that as students become aware of the structure, their use of gestures and self- talk tended to decrease

    The Incidence of Low-Metallicity Lyman-Limit Systems at z~3.5: Implications for the Cold-Flow Hypothesis of Baryonic Accretion

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    Cold accretion is a primary growth mechanism of simulated galaxies, yet observational evidence of "cold flows" at redshifts where they should be most efficient (z=2z=2-4) is scarce. In simulations, cold streams manifest as Lyman-limit absorption systems (LLSs) with low heavy-element abundances similar to those of the diffuse IGM. Here we report on an abundance survey of 17 H I-selected LLSs at z=3.2z=3.2-4.4 which exhibit no metal absorption in SDSS spectra. Using medium-resolution spectra obtained at Magellan, we derive ionization-corrected metallicities (or limits) with a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo sampling that accounts for the large uncertainty in NHIN_{\rm HI} measurements typical of LLSs. The metal-poor LLS sample overlaps with the IGM in metallicity and is best described by a model where 71−11+13%71^{+13}_{-11}\% are drawn from the IGM chemical abundance distribution. These represent roughly half of all LLSs at these redshifts, suggesting that 28-40%\% of the general LLS population at z∼3.7z\sim3.7 could trace unprocessed gas. An ancillary sample of ten LLSs without any a priori metal-line selection is best fit with 48−12+14%48^{+14}_{-12}\% of metallicities drawn from the IGM. We compare these results with regions of a moving-mesh simulation; the simulation finds only half as many baryons in IGM-metallicity LLSs, and most of these lie beyond the virial radius of the nearest galaxy halo. A statistically significant fraction of all LLSs have low metallicity and therefore represent candidates for accreting gas; large-volume simulations can establish what fraction of these candidates actually lie near galaxies and the observational prospects for detecting the presumed hosts in emission.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures; Submitted to ApJ; Corrected figure 16

    Construction of multiplicative abstract schema for decimal-number numeration

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    This paper reports on an intervention study planned to help Year 6 students construct the multiplicative structure underlying decimal-number numeration. Three types of intervention were designed from a numeration model developed from a large study of 173 Year 6 students’ decimal-number knowledge. The study found that students could acquire multiplicative structure as an abstract schema if instruction took account of prior knowledge as informed by the model

    Beautiful Isle of the Sea : Song

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    Central Role of Glutamate Metabolism in the Maintenance of Nitrogen Homeostasis in Normal and Hyperammonemic Brain

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    Glutamate is present in the brain at an average concentration-typically 10-12 mM-far in excess of those of other amino acids. In glutamate-containing vesicles in the brain, the concentration of glutamate may even exceed 100 mM. Yet because glutamate is a major excitatory neurotransmitter, the concentration of this amino acid in the cerebral extracellular fluid must be kept low-typically µM. The remarkable gradient of glutamate in the different cerebral compartments: vesicles \u3e cytosol/mitochondria \u3e extracellular fluid attests to the extraordinary effectiveness of glutamate transporters and the strict control of enzymes of glutamate catabolism and synthesis in well-defined cellular and subcellular compartments in the brain. A major route for glutamate and ammonia removal is via the glutamine synthetase (glutamate ammonia ligase) reaction. Glutamate is also removed by conversion to the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) via the action of glutamate decarboxylase. On the other hand, cerebral glutamate levels are maintained by the action of glutaminase and by various α-ketoglutarate-linked aminotransferases (especially aspartate aminotransferase and the mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of the branched-chain aminotransferases). Although the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction is freely reversible, owing to rapid removal of ammonia as glutamine amide, the direction of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction in the brain in vivo is mainly toward glutamate catabolism rather than toward the net synthesis of glutamate, even under hyperammonemia conditions. During hyperammonemia, there is a large increase in cerebral glutamine content, but only small changes in the levels of glutamate and α-ketoglutarate. Thus, the channeling of glutamate toward glutamine during hyperammonemia results in the net synthesis of 5-carbon units. This increase in 5-carbon units is accomplished in part by the ammonia-induced stimulation of the anaplerotic enzyme pyruvate carboxylase. Here, we suggest that glutamate may constitute a buffer or bulwark against changes in cerebral amine and ammonia nitrogen. Although the glutamate transporters are briefly discussed, the major emphasis of the present review is on the enzymology contributing to the maintenance of glutamate levels under normal and hyperammonemic conditions. Emphasis will also be placed on the central role of glutamate in the glutamine-glutamate and glutamine-GABA neurotransmitter cycles between neurons and astrocytes. Finally, we provide a brief and selective discussion of neuropathology associated with altered cerebral glutamate levels

    One More Challenge for the AMC: Repairing the Legacy of Illinois Brick

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    Cassini ISS astrometry of the Saturnian satellites: Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe 2004-2012

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    This work was mainly funded by European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 263466 for the FP7-ESPaCE, and partially by UPMC-EMERGENCE (contract number EME0911), for which R.T. and V.L. are grateful. R.T. was also supported by the Cassini mission. In addition, this work was supported by the Science and Technology Facilites Council (Grant No. ST/F007566/1) and C.D.M. and N.J.C. are grateful to them for financial assistance. C.D.M. is also grateful to the Leverhulme Trust for the award of a Research Fellowship
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