117 research outputs found

    Un crepuscolare "minore" Compendio delle esperienze letterarie di Tito Marrone

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    Si affronta la figura di Tito Marrone, un poeta solo apparentemente "minore" aderente al crepuscolarismo romano, rintracciando le sue relazioni con i maggiori autori coevi, da Corazzini a Pirandello, passando per Rosso di San Secondo. Quella di Marrone Ăš una poetica singolare e originale che riesce a cogliere i cambiamenti di contenuti e stile del suo tempo, oltre a mostrare una particolare sensibilitĂ  nelle recensioni teatrali

    Literatura de la migraciĂł, literatura i migraciĂł

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    "L’anno 3000" di Paolo Mantegazza. L’utopia scientifica al servizio del progresso coloniale

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    The novel L’anno 3000 by Paolo Mantegazza (1897) was linked with an English text translated into Italy in 1890, Looking Backward: 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy. It was a text that at the time had an incredible success, and which was soon translated into several languages. In Bellamy’s book the travel is exclusively temporal, with a great attention from the author to the verisimilitude, since the protagonist, asleep through hypnosis, awakens in his own city several decades later, showing the differences with respect to his “normal” life. The novel by Mantegazza is different and the pretext of time travel, compared to Bellamy, is less credible: a couple, to celebrate their “fruitful marriage” five years after the “marriage of love”, decides to take a trip through Europe and Asia to Andropolis, a giant megalopolis at the foot of the Himalayas. The trip is an opportunity to present to the reader the different aspects of the cities visited, according to a rigid and rather common scheme that sees in the classics of utopian literature the major antecedents, from Tommaso Campanella to Thomas More passing through Jonathan Swift, especially with regard to employment irony. Each crossed city is analyzed according to one or more utopian aspects, obviously following the scientific suggestions of the author. In opposition to the socialist utopia of Bellamy, inspired by the Marxist theories, Mantegazza proposes an operation sometimes parodistic where the optimism of the colleague is constantly challenged. The only element that, according to the author, could lead humanity to a real improvement of their living conditions is blind trust in progress and in science, through all its forms, in particular demographic control, pharmacology, and its applications to the conception and genetics.The novel L’anno 3000 by Paolo Mantegazza (1897) was linked with an English text translated into Italy in 1890, Looking Backward: 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy. It was a text that at the time had an incredible success, and which was soon translated into several languages. In Bellamy’s book the travel is exclusively temporal, with a great attention from the author to the verisimilitude, since the protagonist, asleep through hypnosis, awakens in his own city several decades later, showing the differences with respect to his “normal” life. The novel by Mantegazza is different and the pretext of time travel, compared to Bellamy, is less credible: a couple, to celebrate their “fruitful marriage” five years after the “marriage of love”, decides to take a trip through Europe and Asia to Andropolis, a giant megalopolis at the foot of the Himalayas. The trip is an opportunity to present to the reader the different aspects of the cities visited, according to a rigid and rather common scheme that sees in the classics of utopian literature the major antecedents, from Tommaso Campanella to Thomas More passing through Jonathan Swift, especially with regard to employment irony. Each crossed city is analyzed according to one or more utopian aspects, obviously following the scientific suggestions of the author. In opposition to the socialist utopia of Bellamy, inspired by the Marxist theories, Mantegazza proposes an operation sometimes parodistic where the optimism of the colleague is constantly challenged. The only element that, according to the author, could lead humanity to a real improvement of their living conditions is blind trust in progress and in science, through all its forms, in particular demographic control, pharmacology, and its applications to the conception and genetics

    La rivista Crocevia. Esperienze di una (breve) direzione

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    Ă  partir de son expĂ©rience en tant que directeur de la revue Crocevia, publiĂ©e par l’éditeur Besa, l’auteur rĂ©flĂ©chit sur l’évolution des Ă©tudes concernant la «littĂ©rature italienne de la migration» et surtout sur la notion de «littĂ©rature nationale». Ă  l’heure actuelle, oĂč les phĂ©nomĂšnes migratoires demeurent un des Ă©lĂ©ments les plus importants du contexte contemporain, la coexistence, dans le mĂȘme lieu, des personnes ayant des langues et cultures diffĂ©rentes devrait nous pousser Ă  concevoir diffĂ©remment l’idĂ©e de «littĂ©rature nationale» et Ă  reconsidĂ©rer les liens entre langue et littĂ©rature.Taking off from his own experience as director of Crocevia, journal published by Besa, the author reflects upon the evolution of studies that bear on the «Italian literature of migrations», and especially on the notion of a «national literature». At present, when migrations are one of the most important factors in our contemporary contexts, the coexistence, in the same place and time, of people of different languages and cultures should incite us to take a different view of a «national literature» and to reconsider the links between language and literature

    Multicentre Italian study of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents, preliminary data as at 10 April 2020

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    Data on features of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in children and adolescents are scarce. We report preliminary results of an Italian multicentre study comprising 168 laboratory-confirmed paediatric cases (median: 2.3 years, range: 1 day-17.7 years, 55.9% males), of which 67.9% were hospitalised and 19.6% had comorbidities. Fever was the most common symptom, gastrointestinal manifestations were frequent; two children required intensive care, five had seizures, 49 received experimental treatments and all recovered

    Prevention of food and airway allergy: consensus of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Paediatrics, the Italian Society of Paediatric Allergy and Immunology, and Italian Society of Pediatrics

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    I romanzi collettivi de «i Dieci» negli anni Venti: fra la fine dell'avanguardia futurista e l'anticipazione del postmoderno

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    The group called «I Dieci»-composed by Marinetti, Bontempelli, Zuccoli, Martini and others writers-published in 1928 Il Novissimo Segretario Galante (Roma, Sapientia-Edizioni dei Dieci) and in 1929 Lo Zar non Ú morto (ibidem). The first book is an anthology of love and erotic letters and it scandalized Italian lectors. The second one is an anti-utopist science-fiction novel where the Fascist intelligence finds the Tsar hidden in China and helps him to destroy the Russian Communist. The analysis of two novels shows the conception of "engagement" during the Fascist period and it can approach the problem of the "collective writing". The novels show some elements of "Fascism" Futurism, but they have also some elements which will be founded in Post-modern works.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Riscrivere la storia. ModalitĂ  di rappresentazione del colonialismo italiano in Albania

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    Departing from the contemporary work of migrant authors of Albanian origin − OrnelaVorpsi, Anilda Ibrahimi and Elvira Dones − as well as from the theatrical monologueItalianesi by Saverio La Ruina, this article delves into the question of identity within postcolonial discourse. What role, in fact, do the Italian colonizers that remainedbehind in the liberated colonies play? How does their ‘hybrid’ identity help us toreflect upon colonial violence and upon the difficulties the colonizers themselves would have experienced internally when faced with accepting this violence? Additionally, the specific discussion of Albania, vis-à-vis narratives of contemporary migrants, allows us to reflect upon the Italian situation in particular, which, from unification to the present day offers specific material for the discussion of the relationship to, and the confronting of, the theme of ‘otherness’. A broad definition of ‘European’ colonialism − that goes beyond the alleged African otherness and runs along the same lines as a redefinition vehemently proposed by new groups of migrants in Italy (in particular by those from the Albanian immigration wave of 1991)− allows one to question the Italian ambitions in regards to the Balkans and the Eastern expansion across national borders
