1,969 research outputs found

    Oppression as a Statutory Ground for Corporate Dissolution

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      In the case of a severe accident in a nuclear power plant the reactor may heat up, melt and mix with fuel material to form a substance called corium. In today's nuclear power plants the primary strategy to cool the corium in the event of a severe accident is to flood the ex-vessel cavity with water. The reactions which occur when the liquid metal comes in contact with the water, known as fuel coolant interaction (FCI), can be violent and in the worst case scenario lead to containment failure. In the MISTEE laboratory at KTH, small scale FCI experiments are conducted. This thesis explores how dierent temperatures of liquid tin and water aects the presence of steam explosion. Higher melt superheat and lower water temperature was found to increase the likelihood of steam explosions. Furthermore, a phenomenon was observed, hereby referred to as immediate steam explosion, where the melt exploded immediately upon contact with water. All previous research found states that steam explosion only occurs in the later stages of FCI, thus the results are contradictory. The thesis also includes research on jet breakup in the initial phase of FCI and how it is affected by melt velocity, diameter and temperature as well as water temperature. The experiments performed did not yield data which could be analyzed so no conclusions could be drawn.Om en allvarlig olycka intrÀffar pÄ ett kÀrnkraftverk kan reaktorn vÀrmas upp, smÀlta och bilda en smÀlta som innehÄller brÀnsleÀmnen. I dagens kÀrnkraftverk Àr den primÀra strategin för att kyla reaktormaterialet vid en eventuell allvarlig olycka att fylla utrymmet utanför reaktorn med vatten. De reaktioner som uppstÄr nÀr den smÀlta metallen kommer i kontakt med vattnet (FCI) kan vara mycket vÄldsamma och i vÀrsta fall leda till skador pÄ skyddsvÀggarna. Vid MISTEE pÄ KTH forskar man pÄ reaktionerna i liten skala för att fÄ en ökad förstÄelse för processerna i FCI. Denna avhandling undersöker sambandet mellan temperaturen pÄ smÀltan och vattnet och förekomsten av steam explosion. Högre smÀlt temperatur och lÀgre vattentemperatur visade sig öka sannolikheten för steam explosions. Vidare, ett fenomen observerades, som kommer att refereras till som omedelbar steam explosion, dÀr smÀltan exploderade direkt vid kontakt med vattnet. All tidigare forskning som hittades pekar pÄ att steam explosions endast sker i senare skeden av FCI. Avhandlingen inkluderar Àven forskning pÄ uppbrytning av en metall strÄle i den initiala fasen av FCI och hur den pÄverkas av strÄlens hastighet, diameter och temperatur samt vattnets temperatur. De utförda experimenten resulterade inte i data som kunde analyseras och inga slutsatser kunde dras

    Critical point pairs for smectic-A* - smectic-C* phase transitions.

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    Liquid crystals is a class of materials possessing properties from both solids and fluids. Similar to solids the molecules arrange themselves in some sort of order. In the liquid crystal state there are multiple phases, smectic being one of them. In a smectic liquid crystal the molecules are aranged (along zz) in layers. Of the smectic liquid crystals there exists different phases. In the smectic-A (Sm-A) phase the avarage tilt is 00 relative to zz and in the Smectic-C (Sm-A) phase the avarage tilt is non-zero relative to zz. Normally the liquid crystal will transition between the two phases by altering the temperature. In chiral smectics (i.e. Sm-A*, Sm-C*) it is possible to induce director tilting (i.e. the Sm-C* phase) from the Sm-A* phase via the application of an electric field. This is known as the bulk electroclinic effect (BECE). Also possible to have high-tilt - low-tilt Sm-C* transition, analogous to liquid-gas transition. Like liquid-gas transition, there is a critical point. We investigate possibility of high-tilt - low-tilt phase boundary with \textbf{two} critical points, one at each end of the boundary

    Huvudlinjer i retorikens historia. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1997

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    Work Arrangements among Women in the United States

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    To be a realist about quantum theory

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    I look at the distinction between between realist and antirealist views of the quantum state. I argue that this binary classification should be reconceived as a continuum of different views about which properties of the quantum state are representationally significant. What's more, the extreme cases -- all or none --- are simply absurd, and should be rejected by all parties. In other words, no sane person should advocate extreme realism or antirealism about the quantum state. And if we focus on the reasonable views, it's no longer clear who counts as a realist, and who counts as an antirealist. Among those taking a more reasonable intermediate view, we find figures such as Bohr and Carnap -- in stark opposition to the stories we've been told

    Infection And Immiunity in Bighorn Sheep Metapopulations: Dynamics of Pneumonia

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    It is widely accepted that reducing contact between domestic and wild sheep limits pneumonia introduction, where domestic sheep transmit pathogens to bighorns. However, in some places, pneumonia persists for many years, even as local domestic in holding decline. We focused on one such system, the Hells Canyon region. We used an extensive long-term dataset to assess the evidence that pneumonia-causing pathogens induce an acquired immune response in bighorn sheep by reconstructing pneumonia exposure histories, and evaluating the impact an individual’s exposure history has on its survival. We found evidence of protective immunity lasting approximately two years, and saw that translocated individuals suffered much higher pneumonia risk than residents. Surviving many past pneumonia events decreased an adult’s risk in future events, although lambs born to ewes with many past exposures were at higher risk than their peers. These results are consistent with a disease that produces some chronic carriers that shed to their lambs for many years. Interestingly, while we might expect that the impact of chronic carriage on a population should decline over time and allow for population recovery (through senescence of carriers), we instead saw a trend of increasing lamb pneumonia mortality. Our findings corroborate long-held hypotheses about the presence of a chronic carrier state, and suggest that better understanding specific mechanisms leading to chronic carriage will help clarify the costs and benefits surrounding various management strategies
