1,885 research outputs found

    Enhancing Employment for Low-Income Women

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    This paper highlights key findings and lessons learned about the performance of nine social purpose businesses that received support from CFWED in 2002 and 2003, and about the outcomes experienced by the individuals who worked for these businesses. It reviews results of two years of data on nine businesses, focusing on key accomplishments and challenges

    El papel de la monarquía en la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII

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    En aquest article, Black es planteja una nova visió del paper de la monarquia anglesa per acabar amb la idea d'excepcionalitat britànica basada en una monarquia parlamentària com a fil conductor de la història anglesa. Aquest estudi es focalitza en el segle XVIII, sobre el qual hi ha poques investigacions destinades a conèixer el paper de la monarquia britànica. L'autor compara la situació anglesa amb la circumstància política que es vivia en l'àmbit europeu i mundial del moment, tot destacant-ne els canvis i les supervivències de determinats sistemes polítics, com ara la república, la monarquia o certes cases dinàstiques. També ens parla dels darrers estudis sobre la cort i els governs, com un punt de reflexió sobre la importància de la monarquia, així com també de la transcendència de la reialesa en la cultura pública, en la vida política i en el llenguatge polític de l'Anglaterra del segle XVIII.En este artículo, Black se plantea una nueva visión del papel de la monarquía inglesa para acabar con la idea de la excepcionalidad británica basada en una monarquía parlamentaria como hilo conductor de la historia inglesa. Este estudio se focaliza en el siglo XVIII, sobre el que hay pocas investigaciones destinadas a conocer el papel de la monarquía británica. El autor compara la situación inglesa con la circunstancia política que se vivía en el ámbito europeo y mundial del momento, destacando en todo momento los cambios y las supervivencias de determinados sistemas políticos, como la república, la monarquía o ciertas casas dinásticas. También nos habla de los últimos estudios sobre la corte y los gobiernos, como un punto de reflexión sobre la importancia de la monarquía, así como también de la trascendencia de la realeza en la cultura pública, en la vida política y en el lenguaje político de la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII.In this article, a new vision of the role of the English monarchy is suggested by Black to finish with the idea of British excepcionality based on a parliamentary monarchy as a conducting thread of the English history. This study is focused in the 18th century, around which there is few research destined to know the role of British monarchy. The author compares the English situation with the political situation that was lived in Europe and its world area in that moment, highlighting the changes and the survivals of specific political systems, as republics or monarchies. He also talks about the last studies about the court and the governments, as a point of reflection on the importance of the monarchy, as well as the transcendence of the royalty in the public culture, in the political life and in the political language of the 18th century England

    Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?

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    Streaming video requires RealPlayer to view.The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Jeremy Black is a Professor of History at the University of Exeter in Great Britain. His expertise is in post-1500 military history and on 18 th century British history, international relations, cartographic history and newspaper history. His lecture will explore the possibility of British victory in the American Civil War.Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security StudiesEvent webpage, streaming video, photo

    Into Horror with Walpole

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    This article highlights some of the key aspects that laid the ground for the new literary genre of the Gothic novel. Drawing from different interests and traditions, Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto (1764) defied rules, critics, and philosophies of the times deliberately, through a prolific tension between past and present, word and image, “fancy” and reality.Questo saggio mette in luce alcuni aspetti chiave che spianarono la strada al nuovo genere letterario del romanzo gotico. Attingendo a piene mani da un ampio ventaglio di tradizioni e interessi culturali, il Castello d'Otranto (1764) di Horace Walpole sfidava a viso aperto i canoni, le convenzioni e le filosofie del tempo, in una tensione feconda tra passato e presente, parola e immagine, finzione e realtà

    China Goes to Sea: Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective

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    The third book in the Naval Institute Press’s Studies in Chinese Maritime Development series is a collection of essays and case studies that is important not only for those working in naval studies and for sinologists, but also for scholars concerned with the idea of strategic culture and its application

    Legal Summaries

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    Midway and the Indian Ocean

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    The Japanese raid into the Indian Ocean is both a great what-if of World War II and an indication of the importance of Midway. The forces that could have pursued the advantage gained in the Indian Ocean moved instead to the Pacific, to lose four carriers, and many strategic options as well, in the critical June 1942 battle

    British foreign policy 1727-1731.

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    The RMA Examined

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    Revolutions in Military Affairs (RMA) is the notion that development has taken the form of giant leaps caused by political, technological or organisational innovations. But how useful is RMA as a concept in historical analysis? This study examines the use of RMA as an analytic tool. Black lays down a variety of different definitions and understandings of the term, and points out a set of problems in the use of the term. RMA is at once description, analysis, prospectus and mission, and Black argues that the failure to distinguish between these different aspects surrounds the term with confusion. On these grounds, he argues that RMA has limited value as an analytic tool, and applies for caution in the use and application of both the term and concept

    War in the Modern Age

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