10 research outputs found

    Analyse et réflexion pour une formation à la culture informationnelle dans les écoles de maturité, les écoles de culture générale et les écoles de commerce de Suisse romande

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    Dans le cadre de ce travail de Bachelor, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser à la culture informationnelle (CI) et plus précisément à l’intégration de formations pour acquérir des compétences informationnelles au niveau du secondaire II (écoles de maturité, écoles de culture générale, écoles de commerce) de Suisse romande. Par notre travail, nous avons voulu vérifier si un manque de compétences en maîtrise de l’information se décèle au degré des études supérieures. Dès lors, si ce constat s’avère véridique, la réflexion que nous avons souhaité entreprendre consiste à déterminer à quel moment la CI devrait intervenir dans le cursus des étudiants. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une enquête par questionnaire et des entretiens, permettant d’obtenir à la fois des données quantitatives et qualitatives. Nous avons complété les données obtenues avec une revue de la littérature afin d’extraire les bonnes pratiques à l’échelle internationale. L’enquête menée auprès des professionnels de l’information documentaire (ID) travaillant dans le degré secondaire II a démontré que les lacunes en compétences informationnelles sont une réalité pour les élèves de ce niveau. Ces lacunes semblent être dues principalement à un manque de ressources empêchant les bibliothèques ou centres de documentation de mettre en place suffisamment de formations à la CI. Le manque de temps à disposition des professionnels ID pour dispenser ces formations, mais aussi le peu de collaboration avec le corps enseignant constituent les autres obstacles pouvant aboutir à un manque de compétences des élèves. Les résultats de l’enquête ont été complétés par une série d’entretiens menés auprès de professionnels ID travaillant, pour la majorité, dans des institutions académiques. A nouveau, le manque de connaissances informationnelles des étudiants de ce degré a été observé. Les difficultés à résoudre cette situation sont semblables à celles du niveau inférieur, à l’exception du manque de ressources qui ne se présente pas comme un frein majeur. A la fin de ce travail, nous voulions établir des recommandations afin de développer la CI en Suisse romande. Toutefois, nous avons pris conscience que la situation est complexe. Par conséquent, nos recommandations s’apparentent plus à des suggestions. Ce travail de Bachelor ne se présente pas comme une fin en soi, mais souhaite ouvrir des pistes de réflexion sur les moyens à disposition des professionnels ID pour effectuer des changements visant à instaurer un meilleur enseignement de la CI

    Colouration and flavouring of sunflower seeds affect feeding behaviour in urban Carrion crows (Corvus corone): A preliminary study

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    International audienceThe damage caused to crops by wildlife, particularly birds, represent a major challenge for farmers. This study aimed to preliminarily assess feeding behaviour of Carrion crows (Corvus corone) on sunflower seeds in field conditions. The crows’ preferences were tested along a visual cue (seed colour: blue vs. uncoloured) and a taste cue (pepper coating vs. unflavoured). The experiments were carried out in two sessions interspersed by several weeks. For each session, the influence of seed colours on birds’ preferences (n = 200 uncoloured, n = 200 blue) was assessed on day 1, and the influence of seed pepper coating (n = 200 pepper coated, n = 200 unflavoured seeds) was assessed on days 2 and 3. Every day, the remaining seeds within each furrow were counted at 4 after the start of the assay. Throughout the experiments, the only wild birds seen consuming seeds were Carrion crows (Corvus corone). In each session, the birds consumed significantly less blue seeds than controls (p < 0.05). However, blue seed intake significantly increased between the 2 sessions. The birds thus appear to rely on sight to select sunflower seeds. Otherwise, a significant effect of pepper coating arose in session 2, with birds consuming less pepper-coated seeds than unflavoured seeds (p < 0.0001). This intake of pepper seeds was significantly higher in session 1 than in session 2. Therefore, coating the seeds with a pungent irritant may induce reluctance. These assays confirm that Carrion crows are sensitive to the colour and flavour of sunflower seeds, rapidly learn and get used to visual and chemosensory novelty

    Male mice and cows perceive human emotional chemosignals: a preliminary study

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    International audienceOlfactory cues of individuals of the same species or from different species may induce changes in behaviors and physiological reactions in mammals. However, there are few studies on the influence of human odor on animal behavior and welfare, especially those of rodents and farm animals. The present study aimed to investigate whether the odor of a stressed human (in sweat) would modify the behavior of mice and cows. We hypothesized that laboratory and farm animals can perceive human emotions though olfactory cues and that human emotional chemosignals can modify their behavioral reactions and welfare. Two odors of human axillary sweat were collected from engineering students (n = 25, 14 females and 11 males; 21.1 ± 0.7 years old, range: 19-23 years old): a "stress" odor collected after an exam and a "non-stress" odor collected after a standard class. Two experiments were then conducted to test the discrimination of these two odors by male mice (n = 20) under standard conditions and by cows (n = 10) under farm conditions. During the experiments, the behavioral responses of the animals to both odors (through a dispenser for the mice and a bucket for the cows) were observed. The mice produced significantly (p = 0.004) more fecal pellets with the stress odor dispenser than with the non-stress-odor dispenser. The cows spent significantly (p = 0.04) more time smelling the non-stress-odor bucket than control. For both species, the other behaviors observed did not differ significantly between the odors. Mice and cows seemed to perceive and react to stressful human chemosignals. Mice showed physiological reactions that indicated stress in response to the stress odor of humans, while cows showed preference reactions in response to the non-stress odor of humans. This preliminary study showed that laboratory and farm animals, such as male mice and cows, seemed to discriminate certain odors emitted by humans that were likely related to different emotions. Animals may recognize stressful human chemosignals, associate these signals with negative husbandry practices or human-animal relationships, and consequently modify their behavior

    From seasonal flood pulse to seiche: Multi-frequency waterlevel fluctuations in a large shallow tropical lagoon (Nokoué Lagoon, Benin)

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    This study investigated the main water-level (WL) variability modes of Nokoué Lagoon in Benin (West-Africa). The average WL ranges between 1.3 and 2.3 m between the low-and high-water seasons. Seasonal as well as weak interannual variations between 2018 and 2019 are driven by rainfall regime over the catchment and associated river inflow. At sub-monthly scales, the lagoon is tidally choked: ocean tides can reach 90 cm, whereas in the lagoon semi-diurnal and diurnal tides hardly reach few centimeters. Choking conditions vary with river inflow and ocean tide amplitude, correctly represented by a simple tidal choking model. Diurnal modulation and asymmetry of the tide are stronger (weaker) during high (low) water period. We also observed WL variations of ±5-10 cm at a fortnightly frequency, stronger during wet (high-water) season. Superimposed on the seasonal, fortnightly and tidal WL variations, we further observed short-term high-frequency seiche events. Mostly observed during dry (low-water) conditions, they are characterized by typical standing-wave oscillations of 5-10 cm amplitudes and 3 h periods. They are forced by the passage of fast-moving squall-lines that induce strong wind variations, heavy rainfalls and rapid drop-off of the air temperature. Results obtained in this study provide useful metrics for the validation of flood forecasting models to be implemented in Benin, and elsewhere on the West African coastline

    L’homme et sa diversité

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    Qu’est-ce que l’anthropologie biologique ? Science des interactions entre l'homme et son milieu, l'anthropologie biologique aborde les grands questionnements actuels sur notre espèce : Comment l'homme s'adapte-t-il aux changements rapides de mode de vie et d'alimentation ? Quelle est l'influence des migrations sur l'évolution des flux géniques ? À quelles modifications morphologiques ou physiologiques éventuelles du corps humain assiste-t-on à l'heure actuelle ? Des spécialistes issus des différents domaines concernés confrontent ici leurs points de vue, et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de recherche

    Rilpivirine in HIV-1-positive women initiating pregnancy: to switch or not to switch?

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    International audienceBackgroundSafety data about rilpivirine use during pregnancy remain scarce, and rilpivirine plasma concentrations are reduced during second/third trimesters, with a potential risk of viral breakthroughs. Thus, French guidelines recommend switching to rilpivirine-free combinations (RFCs) during pregnancy.ObjectivesTo describe the characteristics of women initiating pregnancy while on rilpivirine and to compare the outcomes for virologically suppressed subjects continuing rilpivirine until delivery versus switching to an RFC.MethodsIn the ANRS-EPF French Perinatal cohort, we included women on rilpivirine at conception in 2010–18. Pregnancy outcomes were compared between patients continuing versus interrupting rilpivirine. In women with documented viral suppression (<50 copies/mL) before 14 weeks of gestation (WG) while on rilpivirine, we compared the probability of viral rebound (≥50 copies/mL) during pregnancy between subjects continuing rilpivirine versus those switching to RFC.ResultsAmong 247 women included, 88.7% had viral suppression at the beginning of pregnancy. Overall, 184 women (74.5%) switched to an RFC (mostly PI/ritonavir-based regimens) at a median gestational age of 8.0 WG. Plasma HIV-1 RNA nearest delivery was <50 copies/mL in 95.6% of women. Among 69 women with documented viral suppression before 14 WG, the risk of viral rebound was higher when switching to RFCs than when continuing rilpivirine (20.0% versus 0.0%, P = 0.046). Delivery outcomes were similar between groups (overall birth defects, 3.8/100 live births; pregnancy losses, 2.0%; preterm deliveries, 10.6%). No HIV transmission occurred.ConclusionsIn virologically suppressed women initiating pregnancy, continuing rilpivirine was associated with better virological outcome than changing regimen. We did not observe a higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Annuaire 2011-2012

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