326 research outputs found

    Do sample preparation techniques affect the relative abundance of Florisphaera profunda?

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    none6siWe investigated which method among smearing, settling, filtration, and random settling is the most accurate for determining the relative abundance of Florisphaera profunda. This species is included in paleoproductivity indices because it is one of the most important deep-water dwellers. Therefore, an accurate assessment of its relative abundance is key to monitoring variations in thermocline and nutricline depths. The low birefringence and flat polygonal shape of F. profunda may lead to inaccurate estimates of its relative abundance as it is poorly visible under light microscopy (LM), and different sample preparation may affect the number of specimens on each slide. We studied eight samples from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1209B (Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific) from the last 450 kyr. Each sample was prepared five times using each technique for a total of 160 slides. Through a rigorous analytical and statistical approach, we demonstrated the high reproducibility of each method and showed good agreement among techniques at low percentages of F. profunda. When the percentage of this species increases, the random settling technique differs from the others. Filtration and random settling preparation techniques were calibrated by spiking samples with microbeads. The ratio of microbeads observed in slides prepared using these two methods reflects bias due to loss of particles in the filtration technique. In addition, a hydrodynamic model for a fluttering and tumbling plate – such as F. profunda nannoliths – is proposed here along with calculated sinking velocities. These findings confirmed the efficiency of the long decantation time proposed for the random settling technique. The analysis of replicates, the validation with microbeads and the estimation of settling velocity of nannofossils in the tube convinced us that the higher relative abundance recorded by the random technique is not due to an imprecision of this method but, on the contrary, reflects the fact that it is more effective.openLupi, Claudia; Bordiga, Manuela; Sacchi, Roberto; Galinetto, Pietro; Beaufort, Luc; Cobianchi, MiriamLupi, Claudia; Bordiga, Manuela; Sacchi, Roberto; Galinetto, Pietro; Beaufort, Luc; Cobianchi, Miria

    Persistent drying in the tropics linked to natural forcing.

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    Approximately half of the world's population lives in the tropics, and future changes in the hydrological cycle will impact not just the freshwater supplies but also energy production in areas dependent upon hydroelectric power. It is vital that we understand the mechanisms/processes that affect tropical precipitation and the eventual surface hydrological response to better assess projected future regional precipitation trends and variability. Paleo-climate proxies are well suited for this purpose as they provide long time series that pre-date and complement the present, often short instrumental observations. Here we present paleo-precipitation data from a speleothem located in Mesoamerica that reveal large multi-decadal declines in regional precipitation, whose onset coincides with clusters of large volcanic eruptions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This reconstruction provides new independent evidence of long-lasting volcanic effects on climate and elucidates key aspects of the causal chain of physical processes determining the tropical climate response to global radiative forcing.A.W. thanks the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology both for hosting his sabbatical and for the analysis of the stable isotopes. A.W. also thanks Cluster of Excellence CliSAP at the University of Hamburg for sponsoring collaboration. Collection of GU-Xi-1 by T.M. was supported through a sabbatical granted by the University of Puerto Rico (Mayagu¹ez) and the National Geographic Society Grant no. 3089-85 to T.M. partially supported survey of the cave and location of the stalagmite. The research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation ATM-1003502. Y.K. was also supported by grant NA10OAR4310137 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration— Climate Program Office. S.F.M.B. acknowledges financial support from the Schweizer National Fond Project CRS122 132646/1. D.B. was supported by National Science Foundation Grant ATM-1003219. G.L. acknowledges support from Helmholtz through PACES and REKLIM. We acknowledge the World Climate Research Program Working Group on Coupled Modeling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modelling groups for producing and making available their model output. Paul Sammarco (LUMCON) is thanked for some advice regarding statistical and data interpretation. This paper is a Lamont Doherty Contribution number 7901. LB was supported by the French National Research Agency under EL PASO grant 10-Blan-608-01.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150714/ncomms8627/full/ncomms8627.html

    Persistent drying in the tropics linked to natural forcing

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    Approximately half of the world's population lives in the tropics, and future changes in the hydrological cycle will impact not just the freshwater supplies but also energy production in areas dependent upon hydroelectric power. It is vital that we understand the mechanisms/processes that affect tropical precipitation and the eventual surface hydrological response to better assess projected future regional precipitation trends and variability. Paleo-climate proxies are well suited for this purpose as they provide long time series that pre-date and complement the present, often short instrumental observations. Here we present paleo-precipitation data from a speleothem located in Mesoamerica that reveal large multi-decadal declines in regional precipitation, whose onset coincides with clusters of large volcanic eruptions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This reconstruction provides new independent evidence of long-lasting volcanic effects on climate and elucidates key aspects of the causal chain of physical processes determining the tropical climate response to global radiative forcing

    AR splice variants in circulating tumor cells of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer: relation with outcome to cabazitaxel

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    The androgen receptor splice variant (AR-V) 7 in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is a predictor for resistance to anti-AR-targeted treatment, but not to taxane-based chemotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). In this study, we investigated whether the presence of two constitutively active variants (AR-V3, AR-V7) and two other conditionally activated variants (AR-V1, AR-V9) vs full-length androgen receptor (AR-FL) measured in CTCs from patients with mCRPC were associated with outcome to therapy with the taxane cabazitaxel. Blood was collected at baseline and after two cycles of cabazitaxel from 118 mCRPC patients starting cabazitaxel in a prospective phase II trial. CellSearch-enriched CTCs were enumerated and in parallel characterized for the presence of the AR-Vs by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Correlations with CTC and prostate-specific antigen response to cabazitaxel as well as associations with overall survival (OS) were investigated. All AR-Vs were frequently pre

    Interhemispheric leakage of isotopically heavy nitrate in the eastern tropical Pacific during the last glacial period

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    International audienceWe present new high-resolution N isotope records from the Gulf of Tehuantepec and the Nicaragua Basin spanning the last 50-70 ka. The Tehuantepec site is situated within the core of the north subtropical denitrification zone while the Nicaragua site is at the southern boundary. The delta N-15 record from Nicaragua shows an ``Antarctic'' timing similar to denitrification changes observed off Peru-Chile but is radically different from the northern records. We attribute this to the leakage of isotopically heavy nitrate from the South Pacific oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) into the Nicaragua Basin. The Nicaragua record leads the other eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP) records by about 1000 years because denitrification peaks in the eastern tropical South Pacific (ETSP) before denitrification starts to increase in the Northern Hemisphere OMZ, i.e., during warming episodes in Antarctica. We find that the influence of the heavy nitrate leakage from the ETSP is still noticeable, although attenuated, in the Gulf of Tehuantepec record, particularly at the end of the Heinrich events, and tends to alter the recording of millennial timescale denitrification changes in the ETNP. This implies (1) that sedimentary delta N-15 records from the southern parts of the ETNP cannot be used straightforwardly as a proxy for local denitrification and (2) that denitrification history in the ETNP, like in the Arabian Sea, is synchronous with Greenland temperature changes. These observations reinforce the conclusion that on millennial timescales during the last ice age, denitrification in the ETNP is strongly influenced by climatic variations that originated in the highlatitude North Atlantic region, while commensurate changes in Southern Ocean hydrography more directly, and slightly earlier, affected oxygen concentrations in the ETSP. Furthermore, the delta N-15 records imply ongoing physical communication across the equator in the shallow subsurface continuously over the last 50-70 ka
