35 research outputs found

    Comparativa ambiental entre diferentes alternativas de vehículos de combustión

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    En el presente proyecto, realizado en las instalaciones de Ihobe (Sociedad Pública de Gestión Ambiental del Gobierno Vasco), se desarrolla el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) de tres modelos de vehículos con motor de combustión para Iberdrola. Teniendo en cuenta los diferentes tipos de vehículos y la variable ambiental, se desean comparar los impactos ambientales asociados a los diferentes vehículos propulsados por motores de combustión con mayor peso en el mercado. Con intención de realizar una comparativa ambiental de los distintos modelos, se deben conocer los aspectos e impactos ambientales asociados a ellos. Por ello, el estudio se basa en la recopilación y análisis de las entradas y salidas del producto y de los procesos asociados a lo largo de todo su ciclo de vida. Así, empleando el software SimaPro y mediante la metodología ReCiPe se obtienen los resultados que muestran los impactos ambientales potenciales de cada modelo, permitiendo conocer las mejoras ambientales conseguidas al compararlos. Además, es importante señalar, que el estudio se lleva a cabo asegurando el cumplimiento de las normas ISO 14040 e ISO 14044 de ACV para poder certificar la veracidad de los datos. Se tratará de determinar la mejor alternativa para los clientes buscando el comportamiento más sostenible desde un punto de vista ambiental. Asimismo, se facilitará la información necesaria para poder determinar diferentes soluciones a adoptar permitiendo emplear el ecodiseño en futuros productos.Proiektu honetan, Ihoberen (Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Ingurumen Jarduketarako Sozietate Publikoa) instalazioetan egina izan dena, konbustiozko motordun hiru autoren Bizi Zikloaren Analisia (BZA) garatu da Iberdrolarentzat. Dauden auto mota ezberdinak eta ingurumenaren aldagaia kontuan izanik, salmentan dauden konbustiozko motorrez eraginda dabiltzan autoetatik ohikoenek ingurumenari egindako eragina aldaratuko da. Auto mota ezberdinen arteko ingurumen konparaketa egiteko asmotan, hauei lotutako ingurumen inpaktu eta aspektuak ezagutu behar dira. Beraz, analisi hau produktu bakoitzak bizi ziklo osoan zehar dituen sarrera eta irteeren bilketan datza. Horrela, SimaPro softwarea erabiliz eta ReCiPe metodologiaren bitartez lortuko dira auto mota bakoitzetik eratorritako ingurumen inpaktuak, lorturiko ingurumenari loturiko hobekuntzak ezagutuz konparatzerakoan. Beste alde batetik, ikasketa hau BZA-ren ISO 14040 eta ISO 14044 arauak betetzen direla ziurtatuz egingo da datuen egiatasuna bermatuz. II Bestalde, eroslearentzat aukerarik onena bilatuko da ingurumenaren ikuspuntutik jokamolde iraunkorrena zeinek duen bilatuz. Honekin batera, etorkizunean garatuko diren produktuetan ekodiseinua erabiltzeari konponbideak topatzeko asmotan beharrezkoa den informazioa batuko da.In the current research, performed at the facilities of Ihobe (Public Society of Environmental Management of the Basque Government), it is developed the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of three models of vehicles with combustion engines for Iberdrola. Taking into account the different types of the existing vehicles, the market, and the environmental variable, we want to compare the environmental impact associated to different vehicles powered by combustion engines with greater weight in the market. With the intention of making an environmental comparison of the different models, the environmental aspects and impacts associated to them must be known. Therefore, the research is based on the collection and analysis of the inputs and outputs of the product and associated processes throughout its life cycle. Therefore, using SimaPro software and using the ReCiPe methodology, results that show the potential environmental impacts of each model are obtained, allowing us to know the environmental improvements achieved when comparing them. In addition, it is important to point out that the research is carried out by ensuring the compliance of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 ACV standards, in order to certify the veracity of the data. This research will try to determine the best alternative for clients looking for the most sustainable behavior from an environmental point of view. Likewise, it will be provided the necessary information to determine different solutions, allowing the use of ecodesign in future products

    Comparativa ambiental entre diferentes alternativas de vehículos de combustión

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    En el presente proyecto, realizado en las instalaciones de Ihobe (Sociedad Pública de Gestión Ambiental del Gobierno Vasco), se desarrolla el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) de tres modelos de vehículos con motor de combustión para Iberdrola. Teniendo en cuenta los diferentes tipos de vehículos y la variable ambiental, se desean comparar los impactos ambientales asociados a los diferentes vehículos propulsados por motores de combustión con mayor peso en el mercado. Con intención de realizar una comparativa ambiental de los distintos modelos, se deben conocer los aspectos e impactos ambientales asociados a ellos. Por ello, el estudio se basa en la recopilación y análisis de las entradas y salidas del producto y de los procesos asociados a lo largo de todo su ciclo de vida. Así, empleando el software SimaPro y mediante la metodología ReCiPe se obtienen los resultados que muestran los impactos ambientales potenciales de cada modelo, permitiendo conocer las mejoras ambientales conseguidas al compararlos. Además, es importante señalar, que el estudio se lleva a cabo asegurando el cumplimiento de las normas ISO 14040 e ISO 14044 de ACV para poder certificar la veracidad de los datos. Se tratará de determinar la mejor alternativa para los clientes buscando el comportamiento más sostenible desde un punto de vista ambiental. Asimismo, se facilitará la información necesaria para poder determinar diferentes soluciones a adoptar permitiendo emplear el ecodiseño en futuros productos.Proiektu honetan, Ihoberen (Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Ingurumen Jarduketarako Sozietate Publikoa) instalazioetan egina izan dena, konbustiozko motordun hiru autoren Bizi Zikloaren Analisia (BZA) garatu da Iberdrolarentzat. Dauden auto mota ezberdinak eta ingurumenaren aldagaia kontuan izanik, salmentan dauden konbustiozko motorrez eraginda dabiltzan autoetatik ohikoenek ingurumenari egindako eragina aldaratuko da. Auto mota ezberdinen arteko ingurumen konparaketa egiteko asmotan, hauei lotutako ingurumen inpaktu eta aspektuak ezagutu behar dira. Beraz, analisi hau produktu bakoitzak bizi ziklo osoan zehar dituen sarrera eta irteeren bilketan datza. Horrela, SimaPro softwarea erabiliz eta ReCiPe metodologiaren bitartez lortuko dira auto mota bakoitzetik eratorritako ingurumen inpaktuak, lorturiko ingurumenari loturiko hobekuntzak ezagutuz konparatzerakoan. Beste alde batetik, ikasketa hau BZA-ren ISO 14040 eta ISO 14044 arauak betetzen direla ziurtatuz egingo da datuen egiatasuna bermatuz. II Bestalde, eroslearentzat aukerarik onena bilatuko da ingurumenaren ikuspuntutik jokamolde iraunkorrena zeinek duen bilatuz. Honekin batera, etorkizunean garatuko diren produktuetan ekodiseinua erabiltzeari konponbideak topatzeko asmotan beharrezkoa den informazioa batuko da.In the current research, performed at the facilities of Ihobe (Public Society of Environmental Management of the Basque Government), it is developed the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of three models of vehicles with combustion engines for Iberdrola. Taking into account the different types of the existing vehicles, the market, and the environmental variable, we want to compare the environmental impact associated to different vehicles powered by combustion engines with greater weight in the market. With the intention of making an environmental comparison of the different models, the environmental aspects and impacts associated to them must be known. Therefore, the research is based on the collection and analysis of the inputs and outputs of the product and associated processes throughout its life cycle. Therefore, using SimaPro software and using the ReCiPe methodology, results that show the potential environmental impacts of each model are obtained, allowing us to know the environmental improvements achieved when comparing them. In addition, it is important to point out that the research is carried out by ensuring the compliance of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 ACV standards, in order to certify the veracity of the data. This research will try to determine the best alternative for clients looking for the most sustainable behavior from an environmental point of view. Likewise, it will be provided the necessary information to determine different solutions, allowing the use of ecodesign in future products

    Proceso de pirólisis y reformado en línea para la producción de H2 a partir de residuos plásticos

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    266 p.Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca en una línea de investigación sobre el desarrollo de procesos térmicos ycatalíticos para la valorización de residuos plásticos, encaminada a la obtención de combustibles líquidos,materias primas o H2. El principal objetivo ha sido la propuesta e implantación a escala de planta pilotode una tecnología original de operación continua para la producción de H2, con dos reactores en línea, depirólisis rápida de los plásticos el primero (spouted bed cónico) y de reformado catalítico con vapor delos volátiles el segundo (de lecho fluidizado).Para los plásticos estudiados (HDPE, PP, PS, PET y una mezcla de ellos), el reactor de spouted bedcónico tiene unas características idóneas, atendiendo a la sencillez de su diseño y a las ventajas respectoal reactor fluidizado, permitiendo la valorización en régimen continuo de materiales de textura irregular yen condiciones (isotermicidad, tiempo de residencia de los volátiles reducido) adecuadas para evitar lasreacciones secundarias. Se ha comprobado que por su carácter inerte a la temperatura (500 ºC) requeridaen el reactor de pirólisis, se puede utilizar vapor de agua como agente fluidizante, lo que mejora laeconomía del proceso. Así mismo, se han identificado los rendimientos de los productos de pirólisis.La utilización en línea del reactor de lecho fluidizado permite una operación de reformado prolongada,sin bloqueo del lecho por la formación de coque sobre el catalizador utilizado (comercial de Ni).Los resultados del reformado para los distintos plásticos (conversión, rendimiento y selectividad de H2)han permitido evaluar el efecto de la composición de los plásticos y de los volátiles de su pirólisis sobrelos resultados. Así mismo, se ha determinado la capacidad del catalizador comercial de Ni para elreformado de los volátiles de la pirólisis de los diferentes plásticos y de su mezcla.Se ha analizado el coque que causa la desactivación del catalizador, determinando su naturaleza (confracciones amorfa y fibrilar) y la evolución de su composición con el tiempo. La identificación de loscomponentes precursores de coque ha permitido formular una ecuación cinética de desactivación.Para la valorización del HDPE se ha establecido un modelo cinético que permite la simulación delproceso en un amplio intervalo de condiciones de operación (temperatura, tiempo espacial en elreformado y tiempo de reacción.El nivel de desarrollo (planta piloto) y el modelo cinético obtenidos son herramientas de interés paraprogresar hacia la implantación de una tecnología industrial para la valorización de residuos plásticos agran escala

    Waste Plastics Valorization by Fast Pyrolysis and in Line Catalytic Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production

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    This chapter summarizes the most recent results obtained in the plastic waste pyrolysis-reforming strategy for hydrogen production. An original two-reactor configuration consisting of a conical spouted bed reactor for the pyrolysis step and a fluidized bed reactor for the pyrolysis volatile reforming is proposed. The fundamental aspects and challenges of this joint process are discussed in detail, and the prospects for the full-scale implementation of this valorization route are assessed. Thus, the influence the main reforming parameters (temperature, space time and steam/plastic ratio) have in the pyrolysis-reforming of HDPE on product yields and catalyst stability are reported. Moreover, the role played by plastic composition on process performance is also described by studying the influence of following polymers: high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polystyrene (PS). The operating conditions used for the valorization of different plastics have been as follows: pyrolysis temperature of 500°C, reforming temperature of 700°C, space time of 16.7 gcatalyst min gplastic−1and steam/plastic ratio of 4

    Investigation of nickel-impregnated zeolite catalysts for hydrogen/syngas production from the catalytic reforming of waste polyethylene

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    Catalytic steam reforming of waste high density polyethylene for the production of hydrogen/syngas has been investigated using different zeolite supported nickel catalysts in a two-stage pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming reactor system. Experiments were conducted into the influence of the type of zeolite where Ni/ZSM5-30, Ni/β-zeolite-25 and the Ni/Y-zeolite-30 catalysts were compared in relation to hydrogen and syngas production. Results showed that the Ni/ZSM5-30 catalyst generated the maximum syngas production of 100.72 mmol g‾¹ plastic , followed by the Ni/β-zeolite-25 and Ni/Y-zeolite-30 catalyst. In addition, the ZSM-5 supported nickel catalyst showed excellent coke resistance and thermal stability. It was found that the Y type zeolite supported nickel catalyst possessed narrower pores than the other catalysts, which in turn, promoted coke deactivation of the catalyst. Large amounts of filamentous carbons were observed on the surface of the Ni/Y-zeolite-30 catalyst from scanning electron microscope images. In addition, the influence of Si:Al molar ratio for the Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts in relation to hydrogen and syngas yield was inv estigated. The results indicated that hydrogen production was less affected by the Si:Al ratio than the type of zeolite support. Also, the Ni/ZSM5-30 catalyst was further investigated to determine the influence of different process parameters on hydrogen and syngas yield via different reforming temperatures (650, 750, 850 °C) and steam feeding rate (0, 3, 6 g h‾¹). It was found that increasing both the temperature and steam feeding rate favoured hydrogen production from the pyrolysis-catalytic reforming of waste polyethylene. The optimum catalytic performance in terms of syngas production was achieved when the steam feeding rate was 6 g h‾¹ and catalyst temperature was 850 °C in the presence of Ni/ZSM5-30 catalyst, with production of 66.09 mmol H 2 g‾¹(plastic) and 34.63 mmol CO gg‾¹(plastic)

    Development of Ni- and Fe- based catalysts with different metal particle sizes for the production of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from thermo-chemical conversion of waste plastics

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    Co-production of valuable hydrogen and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has obtained growing interest for the management of waste plastics through thermo-chemical conversion technology. Catalyst development is one of the key factors for this process to improve hydrogen production and the quality of CNTs. In this work, Ni/SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 catalysts with different metal particle sizes were investigated in relation to their performance on the production of hydrogen and CNTs from catalytic gasification of waste polypropylene, using a two-stage fixed-bed reaction system. The influences of the type of metals and the crystal size of metal particles on product yields and the production of CNTs in terms of morphology have been studied using a range of techniques; gas chromatography (GC); X-ray diffraction (XRD); temperature programme oxidation (TPO); scanning electron microscopy (SEM); transmission electron microscopy (TEM) etc. The results show that the Fe-based catalysts, in particular with large particle size (∼80 nm), produced the highest yield of hydrogen (∼25.60 mmol H2 g−1 plastic) and the highest yield of carbons (29 wt.%), as well as the largest fraction of graphite carbons (as obtained from TPO analysis of the reacted catalyst). Both Fe- and Ni-based catalysts with larger metal particles produced higher yield of hydrogen compared with the catalysts with smaller metal particles, respectively. Furthermore, the CNTs formed using the Ni/SiO2-S catalyst (with the smallest metal particles around 8 nm) produced large amount of amorphous carbons, which are undesirable for the process of CNTs production

    Hydrogen and Carbon Nanotubes from Pyrolysis-Catalysis of Waste Plastics: A Review

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    More than 27 million tonnes of waste plastics are generated in Europe each year representing a considerable potential resource. There has been extensive research into the production of liquid fuels and aromatic chemicals from pyrolysis-catalysis of waste plastics. However, there is less work on the production of hydrogen from waste plastics via pyrolysis coupled with catalytic steam reforming. In this paper, the different reactor designs used for hydrogen production from waste plastics are considered and the influence of different catalysts and process parameters on the yield of hydrogen from different types of waste plastics are reviewed. Waste plastics have also been investigated as a source of hydrocarbons for the generation of carbon nanotubes via the chemical vapour deposition route. The influences on the yield and quality of carbon nanotubes derived from waste plastics are reviewed in relation to the reactor designs used for production, catalyst type used for carbon nanotube growth and the influence of operational parameters

    Application of a neural fuzzy model combined with simulated annealing algorithm to predict optimal conditions for polyethylene waste non-isothermal pyrolysis

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    Adaptive neural fuzzy model Simulated annealing algorithm A B S T R A C T In the present study, the waste polyethylene (PE) pyrolysis under different non-isothermal conditions was investigated to estimate the optimal conversions and pyrolysis rates. The pyrolysis study was carried out using Thermogravimetry (TG) of the virgin and the waste PE under different heating rates of 5, 10, 15 and 20 C/min. The TG experiments indicated that the virgin and the waste PE pyrolysis processes mainly underwent in the temperature range of 390-510 C. Subsequently, the adaptive neural fuzzy model was adopted to predict the conversions and the pyrolysis rates of the virgin and the waste PE. The optimal operating conditions in different temperature ranges were optimized by the simulated annealing algorithm (SA). Moreover, the R-squared values of the virgin PE conversions (~1) and pyrolysis rates (> 0.999), and the waste PE conversions (~1) and pyrolysis rates (> 0.999) revealed the high accuracy of the adaptive neural fuzzy model predicted results