1,927 research outputs found

    Wydawnictwa Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Entropy Stable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Multi-Component Euler and Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Equations with Chemical Networks in Julia

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    We present a high-order entropy-stable discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method (DGSEM) for multi-component Euler and multi-component ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations with chemical reaction terms written in Julia. Instead of using a completely self-made code, we extend the already existing and proven simulation framework Trixi.jl, so that we can make our new introduced features available to the public. For this purpose, we extend the simulation framework Trixi.jl with multi-component Euler and multi-component ideal MHD equations. Since we place value on entropy-stable processes, we add an entropy-conservative flux function for the multi-component Euler equations from the literature and propose an entropy-conservative flux function for the multi-component ideal MHD equations. Trixi.jl contains a very effective shock-capturing method where the high-order DGSEM can be blended with a first-order Finite Volume (FV) scheme for cartesian meshes. To be able to simulate applications with more complex geometries we are going to extend this feature to unstructured and curvilinear meshes and make it work for multi-component equations. Another feature in Trixi.jl is the positivity-preserving limiter, which is able to rescue a solution in difficult situations. In the literature, however, another method has emerged which, based on the shock-capturing method used in Trixi.jl, is able to preserve the positivity of density and pressure for single-component simulations. In this work we add this new positivity-preserving scheme to Trixi.jl and propose slight modifications for the multi-component case. The new multi-component equations give us the opportunity to introduce chemical reactions into Trixi.jl. Since we advocate the use of packages in this work, we will add an external package specialized on the solution of chemical reactions and give an overview and introduction to all important packages in Trixi.jl. Finally, we provide numerical test cases that verify the theoretical properties of the new introduced features and demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of our method. Additionally, we demonstrate the capabilities of our method with complex numerical examples

    PPARs and Bone Metabolism

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    Wound Care in Immunobullous Disease

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    The chapter introduces the steps to achieving proper wound care in immunobullous disease. It describes the clinical characteristics and nature of “wounds” formed in pemphigus versus pemphigoid diseases. Namely, pemphigus diseases typically result in acantholysis in the epidermis and the formation of flaccid blisters. In contrast, bullous pemphigoid presents with basal keratinocyte hemidesmosomes in the dermoepidermal junction, which results in a split at the dermoepidermal junction and clinically forms tense blisters. Therefore, there is a separate protocol for treating the wounds in each of these diseases, which must take additional patient specific factors into consideration

    Modeling Financial Surplus of the Housing Projects Developer

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    Recent events taking place on the housing project market provide a strong impetus to the study of risk in housing project development. This issue is important not only from the point of view of the developer but also his client. This paper proposes a dynamic model of the financial surplus process. The model takes into account the structure of the credit payments, and the random nature of the real estate sale process (compound Poisson proces

    Brownian motors driven by Poissonian fluctuations

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    Overdamped directed motion of Brownian motors in a spatially periodic system, induced by Poissonian fluctuations of various statistics and driven by thermal noise, is investigated. Two models of asymmetric as well as two models of symmetric Poissonian fluctuations are considered. Transport properties in dependence upon statistics of fluctuations imposed on the system are analyzed

    Suture-mediated closure devices for percutaneous endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair

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    Purpose: Endovascular procedures such as endovascular aneurysm repair or transcatheter aortic valve implantation have become very common because of reduced patient traumatisation and the ability to use shorter or local anaesthesia. In these procedures large-bore sheath devices are used. Access with percutaneous closure is an alternative method to surgical cutdown in groins. The aim of the study was to assess the correlation between sheath size and unsuccessful haemostasis. In addition, the effectiveness of haemostasis after a percutaneous procedure and the number and type of complications were evaluated. Material and methods: There were 202 patients included in the study. Patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm were qualified to percutaneous aortic stentgraft implantation with Perclose Proglide preclosure technique. Results: There were 384 access sites performed with 12F to 22F sheaths during aortic stentgraft implantation with Perclose Proglide (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA) preclosure technique. High effectiveness of haemostasis (98%), low percentage of short- and mid-term complications (2.6%), and infinitesimal number of surgical conversions (n = 5) were stated in the study. There was no correlation between diameter of used introducer sheath and lack of haemostasis observed (Fisher-Freeman-Halton test; p = 0.122). No relationship between diameter of introducer sheath and number of closure devices was observed (c2 = 2.436; df = 5; p = 0.786). Conclusions: Large-bore device percutaneous procedures with closure devices are effective and safe. High effectiveness of haemostasis (98%) was observed in the study group, with a low percentage of complications (2.6%). There was no correlation between size of the vascular access and the lack of haemostasis found in the study

    Hazards to avoid in future neonatal studies of nasal high‑frequency oscillatory ventilation: lessons from an early terminated trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether nasal high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (nHFOV) started immediately after extubation of mechanically ventilated very low birth weight infants reduces the partial pressure of carbon dioxide at 72 h after extubation in comparison with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. This randomised controlled single-centre trial aimed to include 68 preterm infants at high risk of extubation failure. RESULTS: Implementation of the study protocol was feasible. However, from 2015 to 2017, only six patients could be recruited, leading to early termination of the trial. The slow recruitment was due to the introduction of new strategies to avoid endotracheal mechanical ventilation, which reduced the number of eligible infants. Moreover, the included infants failed their extubation more often than anticipated, thereby increasing the required sample size. Based on our single-centre experience, we provide information for study planning and discuss the specific requirements for future trial protocols on nHFOV. The extubation of high-risk infants into nHFOV could well be beneficial, but a multicentric approach is necessary to investigate this hypothesis. Trial Registration Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02340299, on 16 January 2015

    Hobby – szansa na sprawny umysł

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    Autorka przedstawia różne rodzaje zainteresowań, które bez względu na rodzaj mają zbawienny wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne a niekiedy fizyczne człowieka w każdym wieku. Zwraca uwagę, iż niekiedy mogą pojawić się trudności w utrzymaniu i rozwijaniu swoich zainteresowań.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00