35 research outputs found

    Sediment and particulate carbon removal by pipe erosion increase over time in blanket peatlands as a consequence of land drainage

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    Land drainage is common in peatlands. Artificially drained blanket peat catchments have been shown to have a significantly greater soil pipe density than intact catchments. This paper investigates the role of surface land drains in the enhancement of soil piping in blanket peats. The density of piping was found to significantly increase in a linear fashion with the age of the drainage. Thirty-five years after drains were cut, slopes would be expected to have twice the density of soil piping than would an undrained blanket peat catchment. The rate of pipe erosion increases exponentially over time, so that particulate carbon loss from subsurface pipes is greatest where drains are oldest

    Experimental Assessment of the Water Quality Influence on the Phosphorus Uptake of an Invasive Aquatic Plant: Biological Responses throughout Its Phenological Stage

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    International audienceUnderstanding how an invasive plant can colonize a large range of environments is still a great challenge in freshwater ecology. For the first time, we assessed the relative importance of four factors on the phosphorus uptake and growth of an invasive macrophyte Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John. This study provided data on its phenotypic plasticity, which is frequently suggested as an important mechanism but remains poorly investigated. The phosphorus uptake of two Elodea nuttallii subpopulations was experimentally studied under contrasting environmental conditions. Plants were sampled in the Rhine floodplain and in the Northern Vosges mountains, and then maintained in aquaria in hard (Rhine) or soft (Vosges) water. Under these conditions, we tested the influence of two trophic states (eutrophic state, 100 mu g.l(-1) P-PO43- and hypertrophic state, 300 mu g.l(-1) P-PO43-) on the P metabolism of plant subpopulations collected at three seasons (winter, spring and summer). Elodea nuttallii was able to absorb high levels of phosphorus through its shoots and enhance its phosphorus uptake, continually, after an increase of the resource availability (hypertrophic > eutrophic). The lowest efficiency in nutrient use was observed in winter, whereas the highest was recorded in spring, what revealed thus a storage strategy which can be beneficial to new shoots. This experiment provided evidence that generally, the water trophic state is the main factor governing P uptake, and the mineral status (softwater > hardwater) of the stream water is the second main factor. The phenological stage appeared to be a confounding factor to P level in water. Nonetheless, phenology played a role in P turnover in the plant. Finally, phenotypic plasticity allows both subpopulations to adapt to a changing environment

    Climate-Induced Changes in Spring Snowmelt Impact Ecosystem Metabolism and Carbon Fluxes in an Alpine Stream Network

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    Although stream ecosystems are recognized as an important component of the global carbon cycle, the impacts of climate-induced hydrological extremes on carbon fluxes in stream networks remain unclear. Using continuous measurements of ecosystem metabolism, we report on the effects of changes in snowmelt hydrology during the anomalously warm winter 2013/2014 on gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and net ecosystem production (NEP) in an Alpine stream network. We estimated ecosystem metabolism across 12 study reaches of the 254 km2 subalpine Ybbs River Network (YRN), Austria, for 18 months. During spring snowmelt, GPP peaked in 10 of our 12 study reaches, which appeared to be driven by PAR and catchment area. In contrast, the winter precipitation shift from snow to rain following the low-snow winter in 2013/2014 increased spring ER in upper elevation catchments, causing spring NEP to shift from autotrophy to heterotrophy. Our findings suggest that the YRN transitioned from a transient sink to a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in spring as snowmelt hydrology differed following the high-snow versus low-snow winter. This shift toward increased heterotrophy during spring snowmelt following a warm winter has potential consequences for annual ecosystem metabolism, as spring GPP contributed on average 33% to annual GPP fluxes compared to spring ER, which averaged 21% of annual ER fluxes. We propose that Alpine headwaters will emit more within-stream respiratory CO2 to the atmosphere while providing less autochthonous organic energy to downstream ecosystems as the climate gets warmer

    Temperature effects on fish production across a natural thermal gradient

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    Global warming is widely predicted to reduce the biomass production of top predators, or even result in species loss. Several exceptions to this expectation have been identified, however, and it is vital that we understand the underlying mechanisms if we are to improve our ability to predict future trends. Here, we used a natural warming experiment in Iceland and quantitative theoretical predictions to investigate the success of brown trout as top predators across a stream temperature gradient (4–25 °C). Brown trout are at the northern limit of their geographic distribution in this system, with ambient stream temperatures below their optimum for maximal growth, and above it in the warmest streams. A five‐month mark‐recapture study revealed that population abundance, biomass, growth rate, and production of trout all increased with stream temperature. We identified two mechanisms that contributed to these responses: (1) trout became more selective in their diet as stream temperature increased, feeding higher in the food web and increasing in trophic position; and (2) trophic transfer through the food web was more efficient in the warmer streams. We found little evidence to support a third potential mechanism: that external subsidies would play a more important role in the diet of trout with increasing stream temperature. Resource availability was also amplified through the trophic levels with warming, as predicted by metabolic theory in nutrient‐replete systems. These results highlight circumstances in which top predators can thrive in warmer environments and contribute to our knowledge of warming impacts on natural communities and ecosystem functioning

    A Modified Laboratory Approach to Determine Reaeration Rate for River Water

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    It is reported that reaeration rates determined from laboratory investigation may not suit well in predicting reaeration rate of natural streams. Sampling method during reaeration experiment is a potential source of error in laboratory estimation of reaeration rate coefficient for river waters, which has been addressed in this research. A modified method based on sampling procedure in a flume was adopted to develop a reaeration rate equation for Pusu River in Malaysia,which is demographically a very important river. An important feature including several culverts along the course of the river was also considered to model dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration.DOwas calibrated and validated using water quality analysis simulation program (WASP) considering appropriate kinetic rate coefficients for Pusu River. Performance of the new reaeration rate equation and other process equations in the calibration and validation data was assessed in terms of root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean error between observed and predicted data and R2 value. Study results revealed that the equation developed in B Abdullah Al-Mamun [email protected] Md Nuruzzaman [email protected] http://waterzaman.weebly.com/ Md Noor Bin Salleh [email protected] 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Rangpur Engineering College, Rangpur 5403, Bangladesh 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3 Bioenvironmental Engineering Research Center (BERC), Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this research considering the impact of culverts on reaeration rate predicted DO in Pusu River with improved accuracy as compared to the other equations. RMSEs were found to be 0.083 and 0.067 mg/L for calibration and validation data, respectively. Mean errors of observed and model-predicted data were 0.06 and 0.05 mg/L for calibration and validation,respectively. The R2 value was 0.99 in both cases. The study results facilitate accuracy in future studies on DO of Pusu River