10 research outputs found

    Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Web 2.0 Teknolojileri Kullanma Durumları, Beceri Düzeyleri ve Eğitsel Olarak Faydalanma Durumları

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    This study aims to find out university students’ use of Web 2.0 technologies in terms of frequencies, skill levels and educational use and to understand whether or not these variables differ for gender, foreign language levels, computer ownership and the Internet connection duration. Accessible population of this study is the entire Dokuz Eylul University students. In the sample, the researchers collected data from 2776 university students of the university. In the context of the study, blog, wiki, podcast, video sharing sites, instant messaging services and social networking sites were determined as Web 2.0 technologies. The data were collected through a survey including questions related to both students’ general characteristics and their Web 2.0 technologies usage frequencies, skill levels and educational use situation. In the data analysis, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Finally, this study revealed that university students preferred to use instant messaging services and social networking sites than blog, wiki, podcast and video sharing sites and their skill levels is also higher for instant messaging services and social networking sites. In addition, it is indicated that Web 2.0 technologies usage frequencies, skill levels and educational use differs for gender, foreign language level, computer ownership and internet connection duration.Bu araştırmada, üniversite öğrencilerinin Web 2.0 teknolojileri kullanma durumları, beceri düzeyleri ve eğitsel olarak faydalanma durumlarını ortaya çıkartmak ve bu değişkenlerin cinsiyet, yabancı dil, bilgisayar sahipliği ve internet kullanım sıklığı açısından değişiklik gösterip göstermediğini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın ulaşılabilir evreni olarak Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi öğrencileri belirlenmiştir. Örneklemde bu üniversitede öğrenim görmekte olan 2776 üniversite öğrencisine ulaşılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında incelenecek Web 2.0 teknolojileri olarak blog, viki, podcast, video paylaşım siteleri, anlık mesajlaşma hizmetleri ve sosyal paylaşım ağları belirlenmiştir. Veriler öğrencilerin genel özelliklerini ve öğrencilerin her Web 2.0 teknolojisini kullanma durumlarını, beceri düzeylerini ve eğitsel olarak faydalanma durumlarını ortaya çıkartacak bir anket formu ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde betimsel ve anlam çıkartıcı istatistiksel yöntemlerden faydalanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, anında mesajlaşma servislerinin ve sosyal paylaşım sitelerinin blog, viki, podcast ve video paylaşım sitelerine göre daha fazla kullanıldığı ve öğrencilerin beceri düzeylerinin de bu teknolojilerde daha yüksek olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca cinsiyet, yabancı dil, bilgisayar sahipliği ve internet kullanım süreleri bakımından yürütülen incelemelerde farklılıklar olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır

    The investigation of correlation between the undergraduate students' usage of web 2.0 technology and perceptions of information literacy self – efficacy

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    Günümüzde hızlı ve karmaşık bilgi artışına ayak uydurabilmenin önemli yollarından birisi olan bilgi okuryazarlığı kavramı ve hızla gelişen teknoloji, eğitimde çok önemli bir yer kazanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, üniversite öğrencilerinin web 2.0 teknolojileri kullanım durumları ile bilgi okuryazarlığı öz–yeterlik algıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma grubu, 2010 - 2011 öğretim yılında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi'nin çeşitli fakültelerinde öğrenim görmekte olan 2776 üniversite öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Bu fakülteler Buca Eğitim Fakültesi, Fen Fakültesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Hukuk Fakültesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, İşletme Fakültesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Tıp Fakültesi ve Mimarlık Fakültesi'dir. Araştırma örneklemi, çalışma grubunu oluşturan fakültelerin öğrencileri arasından tesadüfi olarak seçilmiştir. Araştırmanın veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılan anketin birinci bölümünde üniversite öğrencilerinin kişisel bilgileri; ikinci bölümünde Web 2.0 teknolojileri kullanım durumlarına ilişkin maddeler, üçüncü bölümde Web 2.0 teknolojileri uygulamalarının kullanım durumlarına ilişkin maddeler ve son bölümde de bilgi okuryazarlığı öz-yeterlik algı ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilmiş olan veriler, SPSS 15 programında t testi, tek yönlü varyans analiz testi (ANOVA) analiz testleri kullanılarak çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, bilgi okuryazarlığı öz-yeterlik algıları ile Web 2.0 teknolojileri kullanımı arasındaki ilişki pozitif ve anlamlı; bilgi okuryazarlığı öz-yeterlik algıları ile yabancı dil düzeyi, bilgisayar sahipliği, internet kullanım sıklıkları, Web 2.0 teknolojileri (blog, Viki, podcast, video paylaşım siteleri, MSN ve Facebook) kullanım sıklıkları ile aralarında anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Nowadays, ‘information literacy' concept, one of the most important way of handling increasing and complex knowledge, and fast developing technology have earned a very important place in educational system. This study aims to determine the correlation between undergraduate students' perceived information literacy self-efficacy and the usage of Web 2.0 technology. The sample composed from 2776 undergraduate students in various faculties of Dokuz Eylul University in 2010-Fall term. The faculties are Buca Faculty of Education, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Business Administrative, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medicine. These students are selected randomly. The data were collected through a paper based survey. In the first part of the survey there are ten items about personal information. The second is about the usage of Web 2.0 technologies. The third part is about the usage of Web 2.0 technologies applications. The last part includes 28 related to information literacy self-efficacy. The data were required in research were tested in SPSS 15 program by means of percent, frequency, mean, t- test, One way ANOVA. The results showed that the correlation between undergraduate students' information literacy self-efficacy and the usage of Web 2.0 technologies is positive and significant. There are significant differences in the undergraduate students' information literacy self efficacy means according to foreign language level, computer availability , internet usage level, web 2.0 technology usage level, web 2.0 technology applications usage level

    University Students' Web 2.0 Technologies Usage, Skill Levels and Educational Usage

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    This study aims to find out university students' use of Web 2.0 technologies in terms of frequencies, skill levels and educational use and to understand whether or not these variables differ for gender, foreign language levels, computer ownership and the Internet connection duration. Accessible population of this study is the entire Dokuz Eylul University students. In the sample, the researchers collected data from 2776 university students of the university. In the context of the study, blog, wiki, podcast, video sharing sites, instant messaging services and social networking sites were determined as Web 2.0 technologies. The data were collected through a survey including questions related to both students' general characteristics and their Web 2.0 technologies usage frequencies, skill levels and educational use situation. In the data analysis, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Finally, this study revealed that university students preferred to use instant messaging services and social networking sites than blog, wiki, podcast and video sharing sites and their skill levels is also higher for instant messaging services and social networking sites. In addition, it is indicated that Web 2.0 technologies usage frequencies, skill levels and educational use differs for gender, foreign language level, computer ownership and internet connection duration

    Normative Values For Optical Coherence Tomography Parameters In Healthy Children And Interexaminer Agreement For Choroidal Thickness Measurements

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    Purpose: To (a) determine the normative values for optical coherence tomography (OCT) parameters such as central macular thickness, retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, and choroidal thickness in healthy children; (b) investigate the relationships of these parameters with axial length, central corneal thickness, refractive errors, and intraocular pressure; and (c) determine interexaminer agreement for choroidal thickness measurements. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 120 healthy children aged 8-15 years underwent detailed ophthalmological examination and OCT measurements. Choroidal thickness was measured at three separate locations by two independent examiners. Results: The mean global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was 98.75 +/- 9.45 mu m (79.0-121.0). The mean central macular thickness was 232.29 +/- 29.37 mu m (190.0-376.0). The mean subfoveal choroidal thickness obtained by examiner 1 was 344.38 +/- 68.83 mu m and that obtained by examiner 2 was 344.04 +/- 68.92 mu m. Intere-xaminer agreement was between 99.6%-99.8% for choroidal thickness at three separate locations. Central macular thickness increased with axial length (r=0.245, p=0.007). Choroidal thickness increased with age (r=0.291, p=0.001) and decreased with axial length (r=-0.191, p=0.037). Global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness decreased with axial length (r=-0.247, p=0.007) and increased with central corneal thickness (r=0.208, p=0.022). Global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness positively correlated with choroidal thickness (r=0.354, p < 0.001). Global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (r=0.223, p=0.014) and choroidal thickness (r=0.272, p=0.003) increased with the spherical equivalent (D). Conclusions: Optical coherence tomography parameters showed a wide range of variability in children. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, central macular thickness, and choroidal thickness were found to be either inter-related or correlated with age, central corneal thickness, axial length, and refractive errors. Furthermore, manual measurements of choroidal thickness showed high interexaminer agreement. Because normative values for optical coherence tomography parameters differed in children, the measurements should be interpreted according to an age-appropriate database.WoSScopu

    Effects of robot-assisted gait training in patients with multiple sclerosis a single-blinded randomized controlled study

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    Objective This study aims to evaluate and compare the effects of conventional and robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) programs on fatigue, mood, and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis who have fatigue. Methods In this single-blinded, randomized controlled study, 37 patients with multiple sclerosis were randomized into two groups: RAGT (n = 18) and conventional gait training (n = 19). The RAGT group had gait training with RoboGait, whereas the conventional gait training group received conventional physiotherapist-assisted gait training. Outcome measures were the Fatigue Severity Scale, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54, Extended Disability Status Scale, Functional Ambulation Category, Berg Balance Test, and 6-min walk test. Results Baseline demographic, clinic, and functional data were similar. Both groups showed improvements in the Fatigue Severity Scale, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale-Depression, Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life, Berg Balance Test, and 6-min walk test scores after treatment. Only the RAGT group showed an improvement in Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale-Anxiety score. The RAGT group had better Fatigue Severity Scale, and Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale scores. Conclusion In combination with the standard rehabilitation program, both RAGT and conventional gait training are effective for multiple sclerosis. However, RAGT has superior effects in terms of fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Therefore, it may be preferred in multiple sclerosis patients who exhibit prominent symptoms of fatigue, depression, or anxiety

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: A multicenter study of 1160 Turkish cases

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    Background/aims: The aim of this multicenter study was to determine the histopathological features and immunohistochemical profiles of gastrointestinal stromal tumors diagnosed in Turkish patients. Material and Methods: Twenty-eight participating centers registered their gastrointestinal stromal tumor cases on a nationwide database. The diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor relied upon hematoxylin & eosin features and the results of antibody panel including CD117, CD34, desmin, smooth muscle actin, S-100 protein, and Ki67. The database consisted of parameters including age, gender, location, and all other histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U, and Spearman tests. Results: From all of the gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the database, 1160 cases with a male to female ratio of 1.22 and a mean age of 56.75 years were included in the study. The most common location was the stomach (45.0%), followed by the small intestine, omentum-peritoneum, large intestine, and esophagus (32.0%, 12.6%, 9.3%, 1.1%, respectively). The risk groups were distributed as: 6.1% very low, 21.7% low, 19.3% intermediate, and 53% high-risk cases. Many histopathologic findings were correlated with risk groups. CD117 was positive in 95.3% of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, whereas CD34 was positive in 74.9%, smooth muscle actin in 45.9%, desmin in 9.2%, and S-100 in 19.1.%. Though no significant relation was found between CD117 expression and tumor location, CD34, smooth muscle actin and Ki67 expressions significantly varied in different locations (p=0.001) and risk groups. Conclusions: The results of this multicenter study demonstrated that features other than tumor size and mitosis and immune markers other than CD117 and Ki67 included in the antibody panel seem to be useful as predictive risk factors

    Safety Evaluation and Tolerability Overview of Favipiravir in the Management of COVID-19: A Real-Life Experience from Turkey

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    Introduction: Coronavirus diseases-2019 (COVID-19) have been ongoing for more than two years. Despite the scientific researchconducted in this process, there is still no widely accepted definitive treatment for the disease. For treating COVID-19, using antiviralagents previously used for the treatment of other RNA-virus infections has been seen as a fast way to a solution, and favipiravir is oneof the leading agents. This prospective, multicenter, observational study was designed to investigate the safety of favipiravir in 500patients treated with favipravir for favipravir.Methods: This study was conducted as a multicenter prospective study. Eight different sites from four cities participated, and 500patients were included in the study. Follow-up of laboratory parameters, adverse events (AEs), and amelioration of fever, dyspnea,and cough symptoms of the patients was recorded in a case report form.Results: A total of 475 patients from eight centers completed the study. A total of 401 AEs were reported in 206 (51.4%) patients, whichwere mild-to-moderate in the majority of cases. Serious AEs occurred in 5 patients and death occurred in 4 patients. From the first tothe last measurement, serum alanine aminotransferase levels (31.9±27.7 vs. 47.2±49.7 U/L, p&lt;0.001) increased, whereas C-reactiveprotein (39.9±66.4 vs. 15.2±30.5 mg/L, p&lt;0.001) and creatine kinase (101.7±187.7 vs. 71.9±43.5 U/L, p=0.018) levels decreased. Infollow-up parameters, oxygen saturation (SpO2; 96.2±2.7 vs. 97.5±2.1%, p&lt;0.001) and amelioration of fever (&gt;37.8 for 6.6% on day 3,3.2% on day 5, and 0.6% on day 10), dyspnea (for 56.4% on day 5, 62.4% on day 7, and 81.2% on day 10), and cough (46.0% on day 5,73.0% on day 7, and 87.3% on day 10) were noted in an increasingly higher percentage of patients with continued therapy.Conclusion: The current study provides real-life data of favipiravir, which is a unique option in Turkey for treating COVID-19 patients.The results revealed that favipiravir is a well-tolerated agent with a low side-effect profile. However, it needs to be evaluated withwell-designed, dose-compared, randomized controlled studies for the evaluation of efficacy</p

    X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in ~1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021Autosomal inborn errors of type I IFN immunity and autoantibodies against these cytokines underlie at least 10% of critical COVID-19 pneumonia cases. We report very rare, biochemically deleterious X-linked TLR7 variants in 16 unrelated male individuals aged 7 to 71 years (mean, 36.7 years) from a cohort of 1202 male patients aged 0.5 to 99 years (mean, 52.9 years) with unexplained critical COVID-19 pneumonia. None of the 331 asymptomatically or mildly infected male individuals aged 1.3 to 102 years (mean, 38.7 years) tested carry such TLR7 variants (P = 3.5 × 10−5). The phenotypes of five hemizygous relatives of index cases infected with SARS-CoV-2 include asymptomatic or mild infection (n = 2) or moderate (n = 1), severe (n = 1), or critical (n = 1) pneumonia. Two patients from a cohort of 262 male patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia (mean, 51.0 years) are hemizygous for a deleterious TLR7 variant. The cumulative allele frequency for deleterious TLR7 variants in the male general population is <6.5 × 10−4. We show that blood B cell lines and myeloid cell subsets from the patients do not respond to TLR7 stimulation, a phenotype rescued by wild-type TLR7. The patients’ blood plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) produce low levels of type I IFNs in response to SARS-CoV-2. Overall, X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency is a highly penetrant genetic etiology of critical COVID-19 pneumonia, in about 1.8% of male patients below the age of 60 years. Human TLR7 and pDCs are essential for protective type I IFN immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in the respiratory tract.Peer reviewe