11 research outputs found

    Loss of NEDD4 contributes to RTP801 elevation and neuron toxicity: implications for Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a disorder characterized by the degeneration of certain neuronal populations in the central and peripheral nervous system. One of the hallmarks of the disease is the toxic accumulation of proteins within susceptible neurons due to major impairment in the degradation/clearance protein systems. RTP801 is a pro-apoptotic protein that is sufficient and necessary to induce neuronal death in cellular and animal models of PD. RTP801 is also upregulated in sporadic and parkin mutant PD brains. Here, we report the role of NEDD4, an E3 ligase involved in α-synuclein degradation and PD pathogenesis, in the regulation of RTP801 protein levels and toxicity. NEDD4 polyubiquitinates RTP801 in a cell-free system and in cellular cultures, and they interact physically. NEDD4 conjugates K63-ubiquitin chains to RTP801 and targets it for degradation. NEDD4 regulates RTP801 protein levels in both cultured cells and in the brain tissue. NEDD4 levels are diminished in nigral neurons from human PD brains. Interestingly, neurotoxin 6-OHDA decreases dramatically NEDD4 protein expression but elevates RTP801 protein levels. Moreover, NEDD4 protects neuronal PC12 cells from both 6-OHDA and RTP801-induced toxicity. In primary cortical neurons, NEDD4 knockdown toxicity is mediated by RTP801 since the double knockdown of RTP801 and NEDD4 abrogates the loss of phospho Ser473-Akt and the appearance of caspase-cleaved spectrin fragments. Thus, NEDD4 ligase regulates RTP801 and is sensitive to PD-associated oxidative stress. This suggests that NEDD4 loss of function in PD could contribute importantly into neuronal death by elevating RTP801

    Investigation of sorption behaviors of La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd on D2EHPA-impregnated XAD7 resin in nitric acid medium

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    Inan, Suleyman/0000-0003-4185-0979WOS: 000504534100001The recovery of rare earth is an essential problem from scientific and technological point of view. in this study, we focused on sorption of trivalent lanthanides using D2EHPA-impregnated XAD7 resin. the solvent-impregnated resin was characterized by SEM, FT-IR, TGA-DSC and surface-area and porosity. the factors influencing the distribution of metals, such as extractant loading ratio, pH, shaking time and ratio of the solution volume to the sorbent amount were investigated. the remarkable K-d difference between Gd and La was achieved at pH 1 and 20% loading ratio.TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [115M527]; TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)This research was financially supported by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Project No: 115M527). the authors would like to thank TUBITAK for funding the project

    Loss of NEDD4 contributes to RTP801 elevation and neuron toxicity: implications for Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a disorder characterized by the degeneration of certain neuronal populations in the central and peripheral nervous system. One of the hallmarks of the disease is the toxic accumulation of proteins within susceptible neurons due to major impairment in the degradation/clearance protein systems. RTP801 is a pro-apoptotic protein that is sufficient and necessary to induce neuronal death in cellular and animal models of PD. RTP801 is also upregulated in sporadic and parkin mutant PD brains. Here, we report the role of NEDD4, an E3 ligase involved in α-synuclein degradation and PD pathogenesis, in the regulation of RTP801 protein levels and toxicity. NEDD4 polyubiquitinates RTP801 in a cell-free system and in cellular cultures, and they interact physically. NEDD4 conjugates K63-ubiquitin chains to RTP801 and targets it for degradation. NEDD4 regulates RTP801 protein levels in both cultured cells and in the brain tissue. NEDD4 levels are diminished in nigral neurons from human PD brains. Interestingly, neurotoxin 6-OHDA decreases dramatically NEDD4 protein expression but elevates RTP801 protein levels. Moreover, NEDD4 protects neuronal PC12 cells from both 6-OHDA and RTP801-induced toxicity. In primary cortical neurons, NEDD4 knockdown toxicity is mediated by RTP801 since the double knockdown of RTP801 and NEDD4 abrogates the loss of phospho Ser473-Akt and the appearance of caspase-cleaved spectrin fragments. Thus, NEDD4 ligase regulates RTP801 and is sensitive to PD-associated oxidative stress. This suggests that NEDD4 loss of function in PD could contribute importantly into neuronal death by elevating RTP801

    The murine ortholog of Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome protein Ube3b regulates synapse number by ubiquitinating Ppp3cc.

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    Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome (KOS) is a severe autosomal recessive disorder characterized by intellectual disability, developmental delays, microcephaly, and characteristic dysmorphisms. Biallelic mutations of UBE3B, encoding for a ubiquitin ligase E3B are causative for KOS. In this report, we characterize neuronal functions of its murine ortholog Ube3b and show that Ube3b regulates dendritic branching in a cell-autonomous manner. Moreover, Ube3b knockout (KO) neurons exhibit increased density and aberrant morphology of dendritic spines, altered synaptic physiology, and changes in hippocampal circuit activity. Dorsal forebrain-specific Ube3b KO animals show impaired spatial learning, altered social interactions, and repetitive behaviors. We further demonstrate that Ube3b ubiquitinates the catalytic γ-subunit of calcineurin, Ppp3cc, the overexpression of which phenocopies Ube3b loss with regard to dendritic spine density. This work provides insights into the molecular pathologies underlying intellectual disability-like phenotypes in a genetically engineered mouse model.This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (SPP1365/KA3423/1-1 and KA3423/3-1, HK; DFG TA 303/4-2, VT), and the Russian Scientific Foundation (19-14-00345, VT), JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 15K21769 (HK), The Mother and Child Health Foundation (HK), the Uehara Memorial Foundation (HK), and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (HK). Funding to SM and PBS was provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Center for Stroke Research Berlin 01EO1301), the BMBF under the ERA-NET NEURON scheme (01EW1811), and the German Research Foundation (DFG, Project 428869206 and EXC NeuroCure)

    BDNF enhances spontaneous and activity-dependent neurotransmitter release at excitatory terminals but not at inhibitory terminals in hippocampal neurons.

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is widely reported to enhance synaptic vesicle (SV) exocytosis and neurotransmitter release. But it is still unclear whether BDNF enhances SV recycling at excitatory terminals only, or at both excitatory and inhibitory terminals. In the present study, in a direct comparison using cultured rat hippocampal neurons, we demonstrate that BDNF enhances both spontaneous and activity-dependent neurotransmitter release from excitatory terminals, but not from inhibitory terminals. BDNF treatment for 5 min or 48 h increased both spontaneous and activity-induced anti-synaptotagmin1 (SYT1) antibody uptake at excitatory terminals marked with vGluT1. Conversely, BDNF treatment did not enhance spontaneous or activity-induced uptake of anti-SYT1 antibodies in inhibitory terminals marked with vGAT. Time-lapse imaging of FM1-43 dye destaining in excitatory and inhibitory terminals visualized by post-hoc immunostaining of vGluT1 and vGAT also showed the same result: The rate of spontaneous and activity-induced destaining was increased by BDNF at excitatory synapses, but not at inhibitory synapses. These data demonstrate that BDNF enhances SV exocytosis in excitatory but not inhibitory terminals. Moreover, BDNF enhanced evoked SV exocytosis, even if vesicles were loaded under spontaneous vesicle recycling conditions. Thus, BDNF enhances both spontaneous and activity-dependent neurotransmitter release on both short and long time-scales, by the same mechanism.peerReviewe