879 research outputs found

    Assessment of habitat and water quality of the Portuguese Febros River and one of its tributaries

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    A physical, chemical and biological characterisation of river systems is needed to evaluate their ecological quality and establish restoration programs. Aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates have proven to be among the most reliable and cost-effective assessment tools for water and habitat quality in streams throughout the world. During one year of seasonal surveys, the state of the Febros River and one of its tributaries, Jaca Creek, were evaluated in terms of habitat, physical, chemical and biological water quality, using benthic macroinvertebrates as ecological indicators. These watercourses suffer pollution from agriculture, industry and urban areas. Both watercourses were moderately to severely degraded, showing spatial and temporal variability in macroinvertebrate communities and water quality. The overall poor river conditions were particularly bad in the upper part of Jaca Creek, which is affected by industry. This upriver site showed higher temperatures, conductivity and dissolved solids than all other sites studied. The best conditions were found in the Gaia Biological Park area, where the habitat quality was evaluated to be high and biotic indices indicated excellent and good water quality in the spring and summer, respectively. However, even this site had biological indicator scores denoting severe degradation in autumn and winter. Macroinvertebrate diversity was low, with populations dominated by pollution-tolerant taxa like Chironomids, particularly in the summer and autumn samples. Abundances were mostly higher in the spring and lower in winter. Percentages of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (EPT) were low (totalling 31% on average), and Plecoptera was completely absent in the samples. The EPT percentage and the percentage of Chironomidae were related to temperature and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). In comparison to earlier studies, the Febros River improved in both habitat and biological quality. The present study should help to identify specific measures necessary to restore habitat and water quality to reference conditions.Para evaluar la calidad ecológica de un río y establecer programas de recuperación es necesaria una caracterización física, química y biológica de los sistemas fluviales. Los macroinvertebrados acuáticos bentónicos se encuentran entre las herramientas más fiables y efectivas para la estimación de la calidad del agua y los hábitats en aguas corrientes de todo el mundo. El estado del río Febros y uno de sus tributarios, la Ribeira de Jaca, han sido evaluados durante un año de controles estacionales en términos de hábitat y de la calidad física, química y biológica de sus aguas, mediante el uso de macroinvertebrados bentónicos como indicadores ecológicos. Estas cuencas fluviales están afectadas por la contaminación que procede de la agricultura, de la industria y de las áreas urbanas. Ambas corrientes de agua están de moderada a severamente degradadas, con variabilidad temporal y espacial de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados y de la calidad del agua. Las malas condiciones generales de la zona fluvial estudiada son especialmente aparentes en la parte alta de Ribeira de Jaca que está afectada por instalaciones industriales. Este punto presenta temperaturas, conductividades y sólidos disueltos más elevados que en los demás lugares estudiados. Las mejores condiciones se hallaron en el área del Parque Biológico de Gaia, donde el hábitat se puede evaluar como bueno y los índices bióticos indican que la calidad del agua es excelente y buena, respectivamente, durante la primavera y el verano. No obstante, incluso esta localización presenta valores de indicadores biológicos que apuntan a una severa degradación en otoño e invierno. La diversidad de macroinvertebrados es particularmente baja en las muestras de verano y otoño con poblaciones dominadas por taxones que toleran la contaminación, como los Chironomidae. Los valores de abundancia son generalmente más elevados en primavera y más bajos en invierno. El porcentaje de Ephemeroptera y Trichoptera (EPT) es bajo, alcanzando un 31% entre ambos grupos. Los Plecoptera se encuentran completamente ausentes en todas las muestras. El porcentaje EPT y de Chironomidae están relacionados con la temperatura y la Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (BOD). La calidad de este hábitat y la de sus sistemas biológicos ha mejorado en relación con anteriores estudios. El presente trabajo debe ayudar a identificar las medidas específicas necesarias para recuperar la calidad del hábitat y de su agua hasta condiciones de referencia

    Utilización agrícola de ecoyesso procedente de la reacción del ácido sulfúrico y el carbonato de calcio

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    The agricultural gypsum used as a conditioner in the improvement of the chemical conditions of the soils, acting even in the sub-superficial layers of the soil, but without altering its pH. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the use of the agricultural Ecogypsum produced from industrial waste in the pH of the soils of different textures, that received the material in the superficial layer. Twenty-four containers were assembled with PVC pipes, 11 centimeters in diameter and 35 centimeters in length. Two types of soil were conditioned in these tubes and then the Ecogypsum was applied superficially in the ratio of 1.0; 3.0 and 5.0 ton ha.1, in addition to the control treatment, without application. During 30 days the soils were irrigated periodically. After this period, pH analyzes were carried out along the soil profile, every 2.0 centimeters depth, in order to evaluate its Ecogypsum translocation capacity. The superficial application of the Ecogypsum in the soils provided increase of the pH in the superficial and sub-superficial layers. The Ecogypsum increased soil pH in the surface layer where it was applied but showed reduced leaching to the deeper layers of the silt-free soil. In the sandy loam, the Ecogypsum effect was observed even in the deepest layers indicating high percolation and reactivity, probably due to the higher presence of macropores and higher hydraulic conductivity. The lowest tested Ecogypsum dosage (1.0 ton.ha1) was sufficient for change the pH of both soils up to the 6.0-centimeter layer.El yeso agrícola se utiliza como acondicionador en la mejora de las condiciones químicas de los suelos, actuando, incluso, en las capas sub superficiales del suelo, pero sin alteración en su pH. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia de la utilización del ecoyesso agrícola producido de residuos industriales en el pH de los suelos de diferentes texturas, que recibieron el material en la capa superficial. Se utilizaron 24 recipientes montados con tubos de PVC, de 11 centímetros de diámetro y 35 centímetros de longitud. En estos tubos se acondicionaron dos tipos de suelos y se aplicó el ecoyesso superficialmente en la proporción de 1,0; 3,0 y5,0 ton ha-1; además del testigo sin el aporte de yesso. Durante 30 días los suelos fueron irrigados periódicamente. Después de este período se realizaron análisis del pH a lo largo del perfil de los suelos, cada 2,0 centímetros de profundidad, buscando evaluar su capacidad de translocación del ecoyesso. La aplicación superficial del yeso residual en los suelos proporcionó aumento del pH en las capas superficiales y sub superficiales. El ecoyesso elevó el pH de los suelos en la capa superficial donde fue aplicado pero presentó reducida lixiviación para las capas más profundas del suelo franco siltoso. En el suelo Franco arenoso, el efecto del Ecogesso fue observado hasta en las capas más profundas indicando elevada percolación y reactividad, probablemente debido a la mayor presencia de macroporos y mayor conductividad hidráulica. La menor dosificación probada del ecoyesso (1,0 ton ha.1) fue suficiente para cambiar el pH de ambos suelos hasta la capa de 6,0 centímetros.O gesso agrícola é utilizado como condicionador na melhoria das condições químicas dos solos, atuando, inclusive, nas camadas sub superficiais do solo, mas sem alteração no seu pH. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da utilização do Ecogesso agrícola produzido de resíduos industriais no pH dos solos de diferentes texturas, que receberam o material na camada superficial. Foram utilizados 24 recipientes montados com tubos de PVC, com 11 centímetros de diâmetro e 35 centímetros de comprimento. Nestes tubos foram condicionados dois tipos de solos e em seguida foi aplicado o Ecogesso superficialmente na proporção de 1,0; 3,0 e 5,0 ton.ha-1, além do tratamento testemunha, sem aplicação de gesso. Durante 30 dias os solos foram irrigados periodicamente. Após este período foram realizadas análises do pH ao longo do perfil dos solos, a cada 2,0 centímetros de profundidade, visando avaliar sua capacidade de translocação do Ecogesso. A aplicação superficial do gesso residual nos solos proporcionou aumento do pH nas camadas superficiais e sub superficiais. O Ecogesso elevou o pH dos solos na camada superficial onde foi aplicado mas apresentou reduzida lixiviação para as camadas mais profundas do solo franco siltoso. No solo Franco arenoso, o efeito do Ecogesso foi observado até nas camadas mais profundas indicando elevada percolação e reatividade, provavelmente devido a maior presença de macroporos e maior condutividade hidráulica A menor dosagem testada do Ecogesso (1,0 ton.ha-1) foi suficiente para alterar o pH de ambos os solos até a camada de 6,0 centímetros

    Recombinant viruses as tools to induce protective cellular immunity against infectious diseases

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    Infections by intracellular pathogens such as viruses, some bacteria and many parasites, are cleared in most cases after activation of specific T cellular immune responses that recognize foreign antigens and eliminate infected cells. Vaccines against those infectious organisms have been traditionally developed by administration of whole live attenuated or inactivated microorganisms. Nowadays, research is focused on the development of subunit vaccines, containing the most immunogenic antigens from the particular pathogen. However, when purified subunit vaccines are administered using traditional immunization protocols, the levels of cellular immunity induced are mostly low and not capable of eliciting complete protection against diseases caused by intracellular microbes. In this review, we present a promising alternative to those traditional protocols, which is the use of recombinant viruses encoding subunit vaccines as immunization tools. Recombinant viruses have several interesting features that make them extremely efficient at inducing immune responses mediated by T-lymphocytes. This cellular immunity has recently been demonstrated to be of key importance for protection against malaria and AIDS, both of which are major targets of the World Health Organization for vaccine development. Thus, this review will focus in particular on the development of new vaccination protocols against these diseases. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(2):83–94

    Short-Term Effects of Positive Expiratory Airway Pressure in Patients Being Weaned from Mechanical Ventilation

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility and the cardiorespiratory effects of using positive expiratory airway pressure, a physiotherapeutic tool, in comparison with a T-tube, to wean patients from mechanical ventilation. METHODS/DESIGN: A prospective, randomized, cross-over study. SETTING: Two intensive care units. PATIENTS AND INTERVENTIONS: We evaluated forty patients who met weaning criteria and had been mechanically-ventilated for more than 48 hours, mean age 59 years, including 23 males. All patients were submitted to the T-tube and Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure devices, at 7 cm H2O, during a 30-minute period. Cardiorespiratory variables including work of breathing, respiratory rate (rr), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate (hr), systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures (SAP, DAP, MAP) were measured in the first and thirtieth minutes. The condition was analyzed as an entire sample set (n=40) and was also divided into subconditions: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n=14) and non-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (non- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) (n=26) categories. Comparisons were made using a t-test and Analysis of Variance. The level of significance was p < 0.05. RESULTS: Our data showed an increase in work of breathing in the first and thirtieth minutes in the EPAP condition (0.86+ 0.43 and 1.02+1.3) as compared with the T-tube condition (0.25+0.26 and 0.26+0.35) (p<0.05), verified by the flow-sensor monitor (values in J/L). No statistical differences were observed when comparing the Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure and T-tube conditions with regard to cardiorespiratory measurements. The same result was observed for both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and non- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease subconditions. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that, in weaning patients from mechanical ventilation, the use of a fixed level of Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure caused an increase in work of breathing that was not accompanied by any other significant cardiorespiratory changes. Therefore, we have to be cautious when using Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure as a physiotherapeutic tool during weaning from mechanical ventilation

    Occupational Therapy in Multidisciplinary Residency in Family and Community Health

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    In this study, we report the experiences of occupational therapist during the Multidisciplinary Residency Program in Family and Community Health in Fortaleza, Ceará state, Brazil. With the creation of the Support Center for Family Health – NASF, occupational therapists began to participate more effectively in the Family Health Strategy of the Brazilian National Health System. Given this rocess, the category, which historically has trained its professionals following the biomedical model, is faced with the challenge to build a new field of knowledge. Objective: To analyze the inclusion of occupational therapy in the Family Health Strategy within the scope of Multidisciplinary Residency. Methodology: This is a descriptive study of qualitative approach, which was based on the experience of four occupational therapy resident students, performed through the documental analysis of field diaries, scientific papers, and case studies produced between 2009 and 2011. Results: The occupational therapists as well as the other NASF professionals operated the logic of Matrix Support to the Family Health teams, sharing their knowledge and assisting in resolving complex cases of the families, groups, and communities served. In this context, we found people with different relationships with their doings and a reduced repertoire of activities. The occupational therapists invested in the creation or consolidation of groups in the Family Health Centers and in the territory, which also stood as living and socializing spaces, focusing on prevention and health promotion

    Validity and Test-retest Reliability of the Jumpo App for Jump Performance Measurement

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(7): 677-686, 2021. The vertical jump test is one of the simplest and most prevalent physical tests used in practice and research. This study investigated the validity and reliability of a new mobile application (Jumpo) for measuring jump performance on Android devices. University-aged students (n = 10; 20 ± 3 years; 176 ± 6 cm; 68 ± 9 kg) reported to the laboratory on three occasions (2-7 days apart): to be familiarized with the jump performance measurements and then for test-retest reliability assessments. Participants performed countermovement jumps (CMJ), squat jumps (SJ), and right and left single-legged jumps in random order on a force platform while being recorded by a smartphone’s slow-motion camera. Flight time was selected as the criterion variable. Strong positive correlations between the Jumpo and force platform were observed for each jump type tested (r ≥ 0.93), although the flight times obtained with the Jumpo App were systematically shorter than those provided by the force platform by 3-6% (p \u3c 0.001). The Jumpo App demonstrated a high test-retest reliability (ICC ≥ 0.94, CV ≤ 3.7%) with no differences between the coefficients of variation obtained from the Jumpo App and force platform (p ≥ 0.25). With respect to jump type, data from double-legged jumps (CMJ and SJ) were more accurately measured than data from single-legged jumps. The Jumpo App provides a valid and reliable measurement of jump performance, but the following equation should be used to calibrate its flight time results, allowing comparisons to be made to force platform data: Force platformflight time = 0.948 × Jumpoflight time + 41.515. Future studies should cross-validate the calibration equation in a different sample of individuals

    Análise técnico-social da produção de biodiesel no Brasil e no desenvolvimento agrícola do norte de Minas Gerais

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    The global energy scenario is moving towards the search for renewable energy matrices. Biodiesel appears as a renewable, cleaner-burning biofuel, gradually incorporated into conventional diesel to limit the consumption of fossil fuels and reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. In this perspective, from the implementation of the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program in mid-2005, biodiesel production in Brazil has become a reality. Several large-scale production plants were built with the implementation of the Darcy Ribeiro Plant, owned by Petrobrás Biofuels, in the north of Minas Gerais. The objective of this article is to analyze the production of biodiesel in the Brazilian scenario, taking a special look at the production of this fuel in the Montes Claros region and the implications for regional family farming activities. The work was carried out through the collection of bibliographic information referenced on the issues of biodiesel, the management model of the biodiesel plant Darcy Ribeiro and its performance in the north of Minas Gerais. The plant uses several materials in the production of biodiesel, but the main one is soy oil. Castor bean, the main crop of family farmers aiming at supplying the plant did not show good profitability and productivity due to the lack of study on agricultural zoning, with its field area being drastically reduced. The government proposal was to create a program aimed at family farming, especially in the north of Minas Gerais, for income generation in the countryside, poverty reduction and regional rural development, but there was a predominance of agribusiness. Keyword: Biofuels. Production Sustainable. Family Farming. Regional Development.El escenario energético global se está moviendo hacia la búsqueda de matrices de energía renovable. El biodiesel aparece como un biocombustible renovable y de combustión más limpia, incorporado gradualmente al diesel convencional para limitar el consumo de combustibles fósiles y reducir las emisiones de contaminantes y gases de efecto invernadero. En esta perspectiva, desde la implementación del Programa Nacional de Producción y Uso de Biodiesel a mediados de 2005, la producción de biodiesel en Brasil se ha convertido en una realidad. Se construyeron varias plantas de producción a gran escala con la implementación de la planta Darcy Ribeiro, propiedad de Petrobrás Biocombustíveis, en el norte de Minas Gerais. El propósito de este artículo es analizar la producción de biodiesel en el escenario brasileño, observando especialmente la producción de este combustible en la región de Montes Claros y las implicaciones para las actividades regionales de agricultura familiar. El trabajo se llevó a cabo a través de la recopilación de información bibliográfica referenciada sobre temas de biodiesel, el modelo de gestión de la planta de biodiesel Darcy Ribeiro y su desempeño en el norte de Minas Gerais. La planta utiliza varios materiales en la producción de biodiesel, pero el principal es el aceite de soja. El aceite de ricino, el principal cultivo de los agricultores familiares con el objetivo de abastecer la planta, no mostró una buena rentabilidad y productividad debido a la falta de estudio sobre la zonificación agrícola, ya que su área de campo se redujo drásticamente. La propuesta del gobierno era crear un programa dirigido a la agricultura familiar, especialmente en el norte de Minas Gerais, para la generación de ingresos en el campo, la reducción de la pobreza y el desarrollo rural regional, pero había un predominio de los agronegocios. Palabras-clave: Biocombustibles. Producción Sunstenible. Agricultura Familiar. Desarrollo Regional.O cenário energético mundial caminha para busca por matrizes de energias renováveis. O biodiesel surge como um biocombustível renovável, de combustão mais limpa, gradualmente incorporado ao diesel convencional visando limitar o consumo de combustíveis fósseis e diminuir as emissões de poluentes e gases de efeito estufa. Nessa perspectiva, a partir da implementação do Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel em meados de 2005, a produção de biodiesel no Brasil torna-se realidade. Diversas usinas de produção em larga escala foram construídas tendo no Norte de Minas Gerais a implementação da Usina Darcy Ribeiro, da Petrobrás Biocombustíveis. O objetivo desse artigo é analisar a produção de biodiesel no cenário brasileiro tendo um olhar especial para a produção deste combustível na região de Montes Claros e a implicação nas atividades da agricultura familiar regional. O trabalho foi realizado através da coletânea de informações bibliográficas referenciadas sobre as questões do biodiesel, do modelo de gestão da usina de biodiesel Darcy Ribeiro e sua atuação no Norte de Minas Gerais. A Usina utiliza diversos materiais na produção do biodiesel, mas o principal é o óleo de soja. A mamona, principal cultura dos agricultores familiares visando o fornecimento para a usina não apresentou boa rentabilidade e produtividade devido à falta de estudo do zoneamento agrícola, tendo sua área de campo reduzida drasticamente. A proposta governamental era criar um programa dirigido para agricultura familiar, sobretudo, a região Norte de Minas, para geração de renda no campo, redução da pobreza e desenvolvimento rural regional mas verificou-se o predomínio do agribusiness. Palavras-chave: Biocombustíveis. Produção Sustentável. Agricultura Familiar. Desenvolvimento Regional

    Wasteland Beautiful : o estatuto ontológico da imagem nos mundos tridimensionais dos games

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    The paper presents the concept of the digital image in games as the result of an artistic process, digital and personified in the figure of the craftsman, which focuses its activity on a make-believe. The article is located within a proposed phenomenological thought that seeks to show the ontological structure that underlies the work with digital images and drawing / painting / color / dash / form in target quality, considering the production of games. Shows that the ontological contexts outlined are present unintentionally in public displays of development teams, analyzing and illustrating two exemplary examples in which the game chasing a homoiosis produced in relation to digital and historical tradition. Culminates in the defense of a research on the artistic production in games coupled with production processes and understanding games as an art form that speaks to today's man