847 research outputs found


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    Penodaan agama adalah satu tindakan melawan hukum, baik dalamIslam maupun dalam undang-undang di Indonesia, bentuk penodaan Agamadalam Islam adalah setiap menghina Allah,menghina Nabi dan menghinaIslam yang dinamakan dengan murtad dan hukum bagi orang murtad adalahhukuman mati. sebagaimana hadis rasulullah yang diriwayatkan oleh bukharidalam kitabnya Telah menceritakan kepada kami ‘Aliy bin ‘Abdillah : Telahmenceritakan kepada kami Sufyaan, dari Ayyub, dari ‘Ikrimah: hal inisebagaimana ditegaskan oleh Hadis sebagai berikut:Dari Ibnu Abbas, ia berkata,”Rasulullah bersabda, barang siapa yang mengganti agamanya , makabunuhlah dia.” (HR. Al-bukhari, Abu Dawud, Al-tirmizi,dan Annasa’i).Sedangkan bentuk penodaan dalam hukum pidana di Indonesia adalahDengan sengaja di muka umum mengeluarkan perasaan,melakukan perbuatanyang bersifat permusuhan, penyalahgunaan, penodaan terhadap suatu agamayang dianut di Indonesia dan hukum bagi penodaan Agama dalam hukum pidanadiIndnnesia adalah dipenjara selama-lamanya lima tahun. sebagaimana yangdikatakan didalam KUHP pada Pasal 156a KUHP menyatakan “Dipidanadengan pidana penjara selama-lumanya lima tahun barang siapa dengan sengajadi muka umum mengeluarkan perasaan atau melakukan perbuatan:(a)yang padapokoknya bersifat bermusuhan, penyalahgunaa atau penodaan terhadap suatuagama yang dianut di Indonesia;(b)dengan maksud agar supaya orang tidakmenganut agama apapun juga, yang bersendikan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa.


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    ADNANI: NIM. (1411111110004) PENERAPAN METODE BANDONGAN DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA AL-QUR’AN SANTRI USIA 17-21 TAHUN DI PONDOK PESANTREN ASYSYAUQY KELURAHAN KARYAMULYA KECAMATAN KESAMBI KOTA CIREBON Al-Qur’an merupakan firman Allah yang agung, yang dijadikan pedoman hidup oleh seluruh kaum muslimin serta membacanya bernilai ibadah. Membaca Al-Qur’an sebagai sebuah ibadah haruslah dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan dalam qaidah ilmu tajwid. Karena membaca Al-Qur’an dengan memakai ilmu tajwid adalah fardu ‘ain atau merupakan kewajiban individu. Pondok Pesantren Modern Alma Asy-Syauqy merupakan Pondok Pesantren yang didalamnya mengajarkan tata cara membaca Al-Qur’an dengan metode bandongan yakni metode yang mengajarkan cara membaca Al-Qur’an secara langsung memasukkan dan mempraktekkan bacaan tartil sesuai dengan qoidah ilmu tajwid. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembelajaran Al-Qur’an metode bandongan di Pondok Pesantren Modern Alma Asy-Syauqy, bagaimana kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an santri usia 17 21 tahun di Pondok Pesantren Modern Alma Asy-Syauqy, dan bagaimana pengaruh penerapan metode bandongan terhadap kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an santri usia 17 21 tahun di Pondo Pesantren Modern Alma Asy-Syauqy. Penelitian ini berawal dari kerangka pemikiran bahwa Al-Qur’an merupakan Kalam Allah yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman hidup dan petunjuk bagi umat islam. Oleh karena itu maka setiap muslim diwajibkan mempelajari alqur’an dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah ilmu tajwid baik dari makharijul huruf, sifatul huruf, ahkamul maddi wal qosr. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknikteknik sebagai berikut: angket, tes, dan observasi. Kemudian data di analisis dengan menggunakan rumus tabel frekuensi sehingga pada akhirnya di komulatifkan rata-rata prosentase. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode bandongan dalam pembelajaran Al-Qur’an (variabel X) baik dilakukan dengan prosentase 68,8%. Adapun kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an (variabel Y) baik hal ini didasarkan pada hasil perhitungan mean (63,36), modus (70), dan median (65). Dan pengaruh penerapan metode bandongan terhadap kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an santri usia 17 21 tahun di Pondok Pesantren Modern Alma Asy-Syauqy Kelurahan Karyamulya Kecamatan Kesambi Kota Cirebon, termasuk kategori dengan rhitung sebesar 0,36 dan jika di interpretasikan terdapat pengaruh atau korelasi yang rendah yang berada dalam prosentase 0,20% – 40%. Adapun pengaruh penerapan metode bandongan (variabel X) terhadap kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an (variabel Y) sebesar 0,36% sedangkan sisanya 99,64% adalah di pengaruhi oleh faktor lain


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    Menjalankan perkawinan harus memenuhi kewajiban dan hak, kewajiban suami menafkahkan isteri dan kewajiban isteri mentaati sepada suami. Namun banya sekali terjadi pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga, yang disebabkan oleh komunikasi dan ekonomi. Melihat duahal ini sangat krusial dalam menjalani kehidupan rumahtangga. Dengan demikian terjadilah pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh Isteri terhadap suami, demikian pula sebaliknya suami menelantarkan Isterinya. Maka bagi isteri yang ingkat terhadap suaminya dinamakan isteri nusyuz. Isteri nusyuz ini yang diperdepatkan tentang hak pemperi nafkah oleh suaminga. Maka bila dilihat pendapat imam syafi`i yang termaktub dalam kitab Al Umm bahwa nafkah isteri nusyuz sudah gugur, namun menurut Ibnu Hazm yang tertulis dalam kitan Al Muhallah itu tidak gugur karena masih dalam ikatan nikah. Antara Imam Syafi`i dan ibnu Hazam memliki perbedaan pendapat berdasarkan hasil istinbat hukumnya masing masing. Imam Syafi`I beristinbath berdasarkan tanggung jawa suami terhadap isteri dalam ayat, sedangkan ibn Hazm beristinbat berdasarkan keumuman ayat mengenai nafkah isteri nusyuz


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    Background : Human activities in using of nature always leaving the rest that are consideredare not useful anymore, so treated as waste products, namely garbage and waste. If the wasteis not managed properly, it will negatively impact health. Therefore there is need for theprevention of negative influences to avoid or use personal protective. The purpose of thisresearch is to know knowledge about the types of garbage collectors , the knowledge workers ofthe garbage collector garbage congenital diseases, and the behavior of garbage collectionworkers in protecting themselves against inherited diseases.Methods: This kind of research is the research evaluation, which includes the formativeevaluation (emphasis on process rather than product). While the research approach used isqualitative. Research subjects in this study are to garbage collectors officers Dumpster (TPS)which use pushcart. Data collection techniques will be used is the observation by participating(participation observation), and in-depth interviews (in-depth Interviewing). Techniques of dataanalysis performed using data reduction, data display the data verification.Conclusion : The conclusions to be drawn from this study are: First, knowledge about the typesof garbage collectors personal protection device which must be worn during most of the work isstill lacking. Second, the knowledge workers of the garbage collector garbage congenitaldiseases mostly still less understood. Third, the behavior of garbage collection workers inprotecting themselves against inherited diseases is less trash to the efforts carried out beforetouching the garbage, and is good for the efforts undertaken after touching garbage. All of themare supported by the lack or ignorance of understanding about self health (Hygiene Sanitation).Keywords: Behavior, personal protection device, congenital disease tras

    A new financial architecture for developing mixed-income housing in Massachusetts

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 129-130).The need for affordable housing is as critical now as it has ever been. Mixed-income housing has been adopted by federal policymakers and many state housing agencies as a means to address this pressing issue. Two mixed-income programs with contrasting results are examined and the strengths and weaknesses of each discussed. Based upon the lessons learned, the authors use a variety of financing mechanisms to create a new financial architecture for the development of mixed-income housing in Massachusetts. The thesis begins with a general overview of the history of U.S. housing policy and the current need for affordable housing. It follows with a detailed description of the various mechanisms used to finance and promote the supply of low-income housing. Two mixed-income housing programs, the SHARP Program and the 80/20 Program, are examined. Using a variety of financing mechanisms, a new financial architecture is advanced based upon a new public/private partnership. Current construction and operating costs from the greater Boston area are used to simulate the development and operation costs of an 80/20 project. Growth rates extracted from a portfolio of 23 mixed-income properties financed by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) under the SHARP Program are superimposed on a baseline scenario to subject it to the same financial stresses that the SHARP properties experienced during the recession of the early 1990s. The risks and potential returns to the public/private partnership are analyzed and recommendations made so the returns to each party are commensurate with the risks that party bears when investing in mixed-income projects. The Model is run through a variety of sensitivity analyses to measure the impact of changes in key variables on the resulting returns of principle partners. The conclusion drawn is that the long-term viability of mixed-income projects can be tenuous, but with the proper alignment of interests and through the use of carefully interwoven finance mechanisms and public policies, mixed-income projects can help address the affordable housing crisis while successfully meeting the goals of each party to the partnership.by Mecky Adnani and Peter D. Crabtree.Ph.D

    Optimization of Lipase Catalysed Synthesis of Sugar Alcohol Esters Using Taguchi Method and Neural Network Analysis

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    Xylitol esters were successfully prepared from reactions of xylitol with free fatty acids (stearic acid, palmitic acid and capric acid), using enzymes as biocatalyst in an organic solvent system. Such a selective enzymatic route obviates the fastidious regime of substrate activation required in chemical synthesis. Preliminary detection and identification of reaction products were facilitated by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Subsequent quantitative studies on main effects of parameters governing the reactions based on conversion of fatty acid were conducted by titration analysis. Enzyme screening showed Novozym 435 to be the most proficient biocatalyst for the reactions. By changing one parameter at a time, the optimum condition was found to be at 60°C and 1:1 molar ratio with 4 g molecular sieve and 0.12 g enzyme in 30 ml solvent in 18 h reaction time. The synthetic reaction was optimized by Taguchi method based on orthogonal array to evaluate the effect of each parameters and interactive effects of reaction parameters including temperature, time, amount of enzyme, amount of molecular sieve, amount of solvent, and molar ratio of substrates (xylitol: fatty acid). Optimal condition derived from Taguchi method showed that, the method couldreduce reaction time, molecular sieve amount and enzyme amount with high conversion (96%, 92%, 88% for xylitol stearate, xylitol palmitate, and xylitol caprate, respectively) compared to conventional one variable at a time approach. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method was also employed for the estimation of esterification yield in enzymatic synthesis of xylitol esters. Various feedforward neural networks were performed using different learning algorithms. The best algorithm was found to be Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) for a network composed of two hidden layers with six and seven neurons in the first and second layers, respectively for xylitol stearate and xylitol palmitate and also seven and five neurons in the first and second layers for xylitol caprate, with hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function. Both models suggested good quality predictions for all independent variables (reaction time, temperature, amount of enzyme, substrate molar ratio, amount of molecular sieve and amount of solvent) in terms of the percentage conversion of xylitol esters. A high coefficient of determination (R2) (>0.9) and a low mean squared error (MSE) for training and testing data implied the good generalization of the developed models for predicting the reaction conversion. In order to make the synthesis process more environmentally friendly, the reactions between xylitol and capric acid, caprylic acid, and caproic acid, were also performed in solvent-free system. In this system,similar insolvent system, three methods including one variable at a time, Taguchi method and ANN were used for optimization and prediction of percentage of conversion. By varying one parameter at a time, the suitable temperature was 60°C and reaction time was 29 h (for xylitol caprate and xylitolcaprylate), 18 h (xylitol caproate) with 0.2 g enzyme, 0.14 g molecular sieve (for xylitol caprate and xylitol caprylate) and 0.2 g (for xylitol caproate), molar ratio 0.5 (xylitol: capric acid and caproic acid) and 0.33 (xylitol: caprylic acid). By using Taguchi method and ANN, the actual conversions of esters achieved were 74% (xylitol caprate), 69% (xylitol caprylate), and 60.5% (xylitol caproate) with a small amount of enzyme and molecular sieve, which matched well with the predicted values and indicated good conversion and effectiveness of the reactions without adding organic solvent for synthesis of xylitol esters. A comparison between one variable at a time, Taguchi method and artificial neural network shows that both Taguchi and ANN can reduce the amount of enzyme, amount of molecular sieve, reaction time and molar ratio in solvent based and solvent free system. So,this optimization method can help to save time and cost of the process. In addition comparison of statistical measures and performances between Taguchi method and ANN shows that ANN was slightly better than Taguchi for data fitting and estimation capabilities. Analysis of product was carried out by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Some physicochemical properties were also analyzed. The overall results on the physicochemical studies showed that xylitol ester exhibited good physicochemical characteristics. The analyses revealed the suitability of the ester produced in industrial application

    Reorientasi Kurikulum Program Studi Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam (Kpi) Fakultas Ushuluddin Dan Dakwah Iain Surakarta

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    Tulisan ini membahas dinamika pengembangan kurikulum program studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI) Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta dan struktur kurikulum program studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI) sesuai dengan kompetensi lulusan nya. Dari dua permasalahn ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dinamika pengembangan kurikulum di prodi KPI FUD IAIN Surakarta ber dasarkan 3 ranah yaitu ranah proses, ranah factor dan ranah dampak. Pada ranah proses dibagi pada 3 periode yaitu 1). Periode awal (early period), 2) periode menengah, (medium period)), 3)Periode dewasa ini (contemporary period). Pada Ranah Faktor dilatarbelakangi oleh faktor-faktor sebagai berikut: 1). Faktor internal dan 2). Faktor eksternal. Faktor internal berasal dari dosen maupun karyawan, tata dan budaya organisasi di STAIN Surakarta, input mahasiswa, alumni (output), dan sebagainya. Sedang kan faktor eksternal adalah faktor pasar tenaga kerja, tuntutan masyarakat, isu-isu dan trendlokal, nasional maupun Internasional dan sebagainya. Faktor Dampak Pengembangan kurikulum akan menimbul kan beberapa dampak di antaranya adalah: 1). Dampak Material 2). Dampak Profesional dan, 3) Dampak Sosial Kultural. Struktur Kurikulum di prodi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI) IAIN Surakarta dalam menghadapi kompetensi lulusannya pada ke butuhan pangsa pasar mengalami Perubahanperubahan mulai tahun 1998/1999, 1999/2000, 2002/2003, 2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2011/2012

    COUNTING ON: Humanizing self-tracked data in a connected world

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    This thesis explores the evolving role of the Quantified Self and self-tracking culture within personalized healthcare. Health and fitness wearables are proliferating globally. However, wearable device abandonment rates are also surging. Wearables can sometimes be authoritative or punitive when presenting wearers with their biological data. In the past, some devices have even triggered adverse health-related conditions. This thesis proposes an approach to visualizing biological data from wearables, in ways that are coherent, contextual, and humane. It critiques normative data visualizations in commercial wearables and speculates alternate futures for self-tracking to empower individuals to manage their health and well-being autonomously. Through an iterative development process to prototype creation, the author gathers biological data using a consumer wearable device and uses it to propose an information architecture that categorizes the data coherently. The architecture is applied in hand-drawn, domestic, embedded visualization prototypes that present the author’s biological data. Lastly, user interviews are conducted to acquire responses to the prototypes and plan possibilities for future iterations. The purpose of this research is to advocate empathy and compassion in the emerging culture of living with data while considering the intricacies of everyday life, the imperfections of being human, and the need for autonomy in personal data management