Online Journals Publications IAIN Langsa (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa)
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    2305 research outputs found

    Praktik Jual Beli Buah Rusak Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Pada Pasar Tradisional Seruway

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    The practice of buying and selling damaged fruits in the traditional market of Seruway Sub-district has been ongoing for a long time. In this practice, sellers offer these damaged fruits at relatively low prices, making them highly sought after by consumers. This writing aims to explore how the buying and selling of damaged fruits occur in the traditional market of Seruway Sub-district, Aceh Tamiang Regency, and how Islamic economic perspectives view such practices. The research employed a field research approach with a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The research findings conclude that the buying and selling of damaged fruits occur willingly between sellers and buyers. Sellers proactively separate good-quality fruits from damaged ones, allowing buyers to decide whether they are willing to proceed with the transaction. This approach minimizes disputes or deception between sellers and buyers. According to Islamic economic theory, the practice of buying and selling damaged fruits in the Seruway Sub-district Traditional Market is deemed legitimate. This is because it adheres to the requirements and principles of Islamic commerce. The study contributes to a better understanding of the legal status of buying and selling damaged fruits and can serve as a reference for further research on similar themes.Praktik jual beli buah rusak yang terjadi di pasar tradisional Kecamatan Seruway  sudah berlangsung sejak lama, dimana penjual menjual buah-buahan rusak tersebut dengan harga yang relatif murah sehingga ia banyak diminati oleh konsumen.  Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktik jual beli buah rusak yang berlangsung di pasar tradisional Kecamatan Seruway Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang  dan bagaimana pandangan Ekonomi Syariah terkait dengan praktik tersebut. Adapun jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Lapangan (Field Research) dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Praktik jual beli buah rusak itu terjadi dengan suka rela antar penjual dan pembeli, dimana pihak penjual sudah lebih dulu memisahkan antara buah-buahan yang bagus dan buah-buahan yang rusak, pembeli dapat memilih dan memutuskan apakah mereka bersedia atau tidak untuk melanjutkan transaksi tersebut sehingga tidak terjadi perselisihan atau penipuan antar pihak penjual dan pembeli. Menurut teori Ekonomi Syari’ah bahwa praktik jual beli buah rusak yang dilakukan di Pasar Tradisional Kecamatan Seruway itu sah  menurut Ekonomi Syariah Karena telah memenuhi persyaratan dan rukun dalam jual beli. Penelitian ini dapat memberi pemahaman tentang status hukum terhadap praktik jual beli buah rusak dan dapat menjadi referensi bagi penelitian selanjutnya dalam mengkaji tema yang sam

    Thatwir Wasilah Power Point Tafau’li Li Tarqiyati Qudratu At-Thalabah ‘Ala Maharatil Kalam

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    Purpose- This study aims to develop media interactive power point in improving speaking in Arabic lessons, determine the level of validity of media, and measure the level of effectiveness of the developed media.Design/Methodology/Approach- This study uses research and development methods based on the Dick and Carry model with special treatment from researchers. Sources of data from students, Arabic language studies teacher and expert validators were obtained throuhg observation, interviews, questionnaire and test. The data will then be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively simultaneously with interactive analysis. The subjects of this study were is eight-sixth grade which is also called language class, with a total of 33 samples.Findings Among the results of this study were the results of the small groups with a rate of 87% and large groups with a rate of 92%, and on material validation with a rate of 100% and on media validasi with a rate of 92%. Thus media developed based on interactive power point are effective in improving thills of students in Arabic lessons.Research Limitation/Implication- the formal finding of this research is a media development to make it easier for teachers to teach, based on interactive power point can improve Arabic speaking skills for students   &nbsp

    Dirasah Tahliliah `An Manhajiah Ta’lif Al-Munjid Li Louis Ma`luf

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    Al-Munjid is a popular dictionary that contains hundreds or even thousands of vocabulary words, so many people use it even in almost all parts of the world. The aim of this study was to introduce the author to Al-Munjid Dictionary, the method of writing Al-Munjid and the method of revealing words in it, and the advantages and disadvantages of Al-Munjid Dictionary. The method used in this study is qualitative with a library research design. The data collection technique for this research is to search for data, read data, tag data, and list data related to information contained in books, journals, proceedings, print media, and online media. The results of this research: First, Al-Munjid dictionary uses the lexical grouping method that relies on the method of arranging alphabetical patterns. It is included in several forms of dictionaries, and it is also included in several specific lexical objectives. Second: Some scholars believe that Al-Munjid’s dictionary is connected and part of the Orientalist work that concealed the duties and goals of global Islam. Third: Al-Munjid’s dictionary contains five advantages and eight disadvantages. &nbsp

    Washathiyyah Character of Muslim Generation in the Perspective of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, Hamka and Zakiah Drajat

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    This study discusses character education in instilling washathiyyah values for the Muslim generation. Some Indonesian scholars who study the value of washathiyyah are Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, Hamka, and Zakiah Drajat. They are a row of scholars who spend all their lives inviting people to goodness through their works, pens and oral advice. Through their works and thoughts, they have contributed a lot in accompanying the journey of Muslims, especially in practicing the religion that is Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin. This research is a descriptive literature review with qualitative research. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that Abdullah Nashih Ulwan stipulates that the cultivation of washathiyyah Islamic values in building character must be carried out at every marhalah of the human journey from the age of conception, the phase of children, adolescents, and adults. likewise, the type of parenting will affect the growth and development of children as a generation of Muslims. There are parenting patterns that are democratic, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful. Hamka views that the applied parenting should contain the values of shaja'ah, iffah, wisdom, and adl. Zakiah Drajat reveals feelings, behavior /actions, healthy body and mind as the key to grounding washathiyyah values for the Muslim generation. It is hoped that this paper will be able to provide an overview of the Indonesian Muslim Ulama and a reference for writing scientific papers based on the views of the three Ulama

    Pencarian Rekognisi dan Legalitas Perkawinan Secara Adat Pada Suku Asli Anak Rawa di Siak Provinsi Riau

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    This article deals with the search for the recognition and legality of customary marriages on believers of the Suku Asli Anak Rawa in Siak, Riau. The article argued that although the Constitutional Court ordered the writing of identity credentials on the residence documents of citizens of trust holders, it could not be realized because they did not have a trust organizations or holders of trusts. This resulted in a number of Suku Asli Anak Rawa convert to one of the state-recognized religions in order to obtain a document of identity. Ethnographic data was collected through in-depth interviews, semi-structured observations as well as document studies. First, the author explores the indigenous population of the Anak Rawa who still embrace their beliefs and compares them to citizens who have converted to one of the official religions. Second, the researchers explored patterns of strengthening the external social networks of Suku Asli Anak Rawa, both government agencies and relevant social organizations as part of identity strengthening and search for recognition over indigenous marriages. Third, the researchers explored the efforts made by the Suku Asli Rawa in filing a registered status application to have the legality of issuing a marriage certificate. In conclusion, this paper indicates that policy on religious minority groups cannot be implemented immediately because of the limited capacity of citizens to meet administrative demands and bureaucratic processes in government

    The Impact of Mudharabah Sukuk and Foreign Exchange on the Profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Sukuk Mudharabah and Foreign Exchange on the profitability of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia from 2014 to 2021. The data analysis technique used is panel data regression with the assistance of Econometric Views (Eviews). The results of the study indicate that Sukuk Mudharabah has a negative and insignificant effect on profitability (sig value. 0.413 > 0.05).  Foreign exchange has a positive and significant effect on profitability (sig value. 0.024 <0.05). Additionally, sukuk mudharabah and foreign exchange both have a positive and significant effect on the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia (sig value. 0.00 <0.05). These results demonstrate the impact of foreign exchange on Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia

    Top-Up Individual Services On Fund Applications In Kota Langsa (Comparative Study Of Shafi`Iyyah And Malikiyyah)

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    The use of digital money (e-money) is very common around us. It can be seen that many individual top-up services can make it easier for us to exchange cash for digital money, in this case, the author uses the DANA digital wallet as the object of research. This study aims to determine whether the mechanism for the top-up of individual services on the application of funds is by the sharf contract and the views of Syafi`iyyah and Malikiyyah on sharf transactions that are late or not cash. In this research, the writer uses the juridical-empirical research method. Based on interview data obtained from individual service top-up transactions, there are obstacles in terms of the network that can make top-up transactions require a waiting time of 2x24 working hours, from the analysis according to Syafi`iyyah and Malikiyyah, sharf transaction contracts must occur in cash, but Syafi` iyyah allows sharf transactions to occur slowly as long as the buyer and seller do not separate, on the contrary Malikiyyah requires sharf transactions to occur quickly even though the two are not separated, the transaction must be completed as quickly as possible

    Pengaruh Modal Kerja, Return On Asset Dan Return On Equity Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba

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    This study aims to analyze working capital and profitability ratios on PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk, profitability ratios use the Return On Assets (ROA) and Return On Equity (ROE) indicators. This study uses data collected from the IDX website, namely The data obtained is then processed and adjusted to the needs of researchers during the 2012-2021observation period. Calculation techniques and data analysis using multiple linear regression methods to determine whether there is a significant influence between the variables Working Capital, Return On Assets (ROA), and Return On Equity (ROE) on Profit Growth. Based on the results of the study, working capital has a positive effect on profit growth with a value of 2.555. The Return On Assets (ROA) ratio has a positive effect on profit growth with a value of 42.369. The Return On Equity (ROE) ratio has a positive effect on profit growth with a value of 11,478. Simultaneously Working Capital, Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) simultaneously have a significant effect on profit growth with a sig value of 0.000 <0.05

    Tanfidh Istiratijiaat Mubtakarat Litadris Al-Istima’i Waltahaduts Fi Ta’lim Allughatul ‘Arabiyah Fi Al-Madaris Al-Ibtidaiyah

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    Learning Arabic as a foreign language certainly requires a strategy that can make students interested in learning it. In addition, there are strategies to help teachers overcome boredom in learning so that it is hoped that the learning that will be created will be much more interactive and fun. So, the purpose of this article is to analyze innovative learning strategies for learning istima' and kalam in learning Arabic at Islamic elementary schools. The results obtained from our research include several activities that support innovative istima and kalam strategies, namely: (1) active learning, (2) technology-based learning, (3) structured speaking exercises, (4) using relevant material, (5) using language games, (6) support discussion, (7) use of Multimedia, (8) Collaborative learning. This activity is considered effective for increasing students' understanding both in terms of knowledge and skill

    Penggunaan Hastag #samasamabelajar melalui Media TikTok terhadap Kebutuhan Informasi Generasi Z

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    In 2023, the social networking app Tik Tok is hugely popular. Sustainable development is within reach, and so is personal growth thanks to TikTok. Therefore, they can be very useful in spreading messages that encourage positive behavior change. TikTok campaigns on issues such as global warming, sexual violence, drug addiction, child labor, child and forced marriage, sexism in the workplace, and gender equality. Greater understanding and shifting perspectives can occur. The research intends to offer an analysis of how generation Z uses Tik Tok and #samasamabelajar hashtags to meet their information demands. A qualitative descriptive approach was taken to this investigation. Generation Z is the focus of this investigation into how hashtags on the Tik Tok app are used to fulfill requests for information. Information was collected from interviews with a sample of students at the Faculty of Social Sciences UIN Sumut. The findings reveal, first, that members of Generation Z have a strong preference for using the Tik Tok app. second, the typical content found on Tik Tok which is popular with generation Z. Finally, the information demands of generation Z are met through Tik Tok through #samasamabelajar hashtags. The writing of this article will provide new insights on how to leverage Tik Tok's social media platform for media through hashtags to meet the information needs of Generation Z and help them acquire and share new learning knowledge


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    Online Journals Publications IAIN Langsa (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa) is based in Indonesia
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