152 research outputs found

    The Establishment and Function of Taiwan Businessmen Associations in Southeast Asia

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    随着中国台湾省厂商对东南亚的投资与移民,当地的台商组织应运而生,经过多年的发展,东南亚台商协会已经在台商的事业与生活中扮演着相当重要的角色。台商协会紧紧围绕“服务台商“的这一基本宗旨,在丰富台商业余生活,联络乡谊;帮助台商解决经营困难,促进台商事业发展;传承中华文化,协助创办台商子弟学校;服务桑梓,回馈当地社会,树立台商形象等方面发挥着极为重要的作用,但同时应注意到台商协会也是台湾当局拓展与东南亚国家实质关系的重要载体。With Taiwan's large-scale investment and migration in Southeast Asia,Taiwan Businessmen Associations(TBAs) of Southeast Asia emerged as the times require,and then played a very important role in the business and life of local Taiwanese businessmen in the past twenty years.Aiming to represent and serve Taiwanese businessmen,TBAs in Southeast Asia host many activities to enrich Taiwanese businessmen spare time and enhance mutual understanding,help their members overcome difficulties and find business opportunities,help establish Taipei School to solve education problem,and bring benefits to homeland as well as the local community to set up a good image of Taiwanese businessmen.Meanwhile we should be aware that TBAs are the important carriers by means of which Taiwan authorities seek substantive relations with Southeast Asian countries

    Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs in China-ASEAN Relations, 1970-2010: A Case Study on Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs in ASEAN-5

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    20世纪70年代后,中国与东盟国家政经关系逐渐改善,并在近20年获得全面发展。这一过程,东南亚华商因其独特地位与优势扮演了重要角色。本文以东盟五国华商作为考察对象,在详细评估华商经济地位与政治影响力的基础上,结合华人国家认同的历史性变化,重点探讨华商在中国与东盟国家关系中的行为与作用。 近四十年来,东南亚华商已经深深地融入当地社会;华商强势的经济地位,不仅是维系东盟各国华社的支柱之一,同时也为华商介入国家间关系奠定坚实基础。二战后东南亚华侨社会向华人社会过渡,华人新的公民身份与国家认同构成了华商跨国行为的基本出发点;而华商政治参与所体现的政治影响力,则为华商参与所在国与中国关系提供了重要条件...After the 1970s, the political and economic relations between China and ASEAN countries have gradually improved, and enjoyed full momentum in the past 20 years. In this process, due to their unique position and advantages ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia have played an important role. In this dissertation, ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in ASEAN-5 will be taken as the research object, ...学位:法学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_政治学理论学号:2552008015031

    The Characteristics and Process of Taiwanese Investment in Large-Scale in Mainland China Since 1988

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    1987年台湾当局开放民众赴内地探亲之后,台商才开始大规模投资内地,前后经历三波投资热潮,目前正在酝酿第四波投资热潮。近20年来,台商对内地投资以制造业为主,服务业次之,农业的比重最小;投资分布主要集中于沿海地区,逐步向中西部地区扩散;投资经济效益明显,规模不断扩大。Taiwan Businessmen started to make massive investment in mainland china after Taiwan authorities allowed people to visit relatives on the mainland in 1987.Three waves of Taiwan’s investment in Mainland China have taken place since1988; The fourth wave of Taiwan’s investment is coming up now.With regard to industrial distribution of Taiwan’s investment, manufacturing industry accounts for the largest proportion, service is the next, and agriculture shares the smallest; Taiwan’s investment has been concentrated in the coastal areas and is gradually spreading to central and western regions; Taiwan Businessmen has got high investment returns and expanded the investment scale continuously in the past 20 years

    An Analysis on Sino-ASEAN Reciprocal Investment Characteristics under CAFTA Framework

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    2002年11月4日,中国与东盟10国的领导人在金边共同签署了《中国—东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,这标志着中国—东盟自贸区进程的正式启动。此后,在双方的共同努力之下,中国与东盟分别于2004年11月和2007年1月正式签署了《货物With the development of CAFTA,five major characteristics of reciprocal investment are expounded.First of all,Investment from China to ASEAN has been accelerated as the volume of reciprocal investment between the two parties expanded.In the second place,the proportion of Chinese investment into the four recently admitted members is in the increase while investments from long-time ASEAN members constitute the bulk in the total ASEAN investments in China.Third,ASEAN investment in China puts more emphasis on the field of service trade.Fourth,of all areas,energy,mining and agriculture has been the sparkling spot in Chinese investment in ASEAN.Fifth,private Chinese enterprises play more and more important role in investing ASEAN countries


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    Mechanism of retinoic acid receptor α-mediated growth inhibition of gastric cancer cells by all-trans retinoic acid

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    目的 探讨维甲酸α受体 (RARα)介导全反式维甲酸 (ATRA)抑制胃癌细胞生长的作用机理。方法 应用Northernblot分析维甲酸受体在胃癌细胞中的表达水平 ,通过脂质体转染方法将senseRARα和antisenseRARα分别转染到细胞中 ,通过MTT方法和软琼脂集落形成实验分析ATRA对转染细胞生长和恶性程度的影响 ,瞬时转染和测定氯霉素乙酰转移酶 (CAT)活性 ,分析维甲酸应答元件 (RARE)的转录活性。结果 ATRA诱导BGC 82 3细胞RARα表达 ,但不能诱导MKN 45细胞RARα表达。在转染细胞中 ,ATRA可以抑制转senseRARα的MKN细胞生长 ,但不能抑制转antisenseRARα的BGC细胞生长。与MKN 45细胞比较 ,ATRA诱导MKN/RARα细胞 βRARE的转录活性较高 ,但与BGC 82 3细胞比较 ,ATRA诱导BGC/aRARα细胞βRARE的转录活性则较低。 结论 足够量的RARα对于介导ATRA抑制胃癌细胞生长作用是必需的 【英文摘要】 Objective To study the mechanism of retinoic acid receptor α(RARα) in mediating growth inhibition of gastric cancer cells by all trans retinoic acid(ATRA).Methods Expression of RAR s was detected by Northern blot. After anti sense RARα or sense RARα had been transfected into gastric cancer cell lines BGC 823 and MKN 45 respectively, the inhibitory effect of ATRA on cell growth in stable clones was analyzed using MTT assay and colony forming assay in soft agar. The transcriptional activation of retin...国家自然科学基金资助项目(39880015);国家杰出青年科学基金(B类)资助项目(39825502

    A Study on Anxiety Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors in Children Left in Rural Areas

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    Effect of Retinoic Acid Receptor β in Growth Regulation of Gastric Cancer Cells

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    为探讨 RARβ受体介导全反式视黄酸 ( ATRA)抑制胃癌细胞生长的作用机理 ,用 Northern印迹测定 RARβ m RNA表达水平 ,脂质体介导的转染方法将含有 RARβ基因的表达载体转染MKN- 45细胞并稳定表达 ,MTT和软琼脂集落形成等实验测定细胞生长速率和生长状态 ,氯霉素乙酰转移酶活性 ( CAT)测定视黄酸应答元件βRARE的转录活性以及 AP- 1 ( activator protein- 1 )活性 .RARβ在 ATRA敏感细胞株 MGC80 - 3、BGC- 82 3和 SGC- 790 1中表达 ,而在 ATRA抗性细胞株 MKN- 45中不表达 .当 RARβ基因转染 MKN- 45细胞时 ,细胞变为 ATRA敏感 ,由此导致ATRA抑制 MKN- 45细胞生长和软琼脂集落形成 .ATRA可以加强诱导 MGC80 - 3、BGC- 82 3和SGC- 790 1细胞βRARE的转录活性 ,但对 MKN- 45细胞影响不大 ,不能抑制细胞 AP- 1活性 .当RARβ基因转染 MKN- 45细胞后 ,ATRA则能够诱导细胞 βRARE的转录活性 ,并抑制细胞的 AP-1活性 ... 【英文摘要】 The effect of all\| trans retinoic acid(ATRA)is mainly mediated by its receptors,RARs and RXRs.The role of RARβ in growth inhibition by ATRA and the underlying mechanism in human gastric cancer cells were investigated.Expression level of RARβ mRNA was detected by Northern blot.The expression vector containing a RARβ gene was transfected into MKN\|45 cells which did not express RARβ mRNA by CellFECTINtm.Growth inhibition and statue of cells were detected by MTT assay and the method of colony formation of ...国家自然科学基金(39880015);国家杰出青年科学基金(B 类,39825502)资

    Bacterial community and its relation to environmental variables in a subtropical stratified reservoir for drinking water supply in autumn

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    水库在我国东南沿海地区是重要的饮用水水源地,对地区经济发展和社会稳定起到重要作用。选择亚热带地区典型的热分层水库——福建莆田东圳水库,于2011年秋季稳定分层期,以水体温度的垂直变化特征为依据进行分层采样。应用PCrdggE和克隆测序的方法研究浮游细菌群落的垂直分布特征,利用多元统计分析揭示细菌群落与热分层水体理化指标之间的关系。结果显示:溶解氧、电导率、叶绿素A、总氮、氨氮及硝氮在上下层水体中的分布有显著差异,下层缺氧区细菌的SHAnnOnWIEnEr指数和dggE条带数明显高于上层好氧区,表明东圳水库热分层水体中存在明显的物理、化学及生物分层现象。测序结果表明β-变形菌可能是东圳水库中占优势的细菌类群,统计结果提示溶解氧是显著影响细菌群落组成的环境因子。热分层水体的物理化学分层与水体细菌群落结构密切相关,提示水库生态学研究应对水体热分层给予重视。Fujian reservoirs in southeast China are important water resources for economic and social sustainable development,although few have been studied previously.Dongzhen Reservoir,a typical subtropical stratified reservoir in Fujian,was chosen for investigation of bacterial distribution,composition and diversity in autumn 2011.As the only built large reservoir in Putian City,it plays an important role in irrigation,flood control,hydroelectric power,and water supply.Dongzhen Reservoir shows an obvious phenomenon of water thermal stratification during summer and autumn,thus creates a unique gradient of environmental variables along the water column.We investigated the bacterial community and its relation to environmental variables in this study for a better understanding of vertical distribution of bacterial community and theprimary environmental drivers in a stratified reservoir.Five water samples were collected from five different depths according to the vertical changes of temperature.Both PCR-DGGE and sequencing were used to investigate the bacterial community and diversity.Moreover,physical and chemical parameters were measured according to the national standard methods.Multivariate statistical techniques were used to examine the relationship between bacterial community and environmental variables.Principal component analysis( PCA) clearly showed that water temperature,dissolved oxygen( DO),chlorophyll a( Chl a),total nitrogen( TN),ammonia nitrogen( NH4-N),nitrite / nitrate nitrogen( NOx-N) and electric conductivity of the upper aerobic zone were differed from those of the deeper anoxic zone.Both the number of DGGE bands and the Shannon-Wiener index of the deeper anoxic zone were higher than those of the upper aerobic zone.Further,two groups were distinguished by the cluster analysis of bacterial communities based on the Bray-Curtis similarity.Thus,Dongzhen Reservoir presented an obviously physical,chemical,and biological stratified phenomenon.Seven bands that common to all sampling depths were extracted and sequenced,and among which four were identified as Betaproteobacteria,indicating that Betaproteobacteria were the most dominant taxa in Dongzhen Reservoir in autumn.Bacterial community composition and diversity differed greatly among different sampling depths,and these differences were closely related to the physical and chemical stratification of the water body.Redundancy analysis( RDA) demonstrated DO was the significant environmental variable that shaping the bacterial community and diversity( P < 0.01).Therefore,we should pay more attention to DO and thermal stratification of reservoirs for sustainable reservoir management.国家重大科学研究计划(2012CB956103); 中国科学院知识创新工程方向项目(KZCX2-YW-QN401); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31172114); 福建省杰出青年科学基金项目(2012J06009


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    采用滤纸片法研究了118种中草药对酱油腐败菌毕赤氏酵母的抑制情况,考察了中草药的添加对酱油各项理化指标的影响,并以苯甲酸钠为对照,探讨其在酱油防腐效果方面的差异。结果表明,乌梅、丁香及石榴皮对酱油的防腐效果优于苯甲酸钠,并有助于改善酱油风味。其中,乌梅的最低抑菌质量浓度(MIC)及最低杀菌质量浓度(MBC)均为最小,分别达31.0 g/L和62.5 g/L