Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs in China-ASEAN Relations, 1970-2010: A Case Study on Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs in ASEAN-5


20世纪70年代后,中国与东盟国家政经关系逐渐改善,并在近20年获得全面发展。这一过程,东南亚华商因其独特地位与优势扮演了重要角色。本文以东盟五国华商作为考察对象,在详细评估华商经济地位与政治影响力的基础上,结合华人国家认同的历史性变化,重点探讨华商在中国与东盟国家关系中的行为与作用。 近四十年来,东南亚华商已经深深地融入当地社会;华商强势的经济地位,不仅是维系东盟各国华社的支柱之一,同时也为华商介入国家间关系奠定坚实基础。二战后东南亚华侨社会向华人社会过渡,华人新的公民身份与国家认同构成了华商跨国行为的基本出发点;而华商政治参与所体现的政治影响力,则为华商参与所在国与中国关系提供了重要条件...After the 1970s, the political and economic relations between China and ASEAN countries have gradually improved, and enjoyed full momentum in the past 20 years. In this process, due to their unique position and advantages ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia have played an important role. In this dissertation, ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in ASEAN-5 will be taken as the research object, ...学位:法学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_政治学理论学号:2552008015031

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