226 research outputs found

    Application of an Ensemble Smoother to Precipitation Assimilation

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    Assimilation of precipitation in a global modeling system poses a special challenge in that the observation operators for precipitation processes are highly nonlinear. In the variational approach, substantial development work and model simplifications are required to include precipitation-related physical processes in the tangent linear model and its adjoint. An ensemble based data assimilation algorithm "Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Smoother (MLES)" has been developed to explore the ensemble representation of the precipitation observation operator with nonlinear convection and large-scale moist physics. An ensemble assimilation system based on the NASA GEOS-5 GCM has been constructed to assimilate satellite precipitation data within the MLES framework. The configuration of the smoother takes the time dimension into account for the relationship between state variables and observable rainfall. The full nonlinear forward model ensembles are used to represent components involving the observation operator and its transpose. Several assimilation experiments using satellite precipitation observations have been carried out to investigate the effectiveness of the ensemble representation of the nonlinear observation operator and the data impact of assimilating rain retrievals from the TMI and SSM/I sensors. Preliminary results show that this ensemble assimilation approach is capable of extracting information from nonlinear observations to improve the analysis and forecast if ensemble size is adequate, and a suitable localization scheme is applied. In addition to a dynamically consistent precipitation analysis, the assimilation system produces a statistical estimate of the analysis uncertainty

    Coupled data assimilation in climate research: A brief review of applications in ocean and land

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    Regions of the cryosphere, including the poles, that are currently unmonitored are expanding, therefore increasing the importance of satellite observations for such regions. With the increasing availability of satellite data in recent years, data assimilation research that combines forecasting models with observational data has begun to flourish. Coupled land/ice-atmosphere/ocean models generally improve the forecasting ability of models. Data assimilation plays an important role in such coupled models, by providing initial conditions and/or empirical parameter estimation. Coupled data assimilation can generally be divided into three types: uncoupled, weakly coupled, or strongly coupled. This review provides an overview of coupled data assimilation, introduces examples of its use in research on sea ice-ocean interactions and the land, and discusses its future outlook. Assimilation of coupled data constitutes an effective method for monitoring cold regions for which observational data are scarce and should prove useful for climate change research and the design of efficient monitoring networks in the future

    Variational Data Assimilation via Sparse Regularization

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    This paper studies the role of sparse regularization in a properly chosen basis for variational data assimilation (VDA) problems. Specifically, it focuses on data assimilation of noisy and down-sampled observations while the state variable of interest exhibits sparsity in the real or transformed domain. We show that in the presence of sparsity, the 1\ell_{1}-norm regularization produces more accurate and stable solutions than the classic data assimilation methods. To motivate further developments of the proposed methodology, assimilation experiments are conducted in the wavelet and spectral domain using the linear advection-diffusion equation

    Non-Defferentiable Minimization in the Context of the Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF)

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Next generation initiation techniques

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    Four-dimensional data assimilation strategies can generally be classified as either current or next generation, depending upon whether they are used operationally or not. Current-generation data-assimilation techniques are those that are presently used routinely in operational-forecasting or research applications. They can be classified into the following categories: intermittent assimilation, Newtonian relaxation, and physical initialization. It should be noted that these techniques are the subject of continued research, and their improvement will parallel the development of next generation techniques described by the other speakers. Next generation assimilation techniques are those that are under development but are not yet used operationally. Most of these procedures are derived from control theory or variational methods and primarily represent continuous assimilation approaches, in which the data and model dynamics are 'fitted' to each other in an optimal way. Another 'next generation' category is the initialization of convective-scale models. Intermittent assimilation systems use an objective analysis to combine all observations within a time window that is centered on the analysis time. Continuous first-generation assimilation systems are usually based on the Newtonian-relaxation or 'nudging' techniques. Physical initialization procedures generally involve the use of standard or nonstandard data to force some physical process in the model during an assimilation period. Under the topic of next-generation assimilation techniques, variational approaches are currently being actively developed. Variational approaches seek to minimize a cost or penalty function which measures a model's fit to observations, background fields and other imposed constraints. Alternatively, the Kalman filter technique, which is also under investigation as a data assimilation procedure for numerical weather prediction, can yield acceptable initial conditions for mesoscale models. The third kind of next-generation technique involves strategies to initialize convective scale (non-hydrostatic) models

    Coupled data assimilation in climate research: A brief review of applications in ocean and land

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    Regions of the cryosphere, including the poles, that are currently unmonitored are expanding, therefore increasing the importance of satellite observations for such regions. With the increasing availability of satellite data in recent years, data assimilation research that combines forecasting models with observational data has begun to flourish. Coupled land/ice-atmosphere/ocean models generally improve the forecasting ability of models. Data assimilation plays an important role in such coupled models, by providing initial conditions and/or empirical parameter estimation. Coupled data assimilation can generally be divided into three types: uncoupled, weakly coupled, or strongly coupled. This review provides an overview of coupled data assimilation, introduces examples of its use in research on sea ice-ocean interactions and the land, and discusses its future outlook. Assimilation of coupled data constitutes an effective method for monitoring cold regions for which observational data are scarce and should prove useful for climate change research and the design of efficient monitoring networks in the future

    The Impact of Assimilating Precipitation-affected Radiance on Cloud and Precipitation in Goddard WRF-EDAS Analyses

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    High-frequency TMI and AMSR-E radiances, which are sensitive to precipitation over land, are assimilated into the Goddard Weather Research and Forecasting Model- Ensemble Data Assimilation System (WRF-EDAS) for a few heavy rain events over the continental US. Independent observations from surface rainfall, satellite IR brightness temperatures, as well as ground-radar reflectivity profiles are used to evaluate the impact of assimilating rain-sensitive radiances on cloud and precipitation within WRF-EDAS. The evaluations go beyond comparisons of forecast skills and domain-mean statistics, and focus on studying the cloud and precipitation features in the jointed rainradiance and rain-cloud space, with particular attentions on vertical distributions of height-dependent cloud types and collective effect of cloud hydrometers. Such a methodology is very helpful to understand limitations and sources of errors in rainaffected radiance assimilations. It is found that the assimilation of rain-sensitive radiances can reduce the mismatch between model analyses and observations by reasonably enhancing/reducing convective intensity over areas where the observation indicates precipitation, and suppressing convection over areas where the model forecast indicates rain but the observation does not. It is also noted that instead of generating sufficient low-level warmrain clouds as in observations, the model analysis tends to produce many spurious upperlevel clouds containing small amount of ice water content. This discrepancy is associated with insufficient information in ice-water-sensitive radiances to address the vertical distribution of clouds with small amount of ice water content. Such a problem will likely be mitigated when multi-channel multi-frequency radiances/reflectivity are assimilated over land along with sufficiently accurate surface emissivity information to better constrain the vertical distribution of cloud hydrometers

    Assessing the Impact of Pre-gpm Microwave Precipitation Observations in the Goddard WRF Ensemble Data Assimilation System

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    The forthcoming Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission will provide next generation precipitation observations from a constellation of satellites. Since precipitation by nature has large variability and low predictability at cloud-resolving scales, the impact of precipitation data on the skills of mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) is largely affected by the characterization of background and observation errors and the representation of nonlinear cloud/precipitation physics in an NWP data assimilation system. We present a data impact study on the assimilation of precipitation-affected microwave (MW) radiances from a pre-GPM satellite constellation using the Goddard WRF Ensemble Data Assimilation System (Goddard WRF-EDAS). A series of assimilation experiments are carried out in a Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model domain of 9 km resolution in western Europe. Sensitivities to observation error specifications, background error covariance estimated from ensemble forecasts with different ensemble sizes, and MW channel selections are examined through single-observation assimilation experiments. An empirical bias correction for precipitation-affected MW radiances is developed based on the statistics of radiance innovations in rainy areas. The data impact is assessed by full data assimilation cycling experiments for a storm event that occurred in France in September 2010. Results show that the assimilation of MW precipitation observations from a satellite constellation mimicking GPM has a positive impact on the accumulated rain forecasts verified with surface radar rain estimates. The case-study on a convective storm also reveals that the accuracy of ensemble-based background error covariance is limited by sampling errors and model errors such as precipitation displacement and unresolved convective scale instability

    Carbon flux bias estimation employing Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF)

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    We evaluate the capability of an ensemble based data assimilation approach, referred to as Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF), to estimate biases in the CO2 photosynthesis and respiration fluxes. We employ an off-line Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM), which is driven by the carbon fluxes, obtained from the Simple Biosphere - Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (SiB-RAMS). The SiB-RAMS carbon fluxes are assumed to have errors in the form of multiplicative biases. Our goal is to estimate and reduce these biases and also to assign reliable posterior uncertainties to the estimated biases. Experiments of this study are performed using simulated CO2 observations, which resemble real CO2 concentrations from the Ring of Towers in northern Wisconsin. We evaluate the MLEF results with respect to the 'truth' and the Kalman Filter (KF) solution. The KF solution is considered theoretically optimal for the problem of this study, which is a linear data assimilation problem involving Gaussian errors. We also evaluate the impact of forecast error covariance localization based on a new 'distance' defined in the space of information measures. Experimental results are encouraging, indicating that the MLEF can successfully estimate carbon flux biases and their uncertainties. As expected, the estimated biases are closer to the 'true' biases in the experiments with more ensemble members and more observations. The data assimilation algorithm has a stable performance and converges smoothly to the KF solution when the ensemble size approaches the size of the model state vector (i.e., the control variable of the data assimilation problem

    Information-based data selection for ensemble data assimilation

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    Ensemble-based data assimilation is rapidly proving itself as a computationally-efficient and skilful assimilation method for numerical weather prediction, which can provide a viable alternative to more established variational assimilation techniques. However, a fundamental shortcoming of ensemble techniques is that the resulting analysis increments can only span a limited subspace of the state space, whose dimension is less than the ensemble size. This limits the amount of observational information that can effectively constrain the analysis. In this paper, a data selection strategy that aims to assimilate only the observational components that matter most and that can be used with both stochastic and deterministic ensemble filters is presented. This avoids unnecessary computations, reduces round-off errors and minimizes the risk of importing observation bias in the analysis. When an ensemble-based assimilation technique is used to assimilate high-density observations, the data-selection procedure allows the use of larger localization domains that may lead to a more balanced analysis. Results from the use of this data selection technique with a two-dimensional linear and a nonlinear advection model using both in situ and remote sounding observations are discussed