212 research outputs found

    Fertigungsintegrierte spektroskopische Prozessanalytik zur technischen Qualitätssicherung struktureller Glasklebungen

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    Diese Dissertation widmet sich der fertigungsintegrierten spektroskopischen Prozessanalytik zur technischen Qualitätssicherung struktureller Glasklebungen. Glas als Werkstoff mit seiner einzigartigen Eigenschaft der Transparenz ist in vielen Bereichen unverzichtbar. Wichtig zur Verbesserung der Festigkeit und Langzeitbeständigkeit von Glasklebungen ist eine Vorbehandlung der Oberfläche. Aufgrund des chemischen Aufbaus und der Reaktivität der Glasoberfläche muss diese in einen für die Klebung geeigneten Zustand versetzt werden. Die Applikation von Haftvermittlern und die Einhaltung der Prozessparameter sind für die Qualität der Klebung entscheidend. Bislang fehlen Methoden zur zerstörungsfreien Qualitätssicherung von Klebungen. Das Konzept zur prozessintegrierten Qualitätssicherung von Glasklebungen soll Analyseverfahren zur Beurteilung der Reinigungswirkung (Kontaminationsfreiheit) und zur Wirksamkeit der klebtechnischen Funktionalisierung bereitstellen. Die Hypothese unterstellt, dass sich die Qualität der Oberflächenvorbehandlung und somit die Qualität der Glasklebung hinsichtlich Zuverlässigkeit und Beständigkeit mit spektroskopischer Analysetechnik überwachen lässt. Als spektroskopische zerstörungsfreie Analysemethoden werden die UV-Fluoreszenzanalyse, die Infrarotspektroskopie und die Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse eingesetzt. Die Forschungsergebnisse bieten die Möglichkeit Klebprozesse mit Glaswerkstoffen robust und qualitätssicher auszulegen

    Scorpaena decemradiata nueva especie (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) del golfo de Aqaba, mar Rojo del norte, una especie distinta de Scorpaena porcus

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    The scorpionfish Scorpaena decemradiata n. sp. is described from off the coast of Israel in the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea. The new species is similar to S. porcus Linnaeus, 1758, but is characterized by dorsal fin spines XII, soft dorsal fin rays 10 (the last divided at base); pectoral fin rays 16, uppermost branched pectoral fin ray is the second; lacrimal with 2 spines over maxilla that point at nearly right angle from each other, the posterior pointing ventrally and slightly anteriorly; occipital pit well developed; anteriormost mandibular lateral-line pores small, separated; scales ctenoid; 59-62 scale rows in longitudinal series; scales absent on chest and pectoral fin base; and cirri developed over entire head and body, but no cirri on lower jaw. An updated checklist of the species of the genus Scorpaena Linnaeus, 1758 and a key to the species of the eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea are presented.En este trabajo se describe el escorpeniforme Scorpaena decemradiata n. sp. de la costa de Israel, golfo de Aqaba, norte del mar Rojo. La nueva especie es similar a S. porcus Linnaeus, 1758, pero se caracteriza por la presencia de XII espinas y 10 radios blandos (el último dividido en la base) en la aleta dorsal; 16 radios en la aleta pectoral, el radio ramificado más superior es el segundo; lacrimal con 2 espinas sobre el maxilar que apuntan casi en ángulo recto, la posterior apuntando ventralmente y ligeramente en dirección anterior; fosa occipital bien desarrollada; los poros más anteriores de la línea lateral mandibular son pequeños y separados; escamas ctenoides; de 59 a 62 filas de escamas en series longitudinales; escamas ausentes en el torax y la base de la aleta pectoral; y cirros desarrollados sobre toda la cabeza y el cuerpo, pero no en la mandíbula inferior. Se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies del género Scorpaena Linnaeus, 1758, y una clave para las especies del Atlántico este, mar Mediterráneo y mar Rojo

    Klinische Erfahrungen und Limitationen von Biopsien in verschiedenen Körperregionen mit einem robotischen Assistenzsystem in einem geschlossenen Magnetresonanztomographen

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    Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit ist die Vorstellung des klinischen Aufbaus und des Arbeitsablaufs eines robotischen Assistenzsystems für bildgeführte Interventionen in einem konventionellen Magnetresonanztomographen (MRT), sowie die Beurteilung der Genauigkeit und der klinischen Erfahrungen bei perkutanen Biopsien in verschieden Körperregionen. Material und Methoden: Das MR- kompatible, servopneumatische robotische Assistenzsystem lässt sich mit dem Patienten in die 60- cm Gantry eines Standard- MR- Scanners fahren. Die Genauigkeit des Systems wurde anhand von Nadelpunktionen (n= 25) in einem Phantommodell ermittelt. Perkutane diagnostische Biopsien wurden bei sechs Patienten durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Für eine Interventionstiefe zwischen 29 und 95 mm wurde eine 3-DGenauigkeit von 2,2 +/- 0,7 mm (Intervall 0,9- 3,8 mm) bestimmt. Patienten mit einem BMI bis zu ≈30 kg/m2 konnten mit dem System punktiert werden. Die klinischen Arbeitsschritte werden anhand der Fallbeispiele dargestellt. Die mittlere Interventionszeit betrug 44 Minuten (Intervall 36 – 68 Minuten). Zusammenfassung: Die Punktion verschiedener Körperregionen ist mit Hilfe des robotischen Assistenzsystems in einem geschlossenen MRT erfolgreich und sicher möglich. Die Genauigkeit des Systems ist vergleichbar mit anderen Assistenzsystemen in der Literatur und genügt den klinischen Anforderungen. Eine kürzere Interventionszeit ist mittels einer Optimierung der einzelnen Arbeitsschritte möglich.:Einleitung 1 Publikation 5 Titelseite mit Abstract 6 Einleitung Publikation (Introduction) 7 Material und Methoden (Materials and Methods) 8 Robotisches Assistenzsystem (Robotic Assistance System) 8 Phantommessung (Phantom Experiment) 9 Patientenauswahlkriterien (Patient Selection Criteria) 11 Magnetresonanztomographie (MRI) 11 Biopsiedurchführung (Biopsy Procedure) 12 Ergebnisse (Results) 13 Phantommessung (Phantom Experiment) 13 Klinische Fälle (Clinical Experience) 14 Weichteilbiopsie kleines Becken (Soft-Tissue Biopsy in the Lesser Pelvis) 14 Weichteilbiopsie iliakaler Lymphknoten (Soft-Tissue Biopsy in Iliac Lymph Node) 15 Knochenbiopsie rechtes Femur (Bone Biopsy in Right Femur) 16 Knochenbiopsie Beckenkamm (Bone Biopsy in Iliac Crest) 17 Abszessaspiration (Abscess Aspiration) 18 Weichteilbiopsie Leber (Soft-Tissue Biopsy in the Liver) 19 Diskussion (Discussion) 22 Danksagungen (Acknowledgments) 25 Literaturverzeichnis Publikation (References) 25 Interpretation und Bewertung 30 Zusammenfassung 35 Literaturverzeichnis 39 Tabellenverzeichnis 46 Abbildungsverzeichnis 46 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 47 Lebenslauf und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang 48 Danksagung 49 Anlagen Anlage 1 Aufklärungsbogen zur Studie 50 Anlage 2 Einverständniserklärung 54 Anlage 3 Zertifikat des Assistenzsystems 57 durch TÜV- Sü

    Analytics of new psychoactive substances (NPS) : in search of optimal solutions

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    In recent years, new psychoactive substances (NPS) have become a popular alternative to traditional drugs. In the European Union Early Warning System of European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) the number of NPS increases each year. These substances known as legal highs or designer drugs are popular in particular among young people, mostly due to their price and availability. They are usually made in China and then sold in online stores. The variability of these substances and the lack of knowledge of their chemical structure and their metabolic changes pose a great challenge for toxicological analysis. Deaths caused by these drugs are underestimated due to their occurrence as a mixture of multiple drugs, further causing analytical problems. Difficulties in detecting NPS are also noticeable at diagnosis of intoxication, which carries the risk of misinterpretation and improper treatment. Rapid and inexpensive immunoassays used for drug detection have not yet been used in the identification of NPS. This is due to the dynamic changes on the drug market, which make it difficult to create appropriately sensitive and selective screening tests to identify an unknown substance. The production of specific antibodies takes a long time, often exceeding the duration of the presence of the substance in the illicit market. Scientists believe that mass spectrometry-based methods should be used to search for NPS in biological samples because they are sensitive and allow the determination of a specific compound with proper reliability. The use of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) in the context of screening may be a future strategy and alternative to classic drug tests. Nevertheless, the cost and time-consuming nature of this method currently exclude its use in routine diagnostics. An additional difficulty in carrying out identification is the presence of NPS in body fluids at low concentrations and frequently a short half-life time. In this article, we pay attention to the current analytical problems related to the detection of NPS

    Incentivos governamentais e demanda por empregos verdes nos setores público e privado do Brasil

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    O artigo discute os empregos verdes, isto é, àqueles que formalmente pretendem reduzir o impacto ambiental de empresas e de setores econômicos para níveis sustentáveis. O objetivo consiste, além da conceituação de empregos verdes, à identificação das empresas e setores da economia demandantes destes, bem como elucidar como a intervenção do governo estimula a criação desses empregos. O referencial pesquisado e fontes de informações foram extraídos de estudos da OIT (Organização internacional do Trabalho), do PNUMA (Programa das Nações unidas para meio ambiente), do IPEA (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada), órgãos governamentais capazes de informar os incentivos do Estado no fomento à criação de empregos verdes. A principal conclusão é que as empresas que quantitativamente mais demandam empregos verdes são as da construção civil, de energia e da agropecuária, respectivamente. Os incentivos governamentais, além de estimular à criação de empregos verdes via incentivos de políticas fiscais, concessão de benefícios e eventos, conta com uma intervenção de estímulo direto em que o próprio Estado demanda esses empregos.The present article discusses the green jobs, it is those that formaly intend to reduce the environmental impact of enterprises and economic sectors to sustainable levels. The objective is beyond the concept of green jobs to identify the companies and sectors of the economy of these applicants, and how government intervention encourages the creation of these jobs. The benchmark researched and sources of information were extracted from the ILO studies (International Labor Organization), UNEP (Program of the United Nations for the Environment), surveys of IPEA (Applied Economic Research Institute), government agencies able to inform the state incentives in encouraging the creation of green jobs. The main conclusion is that companies that require quantitatively more green jobs are the construction, energy and agriculture, respectively. Government incentives and stimulate the creation of green jobs through tax incentives policies, granting benefits and events, has a direct stimulus intervention in which the State itself demand these jobs

    O desenvolvimento do pnae nas escolas públicas do município de Santa Maria/RS : uma trajetória inacabada?

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    A alimentação saudável dos escolares vincula-se à produção agrícola sustentável e às políticas públicas capazes de garantir o acesso a esses alimentos. Essa pesquisa tem por objetivo explicitar a situação atual do desenvolvimento do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) nas escolas públicas do município de Santa Maria/RS. Os pressupostos analíticos abrangem os elementos teóricos da agricultura sociológica e a abordagem da segurança alimentar e nutricional (SAN) e alguns elementos da sustentabilidade do setor agroalimentar, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e da aplicação de questionários estruturados aos responsáveis pelas compras institucionais. Conclui-se que as alterações operadas na legislação do PNAE vêm permitindo o avanço na construção de arranjos institucionais por uma participação mais efetiva dos atores sociais envolvidos na operacionalização do programa. Houve melhoria na qualidade dos componentes da alimentação escolar, porém ainda ocorrem limitações quantitativas e de regulação. Ao menos uma parcela de cada produto utilizado na alimentação escolar provém da agricultura familiar, o que denota que no caso do município de Santa Maria/RS observa-se menor vulnerabilidade no processo das compras institucionais, porém, maior necessidade de ampliar o potencial produtivo da agricultura familiar para suprir quantitativamente a oferta de alimentos saudáveis às escolas. Nesse esforço, as compras institucionais do PNAE poderão atender melhor os pressupostos do programa, isto é, melhorar a alimentação escolar e contribuir para a almejada sustentabilidade agroalimentar e o desenvolvimento rural.Healthy eating for schoolchildren is linked to a sustainable agricultural production and public policies capable of guaranteeing access to these foods. This study aims to explain the current situation of the development of the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in public schools in the town of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The analytical assumptions comprehend the theoretical elements of sociological agriculture and the approach to food and nutrition security (FNS) and some elements of the sustainability of the agrifood sector, through semi-structured interviews and the application of structured questionnaires to those responsible for institutional purchases. It is concluded that the changes made in the PNAE legislation have allowed the progress in the construction of institutional arrangements for a more effective participation of the social actors involved in the operationalization of the program. There has been an improvement in the quality of the components of school meals, however quantitative and regulatory limitations still exist. At least a portion of each product used in school meals comes from family farming, which indicates that in the case of the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, there is less vulnerability in the process of institutional purchases, however, greater need to expand the productive potential of family farming to quantitatively meet the demand of healthy food supply to schools. In this effort, the institutional purchases of the PNAE may better meet the assumptions of the Program, that is, improve school meals and contribute to the desired agri-food sustainability and the sustainability of rural development

    A water-soluble core material for manufacturing hollow composite sections

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    This paper presents the development of a low-cost water-soluble core material, which is suitable for producing hollow composite structures via high pressure moulding processes, such as compression moulding and resin transfer moulding. The bulk material of the core is sodium chloride (NaCl), which is held together by a watersoluble trehalose binder. The composition of the core has been optimised to provide acceptable dissolution rates and mechanical properties for high volume structural composite applications. The compressive strength of the NaCl core was 57 MPa at ambient temperature, which reduced to 20 MPa when tested at 120 °C. The compressive strength at elevated temperature was approximately 4 times higher than for a water-soluble commercial benchmark and 33 times higher than a conventional structural closed-cell foam. The specific dissolution rate of the NaCl core was between 0.14 and 1.23 kg/(min·m2), depending on processing parameters and the coefficient of thermal expansion was approximately 43 × 10−6/K. A practical example has been presented to demonstrate how the removable core can be used to produce a representative hollow section of an integrally stiffened panel