34 research outputs found

    Zwischen Khao San und Lonely Planet: Aspekte der postmodernen Backpacking-IdentitĂ€t in SĂŒdostasien

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    "This paper is an attempt to highlight some aspects of postmodern backpacking, which has come to be more appreciated by South-East Asian governments as a development tool after the decrease of package tourist arrivals due to terrorism, diseases and natural disasters. Special focus has been put on backpacking performance, perception and transformation within the region, where the accumulation of youthful travellers has been obvious for more than three decades, when the fi rst underground guidebook for independent travellers was published in the 1970s. Special attention has been given to the increasing commercialization (Lonely Planet) and the booming urban infrastructure (Khao San) of this 'anti-tourist' travel style, which seems to attract a new comfort-, shopping- and fun-oriented backpacker clientele rather than the ideologically-minded anti-consumerism backpackers of the early 1980s. However, apart from regional development opportunities and disparities, backpacking offers a wide range of personal development chances for postmodern mobile professionals, who seem to be more interested in western lifestyle traveller enclaves and self-fulfillment than in exploring and understanding foreign cultures." (author's abstract)"Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrages steht eine Diskussion von Aspekten des Rucksacktourismus ('Backpacking'), den zahlreiche sĂŒdostasiatische Staaten als Entwicklungsmotor entdeckt (und akzeptiert) haben, nachdem die Zahl der Pauschaltouristen aufgrund von Terrorangst, Umweltkatastrophen und regionalen Seuchen drastisch gesunken ist. Besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde auf die regionale Manifestation und Perzeption von Backpacking an der Wiege des Rucksacktourismus gelegt, wo die erste einschlĂ€gige Reiseliteratur seit den 1970ern die anfangs anti-touristischen Reiseströme bĂŒndelte. Die zunehmende Kommerzialisierung der Backpacker-Infrastruktur in den QuelllĂ€ndern (Fallbeispiel: Lonely Planet, ein Reisebuchverlag) und ZiellĂ€ndern (Fallbeispiel: Khao San Road, eine Backpackerenklave in Bangkok/Thailand) wird ebenso thematisiert wie der Rollenwandel der einst anti-konsumorientierten Billigreise zum funorientierten Lifestyle-Event vor exotischer Kulisse, das persönlicher Selbstfindung und egozentrierter Wellness- und Adventure-Hype Vorrang vor der Befassung mit fremden Kulturen und Gesellschaftsformen gibt." (Autorenreferat

    Außer Rand und Band: Regionalentwicklung in Metro-Jakarta

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    "Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt aktuelle PhĂ€nomene der Regionalentwicklung in Metro-Jakarta (Jabodetabek), der grĂ¶ĂŸten stĂ€dtischen Agglomeration SĂŒdostasiens. Nach einer kurzen EinfĂŒhrung zu demographischen, ökonomischen und soziokulturellen HintergrĂŒnden indonesischer Urbanisierungsprozesse gilt das Hauptaugenmerk Aspekten von Regionalplanung, Marginalisierung, Suburbanisierung, Kampung-Bereinigung und der Entwicklung von Satellitenstadtblöcken an der suburbanen Peripherie. Die gegenwĂ€rtige urbane Transformation ist gekennzeichnet durch fehlende lokale und ĂŒberregionale Kooperation, unzureichende Entscheidungsstrategien und das Aufkommen konsumorientierter Mittelschichten, was die latenten DisparitĂ€ten zwischen Reich und Arm verstĂ€rken und weitere soziale Spannungsfelder eröffnen könnte." (Autorenreferat)"The goal of this article is a discussion of current aspects of regional development within Metro-Jakarta (Jabodetabek), which is considered the biggest urban agglomeration within Southeast Asia. After a short introduction of demographic, economic and socio cultural features, the focus of the paper is shifted to aspects of regional planning, marginalization, suburbanization, kampong clearing and new town development. The present urban transformation is characterized by lack of local cooperation, insufficient governance and the rise of a booming middle class, which seems to be bound to widen the gap between (sub-)urban rich and urban poor and lead to further social unrest in today's global recession." (author's abstract

    Change, Choice, and Commercialization: Backpacker Routes in Southeast Asia

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    South-East Asia has the oldest and largest backpacker trails. This paper examines the geographies of such flows, drawing upon the largest survey to date of backpackers in Asia using qualitative research to survey the key changes from the 1970s to the 2000s. Backpacker trails have changed significantly and new routes have emerged including the ‘northern trail’ (Bangkok - Cambodia - Vietnam - Laos). It is to be expected that routes change as backpackers constantly seek new places, pioneering for later mass tourism. However, this paper suggests that using institutionalization as a framework, these changing trails and backpacker ‘choices’ can be seen as driven by growing commercialization and institutionalization. This then operates in combination with external variables (travel innovations - low cost airlines, and new transport networks); exogenous shock (political instability, terrorism); and growing regional competition from emerging destinations such as Vietnam and Cambodia

    Flashpacker: an emerging sub-culture?

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the emerging flashpacker sub-culture in relation to the backpacker culture. Cultural Consensus Analysis is employed to examine the potential cultural divergence between flashpackers and non-flashpackers. A mixed-mode dual-frame sampling procedure was employed for data collection, as surveys were administered through Facebook backpacker-groups and in hostels in Cairns, Australia. The results indicate that flashpacker and non-flashpacker groups have a shared cultural understanding of backpacking. In addition to the conceptual clarity of the emerging flashpacker, this study also provides some interesting insights into contemporary backpacker culture and the continuing convergence of physical travel with information and communication technologies

    Post-Suharto’s Jabotabek region: new issues of demographic and socio-economic change in western java

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    The future development of Western Java is intimately linked to the growth of its metropolitan region Jabotabek, the mega-urban agglomeration around Indonesia’s capital Jakarta. This article deals with theinterdependence of economic, spatial and demographic change within Metro-Jakarta, South-East Asia's most densely populated urban region. Focus has been put on aspects of urban living conditions and the dynamic city-development of the late 1990s, which has been politically pushed since the beginning of Suharto’s pro-western ‘New Order’ in the late 1960s. The deregulation packages of the past decade have resulted in enormous international capital influx, the creation of new towns and an increasing transformation of sectoral employment, which cannot be controlled successfully by regional and local authorities. This is due to the dominance of private, partly international developers, whose interest in globalizing low-wage Jabotabek is footloose in character and at present limited due to Indonesia’s economic and political turmoil. All this will postpone Jabotabek’s rise to the stature of a global regio

    Außer Rand und Band: Regionalentwicklung in Metro-Jakarta

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt aktuelle PhĂ€nomene der Regionalentwicklung in Metro-Jakarta (Jabodetabek), der grĂ¶ĂŸten stĂ€dtischen Agglomeration SĂŒdostasiens. Nach einer kurzen EinfĂŒhrung zu demographischen, ökonomischen und soziokulturellen HintergrĂŒnden indonesischer Urbanisierungsprozesse gilt das Hauptaugenmerk Aspekten von Regionalplanung,Marginalisierung, Suburbanisierung, Kampung-Bereinigung und der Entwicklung von Satellitenstadtblöcken an der suburbanen Peripherie. Die gegenwĂ€rtige urbane Transformation ist gekennzeichnet durch fehlende lokale und ĂŒberregionale Kooperation, unzureichende Entscheidungsstrategien und das Aufkommen konsumorientierter Mittelschichten, was die latenten DisparitĂ€ten zwischen Reich und Arm verstĂ€rken und weitere soziale Spannungsfelder eröffnen könnte

    SexualpĂ€dagogik in der „Vollen Erziehung“ : SexualpĂ€dagogische QualitĂ€tsstandards fĂŒr stationĂ€re Kinder- und Jugendhilfe-Einrichtungen, mit dem Fokus auf das Land Steiermark.

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    Diese Forschungsarbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der SexualpĂ€dagogik in stationĂ€ren Kinder- und Jugendhilfe-Einrichtungen, mit dem Fokus auf das Land Steiermark. Alle Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit basieren auf der aktuellen Forschungsliteratur und sexualpĂ€dagogischen Best Practice-Konzepten aus der Praxis. Zudem werden sexual- und sozialpĂ€dagogische Konzepte und die SexualpĂ€dagogik in der Praxis, von sechs Einrichtungen der „Vollen Erziehung“ in der Steiermark, analysiert. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit stellt eine vermehrte Etablierung der SexualpĂ€dagogik in stationĂ€ren Kinder- und Jugendhilfe-Einrichtungen, bzw. die Entwicklung einer sexualpĂ€dagogischen Haltung in der „Vollen Erziehung“ dar. Durch die aktuelle Forschungsliteratur zur SexualpĂ€dagogik werden Begrifflichkeiten vorgestellt und definiert, die sexuelle Entwicklung prĂ€sentiert und die SexualpĂ€dagogik in der „Vollen Erziehung“ inklusiver Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr die FachkrĂ€fte beleuchtet. Weiters werden die wesentlichen Inhalte der sexualpĂ€dagogischen Best Practice-Konzepte aus der Praxis angefĂŒhrt. Anschließend wird mit Hilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse induktiv sowie deduktiv das gesamte Datenmaterial in Bezug auf die SexualpĂ€dagogik analysiert und daraus werden insgesamt 40 Kategorien generiert. Hierdurch werden der aktuelle Ist-Zustand von sexualpĂ€dagogischen Inhalten in den sexual- und sozialpĂ€dagogischen Konzepten und sexualpĂ€dagogische Angebote in der Praxis, fĂŒr die sechs Einrichtungen der „Vollen Erziehung“ in der Steiermark erhoben. Dieser Ist-Zustand wird schließlich mit dem aktuellen sexualpĂ€dagogischen Soll-Zustand, also den empfohlenen Aspekten der Fachliteratur und mit den zentralen Punkten der sexualpĂ€dagogischen Best Practice-Konzepte aus der Praxis, in Form von einem sexualpĂ€dagogischen Soll-Zustand, verglichen. Die Forschungsergebnisse aus der Inhaltsanalyse von diesen vier verschiedenen Datenquellen also der sexualpĂ€dagogischen Literatur, den sexualpĂ€dagogischen Best Practice-Konzepten aus der Praxis, den ĂŒbermittelten sexual- sowie sozialpĂ€dagogischen Konzepten der „Vollen Erziehung“ in der Steiermark sowie den Expert*innen-Interviews werden abschließend prĂ€sentiert, zusammengefasst sowie diskutiert. Daraus haben sich umfassende, sexualpĂ€dagogische QualitĂ€tsstandards entwickelt, welche z. B. fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige sexualpĂ€dagogische Konzepte und sexualpĂ€dagogische Angebote in der Praxis verwendet werden können.This thesis deals with sexual education of in-patient facilities caring for infants and adolescents located in Styria. This in terms of current research references and sex-pedagogical best practice-concepts. Furthermore sexual- and social pedagogical concepts and sexual education in practice, with focus on the six facilities caring for entire education in Styria, are analysed. Object and aim of this thesis is to increase the establishment of sex education in in-patient facilities caring for infants and adolescents respectively to develop a sex-pedagogical position in the entire education. By the current research references relating to sexual education abstract concepts are introduced and defined, the sexual evolution is presented and sexual education in the entire education is examined. Following the essential contents of the best practice-concepts are pointed out. Thereafter the data material relating to sexual education is measured by means of the qualitative content analysis, inductive as well as deductive and out of that 40 categories are generated. Through this the present situation of sex-pedagogical contents of the sexual- and socialpedagogical concepts and sexual-pedagogical offers in practice are collected for the six Styrian facilities of entire education. This present situation so then will be compared with the current are-to-be situation. The research results of the content analysis of those four different data sources (sexual education references, sexual education best practice-concepts, sexual- and social pedagogical concepts provided by the Styrian facilities of entire education and expert interviews) are finally presented, summarized and discussed. Out of that comprehensive quality standards have been developed and could be used by e.g. future sexual education concepts and sexual education offers in practice

    Neue Emissionsverordnung fĂŒr Sickerwasser

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    Development of a combined geographic and meteorological information system for the Andes region

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    Within the framework of an interdisciplinary international research project with contributions from mountain research institutes and universities of the USA, Austria, Switzerland and Japan, a Java-based combined geographic and meteorological information system for South America is under development, with a special focus on the Andes region of Chile, Argentina and Peru. The geographic part of the system includes a topography based on data of the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM, horizontal resolution approx. 90m) and representations of roads, rivers, frontiers and cities (all stored in formats close to ArcGIS). On top of various modes of terrain (elevation, slope, aspect, all for freely chosen thresholds and resolutions), meteorological information can be visualized in a variety of styles. The combined display of observations from various networks, of forecasts from numerical models like MM5 and of forecast errors will be possible. For a variety of parameters, meteorological input data may be subject to downscaling procedures using the VERA system (Vienna Enhanced Resolution Analysis), developed at the University of Vienna. Regarding features of the system specifically related to mountain areas, the high resolution terrain allows a good estimation of areas with snow accumulation in the case of forecast precipitation events. The easy detection and visualization of regions beyond the freezing level is possible. For the future the inclusion of the Swiss SNOWPACK model is planned.Pages: 2049-205