182 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the implementation pattern of multiculturalism-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum development in the Merdeka curriculum and its relationship with the role of teachers as curriculum developers, especially at the elementary school level. This research is based on a literature study using a descriptive-qualitative method that aims to collect data through documentation techniques, both in print and electronic forms. Data analysis was conducted in three stages: editing, organizing, finding, and further analysis. The results showed that multicultural-based curriculum development patterns can be carried out in the Islamic Religious Education teaching module in the Merdeka curriculum, especially in the sections: learning objectives, Pancasila student profiles, apperceptions, and prompting questions, learning methods and activities, assessment instruments, reflections, and enrichment techniques. Multicultural values that can be included as content in curriculum development include tolerance, equality, justice, and democracy (freedom). The development is done by incorporating multiculturalism values, which include: equality, justice, democracy (freedom), and tolerance


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    This study aims to determine the implementation pattern of multiculturalism-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum development in the Merdeka curriculum and its relationship with the role of teachers as curriculum developers, especially at the elementary school level. This research is based on a literature study using a descriptive-qualitative method that aims to collect data through documentation techniques, both in print and electronic forms. Data analysis was conducted in three stages: editing, organizing, finding, and further analysis. The results showed that multicultural-based curriculum development patterns can be carried out in the Islamic Religious Education teaching module in the Merdeka curriculum, especially in the sections: learning objectives, Pancasila student profiles, apperceptions, and prompting questions, learning methods and activities, assessment instruments, reflections, and enrichment techniques. Multicultural values that can be included as content in curriculum development include tolerance, equality, justice, and democracy (freedom). The development is done by incorporating multiculturalism values, which include: equality, justice, democracy (freedom), and tolerance

    'Tense Pasts, Present Tensions': Postcolonial Memoryscapes and the Memorialisation of the Second World War in Perak, Malaysia

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    This thesis is concerned with how the Second World War is memorialised in Perak, Malaysia. It considers memoryscapes (or memory practices and sites) within the state dedicated to the war, established not only by state agencies but also grassroots actors. In terms of findings, the thesis first highlights how the Perak state has sought to ‘postcolonialise’ (read: ‘nationalise’) public representations of what was an event that took place when Malaysia was still part of ‘colonial’ Malaya, and the issues associated with it, particularly how, despite efforts to make the war (and its attendant memoryscapes) something its people could identify with, the state has been criticised as exclusionary of ‘local’ war stories and partial to a ‘foreign’ audience, thus alienating its population and reproducing much of how war commemoration in Perak was when Malaysia was under British rule before. Generally, the thesis demonstrates the fraught nature of memoryscapes and how there can be fundamental limits to which such ‘postcolonialising’ projects may be successfully realised on the ground. The second concern of the thesis is on the ways in which war narratives of the war that are marginalised within official representations may still survive in other forms and on other sub-national scales. In interrogating these memoryscapes ‘from below’, the thesis reveals that, while some locals prefer to mark the war in a more private fashion so as to covertly resist state tendencies to be exclusionary, or out of fear of reprisals from the state (due to remembering controversial aspects of the war past), the most widely-cited reason is still the simple desire to remember according to local customs, religious beliefs and socio-cultural norms. In doing so, it showcases alternative forms of memory-making that problematises traditional understandings of war commemoration common within prevailing literature, and highlights ways in which contestations against elite memory and heritage practices may not always emerge in oppositional fashion or enacted in clearly overt and public ways but also through the absence of voice. Additionally, the thesis also challenges the tendency to celebrate grassroots practices of memory-making as necessarily ‘recuperative’ of official exclusions of the past. As the situation in Perak exemplifies, these too can be just as political and exclusionary, where, in many cases, the locals themselves may represent barriers to emergent war memories as much as they can be the champions. Lastly, the thesis touches upon the ways in which ‘the material’ may be appropriated towards forgetting the war, not only officially by the state but also by those who went through the war as ordinary civilians. It then illustrates how, despite efforts ‘to put the past behind them’, sometimes memories of war can still ‘emerge unbidden’ to involuntarily force individuals to confront the war past even when they would rather not recall it. In doing so, the thesis demonstrates how material legacies of the war can be utilised not only to presence, but also to absence, the war, although at times ‘the material’ too can undermine efforts to render the past passé. More broadly, the thesis thus contributes not only to debates about postcolonial memory-making and politics, and the complex nature of grassroots remembrances, but also the role of materiality within processes of forgetting, specifically in showing how ‘the material’ can at times exercise agency on humans as much as the reverse is possible. The thesis is based on data collected via textual analysis, participant observation and interviews


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    Reasoning has been researched by many experts. However, the research of students in reasoning in solving Trigonometry is not sufficient. This research is a qualitative research used to explore students' reasoning in Trigonometry based on logical ability and comparation between subjects with high-logic ability and subjects with medium-logic ability. The instruments in this research are the researchers themselves as the main instrument guided by math-problems solving task and valid and reliable interview manual. The data collection is done by task-based interview. The subjects of the research is the XII-IPA students which consists of 2 people. The research process follows these stages : (a) formulate the reasoning indicators in solving math problems based on relevant theory and research, (b) formulate valid and reliable supporting instruments (math problems solving task and interview manual), (c) collecting the research subject by giving logical ability test, (d) data collecting to reveal students' reasoning in solving math problems, (e) conclude the research result. The result shows: (1) the similar method between the high-logic subject and the medium-logic subject is in solving each Trigonometry question, they always start with inductive reasoning and then continue with deductive reasoning, (2) the difference between the subjects reasoning of high-logic ability and medium-logic ability was on the process of reasoning between two those two subjects on each of problem solving according to Polya’s steps. Based on the result, the students' reasoning can be a reference in developing math learning model to improve students reasoning abilty base on logical thinking. Keyword : Mathematics Reasoning, Logical Thinkin


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the Policy and Leadership of Madrasah Principals in Optimizing Education Quality. Qualitative research approach with case study method. This research was conducted at the Islamic Elementary School in Bandar Mataram District. Sources of data using primary and secondary sources of data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. As for the technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of the study, namely the quality approach to educational institutions, both in terms of human resources and others, are quite good. The efforts made by the head of the madrasa in improving the quality of education at the institution are the loyalty of the head of the institution, integrity, and commitment to carrying out the mandate


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the Policy and Leadership of Madrasah Principals in Optimizing Education Quality. Qualitative research approach with case study method. This research was conducted at the Islamic Elementary School in Bandar Mataram District. Sources of data using primary and secondary sources of data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. As for the technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of the study, namely the quality approach to educational institutions, both in terms of human resources and others, are quite good. The efforts made by the head of the madrasa in improving the quality of education at the institution are the loyalty of the head of the institution, integrity, and commitment to carrying out the mandate


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    ABSTRACTThis study describes the process and results of designing a motion graphic-based company profile video for Kopi Nalar as a promotional strategy. The main objective of this research is to increase understanding of company activities, goals and achievements through innovative and attractive visual media. The use of motion graphics in company profile videos offers an effective way to present complex information in an easy-to-digest format. The research implementation begins with problem analysis, SWOT analysis, and the design of a company profile video based on motion graphics. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation and literature study. SWOT analysis is carried out to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats possessed by the company. Making a company profile video involves multimedia elements such as video, images, text and sound. The manufacturing technique uses motion graphics that combine illustration, typography, and photography using animation techniques. The result of designing a company profile video based on motion graphics is to display an informative and attractive company profile video that visually represents the identity, the products offered, to the location and atmosphere of the company. Keywords: Videos,Ccompany Profiles, Promotions, Coffee  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menggambarkan proses dan hasil dari perancangan video company profile untuk Kopi Nalar berbasis motion graphic sebagai suatu strategi promosi. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang aktivitas, tujuan dan pencapaian perusahaan melalui media visual yang invoatif dan menarik. Penggunaan motion graphic dalam video company profile menawarkan cara efektif untuk menyajikan informasi yang kompleks dalam format yang mudah dicerna. Pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai dengan analisis permasalahan, analisis SWOT, dan perancangan video company profile berbasis motion graphic. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan studi Pustaka. Analisis SWOT dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Pada pembuatan video company profile melibatkan elemen-elemen multimedia seperti video, gambar, teks, dan suara. Teknik pembuatannya menggunakan motion graphic yang mengkombinasikan ilustrasi, tipografi, dan fotografi menggunakan teknik Animasi. Hasil dari perancangan video company profile berbasis motion graphic ini adalah menampilkan video company profile yang informatif dan menarik yang secara visual mewakili identitas, produk yang ditawarkan, hingga lokasi dan suasana perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Video, Company Profile, Promosi, Kopi


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    Fenomena yang masih terjadi pada saat ini adalah banyaknya lansia yangmenderita diabetes yang masih mengeluh tentang penyakit diabetes, meskipun penderita diabetes sudah mengkonsumsi obat-obatan atau insulin. Salah satu terapi nonfarmakologi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pengobatan penunjang atau pendamping untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah pada lansia penderita diabetes adalah dengan melakukan senam yoga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Senam Yoga Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Anggota Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2. Desain Penelitian ini eksperimen-quasi (Quasy-Experiment), dengan pendekatan One Group Pra test-Post test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh anggota yang menderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Posyandu Rekso Werdho Karangrejo Sawah 3 Wonokromo Surabaya sebesar 20 Responden. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 20 responden dan diambil dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Variabel Independent adalah vidio senam yoga dan Dependent adalah kadar gula darah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, glucometer, dan dianalisis dengan uji wilcoxon sign rank test. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan kadar gula darah sebelum dan setelah melakukan senam yoga, Data dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon dengan nilai 0,005 maka Hâ‚€ ditolak, artinya ada efektivitas senam yoga terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah pada anggota penderita diabetes tipe 2 di Posyandu Rekso Werdho Karangrejo Sawah Wonokromo Surabaya. Senam yoga dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah pada anggota yang menderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 di posyandu rekso werdho karangrejo sawah 3 Wonokoromo Surabaya. Peran perawat dibutuhkan sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan khususnya pada penderita diabetes. Perawat mempunyai wewenang dalam memberikan tindakan atau intervensi baik mandiri maupun kolaboratif
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