National Institute for Space Research

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    6175 research outputs found

    Improving usability on GIS modeling with two new tools in Dinamica EGO

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    GIS modeling has always been and still is a very complex and big task. Usually, these models range from small to very big projects with one to many modelers. We present two techniques that made GIS modeling simpler and quicker, through the use of the Dinamica EGO application. Targeting production and easier user parameter calibration, we developed an interface called Dinamica Wizard that guides the user through a series of screens allowing him to choose parameters and better understand the scenario he is about to run as a model. For result verification purposes, a second application (that ships with Dinamica EGO) called Dinamica Map Viewer was created, making possible for users to verify map cell values as well as previewing calculations in a quick and easy way. These tools improved the accessibility and user interaction of Dinamica EGO by breaking the initial barrier of complexity from GIS modeling.Pages: 6041-604

    Mapa dasimétrico da densidade demográfica de Poços de Caldas (MG) utilizando técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento

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    The knowledge of the spatial distribution of urban population has importance in several areas of the social sciences. In Brazil, the population density maps are usually constructed using only the censuss data. The problem with this approach is that often the boundaries of the polygons are not restricted tracts inhabited areas, also including parks, cemeteries and industries. To improve the mapping, auxiliary data can be incorporated to refine the calculation of density (called dasimetria). In this work, the method dasimétrico was adopted for the city of Wells Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The density was calculated using auxiliary data as the land use map generated from Google Earth imagery. The residential areas were combined with census data using Geographic Information System ILWIS. The results showed that the method is a viable alternative dasimétrico to enhance visualization of the spatial distribution of the population.Pages: 999-100

    Proposing an improved routine for quantifying and forecasting fire incidence in Amazonia using remote sensing information

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    Tropical forest fires are one of the most pressing environmental problems of the 21st century. In Amazonia, fire frequency has increased during the last decade as a consequence of climate variability and prolonged dry seasons (1998, 2005 and 2010 droughts) and human activities. To contribute with the monitoring and mitigation of these fire events, the objective of this paper is to propose a new routine for predicting fire probabilities in Amazonia using information derived from satellite products and field data. Our method is based on weights-of-evidence statistics, which allows the calculation of fire probabilities based on the explanatory power of the driving variables. It takes advantage of the wide range of freely available spatially-explicit products, on deforestation, degradation, land cover, fire incidence, rainfall and sea surface temperature. The modelling routine is divided in 4 stages: (1) Spatial Planning, (2) Anticipated Temporal Action, (3) Immediate Temporal Action, and (4) Monitoring. In this paper we present the model concept and some examples of the input datasets. Our method is based on the state of our knowledge on the drivers of fire occurrence, to produce a method that is scientifically relevant for analysing and predicting fire patterns, but also relevant for policy applications for preventing and mitigating fire problems in Amazonia. By combining historical and short-term drivers of the temporal and spatial variation of fire incidence in a unique model, we expect to significantly improve prediction power of fire occurrence.Pages: 6783-679

    O uso de geotecnologias para capacitar discentes e servidores municipais da região sul de Mato Grosso em Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário

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    Some historical movements as Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were crucial for urban development. In this context, there were overcrowded cities, poor sanitation and health. The multipurpose cadastre becomes indispensable for proper preparation of territorial planning. The register is very important to data connection economic, social, environmental, legal, physical and environmental parcels in the urban or rural area. The multipurpose cadastre becomes indispensable for proper preparation of territorial planning. The register is very important to data connection of economic, social, environmental, legal, physical and environmental parcels in the urban or rural area. The completion of the registration also involves monitoring the government's plans, with constant updating of a database, the municipality is not subject to a geographical disorder. With the challenge to qualify and train managers of municipalities the Ministry of Cities in 2003 created the National Training Program for Cities. In 2009, the institution Guidelines for Creation, Institution and Master Update Multipurpose Territorial (CTM) in Brazilian Municipalities happens. This work presents data from the routine implementation of training program on territorial multipurpose cadastre of students and municipal employees in southern state of Mato Grosso held at the Federal University of Mato Grosso in Rondonopolis - Mato Grosso in 2012. With the use of geotechnology administrative bodies, being public or private, can get more details regarding the municipality facilitating their management in various departments.Pages: 1099-110

    Avaliação do efeito de escala nos traçados e na caracterização física do rio Paraíba-PB a partir do MDE do SRTM

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    Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are the primary source of information for analysing several characteristics of watersheds and river courses. Several products may be derived from DEM, like flow directions, flow accumulated area, drainage networks and length and slope of river reaches. If these information are to be produced in a spatial resolution lower than the available DEM, two distinct procedures may be used: DEM aggregation and flow directions upscaling. The former is based on resampling the original DEM to the lower resolution and them processing it as usual. The second approach uses specific algorithms for obtaining the low resolution flow direction grid based on the higher resolution flow direction and flow accumulated area. This paper analysis the impact of using these two procedures for deriving low-resolution drainage networks in the Paraiba river basin (located in Paraiba state, Brazil). Results are evaluated in terms of basin delineation, drainage networks flow paths and length and sinuosity of main river reaches, relatively to vector drainage network obtained by manually digitizing over Landsat images. The upscaling procedure obtained the closest results relatively to the reference vector drainage network, in terms of flow path and also in terms of the derived river characteristics (river length and sinuosity).Pages: 1182-118

    Expansão e continuidade do Sistema Brasileiro de Coleta de Dados Ambientais face às demandas da Rede Hidrometeorológica Nacional

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    The Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System provides data collection services based on SCD-1 and SCD-2 satellites since 1993 with the SCD-1 launch and followed by the SCD-2 in 1998. Recently, besides the need of data collection services continuity, new demands from the National Hydrometeorological Network motivated the establishment of a working group composed by AEB, ANA, and INPE to provide analysis and configuration proposals for the microsatellite constellation that have a revisit time lower than 1 hour and covering any Brazilian region. This paper presents the mission analysis results from simulation studies regarding to possible constellation configurations to meet the revisit time and coverage requirements. The paper describes the present system performance regarding the revisit time offered by the SCD-1 and SCD-2 satellites, the criteria used to choose satellite constellations and results obtained from several simulations to guide the selection of solutions. The criteria intend to minimize the number of satellites in the constellation, while still meeting the requirements, as well as to reduce the number of different orbital planes due to launching costs. As a conclusion, a six satellite constellation distributed into three orbital planes meets the 1h revisit time and coverage requirements, but a partial solution can be achieved with 2 satellites into an equatorial orbital plane, with the required coverage but limited to the Amazon region.Pages: 9063-907

    A construção da usina hidrelétrica de Itaipu e seu impacto sobre a urbanização de Foz do Iguaçu

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    This paper presents an analysis of the evolution of the urban area of Foz do Iguaçu city with the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant, considering the period from 1970 to 2007. The deployment of Itaipu was needed to cover the deficit of energy production in Brazil, but the construction of this plant caused a large environmental impact in the city of Foz do Iguaçu that this period had an population of 34,000 inhabitants and was not prepared to receive a large number of employees (about 40,000) who came to work in the construction of the plant. Located in the border region in the far west of the state of Paraná, the city of Foz do Iguaçu suffered large impacts from 1970 to 2007, the population growth was over 756.40% and the growth of the urban area was of approximately 6,600.00% this period.Pages: 983-99

    Utilização de SIG para avaliação e monitoramento da água em uma propriedade rural

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    The dynamics and characteristics of land use change constantly, modifying their chemical, physical and biological variables, causing a series of interactions between environment components. Government agencies and research groups, need to monitor and interpret these dynamics as requirements for planning and scientific understanding. The understanding of the monitoring results and the dynamics of land use allows better visualization of problems and accelerates decision making. Following these ideas, this study aims to characterize and monitor a farm land, identifying characteristics of topography and water quality in a rice paddy field. The study was conducted in a rural area of Itaqui in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Satellite radar images (SRTM) were used for morphometric characterization. Portable electrodes were used for electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen measurements of the irrigation water. The data obtained by processing the remote sensing images and the in situ physicochemical measurements were organized in a geo-relational database using free geoprocessing software (Spring, Scarta) produced by the brazilian National Space Agency (INPE) . Maps were generated for hipsometry, slope, dynamic electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The results showed that, during the period of this research, water entered the rice crop with an electrical conductivity of 182μS and returned to the environment with an electrical conductivity greater than 400μS.Pages: 151-15

    Imagens de alta resolução do satélite CBERS-2B/HRC e do Google Earth aplicadas na caracterização urbana de Alfenas-MG

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    Brazilian population exceed 190 million people of which 84% live in urban areas. This configuration combined with the lack of public policies and effective urban planning reproduce numerous problems in most Brazilian cities, as inadequate infrastructure, pollution, deficient public transport, scarcity habitation, health and educations services collapsed, among others. The knowledge about the dynamics of urban areas and its configuration pattern is an important way to support alternatives aimed to minimize the urban problems. Nowadays remote sensing data and techniques have been an important instrument to describe the urban areas, especially remote sensing images with high spatial resolution. The main goal is to characterize the urban area of AlfenasMG from mapping the type of cover (roofs) present on the constructions to verify the residence distribution considering the pattern (high, median and low) of construction, industry and empty areas. Materials included images from CBERS-2B (CCD and HRC sensors), aerial photography and Google Earth images. In other to improve the visual interpretation of HRC images, IHS transformation was performed using CCD and HRC images. The mapping procedure was performed based on visual interpretation and considering five classes: ceramic roofs, fiber-cement roofs, metal roofs, mixed areas and empty areas. The remote sensing data allowed to separate the different types of roofs and also revealed the social and economic conditions of the population, exemplified by the presence of pools. Ceramic roofs are present in areas of better social and economic conditions, different of fiber-cement roofs that are present in peripheral areas. Metal roofs are verified in industrial areas.Pages: 2172-217

    Obtenção e utilização de imagens de alta resolução (espacial, espectral e temporal) na Gestão Florestal, obtidas por Sistemas Aéreos Não Tripulados

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    The use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in many aspects of forest management is new but starting to increase in the last years. This paper aims to describe the main advantages, limitations and challenges that arise in the use of UAS in the forest sector. The data collected by UAS are structurally similar to those obtained in conventional airplanes. However, the qualitative characteristics of these data are lower than their conventional counterparts and, consequently, there is a need to minimize these errors by using a set of methodologies that allow to dramatically reduce them into acceptable values. UASs high spatial resolution allows to carry out forest inventories supported by remote sensing, characterize individual trees and identify vertical layers in certain types of forest. Since it is possible to define the flight, UAS also have high temporal resolutions and so the information obtained can follow the evolution over predefined time periods, identifying specific states of maturation among others. In its turn, the spectral resolution of these devices is similar to most of the classical systems, thus it can be used in the forestry sector. In conclusion, the usage of UAS in the forest area brings forward new approaches and possibilities, due to the high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution associated with a low cost.Pages: 3199-320


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