57 research outputs found

    High Speed AES Algorithm to Detect Fault Injection Attacks and Implementation using FPGA

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    Information security is an essential issue in communication system. Advance Encryption Standard (AES) is utilized as a part of many embedded applications to give data security. Different counter measures are present in AES against fault injection attacks. Plain text and key of 128-bit is given as an input to the system and encryption and decryption operations are performed. Flag error shows the status of fault. Fault is produced randomly during encryption and decryption. For this reason, round transformation is broken into two sections and a pipeline stage is inserted in between. After fault detection one operation is performed that is redundancy check. Detected error or fault is corrected using redundancy check. The scheme is implemented using FPGA

    Hvordan sykepleier kan skape følelse av trygghet hos hjemmeboende eldre som anvender velferdsteknologi- sykepleierens perspektiv

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    Bakgrunn Framtidens utfordringer i helse og omsorgstjenesten er eldrebølgen, mangel på helsepersonell og demografiske utfordringer. Mange hjemmeboende eldre føler seg ensomme og utrygge og føler seg at de får for lite hjelp. Samtidig øker stadig antallet mottakere av hjemmesykepleie. Velferdsteknologi kan gi nye muligheter til selvstendighet og trygghet slik at eldre kan klare seg på egenhånd i dagliglivet. Jeg ønsker derfor å undersøke hvordan sykepleiere kan skape trygghet hos hjemmeboende eldre som bruker velferdsteknologien. Hensikt Hensikten med oppgaven er å forklare hvordan sykepleier kan skape følelse av trygghet hos hjemmeboende eldre som anvender velferdsteknologi-Sykepleierens perspektiv. Metode Metoden benyttet i oppgaven er en integrativ litteraturoversikt hvor fem forskningsartikler ble analysert. Resultatene fra forskningsartiklene, relevant bakgrunnslitteratur og egne refleksjoner utgjør grunnlaget i oppgaven. Resultater For å skape trygghet ved bruke av velferdsteknologi til hjemmeboende eldre er det viktig at sykepleieren skal også yter omsorgen i tradisjonelt møter. Dette innebærer blant annet å ha en god relasjon til pasienten, god kartlegging av pasientens behov og ressurser, tett oppfølging av pasienter og pasientopplæring knyttet til velferdsteknologi. Teknologien skal også bidra til å forebygge skade og forverring av sykdommer. Eldre hjemmeboende opplever trygghet hvis teknologien er brukervennlig, pålitelig og individuelt tilpasset. Det er mulig å yte kontinuerlig omsorg ved bruk av velferdsteknologien. Dette kan føre til at de eldre kan føle seg tryggere og godt ivaretatt i eget hjem. Nøkkelord: Sykepleier, velferdsteknologi, hjemmeboende eldre, trygghetBackground The challenges of the future health care services are the aging population, lack of health personnel and demographic challenges. Many elderly people living at home feel lonely and insecure and feel that they receive too little help. At the same time, the number of recipients of home nursing care is constantly increasing. Welfare technology can provide new opportunities for elderly to manage their daily life independently and safely. I therefore want to investigate how nurses can create feeling of safety for home dwelling elderly using welfare technology. Purpose The purpose of the thesis is to explain how the nurses can create a feeling of safety among home dwelling elderly who use welfare technology - Nurse’s perspective. Method The method used in the thesis is an integrative literature review where five research articles were analyzed. The result from the research articles, relevant background literature and own reflections form the basis of the thesis. Results To create safety through the use of welfare technology for home dwelling elderly, it is important that the nurse also provides the care in traditional way. This means, among other things, having good relationship with the patient, good mapping of the patient’s needs and resources, close follow-up of patients and patient training related to welfare technology. The technology will also help prevent injury and exacerbation of diseases. Older home dwellers experience safety if the technology is user friendly, reliable, and individually adapted. It is possible to provide continuous care using the welfare technology. This can lead to elderly feeling safe and well taken care of in their own home. Keywords: Nurses, welfare technology, home dwelling elderly, safety, security

    Voltage Sag Mitigation by Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)

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    Due to increasing complexity in the today’s power system, voltage sags and swells are now becoming one of the most critical power quality problems. Voltage sag is a short reduction voltage from nominal voltage, occurs in a short duration of time, they are bound to have a greater impact on the industrial customers. If the voltage sags exceed two to three cycles, then manufacturing systems making use of sensitive electronic equipment’s are likely to be affected leading to major problems. It leads to wastage of financial losses and resources. This is possible only by ensuring that uninterrupted flow of power is maintained at proper voltage levels. Electrical power utilities are looking for solutions to ensure high quality power supply to their customers, a lot of solutions have been developed, but this project tends look at the solving the problems by using custom power devices such as “Series active power filter (SAPF)”. This work describes the techniques of correcting the supply voltage sag and voltage in a distributed system. Among these, the distribution static compensator and the series active power filter (SAPF) are most effective devices based on the VSC principle. The series active power filter (SAPF) injects a voltage in series with the system voltage to correct the voltage sag and swell. Comprehensive results are presented to assess the performance of each device as a custom power solution

    In-vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of the Sesamum Indicum L. Seed Extract in Novel Ethosomal Vesicular System

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    Aim: To establish the wound healing activity of Sesamum indicum L. of seed extract in novel ethosomal vesicles. Methods: The ethosomal vesicles were formulated with prepared seed extract of Sesamum indicum L. by solvent evaporation method and characterized it. The optimized ethosomal vesicles then incorporated into gel base for further in vivo study in wistar rat. The evaluation of the wound healing activity was performed by using two models i.e. incision and excision models. In excision model percentage wound contraction and period of epithelialization were established for both the extracts. In incision model the parameter which was carried out was breaking strength of wounded skin. Results: The results revealed that the percentage wound contraction, period of epithelialization in excision model was enhanced than that of other groups and tensile strength of skin in incision model was similar to that of standard treated group. Keywords: Sesamum indicum L., Wound Healing, Ethosomal gel

    Bardet-Biedl syndrome with end-stage kidney disease in a four-year-old Romanian boy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bardet-Biedl syndrome is a significant genetic cause of chronic kidney disease in children. Kidney abnormalities are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Bardet-Biedl syndrome, but the onset of end-stage renal disease at an early age and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, however, are not commonly mentioned in the literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a four-year-old Romanian boy who presented to our department with 'febrile seizures'. After an initial evaluation, we diagnosed our patient as having hypertension, severe anemia and end-stage renal disease. He met the major and minor criteria for the diagnosis of Bardet-Biedl syndrome and underwent continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Close follow-up for renal involvement in patients with Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Alström syndrome from an early age is highly recommended to prevent end-stage renal disease and so renal replacement therapy can be started immediately.</p

    Comparative assessment of texture features for the identification of cancer in ultrasound images: a review

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    In this paper, we review the use of texture features for cancer detection in Ultrasound (US) images of breast, prostate, thyroid, ovaries and liver for Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. This paper shows that texture features are a valuable tool to extract diagnostically relevant information from US images. This information helps practitioners to discriminate normal from abnormal tissues. A drawback of some classes of texture features comes from their sensitivity to both changes in image resolution and grayscale levels. These limitations pose a considerable challenge to CAD systems, because the information content of a specific texture feature depends on the US imaging system and its setup. Our review shows that single classes of texture features are insufficient, if considered alone, to create robust CAD systems, which can help to solve practical problems, such as cancer screening. Therefore, we recommend that the CAD system design involves testing a wide range of texture features along with features obtained with other image processing methods. Having such a competitive testing phase helps the designer to select the best feature combination for a particular problem. This approach will lead to practical US based cancer detection systems which de- liver real benefits to patients by improving the diagnosis accuracy while reducing health care cost

    Assessing peer-to-peer electricity trading dissemination in the residential sector of Baden-Württemberg

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    The effects of climate change, including severe storms, heat waves, and melting glaciers, are highlighted as an urgent concern, emphasising the need to decrease carbon emissions to restrict global warming to 1.5°C. To accomplish this goal, it is vital to substitute fossil fuel-based power plants with renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and biofuels. Despite some progress being made, the proportion of renewables used in generating electricity is still lower than the levels needed for 2030 and 2050. Decarbonising the power grid is also critical in lowering the energy consumption of buildings, which is responsible for a substantial percentage of worldwide electricity usage. Even though there has been substantial expansion in the worldwide renewable energy market in the past 15 years, the transition to renewable energy sources also requires taking into account the importance of energy trading. Peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading is an emerging type of energy exchange that can revolutionise the energy sector by providing a more decentralised and efficient way of trading energy. This research deals about P2P electricity trading in a carbon-neutral scenario. 'Python for Power System Analysis' (PyPSA) was used to develop models through which the P2P effect was tested. Data for the entire state of Baden-Württemberg (BW) was collected. Three scenarios were taken into consideration while developing models: 2019 (base), 2030 (coal phase-out), and 2040(climate neutral). Alongside this, another model with no P2P trading was developed to make a comparison. In addition, the use case of community storage in a P2P trading network is also presented. The research concludes that P2P has a significant positive effect on a pathway to achieve climate neutrality. The findings show that the share of renewables in electricity generation is increasing compared to conventional sources in BW, which can be traded to meet the demand. From the storage analysis, it can be concluded that community storage can be effectively utilised in P2P trading. While the emissions are reduced, the operating costs are also reduced when the grid has P2P trading available. By highlighting the benefits of P2P trading, this research contributed to the growing body of research on the effectiveness of P2P trading in an electricity network grid

    Hvordan sykepleier kan skape følelse av trygghet hos hjemmeboende eldre som anvender velferdsteknologi- sykepleierens perspektiv

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    Bakgrunn Framtidens utfordringer i helse og omsorgstjenesten er eldrebølgen, mangel på helsepersonell og demografiske utfordringer. Mange hjemmeboende eldre føler seg ensomme og utrygge og føler seg at de får for lite hjelp. Samtidig øker stadig antallet mottakere av hjemmesykepleie. Velferdsteknologi kan gi nye muligheter til selvstendighet og trygghet slik at eldre kan klare seg på egenhånd i dagliglivet. Jeg ønsker derfor å undersøke hvordan sykepleiere kan skape trygghet hos hjemmeboende eldre som bruker velferdsteknologien. Hensikt Hensikten med oppgaven er å forklare hvordan sykepleier kan skape følelse av trygghet hos hjemmeboende eldre som anvender velferdsteknologi-Sykepleierens perspektiv. Metode Metoden benyttet i oppgaven er en integrativ litteraturoversikt hvor fem forskningsartikler ble analysert. Resultatene fra forskningsartiklene, relevant bakgrunnslitteratur og egne refleksjoner utgjør grunnlaget i oppgaven. Resultater For å skape trygghet ved bruke av velferdsteknologi til hjemmeboende eldre er det viktig at sykepleieren skal også yter omsorgen i tradisjonelt møter. Dette innebærer blant annet å ha en god relasjon til pasienten, god kartlegging av pasientens behov og ressurser, tett oppfølging av pasienter og pasientopplæring knyttet til velferdsteknologi. Teknologien skal også bidra til å forebygge skade og forverring av sykdommer. Eldre hjemmeboende opplever trygghet hvis teknologien er brukervennlig, pålitelig og individuelt tilpasset. Det er mulig å yte kontinuerlig omsorg ved bruk av velferdsteknologien. Dette kan føre til at de eldre kan føle seg tryggere og godt ivaretatt i eget hjem. Nøkkelord: Sykepleier, velferdsteknologi, hjemmeboende eldre, trygghe