985 research outputs found


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    This paper describes the boundaries of religion in Islam, especially the problem of tolerance. This is based on the fact that many Muslims do not know how far the limits of tolerance are allowed in Islam. Therefore, this study aims to find the concept of religion according to the instructions of the Qur'an in Surah al-Kafirun. Using the library research method using library data, the results of the study show that the concept of tolerance offered in Surat al-Kafirun is only limited to acceptance, tolerance and respect for the views of other parties, without having to sacrifice religion. Meanwhile, the meaning of tolerance in Surah al-Kafirun according to Quraish Shihab is more about the meaning of compromise.This paper describes the boundaries of religion in Islam, especially the problem of tolerance. This is based on the fact that many Muslims do not know how far the limits of tolerance are allowed in Islam. Therefore, this study aims to find the concept of religion according to the instructions of the Qur'an in Surah al-Kafirun. Using the library research method using library data, the results of the study show that the concept of tolerance offered in Surat al-Kafirun is only limited to acceptance, tolerance and respect for the views of other parties, without having to sacrifice religion. Meanwhile, the meaning of tolerance in Surah al-Kafirun according to Quraish Shihab is more about the meaning of compromise

    S4ND: Single-Shot Single-Scale Lung Nodule Detection

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    The state of the art lung nodule detection studies rely on computationally expensive multi-stage frameworks to detect nodules from CT scans. To address this computational challenge and provide better performance, in this paper we propose S4ND, a new deep learning based method for lung nodule detection. Our approach uses a single feed forward pass of a single network for detection and provides better performance when compared to the current literature. The whole detection pipeline is designed as a single 3D3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with dense connections, trained in an end-to-end manner. S4ND does not require any further post-processing or user guidance to refine detection results. Experimentally, we compared our network with the current state-of-the-art object detection network (SSD) in computer vision as well as the state-of-the-art published method for lung nodule detection (3D DCNN). We used publically available 888888 CT scans from LUNA challenge dataset and showed that the proposed method outperforms the current literature both in terms of efficiency and accuracy by achieving an average FROC-score of 0.8970.897. We also provide an in-depth analysis of our proposed network to shed light on the unclear paradigms of tiny object detection.Comment: Accepted for publication at MICCAI 2018 (21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention

    Kinerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sragen Dalam Pelaksanaan Penanggulangan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) Di Kecamatan Sragen, Kabupaten Sragen

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    The background of research was high incidence of Dengue Fever in Sragen Regency and the area with highest incidence rate of Dengue Blood Fever was Sragen Sub District. Sragen Sub District is endemic area of Dengue Fever case with ever increasing incidence rate. The Health Office of Sragen Regency is a public organization responsible for the high incidence of Dengue Fever in Sragen Regency. The objective of research was to find out the performance of Sragen Regency’s Health Office in coping with Dengue Fever Case in Sragen Sub District, Sragen Regency. The type of research employed in this study was descriptive qualitative research. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and documentation study. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one, while, data validation was carried out using source triangulation meaning to compare and to investigate the reliability of information obtained from different source. The data analysis was conducted using an interactive model of analysis. From the result of research, it could be concluded that the performance of Health Office viewed from Inputs, Outputs, and Outcomes has been running quite well although there are some goals that have not been achieved. Inputs was studied from the legislation becoming reference, human resource, fund, fogging and insecticide availability were investigated showing good result. Output was studied from the realization of Dengue Fever case coping activities that had run well. Meanwhile Outcome, it could be seen from the achievement of three objectives of Dengue Fever management: to decrease illness rate, to decrease mortality rate, and to prevent extraordinary incidence, in which only one objective was achieved, to decrease mortality rate. The inhibiting factors affecting the performance were limited number of fogging personnel, inadequate fogging instrument in Health Office and the society’s less awareness of eradicating mosquito nest. Keywords: Performance, Cope, Dengue Feve

    Implementation Handling of Children in Dealing With The Law in Polres Purworejo

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of the handling of children in conflict with the law in Polres Purworejo; 2) to know the constraints faced by police investigators in Polres Purworejo in performing their duties as investigator; and 3) to find solutions investigator in the face of constraints in the implementation of the handling of children in conflict with the law in Polres Purworejo. The method used in this research is empirical juridical approach or in other words the socio-juridical.Specifications research is descriptive. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Methods of collecting data in this study using library study or library research. Analysis of the data used is qualitative data. The study states that 1) in order to organize the protection of women and children who are victims of crime and law enforcement against perpetrators, Unit Women and Children (PPA) Police have implemented procedures in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the mennangani children behadapan with the law; 2) there are two obstacles that arise in the implementation of minimum service standards in Women and Children Services Unit (PPA) Polres Purworejo, namely internal and external obstacles; 3) the efforts undertaken to overcome existing obstacles, including by conducting education and training for members of the PPA good Unit investigator, investigator helpers and staff who are in the PPA Unit to strengthen Human Resources.Keywords: Investigation; Children; Conflict with the Law

    Analisa Kinerja Operasional dan Temperature Terhadap Life Time Transformator 370 MVA

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    Transformers are very important electrical equipment in the electricity system. Transformers function to increase and decrease the voltage of the electrical assembly system and distribution system. With the temperature conditions in Indonesia, the average temperature in the power plant uses transformer insulation oil cooling. The loading on the power plant transformer always changes depending on the load management center. At the time of loading, there will be current flowing into the transformer coil resulting in increased transformer temperature.  Too hot temperatures will cause damage to the transformer insulation and will result in a reduction in the useful life of the transformer itself. This research is carried out observation and analysis by knowing the performance of the transformer in the duration of 24 hours of normal operation by comparing the effect of operating temperature when the load changes, environmental temperature and hotspot temperature. The change in temperature increase that occurs in the transformer is influenced by several factors, including the individual transformer and the temperature of the environment where the transformer is operated. The individual temperature of the transformer is caused by the amount of loading borne by the transformer so that the current flowing in the transformer winding will be higher, the current that continues to increase will cause the transformer winding. A very high temperature in the winding will cause damage to the insulation and the temperature rise can change the insulating properties of the transformer oil which results in the value of the insulating oil decreasing and the decrease in the ability of the insulation level affects the useful life of the transformer. Another factor of increasing transformer temperature is from ambient temperature. With the conditions under which the transformer is operated and the tropical climate conditions in Indonesia which are quite high, this can cause an increase in transformer temperature.Transformator merupakan suatu peralatan listrik yang sangat penting dalam sistem ketenagalistrikan. Transformatator berfungsi untuk menaikkan dan menurunkan tegangan dari sistem pembakitan listrik dan sistem distribusi. Dengan kondisi temperature di Indonesia maka rata - rata temperature di pembangkit listrik menggunakan pendingin minyak isolasi transformator. Pembebanan pada transformator pembangkit listrik selalu berubah – ubah tergantung dari pusat pengaturan beban. Pada saat pembenbanan maka akan ada arus yang mengalir ke dalam kumparan transformator sehingga mengakibatkan temperature transformator meningkat.  Temperature yang terlalu panas akan mengakibatkan kerusakan pada isolasi transformator dan akan berakibat pada pengurangan masa guna transformator itu sendiri. Penilitian ini dilakukan pengamatan dan analisa dengan mengatahui kinerja transformator dalam durasi 24 jam normal operasi dengan membandingkan antara pengaruh temperature operasi ketika perubahan beban, temperature lingkungan dan temperature hotspot. Perubahan kenaikan temperature yang terjadi pada transformator dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya adalah dari individual transformator tersebut dan temperature lingkungan dimana transformator tersebut dioperasikan. Temperature individual transformator disebabkan oleh besarnya pembebanan yang ditanggung oleh transformator tersebut sehingga arus yang mengalir pada belitan transformator akan semakin tinggi, arus yang terus meninggkat akan menyebabkan pada pada belitan transformator. Temperature yang sangat tinggi pada belitan akan mengakibatkan kerusakan pada isolasi dan kenaikan temperatur tersebut dapat mengubah sifat isolator minya transformator yang mengakibatkan nilai dari minyak isolasi menurun dan penurunan kemampuan tingkat isolasi berpengaruh kepada masa guna dari transformator tersebut. Faktor lain dari meninggkatnya temperatur transformator adalah dari temperatur lingkungan. Dengan kondisi dimana transformator tersebut dioperasikan dan kondisi iklim tropis di Indonesia yang cukup tinggi, hal ini dapat menyebabkan peningkatan temperatur transformator

    Reciprocal Relationship between Church and State in Indonesia

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    "Calvinist churches in Indonesia, unlike their Catholic sister, have consciously taken a position of not being directly involved in political matters. They have rather opted to make benign comments about political events that do not require a deep or serious involvement in politics. Such a position may be seen as being derived from Calvinist understanding of the division of church and state, but it is in fact mirroring the legacy of the ideology of the New Order regime. The authoritarian regime, by arguing that politics is exclusively a matter of the government, succeded in silencing anyone other than its own political ideal. The churches chose to live in accordance with the will of the regime so that it would not have to contradict the powerful government, and, at the same time, it would enjoy the protection of the government, however superficial it was. Now, as the times have changed and the country is in the transitional state to being a truly democratic country, the church should reconsider its position. Learning from Calvin’s doctrine of the kingdom of God and the relationship between Church and State, this article proposes endorsing a more active involvement of the church in politics. [...]", p. 231-23


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    UD Suma, is a commercial enterprise that produce end products such as Hats Berets. In development UD. Suma is able to sell and market products beret and cap public as consumers ordering. During this has never been done measuring the productivity of the company, but only evaluation through profit and loss statements to determine the increase or decrease in productivity. UD. Suma has a benchmark that improved earnings also means an increase in productivity. For that researchers formulate the problem: "Analyzing the level of productivity and price indices to determine how much performance has been achieved UD. Suma past ". With the formulation of the problem the UD. Suma, Sidoarjo, East Java. The aim is to determine the level of productivity and profitability for the relationship between the price improvement. Analysis of the relationship between the level of productivity and profitability for price improvement to the method American Productivity Center (APC), can be known. In 2009 the base period is the index number of productivity in the base period is always made equal to 100%. The results in the 2010 period productivity level of the base period of 2009 amounted to 100% to (-79.54%) decreased by 20.46% and profitability by 100%, so the total productivity UD. Suma decreased due to higher levels of improvement in price by 0.257%. The results of research on the period 2011 productivity levels of the base period of 2009 amounted to 100% to 75.80% decreased by (-24.2%) and profitability by 100%, so the total productivity UD. Suma decreased due to higher levels of improvement in price by 0.319%. Keywords: Method American productivity center,labor productivity, material productivity, energy productivity, capital productivity, total input productivity, profitability and the price improvement

    Poshumanisme dalam Alkitab: Sebuah Renungan Biblis di Masa Covid-19

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    Anthropocentrism has received many challenges since the publication of the famous article by Lynn White, Jr. in 1967. Yet, since then there has been no significant changes with regard to human attitude towards nature. Human beings still perceive nature as their tool whose existence is to serve their own interests. When the COVID-19 pandemic hits the world, the anthropocentrism is once again challenged. It should be a good opportunity to change the anthropocentrism. The novel corona virus has made people look powerless. It is just a tiny thing, but it has caused a great impact on human life. Despite the fact that the virus often outsmarts human beings, there is no sign that human beings want to admit their weakness. Through reading some biblical stories: the creation of human beings, the naming of animals, Job and the lamb in the Book of Revelation this article wants to deconstruct the view that sees human beings as superior to others in nature. This reading will use posthumanism as theory. It will allow us to see in the stories that human can be subjugated to animals. AbstrakPandangan antroposentrisme telah digugat sejak kemunculan artikel Lynn White, Jr. di tahun 1967. Tetapi sejak itu belum ada perubahan yang signifikan. Manusia masih menempatkan alam sebagai sarana untuk meraih kepentingan dirinya. Ketika pandemi COVID-19 melanda dunia, pandangan antroposentrisme kembali ditantang. Seharusnya ini menjadi kesempatan yang baik bagi manusia untuk mengubah pandangannya itu. Virus corona baru telah membuat manusia kalang kabut. Kehebatan manusia menjadi tidak berarti ketika menghadapi virus yang kecil dan tidak kelihatan itu. Tetapi bukannya menyadari akan kelemahan dirinya dan bersedia membuka diri terhadap kekuatan alam, manusia malah berupaya sedemikian rupa untuk meng-atas-i virus itu. Melalui pembacaan terhadap kisah-kisah Alkitab: penciptaan manusia, Ayub dan Wahyu, tulisan ini akan mendekonstruksi pola pikir yang mengistimewakan manusia di hadapan makhluk lainnya. Teori yang digunakan untuk menafsirkan Alkitab itu adalah poshumanisme. Poshumanisme melihat kedudukan manusia tidak lebih besar daripada makhluk-makhluk lainnya. Kebesaran binatang di hadapan manusia akan terlihat ketika kisah-kisah Alkitab itu dibaca dengan memakai teori poshumanisme

    A Juridical Analysis of Death Penalty for Narcotics Abuse

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    Narcotics abuse is currently one of the biggest problems in Indonesia. The dangers posed by Narcotics Abuse have harmed the nation’s young generation, therefore the Government continues to strengthen law enforcement regarding the issue of Narcotics abuse. The usage of narcotics is currently regulated in acts number 35 of 2009. In the acts, the government implements maximum sanction in the form of death penalty to certain categories of narcotics abuse. Until 2016, there were 55 perpetrators of narcotics related crimes who had been sentenced to death by Indonesian courts. This research aims to explore the judges’ considerations as well as the obstacles they face in implementing death penalty to narcotics abusers. This research was conducted in the District Court of Magetan. Data was collected from primary and secondary data sources in the form of library studies and field studies. The sampling method used was purposive sampling to determine a judge of the District Court of Magetan who had sentenced narcotic abusers to death as the respondent. Furthermore, the approach of this research is sociological juridical approach. The collected data were analysed using qualitative descriptive method. This study reveals that the judges based their decision to pass death sentence on the act No 35 of 2009. In addition, the judge also took several juridical factors and sociological facts into considerations. The judge did not find any obstacles in passing death penalty because the case examiners agreed to impose death penalty


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    The mufassir terms are a set of rules or ethics codes for those who want to interpret the content of the Qur'an. These requirements relate to a person's personality and the ruler of scientific disciplines, especially interpretation. The presence of digital technology today makes the study of performance develop so rapidly because the study of understanding is no longer through studies, discussions, halaqah, and recitations in mosques but turns into a digital era. Moreover, this paper explained implementing mufassir requirements in the digital age, whether these conditions be applied in the digital era or are the opposite. In this paper, the writer used descriptive analysis using library data. The results showed that implementing the mufassir requirements in this digital era is the same as the qualifications for the mufassir requirements formulated by scholars in general, plus the ability to be technologically literate, including digital technology. 
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