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    La biohermenéutica de Jesús Conill : una alternativa a la naturalización y tecnologización de la vida

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    The continous development of biotechnology and of philosophical transhuman proposals have questioned the existance of human nature. To state or deny a human nature is the necessary pretext to modify technologically the human being and take it to a new Project of being: the bioartfactual. The present analysis reflects on human nature from the perspective of biohermeneutics proposed by Jesús Conill in his work. “Corporal intimacy and human person”. Fort he spanish philosopher, critical hermeneutics represent an alternative answer to the naturalization and techonlogization efforts of life. Two paths have to be walked to formulate a proposal. The first one, to take on the concept of “human nature” from a interpretive perspective, with the intention of correcting the notions of substance and essence. The second one, to advance the experience of corporal intimacy as a way to understand the human person and the value of it’s dignity. In this way, it is expected, that the efforts to winnow oroutgrow the traditional notion of human nature, will be reflected in an autonomous moral that qualifies the person to judge it’s own actions and the actions of others. Just as Zubiri and Laín had taught, being a person is a Project of appropiation and self delivery

    Principios bioéticos por asumir en el proceso formativo de estudiantes durante y posterior a enfermar por covid-19

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    The SARS-COV-2 virus came to transform the life of society in more than two hundred countries on five continents in the world. This virus demonstrated various nodal points in the vulnerability of societies and brought with it problems that humanity itself is still learning to solve as it tries to recover from socioeconomic and health damages. This work shows an ethnographic study that was carried out in order to understand the problems faced by students of upper secondary and higher education in Mexico, who have fallen ill with covid-19 but have had to continue their activities in their educational institutions, to analyze the errors made in the uncertainty of the institutional action in the face of the pandemic in a country with a medium and low income, and with it, under access to the emerging vaccination program; and the need to continue disciplinary training activities to maintain educational quality. It isexpected to understand how to support students in these situations, from an ethical perspective of principles

    The counterweight of the performative speech of integrity sciences

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    Does the law of 21 March 2022 really improve the protection of academic whistle-blowers?

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    La ecología política como asunto ético : una perspectiva crítica y emancipadora ante las crisis ambientales

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    Political ecology is recognized as an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field that is interested in studying and intervening the realities located in specific geographical and historical contexts, problematizing the complex and unequal relationships that are woven between societies, power, and ecosystems. This becomes an important critical field that refers to ethical-political, theoretical and praxis issues in the physical-material and symbolic construction of nature. This manuscript presents a theoretical reflection on certain aspects of political ecology, later raising a critique of the concept of development, which has been stressed from this field for being supported by a reductionist, mercantilist and destructive vision that includes mass production and voracious capitalism as the way to achieve high levels of development. Subsequently, political ecology is recognized as a field that makes social reasoning, feelings and practices about the ecosystem visible, it proposes an expanded understanding of ethics that is not restricted to socially normalized behaviors, butto a praxis that considers other expressions of life (human and non-human) and the tensions, disputes, struggles, resistances and (re)existences typical of the interrelationships and diverse vital networks in a complex world

    L’art de bien gouverner la république. Tome 2, Les pratiques de prise de décision et leurs effets dans les politiques publiques

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    ForthcomingCe livre rassemble les enjeux géopolitiques et géoéconomiques du réalisme politique dans le contexte africain. Pour réussir dans la vie politique, il faut un mélange de détermination, d’éthique, d’équité, de prégnance et surtout de persévérance. Il ne suffit pas d’avoir une idée claire de ce que l’on veut, encore faut-il trouver les moyens de réaliser son objectif. Pour être efficient, le réalisme lucide recommande des moyens éprouvés de survie collective. Un pays devrait se doter de dirigeants compétents et non poursuivre des utopies sans principe du bien socialement établi. Transposant les préceptes de l’éducation du dirigeant réaliste classique au contexte africain, voici toute l’entreprise de l’auteur qui peint un tableau splendide du bon leader, de sa capacité d’anticipation, de décision et de son caractère intègre. Un vrai manuel pour comprendre la notion d’équilibre des pouvoirs à l’usage du leadership politique

    Essai sur la relation entre l’éthique et le droit des affaires. Partie 2, La protection de l’éthique par le droit des affaires

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    Ce livre (en 2 parties), résultat d’un processus de thèse doctorale en droit, a comme but de démentir l’impression de désagrément entre les notions d’éthique au sens normatif de système descriptif de valeurs et de commandement normatif de ce qui devrait être considéré comme bon ou juste et l’éthique des affaires et le droit des affaires, où ces notions sont appliquées. Avec cet objectif, Dr Ben Ameur nous propose une présentation analytique méticuleuse de divers concepts dans un fin équilibre, entre deux champs sémantiques en intersection logique. Ce travail a été réalisé en codirection avec la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences politiques de Sousse (F.D.S.P.S.) en Tunisie et l’Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord en France

    La reapropiación del principio de benevolencia en el discurso médico sobre el espectro intersexual

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    This paper examines the use of bioethical principles in the official medical discourse for the surgical management of these cases. Educational materials on video from the American Association of Medical Schools on ‘differences in sexual development’ were subjected to semi-quantitative analysis. Digital documents available on the web were revised to catalog Latin American countries that allow the change of name and registered sex without the prerequisite of genital surgeries. The reconceptualization of the principle of benevolence from medical humanism is used as a rhetorical strategy to privilege the biotechnical gaze of expert knowledge and to ensure the clinical management of the intersex spectrum. In contrast, the public policy of ten Latin American countries gives priority to principles of bioethics and human rights by not requiring genital surgeries. The principle of benevolence in the official medical discourse of the United States is a failed act by omitting genital surgeries from the discussion and by continuing to privilege expert knowledge. The intersex spectrum allows us to study the intersectionality between sex/gender, bioethics and human rights and reaffirms the need to include these issues in academic training from our latitudes

    Desafíos de la bioética a partir de las categorías : cuerpo y dolor total en el final de la vida

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    In recent decades, the body has occupied an important role in theoretical analysis, it is worth saying that the body is what constitutes us and what we are. In this sense, the text seeks to resume the understanding and importance of the body from the discourse, and the bioethical contribution, in a topic as relevant as the end of life; to achieve the above, this work will address three moments: First, the category of body will be clarified from various supports to arrive at the theoretical conclusion of the importance of the same. Subsequently, in a second item, the body and total pain categories will be worked through questions pertaining to the surveys of 11 patients of the Advent- Health Hospital of Florida, to achieve a measurement of vulnerability


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